Consultation Booklet - Dossier Six - Chapter six - Government -

Consultation Booklet - Dossier Six - Chapter six - Government - Norms 83-243

Consultation Booklet - Dossier Six - Chapter six - Government - Norms 83-243


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The requirement of o quorum of ot leost three members:

102. According to its situotion, the loca! council decides

whot will be the quorum for valid octs ; in no cases con this

quorum be less thon three. The superior or the director,

however, musVolwoys be present. This decision must be

opproved by the provincia! superior ond his council.

Norm as proposed:

Comments or suggestions:

Putting the norm concerning ossigning personnel ot end of

section on locol community:

113 bis. Individuols ore ossigned to o house or residence

by the provincia! superior ofter suitoble consultotion ond

with the consultotive vote of his council.

New plocement os suggested:

Comments or suggestions,

The Province

Hovi.ng the Consultotive Body oso required port of the life of

the Province os voted by the Genero! Chopter of 1976:

Opinion on this requirement:

Comments or suggestions:

The Provincia! Chapter

1. Thot new delegotes be elected for eoch new chapter:

119. New delegates ore elected eoch time o Provincia!

Chopter is convoked. If, however, the election of the

provincia! superior is held within ten months ofter the


election of delegotes t o the generol chopter, t here is no

new election of delegotes.

Norm os proposed :

Comments or suggestions:

2. If permonent chopter is retoined, odd the following concerning

o delegate who refuses to ottend o chopter without reoson :

122. An elected delegate who, without serious reosons that

ore occepted by the Provinciol Superior ond his Council,

refuses to ottend the Chapter, loses his rights oso delegate

ond is reploced for the rest of the mondate by on


Addition os proposed:

Comments or suggestions:

b) The oddition of the list of those who hove lost octive

ond passive voice for the provinciol chopter, os voted by

the Generol Chopter of 1976, to be odded to Norm 124:

The following, however, ore deprived of octive ond passive


o) those who ore living outside the community without

legitimote permission;

b) those who hove presented o request for loicizotion, seculorizotion,

excloustrotion or dispensotion from vows: the

deprivotion begins on the dote of the letter requesting o

dispensotion; should the dispensotion be refused or should

the member ceose to seek o dispensotion, the member would

regoin active ond passive voice from the day he stotes in

writing thot he hos decided to remoin in the Congregotion;

e) those who, in virtue of the powers gronted by "Cum Admotoe "

hove obtoined permission to live outside the community for

the purpose of studying their vocotion : the deprivotion

begins on the day the permission is gronted in writing ond


2 . Concerning the Provinciol os superior of o house:

146. The provinciol superior moy be neither provinciol

treosurer nor locol superior, except of the house where

he resides, if it be occupied solely by the Provinciol

Administrotion .

Norm os proposed:

Comments or suggestions:

3. Plocing Norm 144 before norm 143 to serve oso better introduct


"144 which would be before 143: The provinciol superior's

primory function is to promote o genuine religious,

opostolic end community spirit in his Province.

New plocement os suggested:

Comments or suggestions:


Provinciol Secretory

Drop the requirement of consulting the consultotive body end

olso the foct thot the term is for the durotion of the

provinciol superior's term: (opplies olso to Treosurer)

160. The provinciol secretory is oppointed by the provinciol

superior with the deliberative vote of his council ofter

hoving mode the consultotion considered opportune .. . .

It is the duty of the provinciol secretory .... etc. os is ..

Chonge proposed:

Comments or suggestions:

The Consultotive Body

The following norm wos voted by the Chopter of 1976 end will

be ploced ofter 162 with o heoding of its own:

162 bis. There is to be in eoch Province end Vice-Pro-


Norm as proposed :

Comments or suggestions :

The Treasurer General

Propose that the financial counci l on the genera! leve! be made

optional as on the provincia! level:

240. To help him plan and implementa sound economie policy

in canformity with common Law, the treasurer genera! may be

assisted by a financial council.

One of the general assistants must be a member of this

cou nei 1.

Norm as proposed:

Comments or suggestions:

Appendix II dealing with use and administration of gaods:

Appendix II should become


o regular part of the



Comments or suggestions:

Add no. 22 of Renovotionis Cousam

Comments or suggestions :

to Appendix III :



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