issue #03. Published 15.05.2011 by Marcel Schlutt & Nina Kharytonova. Art, Fashion, Music and Photography. Artists: Natalia Avelon, Kazaky, Lola Depru, Christian Branscheidt and many more All Copyrights @ The Artists! Berlin 2012 www.kaltblut-magazine.com

issue #03. Published 15.05.2011 by Marcel Schlutt & Nina Kharytonova. Art, Fashion, Music and Photography. Artists: Natalia Avelon, Kazaky, Lola Depru, Christian Branscheidt and many more All Copyrights @ The Artists! Berlin 2012 www.kaltblut-magazine.com


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How long does it take to create one piece?

Impossible to say, some are done before i can catch my

breath, some take countless millennia to complete.

Many of your images display people who seem to

suffer from Dawn’s syndrome or at least the distortion

has made them look like that. Is it intended?

Certainly not!, i intend nothing, the only interpretation

is in the eye of the viewer. I find suggesting

something to be much more powerful than proclaiming

it out loud.

Is it hard for a female artist to emerge nowadays?

I don’t think so, you need balls to get far in this industry.

I have even better than that, I have tits.

What were biggest obstacles in your career so far?

Getting to the point where i was selling enough work

to make a living from. It took many years but i am

finally in that coveted place where i make a living

from my art and doing exactly what i want to do.

Do you think Osama Bin Laden is really dead?

Ohhh tricky question, well possibly. It’s also possible

he died some time ago, and the US military have only

just identified his corpse. I certainly imagine the details

of it have been manipulated for propaganda purposes

anyway. Its also possible that his contract with

the CIA has run out and he has retired in Florida. It’s

not that important to me, he is just one man.

What’s next for you? What piece are you working on?

I am currently making a new group of work for a

solo show i am doing at the phone booth gallery in

Long Beach California in October of this year. For

this show i am making a collection of pieces in the

“exploding” style of which there are already a few

pieces on my site.

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