AKO Electric fence 2020/21

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Electric Fence 2020/21

Your Electric Fence Experts




Dear customers,

We are delighted to present to you the AKO Electric Fence Supplies catalogue again in pasture

season 2020/2021. This year too, we would like to present our fence devices for various applications,

advanced solutions in the area of fence construction, and of course our new products in the

Accessories section.

AKO-Agrartechnik GmbH & Co. KG is one of the market leaders in Europe and has been renowned

for 70 years as a manufacturer of pasture fence energisers. We are a company with an international

mindset and we are part of the global Kerbl group of companies.

As the German inventor of the pasture fence energiser, we offer broad-based

expertise for your livestock in fields and paddocks. Our pasture fence energisers are produced

in Germany at our site in Wangen, in the Allgäu region. We are very proud to be one of the few

companies in our industry who really do still produce equipment that is „Made in Germany“.

This continues to guarantee maximum process control and quality for you. We are constantly working

to keep providing cutting-edge technology within given security parameters. All of our fence

devices are produced and tested in accordance with the latest versions of the European safety

standards and directives.

Our roots lie in animal husbandry and it is our constant endeavour to search for new and even

better solutions for animal breeding and husbandry, to facilitate the daily work of horse breeders,

farmers and animal lovers.

Be inspired by our new catalogue, our website and our podcasts featuring new products and

installation instructions in our online media collection.

Have fun reading!

Your AKO team

Kälberaufzucht 02 - 38

Sta lüberwachung - Geburtshilfe & Kälberaufzucht

Milchwirtschaft 39 - 78

Diätetika- und Kalziumpräparate - Euterhygiene - Melkhygiene - Milchtest - Filter & Milchschläuche -

Melkzubehör - Zitzengummi

Rinderzucht und -haltung 79 - 194

Enthornung - Saugentwöhnung - Bändigung & Anbindung - Huf- & Klauenpflege - Fe lpflege -

Markierung - Fu tertröge - Heuraufen - Tränkebecken & Frostschutz

Sta l- und Hofbedarf 195 - 256

Waagen & Meßgeräte - Abwiege- & Futterschaufeln - Schmiermi tel - Werkzeuge -

Feuchtemeßgeräte - Stall- & Hofbeleuchtung - Zu ren & Heben

Ungeziefer- & Schädlingsbekämpfung 257 - 283

Insektenbekämpfung - Fliegenvernichtung - Mäuse- & Ra tenbekämpfung - Wühlmausbekämpfung -


Schweinezucht & -haltung 284 - 316

Geburtshilfe & Aufzucht - Kastration - Kupieren - Zahnpflege - Beschäftigung & Bändigung - Tränken -

Ferkelschalen - Fu terautomaten - Nahrungsergänzung - künstliche Besamung - Markierung - Tätowierung

Veterinärbedarf 317 - 330

Dosier- & Selbsfü lerspritzen - Drencher - Einmalspritzen & Kanülen

Ohrmarkierung 331 - 333

Ohrmarken & Ohrmarkenzangen

Schafhaltung 334 - 362

Geburtshilfe & Aufzucht - Lammeimer & -flaschen - Gesundheit & Hygiene - Klauenpflege - Bändigung & Anbindung -

Schermaschinen - Tröge & Tränken - Markierung - Großraumhütte & Weidepanels - Schafnetze

Sehr geehrter Kunde,

Geflügelhaltung 363 - 387

Brutautomaten & Brutzubehör - Tränken & Futtertröge - Taubenhaltung - Markierung - Zuchtzubehör -

Geflügelstä le & Geflügelnetze

Kaninchenhaltung 388 - 402

Kaninchenstä le - Freilaufgehege - Tränken - Futterautomaten - Lecksteine

Arbeitsschutz 403 - 455

Arbeitsschutz- und -kleidung - Stiefel - Handschuhe - Mechanik - Driver - Garden - Montage -

Strick - Arbeit - Spezial - Winter / kalte Tage

wir freuen uns, Ihnen auch im Jahr 2017 wieder einen Agrarbedarf-Katalog

präsentieren zu können.

Die Kerbl-Gruppe bietet als Produzent und Großhändler mit über 10.000

katalogisierten Artikeln ein europaweit einzigartig breites, leistungsfähiges

und ständig den aktue len Trends angepasstes Sortiment an Zubehörartikeln

für Tierzucht und -haltung in den Bereichen Nutztier-/Agrarbedarf, Pferdeund

Reiterbedarf, Elektrozaun, Arbeit und Sicherheit, Hobbyfarming und


Diese Symbole erklären Ihnen unsere Verpackungseinheiten!

1 / 4 / 16

Die erste Zahl (1) zeigt

Ihnen die Verkaufseinheit

(Stück oder verkaufsfördernde

Verpackung) an. Es handelt

sich um die Preisbasis.

Die folgenden Zahlen (4 / 16)

zeigen Ihnen weitere

mögliche Verpackungseinheiten


Stück im


Stück im


6 25 3

Verkaufsfördernde Verpackung!

Die angegebene Zahl ist die

Stückzahl in der Verpackung.

Hier bezieht sich der Preis auf

die Verpackungseinheiten.

Das Unterneh

zurück und e

1984 mit W

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General Information 2

Electric fence units

230 Volt Power Supplies 23

12 Volt / 230 Volt DUO Units 33

12 Volt Battery Units 39

Solar Units and Panels 51

Solar Modules 54

Metal Battery Cases 59

Starter Kits 60

9 V Battery Energizers 63

Hobby Energizers and Hobby Fences 70


Electric Fence Batteries 74

Security Products and Fence Testers 78

Underground and Earthing Equipment 82

Connection and Grounding Accessories 84

Fencing Accessories 86

Warning Signs 87

Reels 88

Post Reel Systems 91


Wooden posts 120

Recycled Posts 122

T-Post System 124

Metal Posts 132

Plastic Posts 134

Fibreglass Posts 142


Ring Insulators 146

Slit Insulators 148

Special Insulators 149

Corner insulators / Tape Tensioners 150

Tape Insulators 152

Rope Insulators / Wire Insulators 154

Insulators with Metric Thread 156

Supplementary Insulators 158

Offset Insulators 159

Gate components

Gate Handle Insulators 160

Gate Handles 161

Gate Systems and Accessories 164

Conductors and Accessories

Fence Tapes 94

Fence Ropes 99

Polywires 103

Tape, Rope and Wire Connectors 108

Pasture Gates, Panels and Racks

Pasture Gates 168

Pasture Panels 171

Fodder Racks 174

Permanent Fencing Accessories

Fencing Wires 112

Premium Horse Wire 114

Permanent Fencing Accessories 115

Wire Connectors 119

Fence Netting

Sheep Netting 180

Poultry Netting 192

Defensive Netting 194

Wolf Defence Netting 196

Small Animal Nets 202

Net Accessories 204

Index 206


You will find these symbols in this catalogue.

Table symbols

Minimum purchase quantity

chreibung MA ​MQ ​ ​ ​ €

​ ​

This is the minimum order quantity for retail.

änkeeimer, eventil grau 3 3 6240 25 7,59 1/10/100 200 4,49

eeimer, Montageschlüssel transparent 10 1/10 -240 8,49 - 1/10/100 200 5,59

Tränkeeimer, grau 1/50 900



promotion packaging


MA​ ​ ​

​ €

The number quoted is the number contained

in the pack.

Here the price refers to the packaging units.

bertränkeeimer, er, grau 10 3 grau 240 6 7,59 240 25 1/10/100 7,59 240 7,59 200 4,49

tränkeeimer, ransparent Pieces transparent 1/10 10 in 240 Pieces 1/10 - in 8,49 Pieces 240 1/10 -per bag 1/10/100 8,49 240 8,49 200 5,59

each pack self-service-pack

imer, l für Tränkeeimer, grau 1/50 grau 900 1/50 2,39 900 1/50 2,39 900



MA chreibung

​ ​ ​​

​ €

nkeeimer, 3 grau 6 25 1/10/100 240 200 7,59 4,49

eeimer, 10 transparent - - 1/10/100 240 200 8,49 5,59



grau 1/50 900



​ ​ ​

​ € ​ €

änkeeimer, 25grau 1/10/100 200 200 4,49 240 7,59

eeimer, transparent - 1/10/100 200 1/10 5,59 240 8,49

Tränkeeimer, grau 1/50 900



retail price

​ ​ €

25 1/10/100 200 240 200 4,49 4,49

chreibung - 1/10/100 240 200 8,49 5,59​ ​ €




900 2,39


240 7,59

eeimer, 1/10/100 transparent 200 4,49

240 8,49

Tränkeeimer, 1/10/100 grau200 5,59

900 2,39

Minimum purchase quantity! This figure (3) shows you the smallest packaging unit, in pieces.

The first figure (1) shows you the unit of sale (number or sale-promoting package).

It is the price basis. The following figures (10 / 100) show you other possible packaging units.

The number indicated here tells you the total number of pieces per pallet.

All prices provided are the manufacturer‘s recommended retail prices and are inclusive of VAT.

The price quoted in the catalogue applies to one unit or one sales-promoting pack.

All items marked with this icon must be shipped by freight carrier due to the nature of their scale/size or weight.

This creates separate freight costs! Optimise freight costs by ordering entire pallet units!

Animal types

You will find animal icons on many products. These indicate usage for certain animal types

Better product presentation with videos and 360 ° photo player

Product videos


360° photo player

Product images

You can now find out even more about our products in

appealing, informative and attractive product videos.

All features and functions are shown live in action. We also

present applications that some people may not have previously

been aware of. Explanatory and installation videos

facilitate operation and clarify features. In this way, we are

trying to answer questions on products in advance and also

provide you with real added value.

We are also offering complete 360° views of selected

products in addition to our high-resolution professional

product photos.

This means you have the option of viewing the product

from all sides in advance and to enlarge it extremely close-up,

in high resolution and with completely sharp focus.

Although you still cannot touch it, you can get a much

better, more real feel for the product.

While we can only show you the essential illustrations of

a product in our catalogue, we can also provide you with

additional digital photos such as detail and application


The full range of our available product images, 360°

images and videos can be found on our website. Directly

below the product illustrations, you will see buttons that

allow you to enlarge the photos or, if available, call up a

video or 360° image.

Just on the right, next to the picture of the product, is the

download box in which you can find further information

such as brochures or operating instructions.

You can also find all the videos on our YouTube channel, clearly

divided into all product categories. Simply scan the QR code or go to


Subscribe to our channel so you don’t miss any more new films!


AKO is not “JUST” a brand

AKO has over 70 years of development expertise in the field of fence devices and fence construction!

• Production of all fence devices that are “made in Germany” … at the German site in Wangen im Allgäu!

• 3 year warranty on all our devices

• in-house research, 3D design & electronics development ... our own development team focuses exclusively

on the further and new development of device technology in accordance with the latest safety standards!

• 100 % quality control ... every fence device is checked to ensure its function and performance!

Our excellent service and superb quality make us a partner you can rely on!

AKO is an

Albert Kerbl GmbH brand

AKO-Agrartechnik GmbH & Co. KG:

Wangen im Allgäu

Albert Kerbl GmbH:

Lager Ampfing


Fence advice

Hotline +49 8086 933-577

Our fence experts would be happy to help you with problems

of all types related to your fencing system. Is your AKO fence

device flashing red and you cannot tell why? Is your fence

suddenly without power and you cannot find the error? We will

find the solution together!

For simple queries, it is best to send us an e-mail to

fencing@kerbl.com. If you have a more complex problem,

please feel free to contact us by phone.

Our professional fence construction partner is just what you

need for the proper planning of your complete fence system

along with its set-up.


My Manual


You can download the current user guide and conformity

declarations for your fence device at any time from www.


You can find the sticker

with the item number of

your device directly on

your device.

Here you’ll find

Operating instructions

Device-specific information

Declarations of conformity

Our declaration of which EU directives and

standards the device conforms to.

General information

General information on setting up a

fence system.

Please pay close attention to the version number when entering the item number of your device.


Social Media

AKO goes Social Media

In future we will inform you regularly about

exciting new products, current topics, trade

fairs and events, and we will always keep you

up to date on Facebook and Instagram.

On our YouTube channel we provide you with a

wide selection of useful explanatory and set-up

videos relating to many of our products.

Please contact us if you have questions;

we look forward to an informative discussion!


Social Media


New products and offers

Always up to the minute!


Always keep up to date!

For all new products and offers, simply scan the

code below, or visit us at www.ako-agrar.de.

We are also happy to advise you about this personally

via telephone at any time.


New products and offers


This is how an electric fence system works!

The electric fence system consists of:

A) An electric fencer generating regular energy impulses.

B) One or more wires that transport electricity (although these do not necessarily have to form a closed loop).

C) Insulation is performed by insulators preventing the power from diverting into the ground.

D) Permanent or mobile posts that can be used as required.

E) The earthing of the electric fencer which should be driven as deep as possible into moist soil.

If the animal touches the wire, a current circuit is closed, i.e. the electric current flows through the animal and the earth back to

the unit. The animal consequently receives an unpleasant, although harmless, electric shock and retreats. An electric fence system

of this kind is used successfully to pen animals in and also to keep other animals out.

Make sure there are at least 2500 volts everywhere on the fence line!

A) Fence device

B) Conductor material

C) Insulators

D) Posts

E) Ground posts


Explanation of technical terms


Earthing is an important part of the electric circuit. To make sure the current flows back without

hindrance through the soil to the fencer, there has to be the best contact possible between ground rod

and soil (soil with hardly no moisture conducts inadequately). When driving in the ground rod look for

moist spots, i.e. the ground rod must be of sufficient length to reach deepsub-soil moisture.

Fence Voltage and Impulse Energy

The peak of an electric impulse generated by the fencer is called fence-voltage. High voltage is

necessary to create a proper channel between fence wire and body of the animal. There has to be a

minimum voltage of about 2500 volts. (For thick-coated animals we recommend a minimum voltage

of 4000 volts). Now the current (impulse energy) can flow through this channel. This means that the

efficiency of shock depends on the amount of impulse energy (voltage alone does not hurt!). The more

stubborn an animal is the more power should be used to enclose or keep off. Furthermore, the need of

more impulse energy rises according to the length of the fence line and its possible loss (e.g. vegetation).

The more power is delivered by a fencing unit, the higher its power consumption. With regard to

the impulse energy we recommend to make a careful choice especially when battery or rechargeable

battery operated energizers are concerned.

Fence Resistance

As well as sufficient impulse energy, you also need highly conductive fence material to achieve the

maximum shock possible and to make sure that there is minimum loss in the energy delivered to the

animal, and no energy fade beforehand. The conductor resistance is a measure for assessing the fence

material. It is specified in Ohm/meter. The smaller this value, the better the material conducts. The

longer the fence, the better must be the conductivity of the chosen material. The best materials have

a resistance < 1 Ω/m; poorer materials exceed 4 Ω/m. Investigations have shown that, in addition to

very good conductivity, which is achieved mostly by copper wire, long-term durability (e.g. by means

of stainless steel wires with poor conductivity) is decisive for the security of an electric fence. Here,

our proven TriCOND material provides the necessary compromise, and is renowned for outstanding


combined with extended durability.>

What kilometre figures should you base your decision on?

Kilometre figures are often highly theoretical values that are based on the best possible conditions

(wire conductivity, connections, insulation status, ground conditions, earthing) in the fence system.

These conditions change constantly, however, due to the influences of weather. It is therefore important

to achieve the minimum protective voltage of 2,500 Volt at each point of the fence system in all



Testing the fence device


too little power in the fence!

The fence device check

Check the voltage at the fence using a fence tester!

Robust animals:

at least 4,000 Volt?

Sensitive animals:

at least 2,500 Volt?


the device


Disconnect the fence directly

at the device, but leave the

earth connection untouched

• replace the 9 Volt battery

• charge the 12 Volt battery

• have the 230 Volt supply

checked by a specialist

Check the output voltage

directly on the device using

the fence tester!


the device


Tip 1


Tip 2

Is the power supply

to the device OK?


Voltage above

6,000 Volt?




Reconnect the device

with the fence


the device



the device


Check the voltage at the fence using a fence tester!

Robust animals:

at least 4,000 Volt?

Sensitive animals:

at least 2,500 Volt?





Problem resolved

Checking the fence supply line

The fence supply line & earthing check


Check the fence voltage at the end

Tip 3 Tip 4

of the fence supply line!


the device


Voltage above 6,000 Volt?



Supply line from the

device to the fence

is faulty


the device


Reconnect the fence supply line to the fence!

Check the voltage at the fence using a fence tester!

Robust animals:

at least 4,000 Volt?

Sensitive animals:

at least 2,500 Volt?




Checking the fence system & earthing


Check the earthing Measure the

voltage directly at the earthing spike!

Tip 5

Tip 7

Voltage directly at the earthing

space above 1,000 Volt?



Fault in the fence

Voltage loss at the fence

Tip 6

Improve earthing

Check the voltage at the fence using a fence tester!

Sensitive animals:

at least 2,500 Volt?

Robust animals:

at least 4,000 Volt?






Useful tips from our experts

General tips

Tip 1

1. Remove the knurled nuts from the earthing and fence output

2. Contact the earth output on the device using the

fence tester’s earthing rod

3. Contact the fence output on the device using the fence tester

Tip 3

1. Switch the device off

2. Disconnect the fence supply cable at the fence

3. Switch the device back on

4. Using the fence tester, measure the voltage at the end

of the fence supply line cable

Tip 5

How do I measure voltage directly on the earthing rod?

1. Short-circuit the fence wire approximately 10 m

away from the device earthing using iron rods

2. Check the voltage directly at the earthing rod

using a digital voltmeter

Tip 2

1. 9 volt battery: flashing red battery is flat

2. 12 volt rechargeable battery: flashing red battery is flat

3. 230 Volt mains power: LED not flashing no power supply

Tip 4

1. Underground fence supply line

The underground cable is faulty use an underground cable

resistant to high voltages

2. Underground fence supply line

Check the fence supply line for diversions / interruptions (e.g. is the

supply line contacting the building, e.g. ivy, guttering, shrubbery,


Tip 6

1. Insert earthing rods to a depth of at least 1 m away from

the building into damp soil

2. Insert multiple earthing rods at intervals of at least 3 m

and connect them

3. Earthing rods must be made of non-rusting material,

e.g. stainless steel, or must be galvanised

Tip 7

1. Vegetation on the fence remove it!

2. Conductive material lying on the ground tie / bind it up

3. Poor conductive material replace with material that has good

conductive properties (< 1 Ohm/m)

4. Conductive material is knotted use stainless steel ties

5. Insulator breaks through replace with new insulator

6. Broken metal conductor wires replace conductive material

7. Improve conductivity connect conductive material series with

each other vertically at intervals of around 200 m


How many wires in which height?

≈ 160 cm

≈ 165 cm

≈ 100 cm

≈ 115 cm

≈ 60 cm

≈ 65 cm

Electric Fence for Dairy Cows

Recommendation: 10 mm tape,


Electric Fence for Bulls, Cattle and

Suckler Cows with Calves

Recommendation: 10 mm tape,


Electric Fence for Big Horses

Recommendation: rope or tape up

to 40 mm

Electric Fence for Jumping Horses

Recommendation: Rope, Wide Tape

up to 40 mm

When keeping domestic pigs, an exterior, wild animal density fence (metal

hinge joint fencing) is required in addition to the interior electric fence!

≈ 140 cm

≈ 90 cm

≈ 40 cm

Electric Fence for Small Horses

Recommendation: 10 mm tape, rope

Electric Fences for Sheep

Recommendation: sheep netting,

electric wire, polywire

Electric Fences for Goats

Recommendation: electric wire,


Electric Fences for Pigs Recommendation:

10 mm tape, polywire

≈ 80 cm

≈ 50 cm

≈ 20 cm

Deterring Wild Boars Recommendation:

AKO Wild animal deterrent

net, 10 mm tape, polywire

Electric Fences for Hens

Recommendation: poultry netting,


Electric Fences for Geese

Recommendation: poultry netting,

tape, polywire

Electric Fences for Tall Dogs Recommendation:

Hobbyset, polywire

≈ 60 cm

≈ 50 cm

≈ 25 cm

≈ 10 cm

≈ 40 cm

≈ 20 cm

≈ 45 cm

≈ 30 cm

≈ 15 cm

Electric Fences for Small Dogs Recommendation:

Hobbyset, polywire

Electric Fences for Cats Recommendation:

Hobbyset, polywire

Electric Fence to deter Herons Recommendation:

Hobbyset, polywire

Electric Fence for Rabbits Recommendation:

rabbit netting, polywire

The specifications like fence heights are only approximate and need to be adapted to the

animal species you wish to fence in. Please observe regional regulations if applicable!


Choosing the fence device

230 Volt power supplies - the FIRST CHOICE if a mains socket is available!

These units have an unlimited protection period. They are available in all of the necessary power classes and

are they best means of delivering the energy required (0.5 Joule up to 14.5 Joule output) on long fences or

fences with vegetation, or for very robust animals. The higher energies of course do not harm the animals. All

fence devices comply with applicable safety standards. If mobile use is intended, e.g. at tournaments, on trail or

distance rides or simply on frequently changing pastures where there is no 230 Volt power supply available, you

must resort to a battery-powered unit. For fences with heavier vegetative growth, 9 Volt compact solar units are

inadequate and 12 Volt units must be used.

12 volt battery-powered units - strong performance even on fences with heavier vegetative growth!

If no 230 volt connection is available, then 12 volt battery devices are the optimum solution for very strong

animals, long fences and/or fences with vegetative growth. The discharge energy is comparable with mains

devices (from around 0.5 Joules to around 15 Joules of output). 12 volt rechargeable wet batteries are used

as a power source. Depending on the type of device, power requirements and battery type, they must be

recharged after 1 to 4 weeks. Solar modules are a useful addition which convert solar energy into electricity,

and thus to permanently charge the 12 volt batteries.

