Infinium LTD Brochure

Investment Brochure for Infinium Limited Fund

Investment Brochure for Infinium Limited Fund


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Innovation. Transparency. Integrity.

Comfortable investment solution with an

emphasis on risk management and stable

long-term returns.



Return on equity indices and Infinium

Financial, from 2008 to 2017, in EUR



Our Clients are




of various trading

strategies allows for

returns uncorrelated to

capital markets










Standard &

Poor’s 500


MSCI World


Infinium Financial

net performance


2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Client selected Money

Managers manage

assets in accordance

with predetermined

Infinium Financial

investment and risk



Standard & Poor’s

500 Index


MSCI World



Infinium Financial

net performance


The control of assets is

carried out by the main

UK financial regulators,

namely FCA | Financial

Conduct Authority and

PRA | Bank of England

- Prudential Regulation






























Guarantees scheme is

administered pursuant

to the UK legislation.*









Standard & Poor’s 500 Index monitors the return on 500 major US companies with shares listed on the NYSE and NASDAQ. It is

denominated in USD (in the graph above, it is converted into EUR).

MSCI World Index monitors the return on more than 1,600 shares from 23 developed countries. It is denominated in USD (in the graph above,

it is converted into EUR).

Infinium Financial net performance in EUR is calculated from Infinium Financial Index, which takes into account the average returns of all

Money Managers in the dynamic Infinium Financial Money Manager’s base, reduced by management and performance fee.

Client transfers the funds to

their Investment account,

opened at the UK bank

with high credit rating and

segregated from the funds

of the Brokerage/Clearing


Infinium Financial is

an independent Risk

Manager. It cooperates

with the best independent

Money Managers who can

demonstrate a consistent

track record of positive


Money Managers manage

Client’s portfolio through

a regulated Brokerage/

Clearing House and under

the supervision of Infinium

Financial as the Risk

Manager. Numerous base

of Money Managers allows

for a diversification of

investment strategies and

consequently significantly

reduces the risk.




management authorization

money resources

implementation strategy







Client transfers the funds to an Investment account

at one of the Brokerage/Clearing House (CFH

Clearing, AxiCorp), which has segregated Clients’

accounts at HSBC London or Lloyd’s London. A

safe legal environment is provided for by the main

British regulators FCA | Financial Conduct Authority

(www.fca.org.uk) and PRA | Bank of England

- Prudential Regulation Authority (www.bankofengland.co.uk/prudential-regulation).

The assets deposited in the Investment account

are segregated from the assets of the Brokerage /

Clearing House and other Clients.

Guarantees scheme is administered pursuant to

the UK legislation and amounts to GBP 50,000 per

individual Client’s Investment account.

The Investment account is opened in the name of

the Client. Due to anti money laundering legislation

only Clients may transfer money to the Investment

account. Also, invested funds may only be

returned to Client’s bank account.

Infinium Financial, as Risk Manager, performs

active selection and review process of Money

Managers. It also executes strict management

control. Within Limited Power of Attorney, granted

by a Client, Infinium Financial has access to

Client’s Investment account to the extent that

allows Money Managers to perform their duties.

Infinium Financial does not have the power to

transfer the funds.


Money Managers are striving to generate constant

returns by using various trading techniques. Returns

are not correlated with returns on traditional

financial investments (equity and fixed income).

Money Managers are selected from the basket of

more than a thousand independent Money Managers

around the world who have established to

be able to generate constant returns using various

financial instruments. This approach ensures independence

from stock market movements and

can generate returns in positive and negative

market trends. A Client has an option to select a

Money Manager of his or her own preference and

in accordance with Client’s investment goals and

financial needs.

Infinium Financial, as a Risk Manager, monitors selected

Money Managers to ensure that strict policy

of portfolio management is being followed.

