Uberheroes: Who Cares?

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Things got got worse

over the next few

months. I started to

hang around with the

wrong people…

I was feeling anxious

and vulnerable. If

anyone mentioned my

past I would fly off the

handle. I was getting

into a lot of fights.

I began to lose

interest in school and

the teacher said…

You’ll not

pass if you keep

going down this

route, Gabbie!

but I was determined

to prove my teachers

wrong. So I said...




I was so confused

and hurt. Escaping into

video games helped

me feel normal.

When I wasn’t playing

games I got very angry.

Listening to Metal music

helped me get rid of

my anger.

I was keeping myself to

myself. I cared for no

one except my family, and

I rarely saw them

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