12/230 Volt DUO units - maximum flexibility combined with powerful output energies!

Units of this type combine the unlimited protection duration of the 230 Volt devices with the mobility of

powerful 12 Volt devices. A 12 Volt cable and 230 Volt adapter are included in the supplied package.

9 Volt dry battery units he ideal devices for smaller fences and paddocks!

9 Volt battery units are suitable for shorter fence lengths without vegetative growth. They are highly mobile and

significantly lighter compared to 12 Volt units. The 9 Volt battery runs for a few months and can even cover an

entire pasture season depending on the operating time, battery type and size (expressed in Ah - the more Ah,

Ampere hours, the longer it runs for). Once it is discharged, it cannot be recharged. 9 Volt units (even if these

can also be operated with 12 Volt batteries) are weaker than 12 Volt units. 9 Volt units in this instance typically

deliver approx. 0.15 Joules to around 0.35 Joules. High-impact 9 Volt units can deliver up to 0.55 Joules.

Compact solar units

Compact solar units from the CLASSIC range – similar to 9 volt devices for smaller fences without vegetative

growth, or: AKO SunPOWER from the EXPERT range = extremely powerful, mobile compact solar units.

Mono-crystalline solar modules in combination with our high-performance solar fence devices are able to supply

power to fences which are many kilometres in length. Even after a whole week without direct sunlight, these

fence devices still have sufficient power to supply your fence with sufficient current. These special devices are

outstandingly suited for fencing relatively large areas. Sufficient voltage is supplied everywhere along the fence,

without the requirement for a socket anywhere nearby!

The 12 volt AGM battery is integrated, and is constantly charged via the solar module built into the housing. If

the battery has to be topped up, it can be recharged using the 230 volt mains adapter supplied.


12 Volt GPS units

Mobile geolocation & operation

The new GPS Detektiv from AKO permits constant mobile location via a call and

the switching on and off of your 12 Volt electric fence unit via SMS. Each status

message you receive by SMS from your electric fence unit tells you:

• the location’s coordinates

• the unit’s identification number

• the speed between the last two measurements

• the current voltage of the buffer battery on the GPS module

• as well as the current voltage of the 12 Volt main power supply.

A smartphone with mobile Internet access allows you to click the coordinates directly and therefore track your unit via Google Maps.

The mobile “SMS ON/OFF” switching function allows you to switch the unit OFF temporarily to enable repairs to your fence at the

site of the fault and subsequently switch it back ON again without having to return to the electric fence system.

Alarm messages are sent automatically by SMS if:

• your fence energiser is moved out of a radius of approx. 300 m when the ‘anti-theft’ mode (shift function) is active.

• the voltage of the 12 V main power supply falls below 11.8 V.

• the voltage of the internal buffer battery falls below 3.7 volts.

If the electric fence unit is disconnected from the 12 Volt main power supply, the energiser notifies you by SMS of this, however the

energiser will continue to be supplied with power via an internal buffer battery for around another 24 hours, thereby enabling the

fault to be localised further. After this time, the energiser will only be able to send status messages again once it has been reconnected

to a 12 Volt supply.


Explanation of symbols

Symbols Description Unit Explanation

​ Grounding Piece

In order to enable electricity to flow freely from the ground to the device, optimal contact should

be ensured between the earthing rod and soil (dry soil is a poor electricity conductor). The earthing

rod (which must be galvanised) should therefore be driven into a damp area, or the length of

the earthing rod should be measured to ensure that deeper, damper soil layers are reached. The

recommended number of earthing rods depends on the power class of the device.

​ Resistance Ohms

The following resistance can be identified in a fence system:

Earthing resistance should be as low as possible

Conductive material resistance displayed in Ohm/metres. The smaller this value, the better

the material‘s conductivity. The conductivity requirements of the material used increase with the

length of the fence. The best materials have a resistance smaller than 0.25 Ω/m.

Isolator resistance should be as high as possible

​ Max. Voltage Volts This voltage is reached with a low fence charge.

​ Voltage in Open Circuit Volts Voltage when no fence system is connected to the electric fencer device.

​ Voltage at 500 Ohms Volts Voltage at a fence charge of 500 Ohm.

​ Stored Energy Joules

Energy absorbed by device. The electric fender efficiency ratio yields the relevant discharge energy

value for the user.

​ Max. Output Joules

Maximum energy transmitted from the device to the fence system. This pulse is also identified as

shock strength.

​ Output Energy Joules

Minimum energy transmitted from the device to the fence system. This can be reached through a

fence output with reduced power or through selecting the lowest power level of an electric fencer


​ Foal Protection Switch ​

Users can activate the foal protection switch as needed. If an animal should get caught in the

fence, a considerably prolonged pulse interval (up to 60 sec.) does not excessively stress the animal

and also increases the likelihood of it freeing itself. In parallel, the device emits an acoustic

and visual alarm.


Explanation of symbols

Symbols Description Unit Explanation

Theor. Fence Length VDE

(2000 V)


With fence lengths in accordance with VDE, only a theoretical value is given, which, as a result of

various influences (fence flora, weather and soil conditions) cannot be reached in practice.

Max. Fence Length

with Varying

Vegetative Growth


Flora on the fence has a considerable influence on the max. fence length for an electric fence

device. The more vegetation on the fence, the higher the fence charge will be, thus reducing

the max. fence length. The fence length indications refer to highly conductive wire material and

connectors, good isolators and an optimal earthing system!

Approx. Number

of Electrifiable Nets


For 230 V and 12 V devices, the maximum number of 50 m lines to be used is given.

​ Voltage Supply 230 V Volts

Devices with power supplies (230 V) have an unlimited protection duration. These are available in

all necessary power classes and are the best solution for power provision to long fences. Even in

the event of heavy vegetation, sufficient energy is supplied to the fence.

Voltage Supply

12 V or 12 V Solar


12 Volt battery chargers are the ideal solution for long fences or fences with considerable

amounts of vegetation in the event that no power supply is available. The discharge energy can

be compared to the power supply units. Rechargeable 12 Volt wet cells are used as a source of

power. A useful addition are solar modules, which are offered in a range of power classes and

transform solar energy into electricity.

Voltage Supply

230 V or 12 V


This type of device combines the unlimited protection duration of the 230 Volt devices with the

mobility of the powerful 12 Volt devices.

​ Voltage Supply 9 V Volts

The 9 Volt dry battery devices are characterised by their excellent mobility, coupled with a long

battery life. They are ideal for short fences with moderate vegetation if no power supply is available.

Voltage Supply

2 x 1.5 V


3 Volt devices are mobile and easy to handle, and are suitable for fences without vegetation, such

as in gardens or horse-training paddocks.

​ Power Consumption mA

The duration of the battery life can be calculated from the energy consumption along with the

capacity of the battery.


AKO Device Series

We have divided our range by various criteria, to help you choose the right device:

3-year warranty




• digital displays for easy reading of all important information about

the device and fence system

• powerful devices for the highest standards – long fence systems and

difficult conditions are no problem

• intelligent adaptation to the condition of the fence or alarm functions

ensure the highest level of safety for humans and animals

digital display



• LED displays allow for easy visual monitoring of the current fence

and device status at a glance

• devices with high output power for demanding fences

• good equipment means a high level of flexibility in application

LED display



• Function indicators show deficiencies in the fence by flashing red.

• Low-cost entry-level devices designed for standard fencing.

• sturdy equipment suitable for hobbyists as well as for demanding usage

Control lamp


Overview of electric fences

230 V Mains Energizers

DUO Units

(12 V / 230 V)

12 volt battery-operated device


(12 V)

9 Volt Dry Battery Energizers



N 700 71 10.000 V 0,55 J 5,0 km 1,0 km 0,5 km • • • • •

N 1200 31 12.500 V 1,20 J 10,0 km 2,0 km 1,0 km • • • • • • • •

N 3500 31 11.500 V 3,50 J 20,0 km 6,0 km 2,5 km • • • • • •

N 4800 31 9.000 V 4,80 J 30,0 km 8,0 km 4,0 km • • • • • •

N 5000 29 10.000 V 5,00 J 45,0 km 8,0 km 4,5 km • • • • • •

Ni 7000 29 10.000 V 7,50 J 70,0 km 15,0 km 7,5 km • • • • • •

Ni 10000 29 10.200 V 10,00 J 80,0 km 18,0 km 9,0 km • • • • • •

NDi 2500 27 9.300 V 2,50 J 25,0 km 5,0 km 2,0 km • • • •

NDi 4500 27 10.000 V 4,50 J 40,0 km 10,0 km 4,0 km • • • • • •

NDi 6500 25 10.000 V 6,50 J 60,0 km 12,0 km 6,0 km • • • • • •

NDi 10000 25 10.200 V 10,00 J 80,0 km 18,0 km 9,0 km • • • • • •

NDi 15000 25 10.200 V 14,50 J 100,0 km 22,0 km 12,0 km • • • • • •

X 1000 36 10.500 V 1,60 J 10,0 km 1,5 km 0,8 km • • • • • • •

X 2500 36 9.600 V 2,00 J 18,0 km 4,0 km 1,7 km • • • •

X 4000 36 9.600 V 3,00 J 35,0 km 12,0 km 5,0 km • • • •

XDi 10000 35 10.000 V 10,00 J 80,0 km 18,0 km 10,0 km • • • • • •

XDi 15000 35 10.000 V 15,00 J 100,00 km 22,0 km 14,0 km • • • • • •

Savanne 2000 46 9.600 V 1,90 J 20,0 km 5,0 km 2,0 km • • • • • • •

Savanne 3000 46 9.600 V 3,00 J 35,0 km 12,0 km 5,0 km • • • • • •

A 2000 49 9.600 V 2,00 J 18,0 km 4,0 km 1,7 km • • • • • • • •

A 3300 49 10.200 V 3,30 J 28,0 km 6,0 km 3,0 km • • • • • • • •

A 1200 47 10.700 V 1,40 J 10,0 km 5,0 km 1,5 km • • • • • • • •

AD 2000 digital 43 10.500 V 2,10 J 20,0 km 8,0 km 3,0 km • • • • • •

AD 3000 digital 43 10.800 V 3,00 J 30,0 km 10,0 km 4,0 km • • • • •

AD 5000 digital 43 11.000 V 4,60 J 38,0 km 14,0 km 5,5 km • • • • • •

AN 3100 45 10.200 V 3,50 J 33,0 km 12,0 km 4,5 km • • • •

AN 5500 45 10.300 V 4,80 J 43,0 km 17,0 km 7,0 km • • • • • •

AN 5500 digital 41 10.000 V 5,00 J 43,0 km 17,0 km 7,0 km • • • • • •

S 250 55 10.500 V 0,25 J 3,0 km 0,7 km - • • • • •

S 800 53 12.000 V 0,80 J 10,0 km 1,5 km 0,8 km • • • • •

S 1500 53 10.000 V 1,50 J 15,0 km 3,0 km 1,5 km • • • • •

S 3000 53 10.500 V 3,00 J 35,0 km 6,0 km 3,0 km • • • •

B 40 71 8.500 J 0,03 J 0,2 km - - • • • • •

B 140 69 8.400 V 0,16 J 2,0 km 0,5 km - • • • • •

B 240 multi 69 8.800 V 0,24 J 3,0 km 0,6 km - • • • • • • • •

B 250 plus 67 10.500 V 0,25 J 3,0 km 0,7 km - • • • • • • •

B 500 plus 67 9.000 V 0,50 J 9,0 km 6,0 km 1,8 km • • • • • • • •

BD 300 digital 65 11.000 V 0,30 J 6,0 km 4,0 km 1,5 km • • • • • • •

BD 400 digital 65 11.400 V 0,40 J 8,0 km 5,5 km 1,7 km • • • • • • •

BD 600 digital 65 11.700 V 0,55 J 10,0 km 7,0 km 2,0 km • • • • • • • •



230 V Mains Energizers

AKO’s power stations for even the toughest fence requirements!

230 Volt power supplies have an unlimited protection period. They come in

all performance categories and are the best for providing the power required

for long or vegetation-covered fences and/or for very robust animals (0.5

joules to 14.5 joules output). Naturally, the higher energies do not cause

harm to either humans or animals. All AKO devices meet the applicable safety


3-year warranty


The advantages at a glance:

• low energy costs

• low maintenance

• high output

• vegetation-resistant

Recommended accessories:

(not included)

Ground Rod with

T-profile 1 m ref. no. 44615

T-profile 2 m ref. no. 441369

Underground Cable

see page 83

Lightning Choke

ref. no. 44601

AKO Warning Sign

ref. no. 446513

Digital Voltmeter

ref. no. 441228


230 Volt Power Supplies Premium


The smart 230 volt power supply line by AKO – extremely effective, for very robust

animals and for very long fences even with vegetation!

• AKO NDi devices automatically adapt to the fence status, ensuring the highest security

and making your work easier by damaging vegetation growth to some degree

• The delayed power adjustment makes touching the fence safer for people and animals

• the fence is constantly monitored by an alarm function, which triggers an alarm

and slows the pulse sequence if the fence is touched for an extended period of time

Monitoring: Fence output voltage

Fence output voltage display in kilovolts.

This enables identification of even the

smallest changes in the fence‘s condition.

Monitoring: Earth voltage

Earth voltage display in kilovolts. The

lower the displayed value, the better the

device‘s earth connection.

Monitoring: energy consumption

Continuous display of energy consumption

in %.

The smaller the reading, the less energy

the device is consuming.

Bi-colour flashing LED lights support the

corresponding LCD display value.

Green flashing = displayed value is


Red flashing = the value does not meet

minimum requirements. Please fix faults!


Fitted with two fence output

terminals „out“




230 Volt Power Supplies Premium

20,00 J

Power Profi

NDi 15000 digital

• ultra high-capacity power supply unit with

intelligent power adjustment that uses the

maximum permissible limit values

• for extremely long fences,

heavy vegetation and very robust animals

14,00 J

Power Profi

NDi 10000 Digital

• extremely high-capacity power supply unit with

intelligent power adjustment

• for robust animal species such as cattle, sheep,

horses and for deterring wild animals; for very

long fences with heavier vegetative growth

8,20 J

Power Profi

NDi 6500 Digital

• high-capacity power supply unit with intelligent

power adjustment

• for robust animal species such as cows, sheep,

horses and for deterring wild animals; for long

fences with heavy vegetative growth

Digital Display Readout for Fence and

Earth Voltage and Energy Consumption

Digital Display Readout for Fence and

Earth Voltage and Energy Consumption

Digital Display Readout for

Fence and Earth Voltage

ref. no.

372815 1 ​

ref. no.

372810 1 ​

ref. no.

372806 1 ​

type ref. no.

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

NDi 6500 372806 8.20 J 6.50 J 0.50 J 10,000 V 9,500 V 6,500 V 180.0 km 60.0 km 12.0 km 6.0 km 20 5 3 7 W

NDi 10000 372810 14.00 J 10.00 J 0.55 J 10,200 V 9,600 V 6,900 V 300.0 km 80.0 km 18.0 km 9.0 km 25 5 3 13 W

NDi 15000 372815 20.00 J 14.50 J 0.60 J 10,200 V 9,500 V 7,000 V 350.0 km 100.0 km 22.0 km 12.0 km 30 5 3 18 W


230 Volt Power Supplies Premium

The new, inexpensive, intelligent, 230 Volt power supply line from AKO with a digital

display – very powerful – but also ideal for cattle and horse husbandry – our ideal

all-round devices – even with vegetation! AKO NDi devices automatically adapt to the

fence status, ensuring the highest security and making your work easier by damaging

vegetation growth to some degree


Fitted with two fence

output terminals „out“




230 Volt Power Supplies Premium


6,00 J

Power Profi NDi 4500 ​

• extremely powerful 230 volt power supply

• can be used with medium to heavy vegetation

• our all-round device for demanding applications

• ideal for very robust animals such as cattle, sheep and

for deterring wild animals – also for long horse fences

3,50 J

Power Profi NDi 2500 ​

• powerful 230 V power supply unit

• can be used with light to medium vegetative growth

• universal for all standard fences

• ideal for horses, cattle, sheep, goats and chickens

Digital Display Readout for Fence and Earth Voltage

Digital Display Readout for Fence and Earth Voltage

ref. no.

372802 1 ​

ref. no.

372800 1 ​

type ref. no.

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

NDi 4500 372802 6.00 J 4.50 J 10,000 V 9,500 V 6,100 V 120.0 km 40.0 km 10.0 km 4.0 km 12 3 1 7 W

NDi 2500 372800 3.50 J 2.50 J 9,300 V 9,300 V 6,000 V 70.0 km 25.0 km 5.0 km 2.0 km 7 3 1 6 W


230 Volt Power Supplies Expert

• extremely powerful 230 volt mains energisers

• for very strong animals and for very long fences – even with vegetative growth

• bright LED displays allow for easy visual monitoring of the

current fence and device status at a glance


Control the fence voltage

Control the earthing status

Control the energy consumption


Fitted with two fence output terminals





230 Volt Power Supplies Expert

14,00 J

Power Profi Ni 10000 ​

• extremely powerful 230 volt mains energiser

• for long fences with heavy vegetative growth

• designed for robust species such as cattle,

sheep, horses and deterring wild animals

• the fence is constantly monitored by an alarm

function, which triggers an alarm and slows the

pulse sequence if the fence is touched for an

extended period of time

• very low power consumption in normal operating


10,00 J

Power Profi Ni 7000

• extremely powerful 230 volt mains energiser

• for long fences with heavy vegetation

• designed for robust species such as cattle,

sheep, horses and deterring wild animals

• The fence is constantly monitored by an alarm

function, which triggers an alarm and slows the

pulse sequence if the fence is touched for an

extended period of time

• greatly reduced power consumption in normal


7,00 J

Power Profi N 5000 ​

• very effective 230 volt power supply

• can be used with medium to heavy vegetative


• our all-round device for all types of animal

2-colour LED lights for output voltage,

earthing status and power consumption

2-colour LED lights for output voltage,

earthing status and power consumption

Multi-colour LED Bar Graph Display for

Monitoring Fence and Earth Voltage

ref. no.

372811 1 ​

ref. no.

372807 1 ​

ref. no.

372804 1 ​

type ref. no.

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

N 5000 372804 7.00 J 5.00 J 0.55 J 10,000 V 9,200 V 6,800 V 140.0 km 45.0 km 8.0 km 4.5 km 15 3 1 7 W

Ni 7000 372807 10.00 J 7.50 J 0.55 J 10,000 V 9,500 V 6,700 V 230.0 km 70.0 km 15.0 km 7.5 km 20 5 3 9 W

Ni 10000 372811 14.00 J 10.00 J 0.55 J 10,200 V 9,600 V 6,900 V 300.0 km 80.0 km 18.0 km 9.0 km 25 5 3 13 W


230 Volt Power Supplies Classic

Our all-round devices for demanding applications

• can be used with light to heavy vegetative growth


N 1200: Function light N 3500:

combines fence voltage

and earthing control

N 4800: Multicolour LED bar graph

display for monitoring the fence status



230 Volt Power Supplies Classic

Top Seller

6,70 J

Power N 4800 ​

• incredibly effective 230 volt power supply

• can be used with medium to heavy vegetative


• our all-round device for demanding applications

- ideal for horses, cattle, sheep, goat and

deterring wild animals

5,50 J

Power N 3500 ​

• very effective 230 volt all-round power supply

• can be used with light to medium vegetative


• universally suitable for standard fences

• ideal for horses, cows, sheep, goats, chickens

1,70 J

Power N 1200 ​

• effective 230 volt power supply

• for short fences and low vegetation

• ideal for small horse paddocks

Multi-colour LED Bar Graph Display

for Monitoring Fence Status

Combined fence voltage and

earthing control LED

Function indicator light

ref. no.

372886 1 ​

ref. no.

372883 1 ​

ref. no.

372881 1 ​

type ref. no.

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

N 1200 372881 1.70 J 1.20 J 12,500 V 9,000 V 3,400 V 40.0 km 10.0 km 2.0 km 1.0 km 3 1 - 5 W

N 3500 372883 5.50 J 3.50 J 11,500 V 10,000 V 5,700 V 90.0 km 20.0 km 6.0 km 2.5 km 9 2 - 7 W

N 4800 372886 6.70 J 4.80 J 9,000 V 8,600 V 5,700 V 130.0 km 30.0 km 8.0 km 4.0 km 12 3 1 7 W



DUO Units (12 V / 230 V)

DUO Units 2 in 1

12/230 Volt DUO units - maximum flexibility combined with powerful output

energies! Two energy sources possible – 230 volt mains supply or 12 volt

battery. The device can therefore be used with permanent fencing with 230 volt

mains supply and also with mobile fencing with 12 volt batteries.

3-year warranty


Recommended accessories:

(not included)

Ground Rod with round

profile ref. no. 44619

All-Weather Mains Adapter DUO ​

• for connection to a 230 Volt supply

• not suitable as a battery charger

• especially suitable for outdoor use

• suitable for 372871, 372872, 372874

Underground Cable

see page 83

Metal Battery Box

ref. no. 44656

AKO Warning Sign

ref. no. 446513

ref. no.