The prevention of possible excessive losses (stoploss

order) is carried out on 3 levels. The first level

is at Money Manager and singular opened trading

positions, the second level is at Infinium Financial

Risk Management for individual Money Manager

and individual Client account, while the third one is

at the Brokerage/Clearing House for Client’s assets.

High liquidity

There are no term commitments. Therefore, portfolio

management can be cancelled at any time

through the online portal or during office hours by

phone or e-mail. There are no entry or exit fees.

Entire service is carried out in the SEPA area, enabling

fast transfer of funds.


Clients can permanently monitor the management

of assets in real time through the web portal.

Money Managers and their performance are

transparently presented on the Infinium Financial


Clients receive quarterly performance reports.

Infinium Financial Investment Program – IAC

Infinium Financial

Investment Program –

IAC (Insured Accredited

Collateral) is an investment

service that allows a Client

to participate with lower

amount of funds, while the

remaining part is covered

by partner banks in the

form of a credit line.


STOP LOSS (-10%)


20.000 €


20.000 €

Contribution 20.000 € / Investment 20.000 €


STOP LOSS (-10%)

Possible ratio is 20% of own

funds, 80% of IAC. With this

kind of investment, Clients

increase the potential return

or loss by a factor of 5 in

relation to invested funds.


20.000 €




100.000 €


80.000 €


Clients may allocate the

remaining 80% of the

funds to other forms of

investment and diversify

the risk further.

Contribution 20.000 € + 80.000 IAC € / Investment 100.000 €

* In case of bankruptcy of any financial partner (Brokerage/Clearing House and/or Bank), which is regulated by FCA and PRA.

RISK WARNING: Investing in financial products offered by Infinium Limited in cooperation with its partners, presents a high investment risk which can, in the event of unfavourable

conditions in the financial markets, lead to the loss of a substantial part or all of the funds invested. Portfolio management through credit line transactions (IAC) is highly risky, as

it can, in the event of negative returns, lead to a disproportionate loss of funds invested. When managing assets, there is a likelihood of loss due to force majeure (power failure,

hacking, earthquake, flood, fire, inability to manage assets due to acts of third persons, etc.), in which case Infinium Limited does not cover the damage and this risk lies solely with

an investor. There is a risk of misunderstanding of financial instruments offered by Infinium Limited in cooperation with its partners, and it is therefore essential that the investor

consults with the licensed and/or authorized financial advisor on the appropriateness of the investment prior to investing. Due to the risk of misunderstanding the terms of the

management contract and other document, prepared and concluded in English, it is essential that Clients are fluent in English and understand English financial terminology.

The stop-loss value is not necessarily the same as the value indicated in the brochure. The general stop-loss order closes the exposure against the entire investment. Stop-loss

only reflects the value at which a security device is triggered and does not necessarily mean that the value of the loss is equal to the stop-loss value. Cumulative costs are added

after stop-loss is executed. The deviations from the stop-loss value may arise from market fluctuations at the moment of triggering, lack of liquidity, range of prices, bigger spread

or other severely deteriorated conditions on the market.

PRODUCT SPECIFICS: The financial products offered by Infinium Limited are not suitable for non-professional investors. Infinium Limited does not market and advertise its

financial products and does not conclude business relationships with non-professional investors. Non-professional investors are all those who, according to European legislation,

do not qualify as professional investors.

© 2018 Infinium Limited. All Rights Reserved. Infinium Financial is a trademark of Infinium Limited and its subsidiaries. All other trademarks mentioned in the material are the sole

property of the respective companies.


of Assets



Conservative portfolio


Monetary investments

Alternative investments


Equity investments

Fixed income investments





Balanced portfolio

Monetary investments

Alternative investments

Equity investments

Fixed income investments

Do not follow

the money.

Follow your

goal and

money will

follow you.



Dynamic portfolio



Monetary investments

Alternative investments

Equity investments

Fixed income investments

The investment

makes sense,

is balanced and

appropriate only if

three key factors are

taken into account:

safety, profitability

and time.

