Gray Wolf eBook


Gray Wolf Attack on Humans,Hunting & IUCN List• Most attacks – from rabid wolves• Non-rabid wolves unusually have attacked andkilled people• Live away from people & taught to fear humansby hunters and shepherds• Hunting and trapping – reduced species' range• Widespread range and stable populations – notthreatened globally; classified by IUCN as LeastConcernImage – A female Gray wolf photographed by Drew Avery.

Gray Wolf Physical DescriptionBackground Image – AFemale Gray Wolf• Slender, powerfully built• Large, deeply descendingribcage, sloping back• Abdomen pulled in• Neck heavily muscled• Paws – front: 5 toes; back: 4toesFemales• Narrower muzzles and foreheads• Thinner necks• Slightly shorter legs• Less massive shoulders than males

Gray Wolf Attack on Humans,

Hunting & IUCN List

• Most attacks – from rabid wolves

• Non-rabid wolves unusually have attacked and

killed people

• Live away from people & taught to fear humans

by hunters and shepherds

• Hunting and trapping – reduced species' range

• Widespread range and stable populations – not

threatened globally; classified by IUCN as Least


Image – A female Gray wolf photographed by Drew Avery.

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