371024 1/60 ​

12 volt, 88 Ah AGM battery

ref. no. 441203

Battery Charger

ref. no. 371017/011

Digital Voltmeter

ref. no. 441228


Duo Units Premium


• extremely high output voltage even under high loads

• extra large, clearly-arranged, permanently lit digital display

• LED bar graph display for quick recognition of the current fence status and for

monitoring the device from a greater distance

• fence impulse optimally adjusted to the fence load, highest security with minimum

energy consumption due to the AKO Powertronic

• micro-controller controlled

• high safety corresponding to the latest safety standards

• solar support possible

• high/low mode – so that it can also be switched ON/OFF

• incl. fence and ground connection cable, 230 Volt connection cable and 12 Volt

power pack

Supplied package:

230 volt Power Pack

Art. Nr. 371030

12 Volt Connector Cable

Art. Nr. AKO269790

Ground connection


Fence connecting


Output voltage

Battery Voltage

Reference ground

connection cable

Fence loop voltage

Earth potential


Reference Earth


Fence Loop Input


Fence Output

(strong / weak selectable)


Duo Units Premium

20,00 J

Power Station XDi 15000 Digital ​

• ultra powerful 12 / 230 Volt DUO unit

• for long fences with heavy vegetation

• for very robust animals such as bulls, sheep and for deterring wild animals

15,00 J

Power Station XDi 10000 Digital ​

• extremely powerful 12 / 230 Volt DUO unit

• for long fences with heavy vegetation

• for robust animals such as bulls, cattle, sheep and for keeping

wild animals at bay

Recommended solar module: 375999 (100 W)

with ground anchor 442382

Recommended solar module: 375999 (100 W)

with ground anchor 442382

ref. no.

372935 1 ​

ref. no.

372930 1 ​

type ref. no.

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

XDi 10000 372930 15,00 J 10,00 J 10.000 V 9.000 V 7.200 V 300,0 km 80,0 km 18,0 km 10,0 km 25 5 3 240 - 700 mA

XDi 15000 372935 20,00 J 15,00 J 10.000 V 9.000 V 7.200 V 350,0 km 100,0 km 22,0 km 14,0 km 30 5 3 240 - 1100 mA


Duo Units Classic

• optimized consumption thanks to energy saving mode

• full discharge protection with 12 volts operation

• microprocessor controlled

• plug connector with screw fuse


On-off switch (Duo Power

X4000 and Duo Power


Plug connector with screw fuse

Supplied package:

230 volt Power Pack


12 Volt Connector Cable


Ground connection cable

Fence connecting wire


Duo Units Classic

Top Seller

4,50 J

Duo Power X 4000 ​

• 12 V / 230 V DUO device with extremely high

output power

• for longer fences, also with vegetation

• ideal for use also with strong animals and for

deterring wild animals

• recommended solar module:

item no. 375251 – 25 Watts

3,20 J

Duo Power X 2500 ​

• 12 V / 230 V DUO device with high output

• for normal fence systems with low vegetation

• recommended solar module:

item no. 375251 – 25 Watts

1,60 J

Duo Power X 1000 ​

• 12 V / 230 V DUO unit with effective output


• for short fences without vegetation

• recommended solar module:

item no. 375151 – 15 Watts

Fence control LED and separate battery

warning indicator

Fence control LED and separate

battery warning indicator

Function control LED and visual

battery warning indicator

ref. no.

372874 1 ​

ref. no.

372872 1 ​

ref. no.

372871 1 ​

type ref. no.

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

X 1000 372871 1.60 J 1.00 J 12,000 V 9,000 V 4,100 V 35.0 km 10.0 km 1.5 km 0.8 km 3 1 40-115 mA

X 2500 372872 3.20 J 2.00 J 9,600 V 8,300 V 6,100 V 70.0 km 18.0 km 4.0 km 1.7 km 6 2 75-193 mA

X 4000 372874 4.50 J 3.00 J 9,600 V 8,300 V 6,300 V 95.0 km 35.0 km 12.0 km 5.0 km 12 3 77-300 mA



12 Volts Rechargeable Battery Units

Strong performance even on fences with heavier vegetative growth!

12 V battery devices are the mobile solution for very strong animals, long fences and/

or fences with vegetative growth if no 230 V connection is available. The discharge

energy is comparable with mains devices (from around 0.5 Joules to around 5 Joules

of output). 12 V rechargeable batteries are used as a power source depending on the

type of device, power requirements and battery type, and must be recharged after

2-4 weeks. Solar modules are a useful addition and available in various performance

classes to convert solar energy into electricity.

All of our 12 volt devices have deep discharge protection that helps you to maintain

the performance of the 12 batteries.

3-year warranty


The advantages at a glance:

• mobile

• powerful

• rechargeable

• solar option

• deep discharge protection

230 V mains adapter

for AD 2000 digital, AD 3000 digital, AD 5000,

A 1200, AN 3100, AN 5500, AN 5500 digital

Recommended accessories:

(not included)

Ground Rod with round profile

item no. 44619

ref. no.

371012 1 ​

Underground Cable

see page 83

AKO Warning Sign

item no. 446513

12 volt, 88 Ah AGM battery

item no. 441203

Battery Charger

item no. 371017/011


12 volt Battery Units Premium


Powerful 12 Volt battery unit for the toughest jobs, for long fences or fences with

heavy vegetative growth.

• with 12 volt deep discharge protection

• two digital, permanently illuminated displays for the fence voltage and operating


• multi-colour LED bar graph display for fence voltage monitoring

• can be operated via a 230 V mains adapter (371012)

Multi-colour LED bar graph display for

fence voltage monitoring

Fence voltage display

Operating voltage display + red warning

lamp to indicate an inadequate charge

status of the battery

Choice of two power


On/Off switch

Connector for Solar

Module or 230 V Mains




12 volt Battery Units Premium

7,70 J

Mobil Power AN 5500 Digital ​

• extremely powerful 12 Volt rechargeable battery unit for the toughest jobs, for long fence lines or fences with heavy

vegetative growth. Runs also on very large 12 Volt rechargeable batteries without any problems

• GPS version: power consumption + 35 mA

Digital Display Readout for Fence and Battery Voltage. LED Bar Graph Supports Fence Voltage Control.

ref. no.

372560 1 ​

372560-GPS 1 ​

See page 15

recommended solar

panel: 375401 (45 W)

type ref. no.

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

AN 5500 - Stufe 2 372560 7.70 J 5.00 J 10,000 V 9,700 V 7,200 V 150.0 km 43.0 km 17.0 km 7.0 km 21 3 133 - 430 mA

AN 5500 - Stufe 1 372560 2.50 J 1.70 J 9,300 V 9,200 V 6,600 V 60.0 km 23.0 km 9.0 km 3.5 km 7 3 116 - 151 mA


12 volt Battery Units Premium

• with 12 Volt full discharge protection

• The shock strength can be steplessly adjusted with the manual controller (1 - 20).

• can be operated via 230 V mains adapter (371012)

• integrated solar charge controller

• GPS version: power consumption + 35 mA


Recommended 12 volt battery: 88 Ah AGM,

item no. 441203

Variable output adjustment:

normal use 1 - 15

extreme conditions 16 - 20

Battery voltage: displays the current

battery voltage in V. The 12 V battery

should be connected to a minimum

voltage of 12 V - greater than 12.5 V

would be ideal.


Fence condition control: Output voltage

reads in kilovolts. Records the slightest

change on the fence line.


12 volt Battery Units Premium

7,40 J

Mobil Power

AD 5000 digital ​

• ultra high-capacity 12 volt battery unit for

mobile, extreme applications and heavy vegetative


• not suitable for 9 V operation!

Recommended solar

module: 375401-ES (45 W)

5,70 J

Mobil Power

AD 3000 digital ​

• very powerful 12 Volt rechargeable battery

unit for portable use and long fence lines with

vegetative growth and sturdy animals

• allows for alternative operation with 9 Volt dry


Recommended solar

module: 375256 (25 W)

3,00 J

Mobil Power

AD 2000 digital ​

• extremely powerful 12 Volt battery unit for

mobile use, long fences with vegetation and

powerful animals

• allows for alternative operation with 9 Volt dry


Recommended solar

module: 375256 (25 W)

... can also be used to deter wild animals!

... can also be used to deter wild animals!

Digital Display Readout and LED Lights

for Fence and Battery Voltage

Digital Display Readout and LED Lights

for Fence and Battery Voltage

Digital Display Readout and LED Lights

for Fence and Battery Voltage

ref. no.

372591 1 ​

372591-GPS 1 ​

See page 15

ref. no.

372291 1 ​

ref. no.

372201 1 ​

type ref. no.

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

AD 2000/12 V 372201 3.00 J 2.10 J 10,500 V 9,600 V 5,200 V 55.0 km 20.0 km 8.0 km 3.0 km 6 3 17-220 mA

AD 2000/9 V 372201 0.75 J 0.50 J 9,500 V 8,000 V 3,900 V 12.0 km 5.0 km 3.0 km 0.5 km - 1 17-65 mA

AD 3000/12 V 372291 5.70 J 3.00 J 10,800 V 9,800 V 6,000 V 90.0 km 30.0 km 10.0 km 4.0 km 12 3 17-290 mA

AD 3000/9 V 372291 0.75 J 0.50 J 9,800 V 9,000 V 4,000 V 12.0 km 5.0 km 3.0 km 0.5 km - 1 17-65 mA

AD 5000/12 V 372591 7.40 J 4.60 J 11,000 V 10,000 V 6,500 V 115.0 km 38.0 km 14.0 km 5.5 km 17 3 100-460 mA


12 volt Battery Units Expert

• low power consumption thanks to energy saving mode

• with optical fence condition control

• with On/Off-switch, high/low

• weather-resistant and sturdy housing

• can be operated via a 230 V mains adapter (371012)

• with 12 volt deep discharge protection


Recommended 12 volt battery: 110 Ah AGM,

item no. 441204

Fence status control

Battery voltage control

Choice of 2 power levels

On/Off switch

Connector for Solar Module

or 230 V Mains Adapter


12 volt Battery Units Expert

7,40 J

Mobil Power AN 5500 ​

• extremely powerful 12 Volt rechargeable battery unit for the toughest jobs,

for long fence lines or fences with heavy vegetative growth. Runs also on

very large 12 Volt rechargeable batteries without any problems

• GPS version: power consumption + 35 mA

Matching accessories

Metal battery box (item no. 44656)

Solar module 45 watts (item no. 375401)

Recommended solar

module: 375401 (45 W)

5,30 J

Mobil Power AN 3100 ​

• very powerful 12 Volt battery unit for extreme

applications - including for fence lines with heavy vegetative growth

Recommended solar

module: 375256 (25 W)

Fence control LED and separate battery warning indicator

Fence control LED and separate battery warning indicator

ref. no.

372550 1 ​

372550-GPS 1 ​

See page 15

ref. no.

372311 1 ​

type ref. no.

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

AN 3100 / Stufe 2 372311 5.30 J 3.50 J 10,200 V 8,300 V 6,400 V 110.0 km 33.0 km 12.0 km 4.5 km 14 3 114-320 mA

AN 3100 / Stufe 1 372311 2.60 J 1.70 J 9,300 V 8,300 V 6,200 V 60.0 km 10.0 km 3.0 km 1.5 km 5 2 117-153 mA

AN 5500 / Stufe 2 372550 7.40 J 4.80 J 10,300 V 8,400 V 6,500 V 150.0 km 43.0 km 17.0 km 7.0 km 21 3 112-440 mA

AN 5500 / Stufe 1 372550 2.60 J 1.70 J 9,300 V 8,300 V 6,200 V 60.0 km 10.0 km 3.0 km 1.5 km 5 2 117-153 mA


12 volt Battery Units Expert

Top Seller

4,50 J

Savanne 3000

Includes metal box

• 12 volt rechargeable battery device with extremely

high power output

• for long fence systems with heavy vegetative


• also available as a starter set

Recommended solar

module: 375251 (25 W)

3,20 J

Savanne 2000

Includes metal box

• 12 V device with high output power for normal

fencing systems, even with heavier vegetative


Recommended solar

module: 375251 (25 W)

Fence control LED and separate battery warning indicator

Fence control LED and separate battery warning indicator

ref. no.

372754 1 ​

ref. no.

372752 1 ​

On/Off switch

Internal dimensions approx. 295 x 200 x 250 mm,

suitable for batteries with max. 100 Ah (battery not

included in scope of supply)

type ref. no.

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

Savanne 2000 372752 3.20 J 1.90 J 9,600 V 8,300 V 6,100 V 60.0 km 20.0 km 5.0 km 2.0 km 7 2 75-193 mA

Savanne 3000 372754 4.50 J 3.00 J 9,600 V 8,300 V 6,300 V 95.0 km 35.0 km 12.0 km 5.0 km 12 3 77-300 mA


12 volt Battery Units Expert

2,10 J

Mobil Power A 1200 ​

• all purpose, very powerful 12 Volt rechargeable battery unit for portable use

• allows for alternative operation with 9 Volt dry battery

• two separate LEDs for fence condition and battery conditioncontrol

• manual turn switch (1 – 10) adjusts output energy steplessly – this makes power input adjustable to

adapt more efficiently to fencing conditions

Recommended solar

module: 375156 (15 W)

ref. no.

372121 1 ​


• normal field operation: level 1 - 7

• extreme operation: level 8 - 10

• On/Off

type ref. no.

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

A 1200 / 12 V 372121 2.10 J 1.40 J 10,700 V 9,000 V 4,400 V 40.0 km 10.0 km 5.0 km 1.5 km 4 2 15 - 150 mA

A 1200 / 9 V 372121 0.70 J 0.48 J 8,500 V 7,300 V 3,400 V 12.0 km 5.0 km 3.0 km 0.5 km - 1 15 - 65 mA


12 volt Battery Units Classic

12 Volt Classic Devices are cheaper and offer simplified functions for all standard fences

with normal vegetation.

• with 12 Volt full discharge protection

• crocodile clips made from high-quality stainless steel

• low power consumption thanks to energy saving mode


Fence voltage control

Battery condition control (red LED

flashes, when battery reaches 40 %

of its remaining capacity)

On/Off switch



12 volt Battery Units Classic

5,00 J

Power A 3300 ​

• very effective 12 volts electric fence energiser for mobile use

• also for longer fences with normal grass cover

• also ideal for horses, cattle, sheep and deterring wild animals

• solar back-up power possible (item no. 375251, recommended solar

module 25 W; for connecting directly to the 12 volt battery)

3,20 J

Power A 2000 ​

• effective 12 volt electric fence energiser for mobile use

• also ideal for horse and cattle fences

• solar back-up power possible (item no. 375151, recommended solar

module 15 W; for connecting directly to the 12 volt battery)

recommended solar

module: 375251 (25 W)

recommended solar

module: 375151 (15 W)

Fence control LED and separate battery warning indicator

Fence control LED and separate battery warning indicator

ref. no.

372893 1 ​

ref. no.

372892 1 ​

type ref. no.

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

A 2000 372892 3.20 J 2.00 J 9,600 V 8,300 V 6,100 V 70.0 km 18.0 km 4.0 km 1.7 km 6 2 75-193 mA

A 3300 372893 5.00 J 3.30 J 10,200 V 8,300 V 6,400 V 110.0 km 28.0 km 6.0 km 3.0 km 12 3 114-320 mA



Solar technology


Use the natural power of the sun!

AKO SunPOWER = extremely powerful, mobile compact solar units. Mono-crystalline

solar modules in combination with our high-performance solar fence devices

are able to supply power to fences which are many kilometres in length. Even

after a whole week without direct sunlight, these fence devices still have sufficient

power to supply your fence with sufficient current. These special devices are

outstandingly suited for fencing relatively large areas. Sufficient voltage is supplied

everywhere along the fence, without the requirement for a socket anywhere


Solar electricity – the environmentally-friendly, cost-effective energy!

• no maintenance or follow-on costs

• maintenance-free operation from spring to autumn

Recommended accessories:

(not included)

Wooden post holde

item no. 442384

Spiral ground/support


item no. 442383

Ground/Support Rod

item no. 44615

T-Post installation


Sun Power Solar Technology


• optimised for permanent, maintenance-free operation right through the main

pasture season

• high/low/off switch

• micro-controller controlled

• integrated lightning protection

• intelligent, modern battery management with deep discharge protection – device

functions even during extended periods of bad weather

• excellent level of efficiency – thus longer battery life

• very robust, weather-resistant, water-tight casing with carrying handle

• quick and easy to install

3-year warranty


Included in delivery:

• high-power compact solar device, fully installed

• 12 volt AGM battery

• permanently mounted mono-crystalline solar


• 230 volt mains charger for battery

• 1 connector cable each for fence and earth


• two-part ground/installation spear


• warning sign



Sun Power Solar Technology

New product

New product

New product


4,20 J

Sun Power S 3000 ​

Our most powerful all-round compact solar unit.

Can be used with light to medium vegetative

growth. Universally usable for all standard


Ideal for horse and cattle paddocks, goats,


Exact scope of delivery:

• Sun Power S 3000 solar-powered fence device

• 12 volt, 18 Ah battery

• solar panel, 12 volt, 25 watt

2,30 J

Sun Power S 1500 ​

Powerful compact solar unit for normal fence

systems with little vegetation.

Ideal for horse and cattle paddocks, goats,

poultry, domestic pigs.

Exact scope of delivery:

• Sun Power S 1500 solar-powered fence device

• 12 volt, 18 Ah battery

• solar panel, 12 volt, 15 watt

1,20 J

Sun Power S 800 ​

Effective solar unit for normal fence systems with

little vegetation.

Ideal for horse and cattle paddocks.

Exact scope of delivery:

• Sun Power S 800 solar-powered fence device

• 12 volt, 12 Ah battery

• solar panel, 12 volt, 8 watt

Fence control LED and separate battery

warning indicator

Fence control LED and separate battery

warning indicator

Function control LED and visual battery

warning indicator

ref. no. description

372942 Sun Power S 3000 1 ​

441125 Spare battery 12 V, 18 Ah 1 ​

ref. no. description

372941 Sun Power S 1500 1 ​

441125 Spare battery 12 V, 18 Ah 1 ​

ref. no. description

372940 Sun Power S 800 1 ​

441124 Spare battery 12 V, 12 Ah 1 ​

type ref. no.

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

S 800 372940 1.20 J 0.80 J 12,000 V 11,500 V 4,300 V 25.0 km 10.0 km 1.5 km 0.8 km 2 1 30 - 70 mA

S 1500 372941 2.30 J 1.50 J 10,000 V 10,000 V 4,800 V 45.0 km 15.0 km 3.0 km 1.5 km 5 2 65 - 135 mA

S 3000 372942 4.20 J 3.00 J 10,500 V 9,600 V 6,200 V 95.0 km 35.0 km 6.0 km 3.0 km 10 3 85 - 260 mA

Available from March 2020!


Sun Power Solar Technology


Use the natural power of the sun!

• optimised for maintenance-free continuous operation over the

grazing season on fences with little vegetation

• ON/OFF switch

• integrated battery charge regulation

• micro-controller controlled

• integrated lightning protection

• intelligent battery management – device functions even during long periods

of poor weather conditions (up to 4 weeks)

• excellent level of efficiency – thus longer battery life

• very robust, weather-resistant housing

3-year warranty


Function control LED and

battery warning indicator


Sun Power Solar Technology

0,40 J

Sun Power S 250 ​

• highly effective compact solar device

• ideal for hose paddocks and smaller fence systems without vegetation

• deep discharge protection for battery voltage < 11.2 Volt - (if activated => only red flashing)

• intelligent battery management with deep discharge protection: 2 weeks run time without sun and long battery life


• integrated 12 V, 4 Ah battery

• integrated 12 V, 3 watt solar module

• 230 volt power pack to recharge the gel battery and/or to trickle charge during the winter months

• connector cable for fence and earth connection

• ground spike

ref. no.


372920 Sun Power S 250 1 ​

441218 AGM Spare Battery, 12 V, 4 Ah 1 ​

type ref. no.

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

Sun Power S250 372920 0.40 J 0.25 J 10,500 V 10,500 V 2,800 V 6.0 km 3.0 km 0.7 km - - 1 10-22 mA


12 Volt solar technology

5-year warranty


Solar Modules ​

• self-adjusting - when dimensioning is correct

• incl. galvanised bracket for Metal Battery Case item no. 44656 and/or device (Metal Battery Case and device not included in delivery)

• 100 watt module (375999) incl. 7 m extension cable

ref. no. description use for width height depth

375056 5 Watt solar module 15 Ah AGM battery 20,0 cm 23,5 cm 2,0 cm 1 ​

375086 8 w solar panel A 1200 37,5 cm 22,0 cm 2,0 cm 1 ​

375156 15 w solar panel A 1200 37,5 cm 37,0 cm 2,0 cm 1 ​

375151 15 w solar panel X 1000 37,5 cm 37,0 cm 2,0 cm 1 ​

375251 25 w solar panel

X 2500, X 4000,

Savanne 2000, Savanne 3000

37,5 cm 56,0 cm 2,0 cm 1 ​

375256 25 w solar panel AN 3100, AD 2000, AD 3000 37,5 cm 56,0 cm 2,0 cm 1 ​




45 Watt Solar Module

incl. Charge Controller

45 w solar panel

with charging control

100 Watt Solar Module

incl. Charge Controller

AD 5000 37,5 cm 106,0 cm 2,0 cm 1 ​

AN 3100, AN 5500 37,5 cm 106,0 cm 2,0 cm 1 ​

XDi 10000, XDi 15000 54,8 cm 120,0 cm 3,8 cm 1 ​


Earth Anchor ​

• total height of ground anchors (incl. thread) 120 cm

• incl. mounting tools

12 Volt solar technology

Solar mount for fence devices ​

• practical coverage for all DUO and 12 Volt devices

• protects the unit from wind and weather

• 2-in-1 function allows solar modules to be attached to the cover

• compatible with the following solar modules: 375151, 375251

• suitable for Multi Post, T-Post and wood posts

ref. no.

use for

442382 100 watt Solar Module 1 ​

442383 Sun Power S 800 / S 1500 / S 3000 1 ​


ref. no.

372003 1 ​

IMPORTANT: Device is not included in the scope of delivery!

12 volt solar technology

12 volt device with solar module

During the day the12 volt battery is charged

by the solar module. The device is powered

exclusively from the 12 volt battery. This ensures

a balanced charge/discharge ratio, which significantly

extends the battery’s working life and

prevents a deep discharge.


