Do U Have A Religious Spirit

This lesson will help you recognize the warning signs of a religious spirit at work and provide the tools you need to defeat it within yourself and to help others walk ... Shalom, Apostle GCJ This lesson will help you recognize the warning signs of a religious spirit at work and provide the tools you need to defeat it within yourself and to help others walk ...
Shalom, Apostle GCJ

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I Corinthians 12:28<br />


ORDER<br />

Bible Study:<br />

There are many different manifestations of religious spirits. Everything that is religious is not necessarily of<br />

God. The following are ways to detect religious spirits:<br />


One person or group of persons controlling or dominating the soul of another by a power other than the<br />

power of the Holy <strong>Spirit</strong>. The Holy <strong>Spirit</strong> never seeks to control or dominate us in any way. There are many<br />

forms of Witchcraft, but the common denominator is the same—Control.<br />

Saints can and do come under the power of Witchcraft when they allow themselves to be controlled by false<br />

teachers, pastors, or other saints. Many pastors use Mind Control and Manipulation and operate as lords<br />

over God's heritage (1 Peter 5:3).<br />

Husband dominating the wife, wife controlling the husband, pastors dominating the flock, organizations<br />

and cults dominating and controlling the souls of people, can all be forms of Witchcraft. People who have<br />

been controlled and dominated by others need deliverance from Witchcraft spirits. People who have<br />

controlling and dominating spirits also need to repent and receive deliverance. As long as believers walk in<br />

holiness and stay under the protection of the blood of Jesus, they need not fear Witchcraft.



7. Building doctrinal walls and elating positions and<br />

offices in the body of Christ which leads to separation,<br />

pride and exclusiveness;<br />

8. Leadership becomes dominating and controlling,<br />

insisting on heavy (often unquestioned) submission<br />

because they are the ones who are to hear from the Lord.<br />

1. A vehicle for worship and grace becomes the<br />

object and focus of our attention and worship;<br />

i.e., baptism, the Lord's supper, spiritual gifts,<br />

certain liturgies and forms of worship, etc;<br />

2. Church writings and/or explanations of<br />

Scripture become as important (and gradually<br />

more important) than Scripture itself, whereas<br />

those who have written, studied, or understood<br />

them are in turn exalted<br />

3. Seeking after supernatural highs or<br />

experiences, believing that such are always of<br />

God<br />

4. Always operating on a soulish realm,<br />

mistaking it for the <strong>Spirit</strong>, and believing that<br />

anything emotionally charged with spiritual<br />

overtones is of God;<br />

5. Being fearful of anything emotional, and<br />

insisting that we keep our religion on a safe but<br />

elevated mental plane;<br />

6. Making into law and insisting upon certain<br />

church rituals, rites, methods, practices or<br />

formulas as the only way to dress, praise, confess,<br />

etc.;<br />

9. You judge other people by their appearance. God judges<br />

us by our heart, but man judges by outward appearance (1<br />

Sam. 16:7). I have heard of many churches where young<br />

people have not felt welcome or have even been<br />

condemned by church leadership because they had a<br />

tattoo, a nose ring, or dressed a certain way. (In some<br />

legalistic churches men have to wear a suit and tie to<br />

attend church and ladies are not allowed to wear makeup<br />

and pants or cut their hair.) Although I believe mature<br />

believers should dress modestly, we especially need to<br />

allow visitors to come as they are and all believers should<br />

dress as they feel comfortable (with moderation).<br />

Legalistic churches that forbid folks to attend services<br />

because of their attire have exhibited one of the signs of<br />

having a religious spirit.<br />

10. You try to earn God's love and salvation. Since religion<br />

in this article refers to a man-made effort to please God—<br />

the motivation behind those efforts in this category has to<br />

do with following certain rules, or regulations regarding<br />

the outward man, in order to be in right standing with<br />

God. This is a clear violation of passages that teach us that<br />

we are saved by grace and not by our own works (Eph.<br />

2:8-9).<br />

11. You try to conform to outward holiness without inward<br />

transformation. The Scriptures teach us that God is more<br />

concerned with cleansing the inward man (Ps. 51:6) than<br />

our outward conformity to rules and regulations. Those<br />

that only have a form of godliness without inward<br />

transformation deny His power (2 Tim. 3:5). Jesus<br />

strongly rebuked those who merely attempted to cleanse<br />

the outer man without allowing God to deal with the heart<br />

(Matt. 23). very religious people usually have sinful habit<br />

patterns that eventually manifest because they don't allow<br />

God to change their inner being. The more we attempt to<br />

follow God merely by the letter of the law—the more it will<br />

incite our sinful tendencies (Rom. 7:7-25).

