Celebrating West Side Agriculture 2020

Special section of the West Side Index & Gustine Press-Standard honoring our local agriculture industry. Special section of the West Side Index & Gustine Press-Standard honoring our local agriculture industry.


2 | HONORING WEST SIDE AGRICULTURE THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 2020Attention to detail,innovation inGroefsema orchardsGUSTINE - A familyfarming operation withsolid roots in the Gustinearea continues to thrivetoday under the directionof a third-generation member.Clay Groefsema, whogrew up in the Lemoorearea, today managesGroefsema Enterprisesorchards in the Gustineand Waterford areas. Healso provides custom farmmanagement for clientsin the Stockton area andoperates a custom spraybusiness.The company’s homeranch on Orchard Roadhas been in the familysince the late 1990s, whenhis father Clay and grandfatherKen purchased theground.“This is the largest of allour ranches. We keep allof the equipment here andmove it around,” Groefsemaexplained.Water was a driving factorin the family’s transitionnorthward.As a child, Groefsemasaid, his family grewmainly row crops such ascotton, corn, garlic andtomatoes, among others.Some walnuts and pistachioswere grown as well.Supporting AgricultureRECEIVE and UP TO Farm Families$6,500Across the GroefsemaIn Energy Upgrade Rebatesalmond orchards.209-826-4807 www.youngsair.com 209-826-4807 209-826-4807 www.youngsair.com www.youngsair.comBut an uncertain watersupply prompted the familyto look elsewhere.“It was some of the bestground in the state, butyou weren’t sure if youhad water day to day. Thefamily left and re-investedup here. We had morewater, cheaper water anda little more certainty,”Groefsema commented.“I can’t imagine farmingwith that uncertainty ofwhat your allocation wouldbasis.A Certified“I chased a footballEnergy Audit will help you learndream after college forwhere you are using and losing energy and ways toyears, but knew I wantedto get back to farmingeventually,” said Groefsema,reducewho keptthosea hand inissues to make your homethe family operation butworked in farm manage-more efficient and save you money.209-826-4807 www.youngsair.comment for other corporationsfor 13 years beforeGetcoming back to manageRECEIVE$5,500RECEIVE UP TOthe localUPorchards.TORECEIVE UP TO$6,500His emphasis, Groefsemashared, is on using the$6,500 $6,500latest practices and technologyto maximize qual-UP TOity and production.In Energy Upgrade See GROEFSEMA | RebatesPAGE 3 In Energy In Upgrade In Energy Rebates Upgrade Young’s Rebates!Air Conditioning is a HERO RHERO is a Government sponsored prA Certified Energy Audit will help youAlearnCertified Energy A Certified Audit will Energy help you Audit learn youwilltohelpfinanceyou learncertain home improvewhere you are using Young’s and losing energy Air Conditioning where and ways you are to using where is and ayou HERO losing are using energy Registered and and losing ways Contractor.providesenergy to lowandfixed-interestways torates andreduce those issues HERO to make is a your Government home reduce those sponsored issues reduce to make those program RECEIVE your issues home to20 which UP makeyears. TO your enables Contacthomeus to learn more.more efficientyouandtosavefinance you money.certain more efficient home improvements. and save you money. HEROWhaprovides low fixed-interest rates and payment terms up to20 years. Contact us to learn more.be every year,” he added.After the family initiallypurchasing land ina district with marginalwater supplies, he added,his grandfather and unclepurchased land in the CentralCalifornia IrrigationDistrict.“It is gold,” he said ofthe more reliable watersupply. “You can’t do anythingwithout good water.”Enterprises operation, rowcrops have given way toGroefsema three yearsago rejoined the familyoperation on a full-timemore efficient and save you money.$6,500Whatever It Takes ®In Energy Upgrade RebatesYoung’s Air Conditioning is a HERO RegisteredYoung’s Contractor. Air Conditioning Young’s is aAir HERO Conditioning Registered is Contractor. a HERO Registered Contractor.HERO is a Government sponsored program which HERO enables is a Government HERO sponsored is a Government programsponsored which enables program which enablesyou to finance certain home improvements. HERO you to finance certain home improvements. HEROprovides low fixed-interest rates and payment terms provides up low to fixed-interest rates and payment terms up to20 years. Contact us to learn more. 20 years. Contact us to learn more.Whatever It Takes ®$6,50In Energy UpgradeA Certified you to finance Energy certainAudit home improvements. will help you HEROlearnprovides low fixed-interest rates and payment terms up towhere you are using and losing energy and ways to20 years. Contact us to learn more.reduce those issues to make Whatever yourIthomeWhatever It Takes ® Takes ®more efficient and save you money.License #461520RECEIVE UP TOA Certified Energy Audit will hewhere you are using and losing enreduce those issues to makemore efficient and save yoClay Groefsema manages family almond orchards in the Gustine area.License #461520License #461520License #461520

THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 2020 HONORING WEST SIDE AGRICULTURE | 3GROEFSEMACONTINUED FROM PAGE 2Decisions are madefrom a long-term perspective,he added.“Every year we evolveand try to make thingsbetter,” Groefsema explained.“Being a farmer,you have to learn thatfrom something you do todayyou may not see (benefitsfrom) for the nextyear or two.”Groefsema said he hasimplemented a number ofchanges since rejoiningthe family operation.Many are aimed at improvingwater penetrationand boosting fertility.Groefsema said the almondindustry has seen anumber of fundamentalchanges.Water managementpractices have evolvedsignificantly through theyears, he said, resulting inmuch more precise watering.“All of our systems havesoil moisture probes so wecan see exactly what isgoing on when we applywater,” Groefsema toldMattos Newspapers. “Weknow what our demandshould be, based on theweather, the age of thetrees and the soil.”Irrigation managementpractices are also a componentof the pest controlprogram in the Groefsemaorchards.Materials used in orchardshave also evolved,he noted, creating targetedpest control as opposedto a shotgun approach thatkills everything, he explained.Through such managementpractices, Groefsemasaid, “we can keepbeneficial insects in ourorchards.”Even with more tools todraw from and advancesin the industry, managementtechniques and attentionto detail remainessential to success.“You can spend a lot ofmoney applying fertilizerat the wrong time, and thetree won’t take it up,” hesaid by way of example.The company also regularlysamples soils.“Our pH was a little offbalance when I got here,so we had to build that andbuild our calcium levels,”Groefsema stated.Those steps are investmentsin success thatwould not be possiblethrough cutting corners.“We can always get better.We put in more inputs,and you get out what youput in,” he emphasized.The company’s commitmentto quality includesattention to detail andplacing a premium on takingthe time required to beeffective - without takingtoo much time.Whether it is harvestingalmonds or sprayingorchards, Groefsema remarked,trying to be tooquick results in damage tonuts or a spray applicationthat is not as effective asit could be.He is also an advocatefor the almond industry.“They are high maintenancebut you can onlygrow them in California,”he reflected. “I think wetake a lot of pride in it.A custom spraying business is part of the operation overseen by Clay Groefsema.They are pretty trees, anda healthy product when allis said and done.”Advancements havechanged farming capabilitiesand managementpractices through theyears, but the lessonsof childhood remain asstrongly ingrained as everfor Groefsema as he goesabout his work.“Growing up, my dadwould throw me into pruningcrews for the summer.At the time I wasn’t a fanof it, but you realize howmuch hard work there isin these labor crews andwhat they do day in andday out,” Groefsema said.“My grandfather alwayssaid hard work buildscharacter. You look backand appreciate those hotsummers.”PROUDLY SERVING YOUFOR 70 YEARS!We are proud to have generations in our family furniture businessserving Turlock and the surrounding towns.We appreciate your business!From the entire Woods family to your family we thank you for keepingour doors open for 70 years.Darryl Woods with Grandpa Thurman WoodsOriginal store at 433 E. Main St. (shown with Foster Freeze building)4918 Taylor Court, Turlock(corner of W. Taylor & Hwy 99)www.WoodsFurniture.com • (209) 656-2392Mon. - Fri. 10am - 7pm • Sat. 10am - 6pmMon. Sun. 11am - Sat. 10am - 5pm- 6pm • Sun. Noon - 5pm


Attention to detail,

innovation in

Groefsema orchards

GUSTINE - A family

farming operation with

solid roots in the Gustine

area continues to thrive

today under the direction

of a third-generation member.