Solar Panel 4 w ​

• 1 x 4 Watt solar module with mount

• can be used for Power Station, Eco Power plus and Compact Power 9 V equipment

• solar module supports or relieves the 9 V battery during daylight hours. The battery

energiser draws power from the solar module during daylight hours. The solar module

cannot be used to charge to 9 or 12 V battery.

9 volt solar technology

ref. no. width height depth

377024 21,0 cm 20,0 cm 2,0 cm 1 ​

IMPORTANT: Device is not included in the scope of delivery!

Solar Set 5 Watt ​

The solar module permanently charges the battery during the main grazing season. The battery can be recharged any

time using the 230 V mains energiser.

Recommendation: during winter storage connect the battery to the power pack for 24 hours approx. every 2 months.

• suitable for 12 volt-enabled 9 volt dry battery units

• incl. 12 Volt 15 Ah AGM Battery

• incl. bracket

• incl. 230 Volt Power Pack

ref. no.

377056 1 ​

IMPORTANT: Device is not included in the scope of delivery!

9 volt solar technology

9 volt device with solar module

Solar module and 9 volt dry battery:

In contrast to the 12 volt devices, the 9 volt

devices are operated directly from the solar

modules. During this time, the 9 volt battery is

barely impacted. At night and during periods

of bad weather, the device is operated from

the 9 volt battery. This significantly extends the

battery’s working life.

9 volt device with solar module kit

5 watt solar module and 12 volt battery:

The solar module permanently charges the

battery during the main grazing season. The

battery can be recharged any time using the 230

volt mains energiser. Recommendation: Leave the

mains energiser connected to the battery during

winter storage.

• can be used for 9 volt dry battery devices which

are also 12 volt-capable

• incl. 12 volt, 15 Ah AGM battery and 5 W solar

module with mount

• incl. 230 volt Power Pack


Anti-Theft-Box ​

• electrifiable metal battery box made from galvanised steel

• external dimensions: H 37.5 cm x W 37.5 cm x D 33.5 cm

• space for one battery unit max. 36.5 cm x 11 cm x 37 cm or all AKO 12 volt devices for wall mounting

• space for one 12 V battery max. 36.5 cm x 21.5 cm x 21 cm

• lockable, lock included in scope of supply

• required solar modules: 375151, 375251, 375401

Metal Battery Boxes

Top Seller

Including solid 100 cm long

assembly / ground pole

ref. no.


44650 Metal Battery Boxes 1 ​

IMPORTANT: Device is not included in the scope of delivery!

Metal Battery Case ​

• space for one battery unit max. 36.5 cm x 11 cm x 37 cm or all AKO 12 volt devices for wall mounting

• space for rechargeable batteries up to 130 Ah

• external dimensions: H 37.5 cm x W 37.5 cm x D 33.5 cm

• optimal for application with solar units

• internal dimensions of battery compartment: W 36 cm x H 32 cm x D 21 cm

• delivery without device and battery

• recommended solar modules: 375086, 375156, 375151, 375251, 375401, 375256


ref. no.


44656 Metal Battery Boxes 1 ​

44652 Anti-Theft Set 1 ​

IMPORTANT: Device is not included in the scope of delivery!


Starter kits for Game- + Sheep fences

Complete set up to 20 % cheaper than buying the parts individually!

These kits include AKO products for your fence, perfectly matched by an expert. This guarantees perfect operation from the start

after connection to your fence. And your wallet will be happy because you save a lot of money compared to buying the products


Starter Kit Savanne 3000 ​

Starter kit includes:

• 1 x Savanne 3000 - 12 Volt electric fence unit

• 1 x 12 V, 100 Ah special wet rechargeable battery

• 4 x battery acid

• 3 x ground rod

• 2 x ground cable 3 m

• input joules: 4.50 J

Top Seller

ref. no.


441018 Starter Kit Savanne 3000 without solar module 1 ​

441019 Starter Kit Savanne 3000 incl. 25 Watt solar module 1 ​


Starter Kit Mobil Power AD digital ​

Starter set includes:

• 1 Mobil Power AD digital Unit

• 1 12 V, 88 Ah AGM battery

• 3 mobile earth rods

• 2 earth cables (3 m each)

• joule input: AD 2000 3.0 J AD 3000 5.7 J

Starter kits for Game- + Sheep fences

ref. no.


441110 Starter Kit AD 2000 Digital without solar module 1 ​

441112 Starter Kit AD 3000 Digital without solar module 1 ​

441111 Starter set AD 2000 digital incl. 25 Watt solar module 1 ​

441113 Starter set AD 3000 digital incl. 25 Watt solar module 1 ​

Starter kit Mobil Power AN ​

Starter set includes:

• 1 Mobil Power AN Unit

• 1 12 volt, 88 Ah AGM battery

• 1 battery box

• 3 mobile earth rods

• 2 earth cables (3 m each)

• joule input: AD 3100 5.3 J AD 5500 7.4 J

ref. no.


441114 Starter Kit AN 3100 without solar module 1 ​

441116 Starter Kit AN 5500 without solar module 1 ​

441115 Starter set AN 3100 incl. 25 Watt solar module 1 ​

441117 Starter set AN 5500 incl. 45 Watt solar module 1 ​



9 Volt Dry Battery Energizers

The ideal devices for smaller fences and paddocks!

9 V battery units are ideal for movable and shorter fences with light vegetative

growth. They are very portable and, in comparison to 12V devices, significantly

lighter. The 9V battery runs for several months and can even cover a complete pasture

season, depending on operating period, battery type and size. One discharged they

cannot be recharged. Alternatively, 12 Volt batteries can also be used, making the

devices very flexible.

• including ground rod and fence / ground connection cable

• battery not included

3-year warranty


The advantages at a glance:

• compact and mobile

• flexible to use

• for movable fences and smaller pastures

Recommended accessories:

(not included)

Alkaline 9 volt, 175 Ah,

item no. 350531

Solar support

see page 58

AGM battery 12 Volt, 15 Ah,

item no. 441215 incl. charger

AKO Warning Sign

item no. 446513

12 Volt Adapter cable ​

• with 80 cm cable • connects 12 Volt wet rechargeable battery

• for connection to all our 9 V electrical fences

Disguising Hood for Fence Device ​

• the disguising hood helps you protect your fence device from theft

• the camouflage colours of the protective sheath allow the

unit to blend in with its surroundings, making it harder

for thieves to spot

• suitable for all of our 9 Volt battery units

ref. no.

44641/011 1 ​

ref. no.

44970 1 ​


9 Volt Dry Battery Units Premium


• large display on the top of the device gives the user all key information at a glance

– even in darkness

• automatic mode - minimum power consumption through optimal, automated

adjustment of the output power to the length and condition of the fence. This

reduces battery consumption to a minimum, while the herding effect remains optimal

across a very large range of fence loads

• can be operated via 230 V mains adapter

• allows for alternative operation with 12 Volt battery – with deep discharge protection

Recommended accessories: Alkaline 9 Volt, 175 Ah, item no. 350531

Possible operating condition

230 volt Power Pack

for 9 volt battery devices

• only for PowerStation BD and B 240 multi

Battery supply voltage in volts and

battery status symbol

ref. no.

371016 1/14 ​

• 1-4: power levels for normal-extreme

fence conditions • AUTO: device automatically

selects the ideal power level

between 1 and 4


9 Volt Dry Battery Units Premium

Foal protection switch

0,70 J

Power Station

BD 600 digital ​

• our most powerful 9 V battery unit for longer

fences and heavy vegetative growth

• the highest level of discharge energy provides

optimal herding protection

Foal protection switch

0,51 J

Power Station

BD 400 digital ​

• extremely powerful 9 V battery unit for medium

fences and moderate vegetative growth

• the perfect solution for all animal species, including

horses, cattle, goats, chickens and poultry

0,38 J

Power Station

BD 300 digital ​

• powerful 9 V battery unit

• ideal horse and cattle paddocks with little

vegetative growth

• also suitable for small animals such as dogs,

cats and poultry

ref. no.

372036 1 ​

ref. no.

372034 1 ​

ref. no.

372033 1 ​

type ref. no.

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

BD 300 max. 372033 0.38 J 0.30 J 11,000 V 11,000 V 3,500 V 10.0 km 6.0 km 4.0 km 1.5 km - 1 36 mA

BD 300 min. 372033 0.14 J 0.10 J 8,300 V 8,300 V 2,100 V 5.0 km 2.5 km 0.6 km - - 1 13 mA

BD 400 max. 372034 0.51 J 0.40 J 11,400 V 10,900 V 3,900 V 13.0 km 8.0 km 5.5 km 1.7 km - 1 44 mA

BD 400 min. 372034 0.22 J 0.16 J 7,600 V 7,600 V 2,500 V 6.0 km 3.0 km 0.8 km 0.3 km - 1 17 mA

BD 600 max. 372036 0.70 J 0.55 J 11,700 V 10,700 V 4,100 V 18.0 km 10.0 km 7.0 km 2.0 km - 1 61 mA

BD 600 min. 372036 0.27 J 0.20 J 8,000 V 8,000 V 2,700 V 7.0 km 3.5 km 1.0 km 0.5 km - 1 22 mA


9 Volt Dry Battery Units Expert

• visual check for fence insulation and battery voltage

• extremely robust housing with innovative locking technology

• allows for alternative operation with 12 Volt battery –

with deep discharge protection


• the pulse amplitude can be set manually at 5

levels using the rotary switch

• therefore power consumption is controllable

and efficiently adaptable to the specific fence


• convenient operation through optimal switch

and display arrangement

• separate visual control for battery voltage (LED

flashes red when the 9 Volt battery or the 12

Volt rechargeable battery is flat).

• multi-stage fence voltage control by means of

coloured LED (green, yellow, red)



9 Volt Dry Battery Units Expert

0,64 J

Power Shock B 500 plus ​

• extremely powerful 9 volt dry battery device

• perfectly suited for horse and cattle paddocks

• increased output power and AUTO mode!

• battery unit for long fences and light vegetative growth

• up to a max. 0.6 Joule output in 12 V mode

0,45 J

Power Shock B 290

• universal 9 volt fence device for small to medium fence

systems with little vegetation

• perfectly suited for horse and cattle paddocks

• also ideal for strip grazing

ref. no.

372030 1 ​

ref. no.

372040 1 ​

type ref. no.

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

B 290 372040 0.45 J 0.29 J 10,500 V 10,500 V 3,300 V 13.0 km 5.0 km 2.0 km - - 1 18-44 mA

B 500 plus 372030 0.64 J 0.50 J 9,000 V 9,000 V 3,700 V 16.0 km 9.0 km 6.0 km 1.8 km - 1 17-66 mA

The specified values relate to performance level 5


9 Volt Dry Battery Units Classic

• 9 V battery devices with effective output

• visual check for fence insulation and battery voltage

• easy handling

• allows for alternative operation with 12 Volt battery –

with deep discharge protection



9 Volt Dry Battery Units Classic

Top Seller


0,38 J

Compact Power B 240 multi ​

• highly effective 9/12/230 volts universal device for

fences with light vegetative growth

• incl. 12 Volt connecting cable (item no.

44641/011) and 230 Volt mains adapter (item no.


incl. 12 V / 230 V option

0,21 J

Compact Power B 140 ​

• the cost-efficient „beginner‘s“ 9 V battery energiser for mobile

use in small paddocks with little vegetation

• ideal for smaller horses and cattle pastures, also suitable for

small animals such as dogs and cats

• now also available in the on-trend colours of pink and petrol

ref. no.

372028 1 ​

incl. ground rod

ref. no.

350330 1 ​

350330-PETROL 1 ​

350330-PINK 1 ​

type ref. no.

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

B 140 350330 0.21 J 0.16 J 8,400 V 8,400 V 2,300 V 6.0 km 2.0 km 0.5 km - - 1 22 mA

B 240 multi 372028 0.38 J 0.24 J 8,800 V 8,800 V 3,100 V 8.0 km 3.0 km 0.6 km - - 1 35 mA


Hobby Energisers and Training Energisers for Cows

Hobby energisers are very suitable for short fences with low vegetation.

These devices are especially popular for mobile fences in gardens, mobile

paddocks and trail riding. You will also find sets specially developed

for these respective applications on the following pages, which contain

everything you need to easily set up an electric fence.


Grounding Rod ​

• ideal for DUO and hobby units

(available as accessory)

ref. no.

44657 1 ​


Hobby Energisers and Training Energisers for Cows

0,13 J

AKOtronic S7K ​

• the cow trainer for shed use

• visual voltage control (green LED flashes with

each pulse)

• with automatic shut-down (unit shuts down

after 5 short circuitpulses – red LED lights up)

• max. output voltage: 5000 volts

• max. pulse energy: 0.09 joule

with timer: unit pulses for 2 hours,

then interrupts for 5 hours. This

interval repeats constantly.

Important: Please note local animal welfare

laws before use!

1,00 J

230 V Mains Energiser

Compact Power N 700 ​

• very handy 230 V mains energiser

• specially for short fence lines

• with operation control light

• power consumption 5 watts

0,07 J

3 V Battery Energizer

Compact Power B 40 ​

• low-priced, portable and handy battery unit for

small fences without vegetation – ideal for small

gardens, trail riding and other small fences

• operated by 2 x 1.5 V single cell batteries (not


• battery will run about 6 weeks when used 24


• for about 200 m of fence line without vegetation

• unit fits in every coat pocket

• with on/off switch

• suitable ground / support rod item no. 44657

ref. no.

350728 1 ​

ref. no.

372080 1 ​

ref. no.

372005 1 ​

type ref. no.

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

S7K 350728 0.13 J 0.09 J 5,000 V 5,000 V 1,340 V - - - - - 1 - 2 W

N 700 372080 1.00 J 0.55 J 10,000 V 8,500 V 4,000 V 20.0 km 5.0 km 1.0 km 0.5 km 1 1 - 5 W

B 40 372005 0.07 J 0.03 J 8,500 V 8,500 V 400 V 1.0 km 0.2 km - - - 1 - 17 mA


Portable Fence Kit for Trekking ​

• assembles and disassembles quickly and easily

• weight: about 3 kg

Hobby Sets

Set includes:

• 1 battery energiser of 3 V (incl. 2 x 1.5 V batteries)

• 2 Gate Handles each with 50 m tape

• 4 divisible aluminium posts of 1.15 m length

• 5 x expanders with pegs

• 8 insulators for round posts

• 1 carry bag

ref. no.

44127 1 ​

Hobbyset ​

The ideal fence to protect your garden and to fence in dogs and cats.

Excellent to enclose ponds in order to prevent e.g. cats and herons from


Set includes:

• 1 x electric fence energiser + earth/fence connecting cable

• 10 x fibreglass poles, green 70 cm

• 30 x wire clipps

• 100 m polywire green

• 1 x earth rod

• 1 x warning sign

• 6 x ring insulators with wooden thread

ref. no. description MQ

​ ​ €

441150 Hobbyset with Mains Unit N700 1 1 63 ​

441151 Hobbyset with Battery Unit B40 1 1 63 ​

ref. no. description MQ

​ ​

441853 Spare Post 70 cm 1 - 1 ​

444265 Spare spring 30 30 1/30/1500 ​

44874-100 Green polywire, 100 m 1 - 1/20 ​


Tournament/paddock set 7 x 7 m ​

• new tournament/paddock set for approx. 7 x 7 m

• set consists of 4 galvanised metal posts with a 153 cm total height

• metal posts are ideally suited for dry and rocky ground

• each comes with 2 x FlexiRope 4.5 m incl. gate handle with zinc-plated hooks and 2 x matching gate

handle insulators

• no catching of mane or tail hair

• with Fence Device Compact Power B 40 (incl. 2 x 1.5 Volt batteries)

• everything complete in one carry bag

• set up and dismantled in just a few minutes

• weight with device: 13.5 kg, without device: 12.5 kg

Hobby Sets

ref. no.


446500 Tournament/Paddock Set 7 x 7 m without electric fence unit 1 ​

446501 Tournament/Paddock Set 7 x 7 m incl. 2 x 1.5 V battery unit Fence Device B 40 1 ​


Fence batteries

• rechargeable AGM fleece battery

• filled and charged, ready to install immediately

• 1-year warranty (does not cover deep discharging)

• capacity data for a 100-hour standard charge (C100)

• low self-discharging compared to standard batteries

• in OEM quality

• better charging characteristics than standard lead/acid and AGM batteries (e.g. when charging from solar panels)

• supports short charge/discharge cycles better than standard lead/acid or AGM batteries (micro-cycle window)

• can be stored for at least 9 months

• leakproof: double cover with safety valve, gas recombination and backfire protection

Top Quality

• no acid required

• absolutely leak-proof

• maintenance-free - easy to use

12 Volt Premium AGM Battery ​

• immediately ready for use

• IMPORTANT: AGM batteries are closed systems: opening the battery voids the warranty

The new alternative to popular lead-acid batteries. The AGM fleece technology makes

topping up battery acid a thing of the past. Fleece batteries are completely leak-proof,

maintenance-free and extremely cycle-resistant!

ref. no. description l x w x h weight

441203 12 V, 88 Ah 275 x 175 x 190 mm 20,7 kg 1 ​

441204 12 v, 110 Ah 353 x 175 x 190 mm 26,4 kg 1 ​

12 Volt Premium AGM Battery 32 ​

• for all 9 Volt devices that are also designed for 12 Volt operation

• must be installed lying on its side for some 9 V unit types

• immediately ready for use

• IMPORTANT: AGM batteries are closed systems: opening the battery voids the warranty

ideal for 9 V devices

ref. no. description l x w x h weight

441250 12 V, 32 Ah 165 x 175 x 125 mm 7,8 kg 1 ​

12 Volt Premium AGM 15 Ah Complete Set ​

• for all 9 Volt devices that are also designed for 12 Volt operation

• the rechargeable 12 Volt, 15 Ah (C100) AGM battery can be recharged via a power pack

• the integrated charger controller prevents overcharging and protects against deep discharge

• an optional 5 Watt solar module (item no. 375056) can also be connected during grazing periods for

continual operation

Top Seller

ideal for 9 V devices

ref. no. description l x w x h

441215 12 V, 15 Ah 150 x 100 x 115 mm 1 ​

Supplies: AGM battery 12

Volt, 15 Ah (C100) incl.

charger; 230 V power pack


12 Volt Special Wet Rechargeable Battery ​

• extremely low self-discharge

• ideal for 12 V battery units with or without solar panel

• designed especially for fencing units due to its slow charge and discharge cycles

• acid: sulphuric acid 37 % = density of 1.28

• supplied without acid

• when not in use, the battery must be charged at least once a month

• „dry pre-charged“ battery

• charge completely after filling with acid

• 1-year warranty (note: warranty does not cover deep discharging)

• capacity data for a 100-hour standard discharge (C100)

Fence batteries

Important: for safety reasons, the

batteries are supplied without battery

acid. We recommend that they

be filled by a professional “on site”!

• 80 Ah and 100 Ah – suitable for battery boxes of Savanne, Mobil Power A 1200, AD 2000 digital and AD 3000 digital!

• 100 Ah and 130 Ah – suitable for metal battery boxes of AN units and Power A units

ref. no. description l x w x h acid weight

MQ €

442060 12 V, 80 Ah 242 x 175 x 190 mm 3,20 l 10,8 kg 1 1 ​

442061 12 V, 100 Ah 278 x 175 x 190 mm 3,70 l 12,7 kg 1 1 ​

442062 12 V, 130 Ah 353 x 175 x 190 mm 5,00 l 15,0 kg 1 1 ​

442161 Battery acid bottle - 1,00 l - 1/4 4 ​

What does C100 mean when

referring to the capacity specification

of a rechargeable battery?

The usable capacity of a rechargeable

battery is heavily dependent on the amount

of the discharge current. Because when

measuring the rechargeable battery that is

completely discharged, a discharge over a

longer period of time (e.g. 100 hours for

C100) means that the discharge current

is much lower than a quicker discharge

(e.g. 20 hours at C20; C20 is always

applied when no other data are provided).

As a result, a rechargeable battery in an

application with very low discharge current

has a higher usable capacity as when the

same rechargeable battery is used within

a shorter timespan and thus at a higher

discharge current.

Battery power (% of initial capacity)


Special wet battery

Standard AGM battery

Starter battery

Number of charge/discharge processes

AKO Premium AGM Battery



Expert tip:

How to calculate the run time of your 12 volt battery:

1. Usable capacity = rated capacity x 0.65

2. Energy consumption of device (Ampere) = energy consumption in mA (see device type plate) : 1000

3. Operating period (hours) = usable capacity: energy consumption


1. 88 Ah x 0.65 = 57.2 Ah

2. 120 mA : 1000 = 0.120 A

3. 57.2 Ah : 0.120 A = 476 hours (19 days)

Battery Tester ​

• test range 6 - 20 volts

• no operating battery required

• the open-circuit voltage (at the beginning) and the voltage under load

(after the „--“ characters) are displayed.

ref. no.

442369 1/16 ​

Battery Charger

for 12 volt acid batteries and premium AGM batteries

• charging voltage: 14.4 V or 28.8 V, charging current: 1.5 A - 10.0 A (charging energy)

• fitted with two removable, colour-coded leads (1 x crocodile battery terminal and 1 x eyelet)

• electronically protected against misuse and shorts

• protection circuit against overheating with mini-fan inside

• can also be used as a power generator (13.6 V / 5.0 A)!

• fully automatic charging with electronic overcharge protection

ref. no.

371017/011 1 ​


9 Volt Alkaline Dry Batteries ​

• AKO 9 V alkaline batteries keep a constantly high voltage

during their entire battery life. This allows the fencer to

send a constant amount of energy to the fence.

