issue #03. Published 15.05.2011 by Marcel Schlutt & Nina Kharytonova. Art, Fashion, Music and Photography. Artists: Natalia Avelon, Kazaky, Lola Depru, Christian Branscheidt and many more All Copyrights @ The Artists! Berlin 2012 www.kaltblut-magazine.com

issue #03. Published 15.05.2011 by Marcel Schlutt & Nina Kharytonova. Art, Fashion, Music and Photography. Artists: Natalia Avelon, Kazaky, Lola Depru, Christian Branscheidt and many more All Copyrights @ The Artists! Berlin 2012 www.kaltblut-magazine.com


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by Nina Kharytonova

They are robbing respiratory beautiful, they are loved, admired

and hated.

They are glamorous and unattainable as a goddess (because

that is the linguistic interpretation of “Diva”). We are talking

about the Hollywood dynasty of 1940-years. Elizabeth Taylor,

Eva Gardner, Katherine Hepburn, Marlene Dietrich, Marilyn

Monroe just to name a few names here.

They have used the term diva reinvented, embossed and

they gave us some unforgettable moments in cinema.

The one that particularly stands out is Bette Davis.

Especially because she was not a typical diva. Which

was not alone on her choice of roles - she never hesitated

to play ugly and nasty unerotic women but

also their entire presence, charisma, and not least

unusual in their appearance. Bette Davis did not

match precisely to the ideal of beauty of at that time

in Hollywood. Everything about her face was a bit

too big: the nose, the mouth, but above all her fascinating

eyes. And yes she has managed it, especially

from those flaws to create a brand, because they

exuded a kind of beauty to you that it was difficult

for someone to believe something else.

Her childhood was not always golden. Bette was born

in 04/05/1908 in Lowell, Massachusetts(USA). A

year later, then her sister Harriet Barbara (Bobby)

was born. Trapped in an unhappy marriage with

unwanted children her father recite in 1915 the small

family and left the three women to their own fate. This

event coined especially his daughters very much. Ruth

(her mother) has always preferred Bette. She tried to

survive with photography, her favorite subject was

always their first-born child.

The desire to become an actress Bette expressed the

first time in 1921 (when her family moved to New

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