April 2020 Magazine

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Good Housekeeping in a Crisis

Ronald Ireland

Interim Treasurer

“Crisis? What crisis?

These words are said to have been spoken by a former Prime Minister on

his return to Britain from a foreign trip, during a period of public service

strikes in the late 1970s.

Today we know what a crisis is and how it is directly affecting all of us.

The Church is not exempt. We have had to close down the church and

halls and all activities have stopped, but we still have financial obligations

to meet, such as our contribution to Ministry and Mission and Insurance.

We have also taken a decision to continue to pay the salaries of all our

staff throughout this time of closure, which I hope all will agree is only

right and proper.

There will be some saving from reduced heating and lighting, but we will

lose the benefit of the income we receive on a regular basis from

organisations using the MacFarlane Hall, so we will continue to be under

significant financial pressure in the coming weeks.

In my article in the March Magazine, I reported that the Kirk Session had

agreed that a Gift Day should be held during the year, as a means of

reducing what in any case is likely to be significant deficit. It had been

planned to hold this at the end of May, but that will no longer be possible

and we will now need to think of holding it in the Autumn.

In those circumstances, your continued financial support at this critical

time will be greatly appreciated. I ask all those who normally use Gift Aid

or Free Will envelopes or a cash offering, to continue to set aside your

weekly offering, which will be gratefully received once normal Sunday

services resume, which hopefully will not be too far in the future.

Many of our members now make their offering monthly by Standing Order

and I hope everyone who does will continue to do so, as this does provide

a large part of our income flow. I would encourage anyone who does not

do so at present, to consider changing to a Standing Order if that is

possible. If you would like to change to this form of giving, please contact

me on 01721 720592 and I will be happy to send you the necessary form

to send to your bank.

In the meantime, I hope everyone will stay safe and I look forward to the

day when we can once again take our places on a Sunday morning in

Peebles Old.

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