Top Seller


Alkaline Battery

Zinc-Air Battery

Battery Voltage (Volt)

Ideal voltage range

for 9 V units

Dropping tending




Service life (months)

price includes disposal fee!

ref. no. description l x w x h ​ ​ ​ €

350611 9 V, 55 Ah 165 x 110 x 110 mm - 1/4 360 ​

350681 9 V, 75 Ah 165 x 110 x 110 mm - 1/4 360 ​

350522 9 V, 120 Ah 165 x 110 x 110 mm - 1/4 360 ​

350528 9 V, 170 Ah 190 x 125 x 160 mm - 1/4 216 ​

350531 9 V, 175 Ah 190 x 125 x 160 mm - 1/4 216 ​

350534 9 V, 210 Ah 190 x 125 x 160 mm - 1/4 180 ​


Alkaline Battery Display 350495

includes: 9 x 175 Ah, ref. no.

350531; 18 x 120 Ah, ref. no.


9 Volt High Energy Saline Dry Battery

with carrying strap

„more power for less money“

• inexpensive, powerful alternative to alkaline batteries

• extended service life thanks to zinc-air technology

• ideal for all common standard 9 volt battery units

• rated voltage 8.4 Volt

ref. no. description l x w x h

​ ​ €

44220 9 V, 75 Ah 165 x 115 x 110 mm 1/4 360 ​

9 volt zinc-air dry battery ​

• standard dry type battery for application in electric fence equipment,

not designed for high power

• rated voltage 8.4 Volt

price includes disposal fee!

ref. no. description l x w x h

​ ​ €

44212 9 V, 55 Ah 165 x 115 x 110 mm 1/4 360 ​

44213 9 V, 90 Ah 190 x 130 x 160 mm 1/4 216 ​

44219 9 V, 130 Ah 190 x 130 x 160 mm 1/4 216 ​



...mobile monitoring and control!

The new AKO FenceCONTROL allows for easy monitoring and control of remote fence

systems. By means of the associated free app, you will be immediately notified via

push message to your mobile phone if the output voltage falls below the minimum

(threshold can be set individually), or in the event of a complete failure. On the app,

you will receive further details about the monitored fence system, and you can modify

alarm thresholds, track fence and battery voltages graphically, and receive the present

status at any time.


Fence Safety Products


• FREE app for your mobile phone

• automatic, immediate alarm messages for fence and battery status via push message (also

possible via e-mail)

• display of fence voltage and supply voltages

• ON/OFF switching of the monitored 9 or 12 volt fence device (if the fence device and control

unit are supplied via the same power source. An On/Off Switch Adapter 441123 is additionally

required for the option of switching 230 volt devices On/Off)

• if the main power source fails, the FenceCONTROL is supplied with power for at least 24 h by

the backup battery

• unlimited number of users

• graphic display of the fence voltage, main and backup battery history

• status update possible at any time

• management of up to 10 FenceCONTROL units

• 2 years free mobile data transfer included (no SIM card required). Thereafter approx. €35/year

More information at www.ako-agrar.de/fencecontrol

AKO FenceCONTROL works with all commercially available fence devices.

The control unit can either be operated directly via 9, 12, or 230 volts (especially when the

control unit is not positioned in direct proximity with the fence control unit) or via the same

power supply (9 or 12 volts) as the electric fence battery energizer (please also order the corresponding

connection cable). The use of the fence control unit requires an Internet connection

via the mobile telephone network at the location.

Included in scope of delivery:

• 441122: FenceCONTROL

• 268218: Backup Li-ion battery

• 441603/011: Fence connection cable

• 269791: Ground connection cable

Control Unit

ref. no.


441122 AKO FenceCONTROL 1/6 ​

Important: When purchasing the AKO FenceControl (441122), the appropriate power cable for 230

volt, 12 volt, or 9 volt must be bought separately, according to the selected power supply.

ref. no.


441123 On / off switching adapter for 230 volts units 1 ​

371018 230 Volt Power Pack 1/54 ​

371019 12 V Adapter 1/60 ​

371020 9 V Adapter 1/60 ​






Fence Safety Products

Fence Line Tester without Ground rod ​

• easy measurement, no ground rod is needed

• measurement in the distance to the hedge of max. 0 - 5 cm

• voltage readout in four levels shown in four flashing green diodes: 2500 V – 8000 V

• red LED for undervoltage

• LED display for battery status (9 V block)

• incl. 9 V block battery

Top Seller

ref. no.

44669 1 80 ​

Fence Checker

Visual and Audible Hedge Tester

• mini handheld display device for electric fences

• emits auditory and visual signals when the fence has a voltage

• incl. battery test function

• takes readings easily without the need for an earth spike

• incl. battery

Fence Tester AKO ​

• ergonomic design

• shows the voltage in six levels

• no batteries required

• for exact measurements at the fence

Perfect for cyclists and walkers!

ref. no.

441227 1 ​

ref. no.


441221 up to 10,000 V 1/80 ​

441222 up to 6,000 V 1/80 ​


Fence Safety Products

New product

Pulse Flash ​

• flashes green with every fence impulse

• below 3000 V, light stops flashing and thereby shows that the fence is no

longer protecting the herd

• using it at several locations on your fence gives you easy visual control of

your fence status ‘in situ’ in real time

• no batteries are required for the Pulse Flash

• also ideal as additional defence against wild animals!

• attachment and electrical contact directly with the conductor material

> 3000 V < 3000 V

AKO expert tip: Place the Pulse Flash at the end of your fence system.

This means you can tell at a glance whether the minimum herding

voltage of 2,500 volt is flowing at the end of your fence and thus

through your entire system.

ref. no.

442373 1/50 ​

AKO Digital Volt Meter ​

• To accurately measure voltages of between

0 and 9,900 volts at the fence

• incl. 9 V block battery

AKO Multimeter ​

• for accurate fault finding in your electric fence.

This is a dual function device - it is a digital

fence voltage tester and ampmeter. This

enables simple detection of possible faults

on the fence.

• you are supported by indicators in each


Our multimeter distinguishes itself from conventional

testing equipment through:

• convenient and safe application due to ergonomic


• universal contact clips suitable for all conducting


• convenient measurement through automatic


ref. no.

441228 1/25 ​

ref. no.

442562 1/25 ​


Grounding and Fence Equipment

Tip: make sure to lay the underground cable in a plastic ductwork to prevent the cable from damage!

Expert tip:

• always insert the ground rods into damp soil

• maintain a distance of 3 m between the individual ground rods

• use galvanised ground rods – rust has an insulating effect and prevents the return of power to the device

44615 44619

Special Ground Rod ​

• made from hot-dip galvanised T-steel

• incl. M8 stainless steel screw for ground connection cable

+ / - 0 cm

- 25 cm

- 50 cm

ref. no. length

​ ​ €

44615 1 m 1 400 ​ ​

441369 2 m 1 200 ​ ​

- 75 cm

- 100 cm

- 125 cm

Special Earth Rod for Mobile Use ​

• 75 cm length, made of galvanised steel

• easy to pull out with T-handle

• incl. M8 stainless steel screw for ground connection cable

ref. no.

​ ​ €

44619 1 500 ​

- 150 cm

- 175 cm

- 200 cm

44619 44615 441369


High-Voltage Underground Cable Premium ​

• double-insulated with tinned copper conductor

• connects fence line and grounding

• on plastic reel

• high voltage insulation up to 20.000 Volt

Grounding and Fence Equipment

ref. no. length conductor diameter conductor cross-section exterior diameter resistance Ω/m

440110 50 m 1,6 mm 1,5 mm² 7,6 mm 0,014 1 ​

440111 100 m 1,6 mm 1,5 mm² 7,6 mm 0,014 1 ​

High Voltage Underground Cable ​

• double-insulated with galvanized steel conductor

• connects fence line and grounding

• ideal for permanent fence systems

ref. no. length conductor diameter conductor cross-section exterior diameter resistance Ω/m

44817 10 m 1,6 mm 2,0 mm² 6,0 mm 0,070 1 ​

44930 25 m 1,6 mm 2,0 mm² 6,0 mm 0,070 1 ​

44932 50 m 1,6 mm 2,0 mm² 6,0 mm 0,070 1 ​

44933 100 m 1,6 mm 2,0 mm² 6,0 mm 0,070 1 ​

44931 50 m 2,5 mm 4,9 mm² 7,2 mm 0,030 1 ​

44920 100 m 2,5 mm 4,9 mm² 7,2 mm 0,030 1 ​

PLEASE NOTE: item 44817, 44920 is not supplied on a reel!

High voltage underground cable ​

• single-insulated with tinned copper conductor (bundled copper

wires) • connects fence line and grounding • on plastic reel

ref. no. length conductor diameter conductor cross-section exterior diameter resistance Ω/m

44630 25 m 1,32 mm 1,0 mm² 7,0 mm 0,025 1 ​

44632 50 m 1,32 mm 1,0 mm² 7,0 mm 0,025 1 ​

Fence/Earth Connection Cable ​

• with M8 eyelets

• connects fencer and ground rod

• excellent connection between indoors energizer to outside ground rod

• also suitable for connecting several ground rods

ref. no. length conductor diameter conductor cross-section exterior diameter resistance Ω/m

44635/011 3 m 1,32 mm 1,0 mm² 7,0 mm 0,025 40 ​

44636/011 8 m 1,32 mm 1,0 mm² 7,0 mm 0,025 15 ​

High Voltage Cable Connector ​

• for the high voltage-stable, water-tight connection of

high-voltage cables measuring 1.6 - 2.7 mm

ref. no.

440121 1/100 ​


Connection and Grounding Accessories

Ground Connection Cable ​

• connects energizer and ground rod

• lead length 100 cm

• M8 metal eyelets

Ground and Fence Connection Cable ​

• with heavy-duty crocodile clip

• lead length 100 cm

• M8 metal eye

stainless steel



100 cm

ref. no.

44604/011 1 ​

ref. no. colour

44605/011 red 1 ​

44606/011 green 1 ​

Fence Connection Cable ​

• with 2 heavy-duty crocodile clips

• lead length 60 cm

Fence Connection Cable, triple ​

• with 3 robust crocodile clips

• cable length 2 x 60 cm

stainless steel

stainless steel

60 cm

60 cm

60 cm

ref. no.

441608/011 1 ​

ref. no.

441601/011 1 ​


Tape Connector ​

• 3 stainless steel clamping plates

• cable length 2 x 60 cm

• for wide tapes of up to 40 mm

Connection and Grounding Accessories

60 cm

New product

ref. no.

443027/011 1/90 ​

stainless steel

60 cm

Tape-to-Tape Connector ​

• ideal mechanical and electrical connection between two fencing

tapes up to a width of 40 mm

• 80 cm lead

Energizer-to-tape connector ​

• ideal mechanical and electrical connection between

energizer and tape up to a width of 40 mm

• 130 cm lead

• M8 eye

80 cm

stainless steel

stainless steel

130 cm

ref. no.

44616/011 1 ​

ref. no.

44617/011 1 ​

Rope Connector with Lead ​

• ideal mechanical and electrical connection between energizer

and fencing rope up to ø 6.5 mm

• 150 cm lead

• M8 eye

Rope-to-Rope Connector ​

• connector for ropes up to 6.5 mm

• ideal mechanical and electrical connection between

two fencing ropesup to ø 6.5 mm

• 80 cm lead

150 cm

ref. no.

44627/011 1 ​

ref. no.

44629/011 1 ​

Rope / Tape Connection ​

• the perfect mechanical and electrical connection between pasture fence

rope (up to ø 6.5 mm) and pasture fence tape (up to 40 mm)

• 80 cm cable

Connection Cable Heart-shaped Clip ​

• connects fencer and wire or polywire

• lead length 125 cm

• heart-shaped clip

stainless steel

Stainless Steel

80 cm

125 cm

ref. no.

441493/011 1 ​

ref. no.

441603/011 1 ​


Fencing Accessories

Top Seller

Lightning Choke ​

• protect your electric fence unit against overvoltage that can

be caused by lightning strikes to the fence system

Lightning Protection ​

• protect your electric fencer from overvoltage, caused by lightning

contact with the fence system

• for assembly onto fence post

• via a fixed discharger, the ‚lighting protection‘

channels the overvoltage directly into the ground

ref. no.

449602/011 1 ​

ref. no.

44601 1/10 ​

Cut-Out Switch ​

• practical on/off and changeover switch for your fence system

• ideal also for mains operated fence lines

• switches two separate fence systems

Heavy-Duty On/Off Switch ​

• extremely sturdy on/off switch for your fence system

• easy assembly on posts

4 possible settings:

I only fence 1

II only fence 2

I + II fence 1 + 2 together

0 Off

ref. no.

44607 1 1/20 ​

44607/011 1 1 ​

ref. no.

591226 1/25 ​


Customised Warning Signs

Warning signs

You can have warning signs made to your specifications from a minimum order of just 500 pieces. Simply ask us

and send us your motif and desired text. We will then create a design and make your custom signs as quickly as

possible after you approve the draft.

Extract from the safety standard: Each part of an electric fence that

is installed along a public road or public path shall be identified at

frequent intervals by warning signs, which are securely attached to

the fence posts or firmly clamped to the fence wires.

Warning Sign – Caution Electric Fence! ​

• for easy hanging in strips of up to 40 mm, rope, stranded wire and wire

• no further fastening material required

• made of robust plastic

• dimensions: 260 x 150 mm

• printed on both sides

ref. no.

446513 1/10/100 ​

Top Seller

Warning Sign – Caution Electric Fence! ​

• made of stable grade plastic

• dimensions: 200 x 100 mm

• double-sided printed

ref. no.

44620 1/10/400 ​

Warning Signs ​

• made of robust plastic

• dimensions: 200 x 120 mm

ref. no.


44621 „Do not feed the animals“ warning notice 1/25/400 ​

44628 „No trespassing“ warning notice 1/25/400 ​

446510 Warning sign „Caution bull in field“ 1/25/500 ​

Warning Sign – Electric Fence ​

• made of stable grade plastic

• dimensions: 200 x 120 mm

• double-sided printed

ref. no.

44623 1/10/400 ​


DUO Reel ​

Practical double reel allows you to pull 2 rows of braid at the same time

• pre-loaded with 2 x 250 m high-quality conductor material

• locking pin prevents reel from accidental reeling on

• impact-proof plastic guarantees durable use

• special eyes for well-directed braid routing


3 x 0.25 mm TriCond

ref. no.


​ ​ €

441045 DUO Reel 1 40 ​

442705 Easy Drill Roll-up Adapter 1/20 1,040 ​

Plastic Reel Super ​

• very hardwearing plastic reel (replaceable)

• suitable for approximately 600 m wide tape (10 mm) and

500 m rope (6 mm) or 1,000 m wire (3 mm)

• locking pin prevents reel from accidental reeling on

• the ideal aid for fence building

Locking pin

Roll-up Adapter

ref. no.


​ ​ €

44270 Reel Super 1 50 ​

44271 Spare reel 1 60 ​

44272 Stand only 1 250 ​

442705 Easy Drill Roll-up Adapter 1 1,040 ​

Super Big Reel ​

• extra-wide design

• suitable for approximately 1,200 m tape (10 mm) and

1,000 m rope (6 mm) or 2,000 m wire (3 mm)

• locking brake prevents drum from accidentally reeling on

Locking pin

Roll-up Adapter

ref. no.


​ ​ €

441270 Reel Super Big 1 36 ​

441271 Spare Reel Super Big 1 48 ​

441272 Stand for Reel Super Big 1 - ​

442705 Easy Drill Roll-up Adapter 1/20 1,040 ​


Euro Reel ​

• reel Ø 180 mm

• with metal hook (441041)

• metal hook allows fast electrification of the conductor material on the reel!

• suitable for approximately 200 m wide tape (10 mm) and 200 m rope (6 mm) or 400-500 m wire (3 mm)


Top Seller

Metal Hook

ref. no.


​ ​ €

441041 Euro Reel with metal hooks 1/5 200 ​

441201 Spare reel for Euro Reel 1/10 200 ​

Euro Reel Eco ​

• reel Ø 180 mm

• suitable for approximately 200 m wide tape (10 mm) and 200 m rope (6 mm) or 400-500 m wire (3 mm)

ref. no.


​ ​ €

441040 Euro Reel Eco 1/5 200 ​

441201 Spare reel for Euro Reel 1/10 200 ​

TopLine Fence Wire on Reel ​

The popular Euroreel (441041) already loaded with 300 m of Topline Fence Wire (449594)

Tedious winding of the wire material is dispensed with

and the reel is ready for use immediately

ref. no. length colour


fence length


resistance Ω/m

number of




strength ​ ​ €

449597 300 m white / black 4,000 m 0.429 6 0.25 mm 100 kg 1/6 120 ​

Euro Reel Big ​

• reel Ø 240 mm

• with metal hook

• metal hook allows fast electrification of the conductor material on the reel!

• suitable for approximately 400 m wide tape (10 mm) and 300-400 m rope (6 mm) or 700-800 m wire (3 mm)

Metal Hook

​ ref. no. description

​ ​ €

441042 Euro Reel Big with metal hooks 1/5 150 ​

441206 spare reel for Euro Reel Big 1/10 120 ​



Compact Reel ​

• impact-proof plastic guarantees durable use

• special eye for well-directed wire routing

• heavy-duty steel crank arm

• galvanized carry handle for manual use or for clipping into the portable reel system

• with locking ratchet

• up to 600 m plastic polywire or about 200 m tape

ref. no.

​ ​ €

44296 1 40 ​

Geared Reel 3 : 1 ​

• save time by 3-way transmission

• special eye for well-directed wire routing

• impact-proof plastic guarantees durable use

• heavy-duty steel crank arm

• up to 600 m plastic polywire or about 200 m tape

With reliable fixing locknut!

ref. no.

​ ​ €

44280 1 40 ​


The Porta Reel System for Temporary Fencing

A perfect professional reel system for temporary fencing systems that have to be assembled and disassembled

quickly and for many years of use. The indispensable aid for modern fencing.

Multi post ​

• the ideal solution for corner and gate systems for mobile fencing (plastic, metal)

• holder for clasps (item no. 44298) not included in the scope of delivery

ref. no.


​ ​ €

44297 Multi Post 120 cm, for 3 reels max. 1 50 ​

44299 Multi Post 165 cm, for 4 reels max. 1 50 ​

44298 Bracket for reel 1/50 - ​

44355/041 443501





ref. no.


​ ​ ​

44355/041 Gate insulator for tapes PROFI - 4 88 ​

443501 Corner and fence line insulator PROFI 10 - 200 ​

441241 Gate Handle Insulator 10 - 250 ​

44324 Ring Insulator 25 - 500 ​

441360 Corner Insulator Super 10 - 250 ​


What kind of conductor material do I need?

There are several points to consider when selecting the right

conductor material. In principle, you have the choice between

conductor materials made out of plastic (tapes, wires, ropes)

in which the current-leading wires are interwoven with plastic

threads and solid wires made from carbide, which are especially

suited for fixed fence construction.

When selecting the right conductor materials, pay attention to

the resistance in ohms/m, the lower this value the better the

material can conduct current. Our proven TriCond material has

high conductivity together with long service life.

2 3



200 m x 12.5 mm

You can find all this information on

our packaging:

5 Years

Guarantee (UV)

Resistance in Ω/m


fence length

0.25 Ω / m

7.500 m





Break load

Number and

material of the


80 kg

2 x 0.20 mm CU

3 x 0.20 mm



Sn Cu

PremiumLine = max. 7.500 m

Standard = max. 400 m

41533=EL_Premium_Band_260x135.indd 1



We divide our conductor materials into the following quality levels:

AKO expert tip: the lower the

resistance in Ω/m, the better the


AKO PremiumLine series

5 year UV stability


• excellent conductivity

and durability

• application: long to very

long fences

AKO TOPLine series

4 year UV stability


• optimised price/performance

ratio! The lower-cost version

with excellent conductivity!

• application: medium

to long fences

AKO EconomyLine series

3 year UV stability


• the affordable solution!

• area of use: ideal for short fences,

smaller paddocks,

and temporary sections

New product

Fence Clip ​

• for attaching gate handles when gate is open

• avoids dangerous trip hazards and contamination

of conductor material and gate handle

• no power leakage any more from conductor

material lying on the ground

• suitable for fencing tape to max. 40 mm width,

ropes to 8 mm diameter, and wires

• kit consists of 8 clips

• Made in Germany

One-Hand Drop Aid ​

• one-handed unrolling of conductor material –

allows the conductor material to be attached to

the insulators at the same time

• for spools of up to 250 mm height and/or

weighing up to 3 kg


Drop Handles ​

• practical aids for easy and safe unrolling of

conductor material

• suitable for all spool sizes

​ ​

ref. no.

​ ​

442371 8 1/100 ​

ref. no.

442368 1/50 ​

ref. no.

442366 1/70 ​


PremiumLine Fence Tape ​

PremiumLine Tapes

The new generation of

connectors: tool-free,

fast, reliable

"Simple but


5 year UV stability warranty!

We recommend always to

use tape accessories made of

stainless steel (connectors, gate

insulators, gate handles etc.)

AKO PremiumLine Tapes guarantee maximum conductivity and herding safety, even for the longest of fences. The use of thick

tin-plated copper conductors means that conductivity is 40 times higher than that achieved by traditional conductor materials.

Z-webbing = cross connected wires

guarantee permanent re-electrification

and thus constant power flow

Wire grouping = there is a link of two live wires

to keep the fence voltage at a constant level

reinforced outer edges = high tear resistance

ref. no. length width colour


fence length




number of


stainless steel


copper wires



strength ​ ​ €

441533 200 m 12.5 mm white / green 7,500 m 0.25 5 3 x 0.20 mm 2 x 0.20 mm 80 kg 1/12 144 ​

441534 200 m 20 mm white / green 11,500 m 0.17 6 3 x 0.20 mm 3 x 0.20 mm 180 kg 1/6 120 ​

441535 200 m 38 mm white / green 15,000 m 0.13 10 6 x 0.20 mm 4 x 0.20 mm 270 kg 1/6 48 ​


Premium Plus Tape ​

PremiumLine Tapes

5 year UV stability warranty!

