C.V Muhammad Al-Barari

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Name : Muhammad Abdu Ahmed Al-Barari

Nationality: Yemeni

Sex: male

P.O.B.: Sana'a

D.OB: 01/01/1997

Marital Status: Single

Current Address: Al-Nassr St. ( Sana'a) Next Az-Al-

Yemen private school .


Contact Information »

Mobile Phone: +967 773382761

+967 777419839

E-mail: muhammadalbarari@gmail.com

Career Objective


My objective is to contribute to the development and

prosperity of the firm or organization so that I can work

in accordance with my professional and personal skills

and abilities in the first instance; I want to improve my

livelihood for better, as well.

High School.

TOEFL ( English Language ) at Yali Institute .

Certificate of the computer license diploma at education first

institute .

Diploma of software and hardware mobiles.

Certificate of Participating in the first aid .

Advance academic writings and conversations courses at 4U

Institute and Ministry of youth & sports youth Sector .

Certificate of training for accounting systems.

Advance diploma of English at YALI Institute .

Appreciation certificate of teaching at Smart Vision Private

school .

Training Courses

Computer Courses .

Effective Communication and Business Rules, 4U Institute.

Interpersonal Interview Methods , Governmental Youth Institute.

Time Management, 4U Institute.

Work Pressure Course.

Courses in the first aid .

Course of The Secrets of the Cosmic Laws.

TESOL, Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages.

Work Experience

Teaching at many institutes and schools.

Surveying in Nutrition programme, in Jaber Abn Hiaan.

Working as an administrative in Qawbah Foundation since 2015

to 2018 .

Working as a representative with Supreme Council for

Management and coordination of humanitarian affairs &

International cooperation since 2019 to 2020

Field Surveyor with Supreme Council.

Making social affairs with different companies in Qawbah

foundation .

Working with UNICEF Organization in Cholera Control project

as a volunteer.

Data entry.


Spoken and written English Language professionally.

Self-motivated, creative, extrovert and hard-working person.

Ability to be a team worker .

the capacity of working within a team or individuality.

Working in challenging work environment .

Impressive communication skills.

Punctual and innovate .

Active and enthusiastic at work.

Working under any various pressures .

The capacity of communicating with different people.

Interpersonal skills .

Having excellent interpersonal skills .

Good management skills.

Good leadership skills with the ability of learning fast .

Excellent communication, negotiation, and persuasion skills.

Excellent interpretation and translation skills from Arabic to

English and vice versa .


Learning and acquiring new skills and ideas .

Excellent training and teaching skills.

Having the flexibility and capability to cope with stressful

situations .

Willing to work in challenging environments .

Capability of bearing responsibilities .

Willing to complete difficult tasks in short time frame .


• The ability of utilizing a computer perfectly.

• Managing work players with ease.

• Ability of working with others as a team-player .

• Capability of working under pressure .

• Using Microsoft Office package ; Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and

so on.


Working on solving humanitarian issues and problems.

Searching a help for people affected by wars and conflicts.

Being initiative of making initiatives that help in reducing social

problems .

Learning and obtaining new ideas and skills without difficulty .

Making relationships and friendships with new people .

Knowledge of making relations with foreign or abroad people

for the sake of learning their culture .


Muhanned Jamal Al-Najar

Senior EFL-Instructor at Yemen-America language Institute (YALI).

Subbing Coordinator at Yemen-America language Institute (YALI).

Mentor of English language at Yemen-America language Institute (YALI).

Phone No: 00967-733553355.

E-mail address: Muhannedjumstafa@gmail.com

Maimuna Esmail

Deputy Academic Coordinator.

Yemen America language Institute (YALI).

Tel: 736000261.

E-mail address: Maimuna.esmail@yaliefl.org

Adel Shamsan

ESL Instructor.

Yemen America Language Institute (YALI).

Tel: 738555303.

E-mail address: Adel.shmasan@yaliefl.org

All Documents, Certificates, and References are available upon request .

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