issue #03. Published 15.05.2011 by Marcel Schlutt & Nina Kharytonova. Art, Fashion, Music and Photography. Artists: Natalia Avelon, Kazaky, Lola Depru, Christian Branscheidt and many more All Copyrights @ The Artists! Berlin 2012 www.kaltblut-magazine.com

issue #03. Published 15.05.2011 by Marcel Schlutt & Nina Kharytonova. Art, Fashion, Music and Photography. Artists: Natalia Avelon, Kazaky, Lola Depru, Christian Branscheidt and many more All Copyrights @ The Artists! Berlin 2012 www.kaltblut-magazine.com


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Text by Shel Fuller

Photo by Jonathan Bell www.jonbell.net

I got off the PATH Train at Christopher Street and

ascended the unrealistically windy staircase. On this

street, this street where history was made, I was surprised

to see how ghetto it was. Random shady looking

men, all hip-hopped and covered in bling, waiting on

everything and nothing. Two transvestites verbally battling

it out on the street corner - one crackhead thin,

the other Big Mac fat. A swirling spectrum of skin

color, language, and intelligence. God, I love this city.

It was not my intention to move to New York City.

The idea filled me with dread. So many people packed

together - so much competition. What should I do

here? I was used to being the big fish in a small pond

but now the tables were turned. Here on these wide,

traffic-filled streets, I was invisible. Walking among

ghosts, slowly I became one myself but these ghosts

were not like those that can be found in the tales of

Poe. These entities were alive. Shapeshifters, who continually

reconceptualize themselves on an hourly basis.

During the day, I sat eight hours staring at a computer

monitor in rows of cubicles but at night, I transformed

into a mystical phoenix. Sipping cocktails at an after

work party on the Upper West Side in the evening,

melds into dancing in the mist of shirtless, Chelsea

bottoms at night. A quick jump over to the East Village

to hook up with an overly tattooed freak who just completed

his degree in Theology at NYU. “What do you

want to do with your degree?” “I want to be a priest.”

– No comment. Waking up and realizing that you have

to wear the same underwear again because you didn’t

make it home last night finally returning to your 3 and

a quarter-walled cubicle.

My two best friends and I, in one of our stoned states,

decided to give each other diva names. William would

be La Divina (a reference to Maria Callas). Jason,

would be the Wonder Diva Deluxe (you have to know

him to understand that one) and I, of course, was the

Grand Diva. I even named my former public relations

company, The Grand Diva Group (group meaning me).

Back then, I was probably best known for my fearlessness

and my deranged adventures. Waking up naked

in the apartments of celebrities, late night basement

parties in DUMBO, chatting in secret underground

wine cellar lounges with tragic supermodels. But it

wasn’t me that created all of this supposed glamour.

It was the city. It took me by the scruff of my neck and

lead me through its streets, begging me to explore

which I eagerly did. It was the dimly lit doors at the

end of dark allies that lured me into circumstances

which most people would only dream of.

Sometimes, I look back at those days in wonder. I

think about the serendipitous end events and what

lead up to them. We only think of people as divas but

what surrounds the diva is what inspires a diva to be

one. Of course, I wasn’t really a diva. I was more like

the dust that trailed the comet along with millions and

millions of other specks. Small amounts of plant pollen,

human hairs, and textile fibers compressed into

305 square miles (790 km2) of water-rimmed land.

This city carries the glamour of ages deep within its

tarred sidewalks and hot dog stands. New York is bigger

than America. Sometimes, bigger than the Earth.

What it symbolizes, what it forces you to believe is an

experience that no one will ever take away from you.

This city doesn’t need to be covered in cosmetics or

drowned in jewels. The city doesn’t even demand that.

It wants your love, your curiosity, your respect, and

your admiration. Like a mother, it nourishes you with

or without your consent. New York City is the ultimate

diva of the world.

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