AKO Premium PLUS Tapes guarantee maximum robustness and durability. The particularly strong monofilament fibres and the expanded

diameters of our TriCOND conductor material fulfil the highest requirements when it comes to breaking load and conductivity.

Very thick TriCOND conductors

reinforced outer edges

Extra strong monofilament fibres

ref. no. length width colour


fence length





of conductors



strength ​ ​ €

449123 200 m 20 mm brown / orange 11,000 m 0.183 5 0.40 mm 190 kg 1/6 96 ​

449124 200 m 20 mm white / green 11,000 m 0.183 5 0.40 mm 190 kg 1/6 96 ​

449122 200 m 40 mm brown / orange 22,000 m 0.09 10 0.40 mm 350 kg 1/4 48 ​

449125 200 m 40 mm white / green 22,000 m 0.09 10 0.40 mm 350 kg 1/4 48 ​


TopLine Plus Tapes

TopLine Plus Fence Tape ​

4 year UV stability warranty

AKO TopLine PLUS Tapes guarantee excellent conductivity and longevity for medium to long fences. In

contrast to rust-proof wire, the tapes, wires and cables offered by the TopLine PLUS range are equipped with

our new TriCOND conducting material, boasting 5 x higher conductivity. In other words, you can use 5 x longer fences or transport 5 x more power to

areas in contact with animals = 5 x more security

TriCOND conductor wires have undergone extensive testing in recent years and

are known to have long service lives. The low resistance of TriCOND wires and the

excellent herding effect this creates results in an extremely cost-effective solution.

The following comparison is useful (resistance in Ohm/metre <-> price).


new conductors TriCOND = excellent

conductivity and a long service life

strong monofilament fibres =

higher breaking strength

ref. no. length width colour


fence length


resistance Ω/m

number of




strength ​ ​ €

449568 200 m 10 mm yellow / orange 4,000 m 0.467 4 0.30 mm 90 kg 1/12 240 ​

449566 200 m 10 mm orange 5,000 m 0.374 5 0.30 mm 90 kg 1/12 240 ​

449569 200 m 10 mm blue 5,000 m 0.374 5 0.30 mm 90 kg 1/12 240 ​

449567 200 m 10 mm yellow 5,000 m 0.374 5 0.30 mm 90 kg 1/12 240 ​

449563 200 m 20 mm yellow / orange 5,000 m 0.374 5 0.30 mm 120 kg 1/12 120 ​

449570 200 m 20 mm blue 6,000 m 0.311 6 0.30 mm 120 kg 1/12 120 ​

449108 200 m 20 mm green 5,000 m 0.374 5 0.30 mm 120 kg 1/12 120 ​

449109 200 m 40 mm green 10,000 m 0.187 10 0.30 mm 230 kg 1/6 48 ​

449553 200 m 40 mm brown 10,000 m 0.187 10 0.30 mm 230 kg 1/6 72 ​



TopLine Plus Fence Tape white/red ​ ​

4 year UV stability warranty

ref. no. length width colour


fence length


resistance Ω/m

number of




strength ​ ​ €

4491504 200 m 10 mm white / red 4,000 m 0.467 4 0.30 mm 90 kg 1/12 240 ​

4491505 500 m 10 mm white / red 4,000 m 0.467 4 0.30 mm 90 kg 1/6 120 ​

449550 400 m 20 mm white / red 5,000 m 0.374 5 0.30 mm 120 kg 1/6 60 ​

449551 200 m 20 mm white / red 5,000 m 0.374 5 0.30 mm 120 kg 1/12 120 ​

449554 200 m 40 mm white / red 10,000 m 0.187 10 0.30 mm 230 kg 1/6 72 ​


TopLine Plus Fence Tape ​

• high conductivity and long-term durability for medium-sized to long fence systems

TopLine Plus Tapes

4 year UV stability warranty

Especially good visibility for horse due to the luminous neon colours

(fluorescent effect)

30 mm wide as an ideal compromised

between visibility and wind susceptibility

ref. no. length width colour


fence length


resistance Ω/m

number of




strength ​ ​ €

449582 200 m 12 mm neon yellow / blue 4,000 m 0.467 4 0.30 mm 90 kg 1/12 288 ​

449583 200 m 30 mm neon yellow / blue 8,500 m 0.233 8 0.30 mm 90 kg 1/6 96 ​

TopLine Fence Tape ​ ​

4 year UV stability warranty

ref. no. length width colour


fence length




number of




strength ​ ​ €

449590 200 m 10 mm white / black 3,500 m 0,59 4 0.25 mm 60 kg 1/12 240 ​

449591 200 m 20 mm white / black 5,000 m 0,39 6 0.25 mm 120 kg 1/12 120 ​

449598 200 m 20 mm white / petrol 5,000 m 0,39 6 0.25 mm 120 kg 1/12 120 ​

449599 200 m 20 mm white / pink 5,000 m 0,39 6 0.25 mm 120 kg 1/12 120 ​

449592 200 m 40 mm white / black 8,500 m 0,23 10 0.25 mm 230 kg 1/6 48 ​


EconomyLine Tape ​

• ideal for short fence lines and portion pastures

EconomyLine Tapes

3 year UV stability


Standard tapes for short fence

lines and strip grazing areas

ref. no. length width colour


fence length


resistance Ω/m

number of


stainless steel



strength ​ ​ €

44550 200 m 12.5 mm white 200 m 10.47 4 0.16 mm 75 kg 1/12 240 ​

44556 200 m 20 mm white 200 m 10.47 4 0.16 mm 90 kg 1/12 240 ​

44557 200 m 40 mm white 400 m 5.23 8 0.16 mm 130 kg 1/6 96 ​

Fencing Tape Double Pack EconomyLine ​

• 10 mm wide

• 2 x 200 m length in twin pack

3 year UV stability


Standard tapes for short fence

lines and strip grazing areas

ref. no. length width colour


fence length


resistance Ω/m

number of



steel wires


strength ​ ​ €

44565 2 x 200 m 10 mm yellow / orange 200 m 10.47 4 0.16 mm 60 kg 1/6 120 ​

441525 2 x 200 m 10 mm white 200 m 10.47 4 0.16 mm 60 kg 1/6 120 ​


Premium Ultra Fencing Rope ​

• strands of cross-braided PE monofilaments ensure a very high break load with improved elasticity

• polyester fibre core for maximum durability and resistance

• 6 stainless steel conductors combined with 3 thick copper conductors ensure extra high conductivity and bending strength

• water repellent

Premium Ultra Fencing Rope

5 year UV stability warranty!

Conductor wires continuously attached on the outside ensure optimal contact at the animal point of contact

Water-resistant threads made from PE monofilaments = very high break force with improved elasticity

Permanent re-electrification through conductor

bundling and crossing conductors

6 stainless steel conductors and 3 copper

conductors = high conductivity

ref. no. length Ø colour


fence length




number of


stainless steel


copper wires



strength ​ ​ €

441977 400 m 5.5 mm white / green 20,000 m 0.10 9 6 x 0.20 mm 3 x 0.25 mm 650 kg 1/2 48 ​


PremiumLine Ropes

PremiumLine Fencing Rope ​

• thick tin-plated copper conductors – the copper conductors mean that conductivity is 40 times higher than that

achieved by traditional conductor materials

• robust stainless steel wires - enhance the durability

The new generation of

connectors: tool-free,

fast, reliable

"Simple but


Top Seller

5 year warranty for

UV resistance

• we recommend always to

use tape accessories made of

stainless steel (connectors, gate

insulators, gate handles etc.)

AKO PremiumLine Ropes guarantee highest conductivity and tending safety, even on very long runs of fence!

wire grouping = permanent electrification

extra-strong monofilament fibres = increased

fracture load

ref. no. length Ø colour



length max.




of conductors

stainless steel


copper wires



strength ​ ​ €

441564 200 m 6.5 mm white / green 20,000 m 0.10 9 6 x 0.20 mm 3 x 0.25 mm 400 kg 1 72 ​

441554 400 m 6.5 mm white / green 20,000 m 0.10 9 6 x 0.20 mm 3 x 0.25 mm 400 kg 1 36 ​

441519 400 m 6.5 mm orange/brown 20,000 m 0.10 9 6 x 0.20 mm 3 x 0.25 mm 400 kg 1 36 ​


TopLine Ultra Fence Rope ​

AKO TopLine ULTRA combines the advantages of our new conductor

material TriCOND with the robustness of cross-woven PE monofilaments

• strands of cross-braided PE monofilaments ensure a very high break

load with improved elasticity

• polyester fibre core for maximum durability and resistance

• water repellent

TopLine Fence Ropes

4 year UV stability warranty

TriCOND Conductor = excellent conductivity and long service life

Conductor wires continuously attached on the

outside ensure optimal contact at the animal

point of contact

Permanent re-electrification through

crossing conductors

ref. no. length Ø colour


fence length


resistance Ω/m

number of





​ ​ €

441984 300 m 5.5 mm white / black 6,000 m 0.311 6 0.30 mm 650 kg 1/4 96 ​

TopLine plus Rope ​

AKO TopLine PLUS guarantees excellent conductibility and longevity for medium to

long fences. In contrast to rust-proof wire, the lines, flexes and cables offered by the

TopLine PLUS range are equipped with our new TriCOND conducting material, boasting

5 x higher conductibility. In other words, you can use 5 x longer fences or ‚transport‘ 5

x more power to areas in contact with animals = 5 x more security

4 year UV stability warranty

In recent years, TriCOND conductive wires were subjected to intensive tests, in which

they displayed a long useful life. The low resistance of TriCOND wires and the resulting

high repellent effect offer an excellent cost-performance ratio. It is worth making a

comparison (resistance in Ohm/metre <-> price)

Strong PE monofilament fibres = increased

break load

TriCOND Conductor = excellent conductivity

and long service life

ref. no. length Ø colour


fence length max.

resistance Ω/m

number of




strength ​ ​ €

449531 400 m 6 mm white / red 6,000 m 0.311 6 0.30 mm 400 kg 1 36 ​

449532 200 m 6 mm white / red 6,000 m 0.311 6 0.30 mm 400 kg 1 96 ​

449593 200 m 6 mm white / black 4,000 m 0.429 6 0.25 mm 350 kg 1 96 ​


EconomyLine Fence Rope ​

• sturdy polypropylene carrier material

• the economical alternative for small fence systems

EconomyLine Fence Ropes

3 year UV stability warranty

Standard ropes for short fence lines

ref. no. length Ø colour


fence length max.

resistance Ω/m

number of


stainless steel



strength ​ ​ €

44531 200 m 6.0 mm white 500 m 3.87 6 0.20 mm 350 kg 1/6 96 ​

441545 500 m 6.0 mm white 500 m 3.87 6 0.20 mm 350 kg 1/2 32 ​

44533 200 m 8.0 mm white 500 m 3.87 6 0.20 mm 700 kg 1/2 48 ​

EconomyLine Rope cross-wound ​

Unique rope that offers sturdiness, efficiency and excellent visibility. The continual re-electrification of the

two thick, highly conductive metal wires ensures maximum reliability. The interior PE monofilaments are

UV-resistant and extremely durable. Ideal for horse and cattle paddocks.

3 year UV stability warranty

Permanent re-electrification through crossing conductors

ref. no. length Ø colour


fence length max.

resistance Ω/m

number of


iron wire


strength ​ ​ €

441970 200 m 4.0 mm white 6,000 m 0.35 2 0.50 mm 290 kg 1/6 120 ​


Premium Ultra Polywire ​

• strands of cross-braided PE monofilaments ensure a very high break load with improved


• permanent re-electrification through conductor bundling and crossing conductors

• conductor wires continuously attached on the outside ensure optimal contact at the

animal point of contact

PremiumLine Polywires

5 year UV stability warranty!

Cross-braided threads made from PE monofilaments = high break force with improved elasticity

6 stainless steel conductors and

3 copper conductors = maximum

conductivity and bending stability

ref. no. length Ø colour


fence length max.

resistance Ω/m

number of


stainless steel



wires tinned


strength ​ ​ €

441979 400 m 2.5 mm white / green 20,000 m 0.10 9 6 x 0.2 mm 3 x 0.25 mm 110 kg 1/6 180 ​

Fence Clip ​

• for attaching gate handles when gate is open

• avoids dangerous trip hazards and contamination of conductor material and gate handle

• no power leakage any more from conductor material lying on the ground

• suitable for fencing tape to max. 40 mm width, ropes to 8 mm diameter, and wires

• kit consists of 8 clips

New product

ref. no.

​ ​

442371 8 1/100 ​


PremiumLine Polywires ​

• strong PE threads - provide high breaking strength in your fencing system

• thick tin-plated copper conductors – the copper conductors mean that conductivity is

40 times higher than that achieved by traditional conductor materials

• stable stainless steel conductors - ensure a long service life

• wire grouping - there is a link of two live wires guaranteed to keep the fence voltage

at a constant level

PremiumLine Polywires

5 year UV stability


• we recommend always to use tape accessories made of stainless steel

(connectors, gate insulators, gate handles etc.)

AKO Premium Wire guarantees maximum conductivity and herding safety, even for the longest of fences!

Strong PE threads = increased breaking strength

Wire grouping = permanent electrification with constant

high voltage

ref. no. length colour


fence length max.

resistance Ω/m

number of


stainless steel


copper wires



strength ​ ​ €

441550 250 m white / green 18,000 m 0.11 6 3 x 0.20 mm 3 x 0.25 mm 95 kg 1/12 240 ​

441551 500 m white / green 18,000 m 0.11 6 3 x 0.20 mm 3 x 0.25 mm 95 kg 1/6 120 ​

441738 1000 m white / green 20,000 m 0.10 9 6 x 0.20 mm 3 x 0.25 mm 95 kg 1/6 72 ​

Premium WildHog Polywire ​

• specially developed wire for deterring wild animals – the blue colour is especially easy to see for wild animals

• thick tin-plated copper conductors – the copper conductors mean that conductivity is 40 times higher than

that achieved by traditional conductor materials

• conductor wires continuously attached on the outside ensure optimal contact at the animal point of contact


5 year UV stability warranty!

Blue signal colour = increased visibility for wild animals

6 x zinc-coated copper conductors = maximum conductivity

ref. no. length colour

recommended fence

length max.

resistance Ω/m

number of


copper wires



strength ​ ​ €

449312 400 m blue 30,000 m 0.06 6 0.25 mm 105 kg 1/6 120 ​


TopLine Ultra Polywire ​

AKO TopLine ULTRA combines the advantages of our new conductor material

TriCOND with the robustness of cross-woven PE monofilaments

• strands of cross-braided PE monofilaments ensure a very high break load with

improved elasticity

• very high conductivity and durability through the use of 6 x 0.30 mm TriCOND


TopLine Polywire

4 year UV stability


especially good visibility for horses due to the luminous neon

colours (fluorescent effect)

TriCOND Conductor = excellent conductivity and long service life

Conductor wires continuously attached on the

outside ensure optimal contact at the animal

point of contact

Permanent re-electrification through conductor

bundling and crossing conductors

ref. no. length colour


fence length max.

resistance Ω/m

number of




strength ​ ​ €

441971 300 m neon yellow/blue 6,000 m 0.311 6 0.30 110 kg 1/6 180 ​

TopLine Fence Wire ​

• now also available in a budget design in white/black

• very good conductivity and durability through the use of 6 x 0.25 mm TriCOND conductors

• increased fracture load thanks to strong monofilament wires

4 year UV stability


Also available on

a reel (item no.


ref. no. length colour


fence length max.

resistance Ω/m

number of




strength ​ ​ €

449594 400 m white / black 4,000 m 0.429 6 0.25 mm 100 kg 1/6 144 ​


TopLine Polywire

TopLine plus Polywire ​

AKO TopLine PLUS Polywires guarantee excellent conductivity and a very long service life for medium to long fences. In comparison to non-corrosive wires of the

same strength, the use of our new conductor material TriCOND makes tapes, polywires and ropes from the TopLine PLUS range are 5 x more conductive, which

means that you can operate fences that are 5 x longer or ‚send‘ 5 x more power to the place of contact with the animal, making them 5 x safer.

4 year UV stability


Item no. 449581 twin pack incl. drop handles

(only while stocks last!)

In recent years, TriCOND conductive wires were subjected to intensive tests, in which they displayed a long useful life. The low resistance of

TriCOND wires and the resulting high protective effect offer an excellent cost-performance ratio. It is worth making a comparison (resistance

in Ohm/metre <-> price)

TriCOND Conductor = excellent conductivity and long service life

Strong PE monofilament fibres = increased break load

ref. no. length colour

recommended fence

length max.

resistance Ω/m

number of




strength ​ ​ €

4491558 200 m white / blue 6,000 m 0.311 6 0.30 mm 100 kg 1/12 360 ​

449119 300 m white / red 3,000 m 0.623 3 0.30 mm 100 kg 1/12 240 ​

449523 400 m white / red 9,500 m 0.21 9 0.30 mm 100 kg 1/6 150 ​

4491559 400 m white / blue 6,000 m 0.311 6 0.30 mm 100 kg 1/6 120 ​

449120 1000 m white / red 9,500 m 0.21 9 0.30 mm 100 kg 1/2 70 ​

449581 2 x 300 m white / black 6,000 m 0.311 6 0.30 mm 100 kg 1/6 120 ​


EconomyLine Polywire ​

• ideal for short fence lines and portion pastures

• 3 year warranty of UV stability

EconomyLine Polywire

ref. no. length colour


fence length max.

resistance Ω/m

number of


EconomyLine Wire cross-wound ​

Unique wire that offers sturdiness, efficiency and excellent visibility. The continual re-electrification of

the two thick, highly conductive metal wires ensures maximum reliability. The interior PE monofilaments

are UV-resistant and extremely durable.

• 3 year warranty of UV stability

stainless steel



strength ​ ​ €

441555 250 m yellow / orange 250 m 7.74 3 0.20 mm 120 kg 1/12 288 ​

44520 250 m yellow / orange 150 m 13.78 3 0.16 mm 60 kg 1/20 420 ​

44519 500 m yellow / orange 150 m 13.78 3 0.16 mm 60 kg 1/12 288 ​

ref. no. length colour


fence length max.

resistance Ω/m

number of conductors

iron wire


strength ​ ​ €

441972 200 m white 6,000 m 0.35 2 0.50 mm 50 kg 1/12 360 ​

441973 400 m white 6,000 m 0.35 2 0.50 mm 50 kg 1/8 288 ​

Steuer Monowire

The original

• excellent tear resistance

• excellent conductivity thanks to 2 x 0.5 mm galvanised iron wires

• safe voltage transfer to the animal thanks to external metal wires throughout

ref. no. length colour

recommended fence

length max.

resistance Ω/m

number of


steel wire


strength ​ ​ €

445025 500 m transparent 6,000 m 0,35 2 0.50 mm 45 kg 1 200 ​

445035 1000 m transparent 6,000 m 0,35 2 0.50 mm 45 kg 1 120 ​

EconomyLine Mono Wire ​

• 2 hot galvanised steel wires of 0.50 mm wrapped around 1 nylon core of 1.40 mm

• excellent conductivity

• 3 year warranty of UV stability

ref. no. length colour

recommended fence

length max.

resistance Ω/m

number of


iron wire


strength ​ ​ €

44502 500 m transparent 6,000 m 0.35 2 0.50 mm 45 kg 1/8 192 ​

44503 1000 m transparent 6,000 m 0.35 2 0.50 mm 45 kg 1/4 120 ​


Expert tip: All Litzclips ® are perfect for re-tightening conductor material.

Tape Connector Litzclip ® ​

• easy tool-free connection of 2 tape ends

• the quick solution for repairing torn fence tapes

• special punched rectangular openings the easy introduction and secure fixing of the tape

ref. no. use for Material

442000/051 12.5 mm tapes stainless steel (INOX) 5 ​

442001/051 20 mm tapes stainless steel (INOX) 5 ​

442002/051 40 mm tapes stainless steel (INOX) 5 ​

442010/056 12.5 mm tapes galvanized 5 ​


(Galvanised connectors, only while stocks last!)

This is how it works:

Find tear in the fence

Double-up thin tape

Thread the ends into the Plastic caps over it – done! Current conduction is

Litzclip ® guaranteed

Tape connector stainless steel ​

Tape Connector galvanized ​

ref. no. use for ​ ​

44594 up to 13 mm tapes 10 - ​

44595 up to 20 mm tapes 10 - ​

44595/051 up to 20 mm tapes - 5 ​

44596 up to 40 mm tapes 10 - ​

44596/051 up to 40 mm tapes - 5 ​

ref. no. use for ​ ​

44570 up to 13 mm tapes 10 - ​

44573 up to 20 mm tapes 10 - ​

44573/056 up to 20 mm tapes - 5 ​

44572 up to 40 mm tapes 10 - ​

44572/056 up to 40 mm tapes - 5 ​


Rope and Wire Connectors

Expert tip: All Litzclips ® are perfect for re-tightening conductor material.

Rope Connector Litzclip ® ​

• ideal for connecting 2 rope ends of up to 6 mm in diameter

• the quick solution for repairing a torn fence rope

• special key-shaped punched opening for the easy introduction and secure fixing of the rope


ref. no. use for material

442004/051 ropes, Ø 6 mm stainless steel (INOX) 5 ​

442016/106 ropes, Ø 5 mm galvanized 10 ​

(Galvanised connectors, only while stocks last!)

Galvanised Angle Clamp ​

• ideal for connecting and the electrical cross-connection of cables

Safety Link – Litzclip ®

The rope opens at the rope break point in panic situations,

reducing the risk of injury to your horse.

