issue #03. Published 15.05.2011 by Marcel Schlutt & Nina Kharytonova. Art, Fashion, Music and Photography. Artists: Natalia Avelon, Kazaky, Lola Depru, Christian Branscheidt and many more All Copyrights @ The Artists! Berlin 2012 www.kaltblut-magazine.com

issue #03. Published 15.05.2011 by Marcel Schlutt & Nina Kharytonova. Art, Fashion, Music and Photography. Artists: Natalia Avelon, Kazaky, Lola Depru, Christian Branscheidt and many more All Copyrights @ The Artists! Berlin 2012 www.kaltblut-magazine.com


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already being analyzed and spread on Twitter. So did

Twitter replace mainstream media as the best source

of news about Bin Laden’s death? Yes and no.

Yes, many people first heard about the news on Twitter,

but more often than not the original source of

that news could be traced back to mainstream media.

Although some “accidental” on-the-ground-reporting

occurred exclusively on Twitter, mainstream media

(CNN, NYT, etc) confirmed Bin Laden’s death.

Twitter does not supplant other media—it merely

amplifies it. According to TechCrunch, during the

President’s announcement, people were Tweeting at a

rate of over 4,000 Tweets per second, a close second

or third—about the same level of Tweets as during the

last Super Bowl. Much of what people were Tweeting

was what they were hearing on TV, thus passing

the news instantly to people who may not have been

in front of a TV at the time. But what that means in

practice is that if you are following the right people,

you don’t have to actually turn on your TV.

Osama or Obama?

Shortly after US president Barack Obama officially

announced the assassination of Osama Bin Laden,

mainstream media became somewhat confused as

to whether Osama or Obama had been killed. Understandably,

the distinction between the world’s

most-wanted terrorist and the President of the

United States of America is so subtle as to be nearly

baffling. Frankly, I don’t judge them. Back in 2006

during the London bombings I was live reporting for

DARIK radio on the events and I kept on confusing

9/11 with 11/9 and 9/6. Anyway, everybody had a

good laugh over CNN, MSNBC, FOX, ABC, El Pais

and FNC, which unwillingly put a bullet in Barack

Obama. And yet, the confusion is not completely

unjustified—bin Laden, just like Tupac, continues to

drop new tapes after his death. The next one is to be

released very soon. Maybe by the time this article is

published it will have made its way through the Al-

Qaeda media pipeline.

Conspiracy photo booth

All those speculations lead us to the next conspiracy

layer. Apparently there has been a post mortem

photo shoot with Osama (as himself) Some outtakes

are yet to be released by the Obama administration,

although already in the night of Bin Laden’s

assassination, news agency Reuters offered media

all over the world what was supposed to be Osama’s

death mugshot. A trusted source in Eurovision -

not the song contest, but the premier distributor

of news content for the world’s top broadcast and

media platforms - gave me some inside on coverage

on the story. Here is the timeline: Someone hears

about Osama Bin Laden’s death, performs a Google

Image search; finds a year-old doctored image of

dead Osama and sends it to PK TV; they pick it up

and use it for their news coverage as a source; PK

TV then forwards the image to RTV and APTN;

the image then lands all over the world, including

Reuters. Hour later Reuters calls back to withdraw

the picture explaining it was - wait for it - fake. Still,

the only people with supposed to be real images

of dead Osama, remain the officials in the White

House. I hope they will spread an image which is not

completely blurry and shaky and also one that won’t

cause another wave of Moon landing conspiracy.

July 4.2

Although, when you take a step back and look what

was and is still happening all over the US after

Osama Bin Laden’s death, you can clearly see that

the general public doesn’t really care if the US government

will get their Osama story straight or not.

Bin Laden’s assassination released a wave of spontaneous,

organized and unnecessary celebratory

events. Accompanying the Osama/Obama confusion

in media was the live streaming of joyful celebrations

in Washington and at Ground Zero in New

York. I really wonder if people at Ground Zero were

realizing at the moment they were dancing on the

grave of almost 3000 people. Anyway, the ridiculous

patriotic outburst wasn’t a surprise altogether, but

the way it happened made me wonder if the news

had a commercial brake and this was the summer

campaign for Coca Cola.

To be honest, the whole outcome of events was a

little sad that people think of the death of Osama

Bin Laden as of victory. If May 1st was supposed to

celebrate a victory of the United States over terrorism,

it is beyond doubt that this victory is Pyrrhic

except for those making money off of it. There was

a moment where I dreamed of being a American

flag manufacturer, or owner of a company producing

full-body suits with the American flag on them

or toilet paper with Bin Laden’s face printed on it.

Maybe it’s not too late tho - this story is a developing

just like the creative ways of producing hideous

patriotic merchandize.

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