Infinium LTD Brochure

Investment Brochure for Infinium Limited Fund Investment Brochure for Infinium Limited Fund


Yield and riskWhen investing in financial instruments, systematic and unsystematic risk shouldbe taken into consideration, as well as distinction between relative and absolutereturns.Systematic risk or market risk refers to factors that affect the entire capital marketor individual investment grade and, consequently, the value of a significant part ofthe investor’s assets.Unsystematic risk or specific risk refers to an individual financial instrument thatdoes not affect the entire capital market, but only one financial instrument and otherrelated instruments. The effects of unsystematic risks can be eliminated by appropriatelydiversifying assets. A suitable asset diversification is where investments orinvestment classes are less correlated and correspond to the investor profile.An absolute return represents a gain or loss that is realized on assets over time.Absolute return is not compared with return on the capital market or any other comparableindex. When generating absolute returns, systematic risk does not affect thevalue of assets. Mutual funds and asset management with traditional investmentshave an objective to outperform the capital market or other benchmarks.RISK WARNING: The document is prepared exclusively for the purpose of better understanding of financial instruments and the functioning of the capital market. Anyinvestment in financial products represents an investment risk which can, in the event of unfavourable conditions in the financial markets, lead to the loss of a substantial partor all of the funds invested. There is a risk of misunderstanding financial instruments, therefore it is recommended that an investor should consult a financial advisor about theappropriateness of a particular investment.

Yield and risk

When investing in financial instruments, systematic and unsystematic risk should

be taken into consideration, as well as distinction between relative and absolute


Systematic risk or market risk refers to factors that affect the entire capital market

or individual investment grade and, consequently, the value of a significant part of

the investor’s assets.

Unsystematic risk or specific risk refers to an individual financial instrument that

does not affect the entire capital market, but only one financial instrument and other

related instruments. The effects of unsystematic risks can be eliminated by appropriately

diversifying assets. A suitable asset diversification is where investments or

investment classes are less correlated and correspond to the investor profile.

An absolute return represents a gain or loss that is realized on assets over time.

Absolute return is not compared with return on the capital market or any other comparable

index. When generating absolute returns, systematic risk does not affect the

value of assets. Mutual funds and asset management with traditional investments

have an objective to outperform the capital market or other benchmarks.

RISK WARNING: The document is prepared exclusively for the purpose of better understanding of financial instruments and the functioning of the capital market. Any

investment in financial products represents an investment risk which can, in the event of unfavourable conditions in the financial markets, lead to the loss of a substantial part

or all of the funds invested. There is a risk of misunderstanding financial instruments, therefore it is recommended that an investor should consult a financial advisor about the

appropriateness of a particular investment.

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