Breaking load up to 20 kg!

ref. no.

use for

​ ​

442365 ropes, Ø 6 - 8 mm 10 1/10/500 ​

ref. no. use for Material

442008/061 ropes, Ø 6 mm Stainless steel 6 ​

442009/066 Replacement security buttons plastic 12 ​

Rope Connector Stainless Steel ​ ​

Rope Connector Galvanized ​ ​

ref. no.

use for

​ ​

44540 ropes, Ø 6 - 8 mm 10 - ​

44540/051 ropes, Ø 6 - 8 mm - 5 ​

ref. no.

use for

​ ​

44535 ropes, Ø 6 - 8 mm 10 - ​

44535/051 ropes, Ø 6 - 8 mm - 5 ​


Expert tip: All Litzclips ® are perfect for re-tightening conductor material.

Wire Connector Litzclip ®

Stainless steel

• the straightforward solution too for repairing a torn wire


ref. no.

use for

442003/101 for wires up to 3 mm in diameter 10 ​

Quick Rope/Wire Connector, galvanized ​

• allows ropes, wires and tapes of up to 10 mm to be connected to gate insulators

and handles quickly and easily, resulting in a connection with optimal electrical


• no tools required


The benefits: No need for tools, easy to create an optimum electrical

connection using fixing screw. Also ideally suitable for tensioning.

ref. no.

use for

441209/041 for ropes of 6 - 8 mm diameter 4 ​

Rope and Wire Connector, galvanized ​

• safe mechanical and electrical connection

• easy to mount with a screw driver

ref. no.

use for

​ ​

441561 for polywire up to ø 2.5 mm 10 - ​

441561/051 for polywire up to ø 2.5 mm - 5 ​

441560 for rope up to ø 6,5 mm 10 - ​

441560/051 for rope up to ø 6.5 mm - 5 ​



© 05/2016

Accessories for Permanent Fencing


Art.Nr. Beschreibung Verkaufseinheit €

42 5/0 1 E-Line 3 - 6 m 1 St. 14, 9 €

4891 verste lbares, verzinktes Weidetor inkl. Montageset 3-4 m St. 179, 4892 verste lbares, verzinktes Weidetor inkl. Montageset 2 - 3 m 1 St. 159, 0 €

4893 verste lbares, verzinktes Weidetor inkl. Montageset 1 - 1,7 St. 19, 4895 verste lbares, verzinktes Weidetor inkl. Montageset 4 - 5 m 1 St. 219, 0 €

4948 Torgri f mit Seilanschluss St. 3,29 €

41025 Durchschwingschloss 1 St. 15, 9 €

41 24 Elektro-Set zum Elektrifi zieren des Weidetores. St. 26, 441298/0 1 FlexiGate Band 7,5 m 1 St. 29, 9 €

412 9/0 1 FlexiGate Seil 7,5 m St. 29, 9 41890 Gummi Elektroseil 25 m 1 St. 34,99 €

41891 Gummi Elektroseil 50 m St. 59, 42 51/0 1 E-Line 4,5 - 9 m 1 St. 17, 9 €

42 57 verste lbares, verzinktes Weidetor inkl. Montageset 5 - 6 m St. 259, 0 42 59 Stützrad für verzinkte Weidetore 1 St. 29,99 €

42920 sta res, verzinktes Weidetor inkl. Montageset 3 m St. 159, 42921 sta res, verzinktes Weidetor inkl. Montageset 3,5 m 1 St. 169, 0 €

429 2 sta res, verzinktes Weidetor inkl. Montageset 4 m St. 179, 42923 sta res, verzinktes Weidetor inkl. Montageset 4,5 m 1 St. 1 9, 0 €



Fixed fence guide

Art.Nr. Beschreibung Verkaufseinheit 4394 Krampe nägel 50 St. 3,29 €

4616/0 Zaunverbindungskabel von Reihe 1 auf 2 St. 7, 4617/0 1 Zaunverbindungskabel auf jede weitere Reihe 1 St. 4, 9 €

44627/0 1 Zaunverbindungskabel auf jede weitere Reihe St. 4, 44629/011 Zaunverbindungskabel von Reihe 1 auf 2 1 St. 5, 9 €

4705 Temperaturausgleichsfeder 435 x 43 mm 1 St. 10, 4706 Gri ple Drahtverbinder 20 St. 29, 9 €

44819 Hochspa nungs-Untergrundkabel 2,5 mm x 50 m 1 St. 56, 9 €

41209/041 Seil-Schnell-Verbinder 4 St. 5, 9 €

42924 sta res, verzinktes Weidetor inkl. Montageset 5 St. 219, 0 42925 sta res, verzinktes Weidetor inkl. Montageset 6 m 1 St. 259,00 €

41 25 Drahtverbindungsklemme 10 St. 9,49 €

413 0 T-Post Zieher 1 St. 69, 9 €

494420 Torgri mit Litzclip Bandanschlu s 20 mm St. 4, 49 40 Torgri f mit Litzclip Bandanschluss 40 mm 1 St. 4, 9 €

41324 T-Post Ramme St. 49, 41328 Spa nhebel für Zahnra drahtspa ner 1 St. 4, 9 €

Der AKO Weidezaunrechner . nur ein p ar Mausklicks von Ihrer individuell angepassten Einkaufsliste entfernt!

41465 T-Post 90° Ecklösungs-Set St. 32, 4414 6 T-Post Zaunanfangs-Set 1 St. 23, 9 €

41560 Seilverbinder für Seile bis 6,5 mm Durchmesser 10 St. 14, 9 42 02/051 Litzclip Bandverbinder Edelstahl 40 mm 5 St. 9,99 €

Art.Nr. Beschreibung Verkaufseinheit 4607 Zaunschalter 1 St. 8, 9 €

4 69 Zaunprüfer ohne Erdspieß St. 2, 9 €

410 2 GSM Alarm 1 St. 495, 0 €

41 23/0 1 Signal Light St. 19, 9 €

41230 GSM On/O f 1 St. 149, 0 €

46513 Warnschild St. 2,49 €

449602/0 1 Blitzschutz 1 St. 16, 9 €

Stationary fences are also characterised as a fixed fence and are used for several years

as a safe herding set-up for your animals. This type of fence is especially low-maintenance

because of the long-lasting and robust materials used in the construction of

the fixed fence.

They are frequently built with recycled posts, metal T-posts and solid wood posts

that are anchored deep into the ground. A stable construction is required, especially

in corners and junctions, because of the high tensile forces on the material. Mobile

fence variants also have their own conductor material. Here we recommend using

our Premium Horse Wire (44873) or Special Steel Wire for fixed fences (445055). We

have also developed practical de-tensioning and corner solution sets that make the

construction of a stationary fence so much easier.

42004/051 Litzclip Seilverbinder Edelstahl 5 St. 8, 42610/1 01 Holzschrauben 1 0 St. 5, 9 €

46506 Schutzschlauch für Temperaturausgleichsfeder 3 St. 17,99 46508 Abspa nset “diagonal” 1 St. 19, 9 €

Browse the new AKO

fixed fence guide

online or request

your free copy by

e-mail at



Albert Kerbl GmbH

Felizenze l 9

84428 Buchbach


Telefon +49 8086 9 3-1 0

Telefax +49 8086 9 3-152

E-Mail info@kerbl.de


Produktinformation/techn. Beratung

AKO-Agrartechnik GmbH & Co.KG

Karl-Maybach-Str. 4

8239 Wangen-Geiselharz


Telefon +49 7520 9 60-0

Telefax +49 7520 9660- 8

E-Mail info@ako-agrar.de


Ob Festzaun oder Mobilzaun, Großpferd oder Kleinpferd, mit Weidzezaungerät oder ohne:

Egal wie Sie Ihr individue les Zaunsystem zusammenste len möchten, der AKO Weidezaunrechner

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Wir bemühen uns laufend unser Programm zu verbe sern und auf dem neuesten Stand zu halten. Änderungen in den Ausführungen behalten wir uns deshalb vor. Mit Erscheinen dieses Kataloges verlieren alle

alten Kataloge und Preislisten für diese Produkte ihre Gültigkeit. Bei allen angegebenen Preisen handelt e sich um unverbindliche Preisempfehlungen des Herste lers und verstehen sich inklusive gesetzlicher Mehrwertsteuer.

Alle Angaben erfolgen vorbehaltlich Satz- und Druckfehler. Preisänderungen und I rtum vorbehalten. Änderungen in Farbe und Ausführung aus drucktechnischen Gründen möglich! Nachdruck - auch

auszugsweise - darf nur nach vorheriger Genehmigung erfolgen. Ba terien und Akku sind Zubehörartikel und daher nicht im Lieferumfang der Gerät enthalten. Mit den aufgeführten Produkten verbessern Sie

wesentlich die Hütesicherheit Ihrer Weide. Örtliche Einfl üsse und Gegebenheiten kö nen Ihre Zaunanlage b einfl u sen, weshalb eine absolute Hütesicherheit nicht gewährleistet werden ka n. Der Verkäufer gibt

keine Gewähr dafür, dass die Zaunanlage ausbruchsicher ist, vielmehr so l mit dem Elektrozaungerät und dem entsprechenden Zubehör die Sicherheitslage verbe sert werden. Verkauf nur über den Fachhandel!

Besuchen Sie uns im Web

Mit unserem praktischen Weidezaunrechner

können Sie Ihren

individuellen Weidezaun konfi gurien.


PR275_Pferdeko pel_DE

Der Festzaun-Ratgeber für die Pferdekoppel

... Tipps und Tricks zum Selberbauen!

Premium Horse Wire




Electric Wires

Fencing Wire Aluminium ​

• excellent conductivity, 4 times higher than conventional steel wire

• easy to handle during installation

• low weight (by 2/3 less than steel wire)

• increased breaking load through the addition of magnesium

ref. no. length Ø resistance Ω/m breaking strength

​ ​ €

445002 400 m 1,6 mm 0,030 70 kg 1/4 168 ​

445007 400 m 1,8 mm 0,023 90 kg 1/4 144 ​

445003 400 m 2,0 mm 0,020 110 kg 1/4 120 ​

Stranded aluminium wire ​

• 7 bundled wires

• increased breaking load through the addition of magnesium

• extremely flexible and light, therefore simpler and quicker to set up

• very high conductivity, up to 4x better than standard iron wire

New product

ref. no. length Ø resistance Ω/m breaking strength

​ ​ €

445038 500 m 1,8 mm 0,027 95 kg 1/4 120 ​

Stranded Wire galvanized ​

• 7 strands

• very flexible, easy to install

• multi-use, e.g. for wildlife control

ref. no. length description Ø resistance Ω/m breaking strength

​ ​ €

44500 200 m Stranded Wire without Reel 1,5 mm 0,120 200 kg 1 400 ​

445009 1000 m Stranded Wire on Reel 1,5 mm 0,120 200 kg 1 60 ​


Steel Wire galvanized ​

• very good conductivity

• proven in fence construction for decades

• optimum current output upon animal contact

Electric Wires

ref. no. length Ø resistance Ω/m breaking strength

​ ​ €

445041 322 m 1,6 mm 0,070 95 kg 1/5 100 ​

44504 250 m 1,8 mm 0,050 110 kg 1/5 100 ​

445042 200 m 2,0 mm 0,040 140 kg 1/5 100 ​

High-Tensile Steel Wire for Permanent Fence ​

• zinc/aluminium alloy for long lasting protection

• ninefold protection against corrosion compared to galvanized wire

• very good conductivity

• ideal for permanent fence installations

• optimum current output upon animal contact

10 years warranty


ref. no. length Ø resistance Ω/m breaking strength

​ ​ €

445055 1000 m 2,0 mm 0,060 345 kg 1 40 ​

44505 625 m 2,5 mm 0,035 650 kg 1/20 40 ​

Wire Pay-Out Spinner ​

• trouble-free unrolling of permanent fencing wire

• galvanized

• also for Horse Wire



ref. no.

​ ​ €

44279 1 20 ​ ​

441875 1/6 108 ​ ​


Accessories for Permanent Fencing

Electrically conducting plastic

A coating of electrically conducting mixture

of carbon fibre and plastic that reaches the

surface through three lines, covers the steel



A coating of white UV-stabilized polyethylene

covers the area between live materials.

Steel Wire

Inside there is a special steel wire of 2.5 mm


Top Quality

Premium Horse Wire ​

Our most durable electrifiable horse fencing system!

The Premium Horse Wire provides a very strong mechanical barrier thanks to the 2.5 mm thick steel wire. The electrically conductive white/black plastic protects

the interior steel wire from the weather and resists a breaking load of up to 800 kg. Its round shape and smooth surface mean cuts from the conductor

material are avoided.

• length 250 m

• Premium Horse Wire 8 mm exterior diameter

• great conductivity 0.035 Ohm/m

• high mechanical barrier due to steel wire (breaking strength 800 kg)

• electrifiable and very safe

• extremely weather-proof (cold, warmth, moisture)

• high visibility due to white coating and Ø 8 mm

• UV-stabilised PE covering

• no physical hazard for horses due to round and smooth surface

10 years warranty


Tip: use our ‘Wire LINK’ (442367)

for connection

ref. no.

​ ​ €

44873 1 20 ​


Accessories for Permanent Fencing






1 De-tensioning Set „Horizontal“ ​ 2 De-tensioning Set „Diagonal“ ​

• incl. insulation (polyamide)

Set for the diagonal de-tensioning of an H pillar design in the corner and

• incl. stainless steel temperature equalisation spring

at the fence start and/or end for very high tensile forces of the conductor

• incl. gear wheel wire tensioner (clamping lever not included in delivery) material e.g. Premium Horse Wire and steel wire.

• incl. stainless steel wire rope loop for fast and easy attachment to the • incl. protective hose

tension post

• incl. stainless steel wire rope loop

• suitable for Premium Horse Wire and steel wire

• incl. gear wheel wire tensioner (clamping lever not included in delivery)

• for tensioning posts with a diameter of up to 160 mm

• incl. 2 x 90° metal brackets and wood screws


ref. no.


446509 De-tensioning Set „Horizontal“ 1/20 ​


Protective hose for temperature equalisation

springs, 3 pieces/set

1/10 ​

ref. no.

446508 1/10 ​

3 Corner Solution for Premium Horse Wire

Set of 3

• incl. stainless steel wire rope loop for fast and easy attachment to the

corner post

• suitable for Premium Horse Wire, steel wire and fence rope

• for corner posts with a diameter of up to 160 mm

• incl. insulation (polyamide)

4 Easy Loop Plug Connector ​

• for easy stopping at the last post

• ideal for Premium Horse Wire

Tip: we recommend the hose insulator (Art. No. 44392)

for insulation at the fence post

ref. no.


446507 Corner Solution – 3 Pack 1/20 ​

ref. no.

​ ​

446519 10 500 ​

5 Tube Insulator ​

• for Horse Wire and rope up to 8 mm

• polyethylene pipe as insulation corner solution in the permanent fence

• for mounting with staples (item no. 44394)

ref. no. length Ø

44392 60 cm 8 mm 10 ​


Accessories for Permanent Fencing

Corner Sleeve Insulator ​

• with integrated pinlock system

• ideal for installing an inside corner with poles up to max. ø 140 mm

• ideally suited for Premium Horse Wire and all common ropes, stranded

wires and wires

• screw in or nail on

Kramp Nail ​

• 3.8 x 47 mm

• galvanized

Tip: You can also use 2 insulators for poles

with very large diameters, so as to avoid the

conductor material touching the pole.

(only while stocks last!)

ref. no.

441284 10 ​

ref. no.

​ ​

44394 50 1/20 ​

Porcelain Strain Insulator ​

• extremely durable starting and end insulator for fence wires

• withstands extreme tensile loads

• 10-year guarantee

Wood Screws ​

• 4.5 x 35 mm galvanised

• hexagon round head

• for securing insulators

• incl. bit insert

ref. no.

442363 10 ​

ref. no.

442610/1001 100 ​

Porcelain Corner Insulators ​

• professional corner insulator made of porcelain • high-quality

• withstands extreme tensile loads

Porcelain Insulator

incl. wire rope with eyelet in set of 3

• user-friendly corner solution for all types of fence wire

• professional corner insulator made from porcelain incl. stainless steel

wire loop for easy and quick installation on the

corner post

• withstands extreme tensile loads

• suitable for corner posts with a diameter of up

to 160 mm

ref. no.


442362 - 10 1/10/200 ​

442362/061 6 1 1 ​

ref. no.



Porcelain Insulator incl. wire rope

with eyelet in set of 3

1/20 ​


Accessories for Permanent Fencing

Temperature Equalisation Spring ​

• sturdy model for 2.5 mm steel wire (item no. 44259 for 1.6 mm steel wire)

• eases strain on wire and corner posts

• balances temperature variations and renders the fence flexible

• protective tube prevents horse hair being trapped in the spring


ref. no. length Ø spring material

44704 435 mm 43 mm galvanized 1/20 ​

44705 435 mm 43 mm stainless steel 1/20 ​

44259 200 mm 25 mm stainless steel 1/60 ​

446506 500 mm - Protective hose for temperature equalisation springs, 3 pieces/set 1/10 ​


In-Line Strainer ​

• tightens/loosens rapidly wires, ropes, polywires without cutting them in two

ref. no.


​ ​

44513 In-Line Strainer - 1/25 ​

44513/031 In-Line Strainer 3 1/50 ​

44514 Tension arm - 1/20 ​


Permanent Wire Tensioner ​

• tightens/loosens rapidly wires, ropes, polywires without cutting them in two

• with cliplock

• without lever

441297 441328

44509 441327

ref. no.


44509 Gear-toothed Wire Tensioner 1/50 ​

441327 Gear-toothed wire tensioner with integrated insulator 1/20 ​

441297 Gear-toothed wire tensioner with integrated insulator and wire cable 1/10 ​

441328 Clamping lever for gear-toothed wire tensioner 1/20 ​


Accessories for Permanent Fencing

​ ​ Drill ​

• the ideal aid for fence building

• fatigueless drilling before posts are set up

Wooden Mallet ​

• 6 kg

• incl. welded scorper

ref. no. Ø

44484 70 mm 1 ​

44485 90 mm 1 ​

44486 150 mm 1 ​

ref. no.


44482 Wooden Mallet 1 ​

44483 Spare Stick for Wooden Mallet 1/10 ​

Sledge Hammer plastic ​

• 5 kg

• head made of break-proof plastic

• new: hickory handle

Post Driver ​

• for driving in posts up to Ø 100 mm

• weight approx. 12 kg

ref. no.

441422 1 ​

ref. no.

44471 1 ​

Chain tensioner ​

• ideally suited for tensioning all kinds of electric fence wire

• two-piece

Farming forceps ​

• cuts wire up to ø 5 mm

• essential for fence construction

• can also be used as a hammer

ref. no.

441269 1/4 ​

ref. no.

28255/1 1/6/36 ​


Wire Connectors

Wire Connector Wire Link ​

Sturdy wire connector allows the connection of two wires without tools.

The wire is simply pushed into the opening and cannot free itself without intervention.

• suitable for wires with a diameter of 1.8 - 2.5 mm

Expert tip: no injuries from protruding wire ends - ideal for horse

pastures with Premium Horse Wire (44873)

ref. no.

​ ​

442367 2 1/200 ​

Wire Connector Clamp, galvanized ​

• for the safe, vertical connection of fixed fence wire series and/or

the underground cable with the fence wire

• suitable for wires with a diameter of up to 2.5 mm

Wire Connecting Clamp ​

• suitable for the electrical cross-connection of multiple wires

• galvanized

• suitable for wires with a diameter of up to 2.5 mm

ref. no.

​ ​ ​

441225 10 - 500 ​

441225/041 - 4 200 ​

Gripple Wire Connector ​

• the Gripple system repairs fences 6 x faster

than conventional connectors

ref. no.

442364 10 1/10/500 ​

ref. no. for wire Ø operation load

​ ​ ​

44707 1,40 - 2,20 mm 220 kg - 20 300 ​

44706 2,00 - 3,25 mm 400 kg - 20 200 ​

44706/066 2,00 - 3,25 mm 400 kg 6 - - ​

44703 Tension Tool - - 1 4 ​


Octo Wood ​

Consistent growth rings =

steady growth

Narrow growth rings =

slow growth


• does not have to be waterproofed

• contains the natural fungus inhibitor


• with resin channels throughout

• „dead“ wood

• gives the pole stiffness


• only the sapwood section is waterproofed

• the membrane of the wood fibre cell is

coated in a copper sulphate layer

• waterproofed with Wolmanit CX in a

pressure tank process

Raw materials

OctoWood uses only slow-growing Scandinavian

pine grown north of 64 degrees latitude:

• low temperatures

• short sunlight hours

• smaller tree crowns

• straight trunk

• extremely rigid

• high breaking load

The wooden stake with smart octagonal profile

made from pine wood (Pinius Sylvestris) offers

flexible mounting of the insulators thanks to its

8 sides. The most commonly used fence post is

available in different lengths as well as different

diameters, allowing it to be used in any fence

system. Pine wood is not a hard wood and is

therefore easy to work with.


Octo Wood ​

• the new Octo Wood post with the ingenious octagonal profile made of Pinius Silvestris

= pine wood

• thus provides simple mounting without pre-drilling

• this post is also well-suited for erecting a wooden fence

• furthermore, the octagonal profile also ensures a secure rest in pallets and allows for

excellent transportation without rolling

• highly effective high-pressure treatment as per use class 4, preventive protection

against insects, fungi and soft rot

• suitable for continuous earth and water contact

• sensational 10-year warranty!

