April 2020 Magazine

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audience foot tapping with

pleasure. Sheila’s husband,

Nigel then introduced his

mandolin for The Bloody Fields of

Flanders, Arkansas Traveller

and much-loved mandolin

number, Lara’s Theme from

Doctor Zhivago.

Providing just the right rhythm

throughout with his bass was

Robbie Tatler and Lorraine

Mulholland with her customary

musical agility on piano,

switched effortlessly from one

musical genre to the next.

But undoubtedly, a highlight was

the final selection of numbers,

the Jazz Set (clarinet, bass and

guitar), which Gerard Dott

introduced with Indiana,

delighting the audience as he

displayed his talent as a jazz

clarinetist. He produced just the

vibrato-rich, lower-register style

reminiscent of Acker Bilk and

thrilled us all when,

unexpectedly, he launched into


The programme had not styled

Dott (aka Acker) as clarinet &

voice so this was a bonus. Like

Someone in Love and C Jam

Blues rounded off the

programme but the rapturous

applause from the audience

demanded an Encore and we

were delighted with Petite Fleur

by Sidney Bechet, an

international hit as a clarinet solo

by Monty Sunshine with Chris

Barber’s Jazz Band.

Clearly we have the beginnings

of a Jazz Club here in Eddleston.

£150 was raised for church


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