12. You are always critical of other people's walks<br />

with God. I have noticed that the more religious a<br />

person is, the more critical they are of other believers<br />

and ministers. Since they are so hard on themselves<br />

(religious people generally don't understand grace<br />

and walk in self-condemnation), they are also equally<br />

hard on other people.<br />

13. Your closest Christian relationships are based<br />

only on ministry activities. <strong>Religious</strong> people are not<br />

only superficial with God but with others as well.<br />

Since they attempt to connect with the "other"<br />

merely by activities, they are disengaged emotionally<br />

and do not know how to connect heart to heart with<br />

those they interface with. Church-related ministry or<br />

functions usually hold their friendships together.<br />

14. You perform Christian duties but have no passion<br />

or hunger for God. <strong>Religious</strong> people sustain their<br />

version of Christianity by performing ministry or<br />

church attendance. They do not have a deep<br />

relationship with God nor do they hunger and thirst<br />

for Him.<br />

15. You desire position and honor in the church more<br />

than honor from God. Those with a religious spirit<br />

hinge their life and identity upon their outward man.<br />

Hence, they are drawn to having recognition and titles<br />

in the church world. If they cannot legitimately get a<br />

ministerial title from their local church, they will hook<br />

up with an online course or other entity that will give<br />

them some kind of badge or card signifying they are a<br />

minister or chaplain.<br />

16. Your identity is rooted in a lifestyle of Christianity<br />

instead of in Christ. Mature Christ-followers receive<br />

their main identity in the fact they are "sons" of God,<br />

whereas religious people receive their main identity in<br />

the things they attempt to do for God and their<br />

church.<br />

17. You know about the truth of Jesus but not the way<br />

of Jesus. <strong>Religious</strong> people make a big deal about the<br />

doctrines they accumulate through head knowledge.<br />

They make the mistake of thinking that having good<br />

doctrine means they are mature believers. Just<br />

because we may know about God doesn't mean we<br />

commune with God and know Him experientially.<br />

18. You project righteousness but inwardly are filled<br />

with anger and resentment.<br />

Because Of Our Lord Jesus Christ!<br />

Mat 6:10 Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth,<br />

as it is in heaven.<br />




<strong>Religious</strong> <strong>Spirit</strong>s in Scripture:<br />


Matthew 15:9,13-14; 22:29; 23:4-32—vain worship, blind leaders of the blind, tradition, error, ignorance of<br />

the Scripture and power of God, heavy burdens, hypocrisy, love of position, religious works to be seen of men,<br />

religious titles, pride, obstruction, hindering others, unbelief, covetousness, swearing, unmerciful, unfaithful,<br />

unrighteous, blindness, extortion, excess, death, uncleanness, iniquity, self-righteousness, murder. Mark<br />

8:17—lack of perception, lack of understanding, hardness of heart. Luke 16:15—self-righteousness.<br />

John 10:12-13—wolf, hireling. Acts 20:29—grievous wolves. Romans 8:15—bondage. Philippians 3:2—<br />

dogs, evil workers, the concision. 2 Corinthians 4:2; 11:4,13—dishonesty, craftiness, handling the word of<br />

God deceitfully, another Jesus, another spirit, another gospel, false apostles, deceitful workers, angel of light.<br />

Galatians 2:4; 3:1; 4:9-10—false brethren, witchcraft, turning again to the weak and beggarly elements,<br />

desiring to be in bondage, observing days, months, times, and years. Ephesians 4:14—wind of doctrine, sleight of<br />

men, cunning craftiness. Colossians 2:8,16—philosophy, vain deceit, tradition of men, judging in meat and<br />

drink, new moon, sabbath, worshiping angels, subject to ordinances (touch not, taste not, handle not),<br />

commandments and doctrines of men.<br />

2 Thessalonians 2:7-12—mystery of iniquity, power, signs, lying wonders, deceivableness of unrighteousness,<br />

strong delusion, pleasure in unrighteousness.<br />

1 Timothy 1:6; 4:1; 6:5—vain jangling, seducing spirits, doctrines of devils, lies in hypocrisy, forbidding to<br />

marry, commanding to abstain from meats, perverse disputing’s, gain is godliness.<br />

1 Timothy 2:16; 3:5,13—profane and vain babblings, form of godliness (but denying the power), ever learning,<br />

never coming to the truth, not enduring sound doctrine, itching ears, turning from the truth, turned to fables,<br />

seducers. Titus 1:14; 3:9—Jewish fables, foolish questions, genealogies, contentions, strivings about the law,<br />

heresy. Hebrews 5:11; 13:9—dull of hearing, divers and strange doctrines.<br />

2 Peter 2:1-18—false teachers, damnable heresies, pernicious ways, covetousness, feigned words, lust of<br />

uncleanness, despising kingdom of God government, presumption, self-will, riot, deception, adultery, beguiling<br />

unstable souls, love of money, swelling words of vanity, wantonness.<br />

GREEK DEF of (WORLD): The Greek word for "world" is αιων (as in eon), which means an age or a<br />

perpetuity of specific prevailing conditions in time upon the face of the Earth. Therefore, the word "world," as<br />

doctrinally defined in our Bible, is NOT referring to other planets in outer space but to defined as ages and<br />

prevailing conditions during those ages on the Earth, be they past, present, or future. 1Jn_2:15 2Pe_2:20

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