Monetary investments

As a general rule, cash, short-term deposits, treasury bills and similar forms of investments

are considered as monetary investments - that is, all those investments that are

cash or securities with a maturity of less than one year and are liquid. They are considered

the safest form of investment, but are also the least profitable.

Equity investments

A share/stock is a form of security representing a share of ownership in a joint stock

company - a share is an equity. The value of shares on the organized securities market

depends to a large extent on the performance of the company. Shares are one of the

most widespread and commonly traded instruments on stock exchanges. Many shares

allow investors to participate in the performance in the form of a periodically paid dividend.

Fixed income investments

The bond constitutes the obligation of the issuer to oblige the holder of the bond to repay

the money lent increased by interest (i.e. the coupon) over a period of time longer than

one year - the bond is a debt security. The bond is in fact nothing more than a loan, or a

method of borrowing. Issuers issue a bond when they need money. One of major differences

between a regular loan and a bond is flexibility of transfer, as many are traded on

the stock exchange.

Alternative investments

An alternative investment is an investment that is not one of the traditional investments,

such as cash, equity and fixed income. Alternative investments usually have a low correlation

with traditional investment classes, which make them suitable for portfolio diversification.

Alternative investments may include real estate, commodities, various currencies,

and other investments. They may also be traded in the form of derivatives to financial

instruments. Managers who pursue absolute returns do not compare themselves with

returns of the capital markets, but pursue a pre-established investment objective (target

profitability), which they set independently of the conditions on financial markets, stock

market trends or competition. Even at the time of the bear market, the managers strive to

achieve the set target profitability.

Profitability of indices of different investment

classes and strategies, from 1999 to 2017, in EUR



MSCI World Index




MSCI The lower

volatility index



MSCI Commodity

Producers Index


MSCI is the leading provider of indexes used by the financial industry for benchmarking. According to data from

December 2017, MSCI indices are linked to more than 3.1 trillion USD of assets. All listed indices are denominated in USD.

The graphic representation is converted into EUR. [URL: www.msci.com/web/msci]

MSCI World Index monitors the returns on more than 1,600 shares from 23 developed countries.

MSCI The lower volatility index is the MSCI World Risk Weighted Top 200 index, the basis of which is the MSCI World

Equity Index. Through the transparent methodology, less volatile shares occupy a larger share in the MSCI World Risk

Weighted Top 200 Index.

MSCI Commodity Producers Index monitors the profitability of shares of global commodity producers from the energy,

metallurgical and agricultural sectors.

Yield and risk

When investing in financial instruments, systematic and unsystematic risk should

be taken into consideration, as well as distinction between relative and absolute


Systematic risk or market risk refers to factors that affect the entire capital market

or individual investment grade and, consequently, the value of a significant part of

the investor’s assets.

Unsystematic risk or specific risk refers to an individual financial instrument that

does not affect the entire capital market, but only one financial instrument and other

related instruments. The effects of unsystematic risks can be eliminated by appropriately

diversifying assets. A suitable asset diversification is where investments or

investment classes are less correlated and correspond to the investor profile.

An absolute return represents a gain or loss that is realized on assets over time.

Absolute return is not compared with return on the capital market or any other comparable

index. When generating absolute returns, systematic risk does not affect the

value of assets. Mutual funds and asset management with traditional investments

have an objective to outperform the capital market or other benchmarks.

RISK WARNING: The document is prepared exclusively for the purpose of better understanding of financial instruments and the functioning of the capital market. Any

investment in financial products represents an investment risk which can, in the event of unfavourable conditions in the financial markets, lead to the loss of a substantial part

or all of the funds invested. There is a risk of misunderstanding financial instruments, therefore it is recommended that an investor should consult a financial advisor about the

appropriateness of a particular investment.

Decision whom to trust is a difficult one.

This is why our services are performed with the

highest degree of integrity and we persistently

strive towards successful long-term cooperation.

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