Clay Groefsema, who

grew up in the Lemoore

area, today manages

Groefsema Enterprises

orchards in the Gustine

and Waterford areas. He

also provides custom farm

management for clients

in the Stockton area and

operates a custom spray


The company’s home

ranch on Orchard Road

has been in the family

since the late 1990s, when

his father Clay and grandfather

Ken purchased the


“This is the largest of all

our ranches. We keep all

of the equipment here and

move it around,” Groefsema


Water was a driving factor

in the family’s transition


As a child, Groefsema

said, his family grew

mainly row crops such as

cotton, corn, garlic and

tomatoes, among others.

Some walnuts and pistachios

were grown as well.

Supporting Agriculture

RECEIVE and UP TO Farm Families


Across the Groefsema

In Energy Upgrade Rebates

almond orchards.

209-826-4807 www.youngsair.com 209-826-4807 209-826-4807 www.youngsair.com www.youngsair.com

But an uncertain water

supply prompted the family

to look elsewhere.

“It was some of the best

ground in the state, but

you weren’t sure if you

had water day to day. The

family left and re-invested

up here. We had more

water, cheaper water and

a little more certainty,”

Groefsema commented.

“I can’t imagine farming

with that uncertainty of

what your allocation would


A Certified

“I chased a football

Energy Audit will help you learn

dream after college for

where you are using and losing energy and ways to

years, but knew I wanted

to get back to farming

eventually,” said Groefsema,


who kept


a hand in

issues to make your home

the family operation but

worked in farm manage-

more efficient and save you money.

209-826-4807 www.youngsair.com

ment for other corporations

for 13 years before


coming back to manage





the local






His emphasis, Groefsema

shared, is on using the

$6,500 $6,500

latest practices and technology

to maximize qual-


ity and production.

In Energy Upgrade See GROEFSEMA | Rebates

PAGE 3 In Energy In Upgrade In Energy Rebates Upgrade Young’s Rebates!

Air Conditioning is a HERO R

HERO is a Government sponsored pr

A Certified Energy Audit will help youAlearn

Certified Energy A Certified Audit will Energy help you Audit learn you





you learn

certain home improve

where you are using Young’s and losing energy Air Conditioning where and ways you are to using where is and ayou HERO losing are using energy Registered and and losing ways Contractor.


energy to low



ways to

rates and

reduce those issues HERO to make is a your Government home reduce those sponsored issues reduce to make those program RECEIVE your issues home to

20 which UP make

years. TO your enables Contact


us to learn more.

more efficient




savefinance you money.

certain more efficient home improvements. and save you money. HERO


provides low fixed-interest rates and payment terms up to

20 years. Contact us to learn more.

be every year,” he added.

After the family initially

purchasing land in

a district with marginal

water supplies, he added,

his grandfather and uncle

purchased land in the Central

California Irrigation


“It is gold,” he said of

the more reliable water

supply. “You can’t do anything

without good water.”

Enterprises operation, row

crops have given way to

Groefsema three years

ago rejoined the family

operation on a full-time

more efficient and save you money.


Whatever It Takes ®

In Energy Upgrade Rebates

Young’s Air Conditioning is a HERO RegisteredYoung’s Contractor. Air Conditioning Young’s is aAir HERO Conditioning Registered is Contractor. a HERO Registered Contractor.

HERO is a Government sponsored program which HERO enables is a Government HERO sponsored is a Government programsponsored which enables program which enables

you to finance certain home improvements. HERO you to finance certain home improvements. HERO

provides low fixed-interest rates and payment terms provides up low to fixed-interest rates and payment terms up to

20 years. Contact us to learn more. 20 years. Contact us to learn more.

Whatever It Takes ®


In Energy Upgrade

A Certified you to finance Energy certainAudit home improvements. will help you HEROlearn

provides low fixed-interest rates and payment terms up to

where you are using and losing energy and ways to

20 years. Contact us to learn more.

reduce those issues to make Whatever yourIthome

Whatever It Takes ® Takes ®

more efficient and save you money.

License #461520


A Certified Energy Audit will he

where you are using and losing en

reduce those issues to make

more efficient and save yo

Clay Groefsema manages family almond orchards in the Gustine area.

License #461520

License #461520

License #461520

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