Gray Wolf eBook


Natureglo’s eScience Copyright 2014Revised 3/26/20Permission is granted to reproduce this PowerPoint per one family household,per one teacher classroom and for the purchaser’s personal use only.TERMS OF USE):All rights reserved by NatureGlo’s eScience• This resource is to be used by the original buyer only.• Use for one teacher classroom or homeschool parent.• Additional licenses must be purchased for more than one classroom or homeschoolhousehold use.• It’s strictly prohibited to copy this product for more than one teacher, classroom, school,district, department, or homeschool• This resource may not be displayed or distributed digitally for public viewing eitheronline or offline.• Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital MillenniumCopyright Act (DMC).Contact:

The Gray Wolf Canis lupus Introduction• Largest canid species• Geographic range - wilderness andremote areas of North America,Eurasia, and North Africa• Size – males 43–45 kg (95–99 lb.);females 36–38.5 kg (79–85 lb.)

Natureglo’s eScience Copyright 2014

Revised 3/26/20

Permission is granted to reproduce this PowerPoint per one family household,

per one teacher classroom and for the purchaser’s personal use only.


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