ReadFin Literary Journal (Winter 2018)

In the compilation of the 'Readfin' Literary Journal the editors and designers have worked closely together. The final outcome is a journal that incorporates fiction, poetry and prose, illustration, and creative fiction – a melting pot, something for everyone. Journals such as this have wide ranging appeal, not only for those who have submitted stories, but great as gifts, for book clubs, and an illustration of what can be achieved for students of writing and publishing. 'Readfin' is a published book with their writing.

In the compilation of the 'Readfin' Literary Journal the editors and designers have worked closely together. The final outcome is a journal that incorporates fiction, poetry and prose, illustration, and creative fiction – a melting pot, something for everyone. Journals such as this have wide ranging appeal, not only for those who have submitted stories, but great as gifts, for book clubs, and an illustration of what can be achieved for students of writing and publishing. 'Readfin' is a published book with their writing.


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When I was a Gardener

Sarah Irene Robinson

I just replaced the throttle cable on my lawn mower. Wowee! This is a thing I have

never done before. Minimal swearing, only one nap and a few borrowed tools. I am

aware that this feat isn’t so much a feat to some, but for me and my brain it was a


I was working in the sun the other day and the identical twins came up to say

hello. It was only today that I realised how identical they are. They usually shout

out pleasantries from across the street and I assumed they were very close friends

who maybe lived in a women’s home and had their daily outings together. They

are in their twenties I’d say, brown hair, very slim, tall upright, and completely

identical. Today they came over to inspect me closer, one of them offered me

some lipstick, pulling an uncapped bright red lipstick from her clutch bag, it was

covered in bag dirt, she looked at me with open eyes, offering it to me delicately.

These two are the only things I like about this job with the leaf blower and cement

that never seems to end.

I want to tell the story of this tree, but I cannot tell it myself properly. It was an

old eucalypt, white wattle-like flowers, it must have fallen over years ago, but it

kept growing, the roots twisting out of the ground, and I’m not sure why, maybe to

balance itself, it had grown back around the way the way it came. And had formed

a full circle from a birds’ perspective. Then some children had put a tire swing

in it, hanging from a branch in the middle. It was the perfect cubby or escape or

private place. Then things got rough and life got in the way and beautiful people

died. They hired me to help them plant things and one day I saw this mess of

blackberries and asked if I could clear them. It took the whole day, me and Robyn

and as we got further in we fousnd this beauty, and it all came rushing back for

her and it was amazing I had never seen such a thing before. We were both covered

in blood and crusty sweat and fresh sweat and then crusty sweat again. We drank

wine in the middle as the rains finally came in, after such a dry month.

I fixed the throttle cable and then sat in the yard with the birds until it got all

dark and cold and my feet had had enough and the cool grass had gotten into the

heat of my body enough.


ReadFin Literary Journal

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