Holzpfähle für Permanentzäune

+ 180 cm

+ 165 cm

+ 150 cm

The Octo Wood cross bar (441835) is ideal for

construction of horse-riding courses

+ 135 cm

+ 120 cm

10 years warranty


+ 105 cm

+ 90 cm

Ideal for corner, gate, first and last posts

ref. no. description total length Ø

​ ​ €

441827 Corner-/gate post 210 cm 140 mm 1 48 ​ ​

441828 Corner-/gate post 250 cm 140 mm 1 48 ​ ​

441820 Fence Line post 150 cm 60 mm 1 252 ​ ​

441821 Fence Line post 200 cm 60 mm 1 252 ​ ​

441822 Fence Line post 180 cm 80 mm 1 154 ​ ​

441823 Fence Line post 200 cm 80 mm 1 154 ​ ​

441824 Fence Line post 225 cm 80 mm 1 154 ​ ​

441825 Fence Line post 200 cm 100 mm 1 99 ​ ​

441826 Fence Line post 225 cm 100 mm 1 99 ​ ​

441835 Cross Bar 350 cm - 1 99 ​ ​

+ 75 cm

+ 60 cm

+ 45 cm

+ 30 cm

+ 15 cm

+ / - 0 cm

- 15 cm

- 30 cm

- 45 cm

- 60 cm

441822 441827 441828


Recycling Posts

• well suited for soft, moist or deep grounds

• extremely durable

• optimal processing possible (screwing, nailing, sawing, drilling)

• fully insulated

• ground water-neutral and rot-proof

• sharpened on one side

• ideal as a track post


Recycling Posts

Recycling Post ​

• drive into the ground about 50 – 60 cm deep

• tried-and-tested round profile

• outstandingly suitable for soft, moist, or deep soils

+ 180 cm

+ 165 cm

ref. no. total height thickness

​ ​ €

44460 130 cm 45 mm 1 165 ​ ​

44462 150 cm 50 mm 1 300 ​ ​

44463 150 cm 60 mm 1 125 ​ ​

44474 185 cm 60 mm 1 125 ​ ​

442071 200 cm 70 mm 1 74 ​ ​

44465 180 cm 75 mm 1 60 ​ ​

44467 200 cm 75 mm 1 60 ​ ​

44469 220 cm 100 mm 1 33 ​ ​

+ 150 cm

+ 135 cm

+ 120 cm

+ 105 cm

Cross-profile Recycling Post ​

• very stable cross profile 70 x 70 mm

• optimum handling options (screwing, nailing, sawing, drilling)

• extremely durable

• outstandingly suitable for soft, moist, or deep soils

+ 90 cm

+ 75 cm

+ 60 cm

+ 45 cm

ref. no. total height ​thickness

​ ​ €

442059 150 cm 70 x 70 mm 1 120 ​ ​

442043 200 cm 70 x 70 mm 1 120 ​ ​

+ 30 cm

Square Recycling Post ​

• practical square profile

+ 15 cm

+ / - 0 cm

- 15 cm

- 30 cm

ref. no. total height thickness

​ ​ €

442057 175 cm 70 x 70 mm 1 55 ​ ​

44478 175 cm 90 x 90 mm 1 45 ​ ​

44477 200 cm 90 x 90 mm 1 45 ​ ​

- 45 cm

- 60 cm

44469 442043 44477


T-Post System

Our T-Post is made from prepared, hot-rolled rail steel, which is one of the strongest

and most durable types of steel. Due to its extreme rigidity, this steel will only become

minimally deformed even under the highest stress and is therefore the best choice for

the construction of semi-permanent fence systems and fixed fences. The typical green

paint also protects the stable rail steel of the T-Posts from the influences of

weather. The entire post is covered in nubs spaced at intervals

of 55 mm to enable the set-up of fences of various heights. This enables the easy

attachment of a wide range of insulators for all conductor materials, tool-free and at

any height.

T-Post Profile

Top-quality T-Posts in varying lengths,

easily driven in, for durable application.

The posts have solid nubs every 5.5

cm across their entire length to fasten

accessories. A solid base plate provides

additional stability. The posts are painted

to make them highly weather-resistant.

We recommend approx. 30 cm

longer T-Posts to be used for corners.

Insulators are fastened by clipping firmly

to the T-Post at the desired heights.





© 05/2016

Art.Nr. Beschreibung Verkaufseinheit 42 5/0 1 E-Line 3 - 6 m 1 St. 14, 9 €

44891 verste lbares, verzinktes Weidetor inkl. Montageset 3-4 m St. 179, 4892 verste lbares, verzinktes Weidetor inkl. Montageset 2 - 3 m 1 St. 159, 0 €

4893 verste lbares, verzinktes Weidetor inkl. Montageset 1 - 1,7 St. 19,00 4895 verste lbares, verzinktes Weidetor inkl. Montageset 4 - 5 m 1 St. 219, 0 €

4948 Torgri f mit Seilanschluss St. 3,29 €

441025 Durchschwingschlo s 1 St. 15, 9 €

41 24 Elektro-Set zum Elektrifi zieren des Weidetores. St. 26, 9 41298/011 FlexiGate Band 7,5 m 1 St. 29,99 €

412 9/0 1 FlexiGate Seil 7,5 m St. 29, 9 41890 Gu mi Elektroseil 25 St. 34,99 41891 Gu mi Elektroseil 50 m 1 St. 59, 9 €

42 51/0 1 E-Line 4,5 - 9 m St. 17,99 €

42 57 verste lbares, verzinktes Weidetor inkl. Montageset 5 - 6 m 1 St. 259, 0 €

T-Post System

Fixed fence guide



Art.Nr. Beschreibung Verkaufseinheit 4394 Krampe nägel 50 St. 3,29 €

4616/0 Zaunverbindungskabel von Reihe 1 auf 2 St. 7, 9 4617/0 1 Zaunverbindungskabel auf jede weitere Reihe 1 St. 4,99 €

42559 Stützrad für verzinkte Weidetore St. 29, 9 €

42920 sta res, verzinktes Weidetor inkl. Montageset 3 m 1 St. 159, 0 €

4627/0 Zaunverbindungskabel auf jede weitere Reihe St. 4, 44629/0 1 Zaunverbindungskabel von Reihe 1 auf 2 1 St. 5, 9 €

442921 sta res, verzinktes Weidetor inkl. Montageset 3,5 St. 169, 42922 sta res, verzinktes Weidetor inkl. Montageset 4 m 1 St. 179, 0 €

44705 Temperaturausgleichsfeder 435 x 43 mm 1 St. 10, 4706 Gripple Drahtverbinder 20 St. 29, 9 €

42923 sta res, verzinktes Weidetor inkl. Montageset 4,5 St. 1 9, 42924 starres, verzinktes Weidetor inkl. Montageset 5 m 1 St. 219, 0 €

4819 Hochspa nungs-Untergrundkabel 2,5 m x 50 m 1 St. 56, 441209/041 Seil-Schne l-Verbinder 4 St. 5, 9 €

441 25 Drahtverbindungskle me 10 St. 9,49 €

41300 T-Post Zieher 1 St. 69,99 €

42925 sta res, verzinktes Weidetor inkl. Montageset 6 St. 259, 0 49 420 Torgri f mit Litzclip Bandanschlu s 20 m 1 St. 4, 9 €

494 40 Torgri f mit Litzclip Bandanschlu s 40 m 1 St. 4, 9 €

41324 T-Post Ramme St. 49,99 41328 Spa nhebel für Zahnra drahtspa ner 1 St. 4,99 €

Der AKO Weidezaunrechner . nur ein paar Mausklicks von Ihrer individue l angepassten Einkaufsliste entfernt!

T-Post can be installed by only one

person with the help of a specially

developed pile driver (441324). Here

it must be taken into account that the

posts must be driven at least deep

enough that the entire 18 cm long

anchor plate (drive-in depth approx. 40

cm) is sunk into the ground.


Art.Nr. Beschreibung Verkaufseinheit 44607 Zaunschalter 1 St. 8, 9 €

4 69 Zaunprüfer ohne Erdspieß St. 2, 9 €

410 2 GSM Alarm 1 St. 495, 0 €

41 23/0 1 Signal Light St. 19, 9 €

41230 GSM On/O f 1 St. 149, 0 €

46513 Warnschild St. 2,49 €

49602/0 1 Blitzschutz 1 St. 16, 9 €

441465 T-Post 90° Ecklösungs-Set St. 32, 414 6 T-Post Zaunanfangs-Set 1 St. 23, 9 €

441560 Seilverbinder für Seile bis 6,5 m Durchme ser 10 St. 14, 9 42 02/051 Litzclip Bandverbinder Edelstahl 40 mm 5 St. 9,99 €

42 04/051 Litzclip Seilverbinder Edelstahl 5 St. 8, 42610/1 01 Holzschrauben 1 0 St. 5, 9 €

Browse the new AKO

fixed fence guide online

or request your free

copy by e-mail at


46506 Schutzschlauch für Temperaturausgleichsfeder 3 St. 17, 446508 Abspa nset “diagonal” 1 St. 19, 9 €


Albert Kerbl GmbH

Felizenze l 9

84428 Buchbach

Telefon +49 8086 9 3-1 0

Telefax +49 8086 9 3-152

E-Mail info@kerbl.de


Produktinformation/techn. Beratung

AKO-Agrartechnik GmbH & Co.KG

Karl-Maybach-Str. 4

8239 Wangen-Geiselharz

Telefon +49 7520 9 60-0

Telefax +49 7520 9660- 8

E-Mail info@ako-agrar.de


Ob Festzaun oder Mobilzaun, Großpferd oder Kleinpferd, mit Weidzezaungerät oder ohne:

Egal wie Sie Ihr individue les Zaunsystem zusammenste len möchten, der AKO Weidezaunrechner

unterstützt Sie bei der Auswahl der für Sie geeigneten Komponenten und

berechnet Ihnen, wie viele Artikel Sie für die Montage benötigen.

Zum Schlu s können Sie sich die Artike liste als PDF speichern oder direkt ausdrucken

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Wir bemühen uns laufend unser Progra m zu verbe sern und auf dem neuesten Stand zu halten. Änderungen in den Ausführungen behalten wir uns deshalb vor. Mit Erscheinen dieses Kataloges verlieren a le

alten Kataloge und Preislisten für diese Produkte ihre Gültigkeit. Bei a len angegebenen Preisen handelt e sich um unverbindliche Preisempfehlungen des Herste lers und verstehen sich inklusive gesetzlicher Mehrwertsteuer.

A le Angaben erfolgen vorbehaltlich Satz- und Druckfehler. Preisänderungen und I rtum vorbehalten. Änderungen in Farbe und Ausführung aus drucktechnischen Gründen möglich! Nachdruck - auch

auszugsweise - darf nur nach vorheriger Genehmigung erfolgen. Ba terien und A ku sind Zubehörartikel un daher nicht im Lieferumfang der Gerät enthalten. Mit den aufgeführten Produkten verbe sern Sie

wesentlich die Hütesicherheit Ihrer Weide. Örtliche Einfl ü se und Gegebenheiten kö nen Ihre Zaunanlage beeinfl u sen, weshalb eine absolute Hütesicherheit nicht gewährleistet werden ka n. Der Verkäufer gibt

keine Gewähr dafür, da s die Zaunanlage ausbruchsicher ist, vielmehr so l mit dem Elektrozaungerät un dem entsprechenden Zubehör die Sicherheitslage verbe sert werden. Verkauf nur über den Fac handel!

Besuchen Sie uns im Web

Mit unserem praktischen Weidezaunrechner

kö nen Sie Ihren

individue len Weidezaun konfi gurien.


PR275_Pferdeko pel_DE

Der Festzaun-Ratgeber für die Pferdekoppel

... Tipps und Tricks zum Selberbauen!

Premium Horse Wire



T-Posts are suitable for all types of pastures, as a supplemental fence for rotational grazing,

and as semi-permanent paddock fences, as well as a way to fence in an outlet.


T-Post System

T-Post Metal Post ​

• made from robust steel

• green/white painted

• with solid base plate

• drive into the ground about 40 cm

• perfect for horses, cattle and wild animal fences

Top Seller

+ 200 cm

+ 180 cm

+ 165 cm

+ 150 cm

+ 135 cm

+ 120 cm

+ 105 cm

+ 90 cm

+ 75 cm

+ 60 cm

Made from rail steel - making them

considerably more stable!

+ 45 cm

+ 30 cm

+ 15 cm

+ / - 0 cm

- 15 cm

ref. no. total height

​ ​ €

441460 152 cm 1/5 200 ​ ​

441407 167 cm 1/5 200 ​ ​

- 30 cm

441461 182 cm 1/5 200 ​ ​

441462 213 cm 1/5 200 ​ ​

441463 240 cm 1/5 200 ​ ​

- 45 cm




441462 441463


T-Post System

T-Post Head Insulator ​

• extra UV-resistant plastic

• new design with improved post support

• can be extended with corner solutions for tapes and ropes

• avoids injuries to animals at the post end

• for all conventional tapes, ropes

and wires

T-Post Rope Insulator ​

• can be used with cable up to 8 mm, polywire, wire and tape up to 10 mm

• very robust design

• improved clip system - simplifies fastening to the T-post

ref. no. colour

441252 black 10 200 ​

441253 yellow 10 200 ​

ref. no. colour

441189 black 25 200 ​

441190 yellow 25 200 ​

T-Post Ring Insulator ​

• for wire, polywire, rope and tape up to 10 mm

• improved clip system - simplifies fastening to the T-post

T-Post Tape Insulator ​

• for tapes up to 50 mm

• improved clip system - simplifies fastening to the T-post

ref. no. colour

441180 black 25 200 ​

441181 yellow 25 200 ​

ref. no. colour

441183 black 25 200 ​

441184 yellow 25 200 ​

T-Post Pinlock Insulator ​

Pinlock Insulator for rope, poly wire and wire

• improved clip system - simplifies fastening to the T-post

T-Post Distance Insulator ​

• distance insulator for rope, poly wire and wire

• support length: 12,5 cm

• simplifies fastening to the T-post

ref. no. colour

441186 black 25 200 ​

441187 yellow 25 200 ​

ref. no. colour

442343 black 25 300 ​

442344 yellow 25 300 ​


T-Post System​

The ideal solution for preventing the conductor material touching the diagonal support posts.

T-Post Corner Solution Cable ​

• the highest quality with stainless steel

• conductor material is protected by rounded edges

• support length: 15 cm

• set includes: 4 x clips, 4 x spacers

T-Post Corner Solution Tape ​

• for tapes up to 40 mm

• the highest quality with stainless steel

• conductor material is protected by rounded edges

• support length: 15 cm

• set includes: 4 x clips, 4 x spacers

ref. no. colour

441255 yellow 4 1/25 ​

441257 black 4 1/25 ​

ref. no. colour

441254 yellow 4 1/25 ​

441256 black 4 1/25 ​

Tape Corner Solution for T-Post

The ideal solution for T-Post corners with electric fence tape!

• for tapes up to 40 mm

• the highest quality with stainless steel

• conductor material is protected by rounded edges

• support length: 15 cm

• set includes: 4 x insulators, 4 x spacers

ref. no.


446514 for tapes 4 ​

Stainless steel

Rope Corner Solution for T-Post

The ideal solution for T-Post corners with electric fence rope!

• the highest quality with stainless steel

• conductor material is protected by rounded edges

• support length: 15 cm

• set includes: 4 x insulators, 4 x spacers

ref. no.


446515 for ropes 4 ​

Stainless steel

Gate Handle Insulator Vario for T-Post ​

• set includes: 3 x insulators, 3 x stainless steel connector plates each

with 3 connection options

ref. no.

446516 3 ​

Stainless steel


T-Post System

Gate Handle Insulator T-Post ​

Set includes:

4 x gate handle insulator

4 x universal clamps

Tape Gate Handle Insulator

Kit Professional T-Post ​

• kit comprises: 2 insulators with stainless steel plates and 4 T-Post universal clamps

• robust tape insulator with stainless steel connecting plate for gate handle

and pasture fence connection (gate handle not supplied)

ref. no.

​ ​

441231 4 1/50 ​

ref. no.

441494 2 ​

Rope Insulator and Corner Insulator T-Post ​

Set includes:

4 x rope insulator

4 x universal clamps

Tape. Rope and Corner Insulator T-Post ​

Set includes:

4 x Corner and Distance Insulator + 8 x universal clamps

ref. no.

​ ​

441233 4 1/100 ​

ref. no.

441232 4 ​

Corner Insulator Super

with metric thread

Tape Corner Insulator Cavallo

with metric thread

• for rope, polywire and wire

• extra strong finish made from polyamide plastic (PA)

• galvanised, continuous 8 mm support (30 mm / M6)

• no slipping of the conductive material on the metal support thanks to the

insulator‘s special shape

• for wide tapes of up to 40 mm

• extra strong finish made from polyamide plastic (PA)

• galvanised, continuous 8 mm support (30 mm / M6)

• free-running tape is fed through safely thanks to smooth, rounded surface

Universal clamps (44790) not included.

Universal clamps (44790) not included.

ref. no.

​ ​

441360 10 250 ​

ref. no.

​ ​

441377 10 250 ​


T-Post universal clip kit ​

The ideal solution for attaching insulators to the fence start, corner, and gate systems in T-Post systems

• simple and quick attachment of standard wooden screw-in insulators to the T-Post

• insulators are attached to the universal clip by means of screws

• universal clip can be attached or retrofitted to the T-Post quickly at any time, without using a tool, using proven clip system

• kit comprises 8 universal clips and 8 screws

T-Post System

New product

ref. no.

​ ​

441176 8 1/50 ​

T-Post Universal Clamp Kit T-Post ​

• kit comprises: 2 universal clamps and 2 fastening screws

• usage on the T-Post enables universal fitting of all insulators with M6 metric thread or with 6 mm diameter hole

ref. no.

​ ​

44790 2 1/2/200 ​

T-Post Pile Driver ​

• makes it easy to drive the t-post into the ground

• weight: approx. 8 kg

• internal diameter approx. 5.3 cm

Pulling Device for T-Post ​

• enables the easy dismantling of your T-post

• robust design

ref. no.

441324 1 ​

ref. no.

441300 1 ​


Fence Starter Set T-Post ​

• consisting of: two brackets for diagonal brace incl. fixing screws and caps

T-Post System

Variable Corner Solution Set T-Post ​

• consisting of: one universal corner bracket and four brackets for diagonal

struts incl. fixing screws and caps

ref. no.

441178 1/12 ​

Installation of a fence starter with T-posts

• Drive the gate or junction post approx. 40-50 cm into the ground...

• Drive in the next track post using a spacing of 1.50 m...

• Remove the base plates from the diagonal support post...

• Install the fence starter set on the gate or junction post and on the track post...

• Attach the diagonal support post to the sleeve and align them!

ref. no.

441177 1/6 ​

Installation of a corner with T-posts

• Drive the corner post approx. 40-50 cm into the ground...

• Drive in both additional corner and stretch posts using

a spacing of 1.50 m each...

• Remove the base plates from both diagonal support posts...

• Install the corner solution set on the corner posts...

• Attach the diagonal support posts to the sleeve and align them!

The support kit...

The corner in detail...

441253 441180 441232 446514

441255 441254

441252 441181 446515

441257 441256

441180 441181 441253 441252


Angular Steel Post ​

The angled steel posts are suitable for all-year-round use. There is no danger of breaking, even at the lowest temperatures.

• excellent for dry and rocky areas

​ ref. no. total height thickness Drill holes ​ ​ €

44421 115 cm 2 mm 4 x 10 500 ​

444213 115 cm 3 mm 4 x 10 500 ​

444215 150 cm 3 mm 5 x 10 500 ​

44453 165 cm 3 mm 5 x 10 500 ​


Metal posts

Top Seller

Angle Post Insulator ​

• made of polypropylene

• durable

• incl. metal pin

ref. no.

​ ​ ​

44408 25 500 - ​

44408/1007 - - 100 ​

Round Steel Post and Oval Steel Post ​

• made of spring steel

• with large top insulator

• heavy-duty tread-in

• about 20 cm spike

• brown colour

Posts for the cattle husbandry,

proven for decades




ref. no. total height description thickness MQ ​ ​ ​ €

441457 107 cm oval 11 x 5 mm 30 10 30 720 ​

441458 107 cm round Ø 8 mm 30 10 30 720 ​

441455 106 cm oval 11 x 5 mm 30 10 30 720 ​

441456 106 cm oval 11 x 5 mm 30 10 30 720 ​


ref. no.

use for

​ ​ ​

4413151 Spare Insulator Clip oval 25 - 400 ​

441315/251 Spare Insulator Clip oval - 25 300 ​

4413171 Spare Top Insulator oval 25 - 500 ​

441317/201 Spare Top Insulator oval - 20 240 ​

44432 Spare Top Insulator oval with eye 25 - 500 ​

44433 Spare Ring Insulator oval 25 - 500 ​

441316 Spare Insulator Clip round 25 - 400 ​

441318 Spare Top Insulator round 25 - 500 ​

441421 Charge Insulator 50 - 1,800 ​




Pigtail Post ​

• white post with eye (PE insulation)

• total height 105 cm

• with approx. 15 cm double prong

• thickness of material Ø 7 mm

ref. no. total height ​ ​ €

44456 105 cm 10 1,000 ​

Spring Steel Post with

Eyelets ​

• galvanised post with eye (PE insulation)

• total height 109 cm

• with approx. 17 cm double prong

• material thickness 6.5 mm diameter ​

ref. no. total height ​ ​ €

441474 109 cm 10 1,000 ​


Metal posts

+ 200 cm

+ 200 cm

+ 180 cm

+ 180 cm

+ 165 cm

+ 165 cm

+ 150 cm

+ 150 cm

+ 135 cm

+ 135 cm

+ 120 cm

+ 120 cm

+ 105 cm

New product

+ 105 cm

+ 90 cm

+ 90 cm

+ 75 cm

+ 75 cm

+ 60 cm

+ 60 cm

+ 45 cm

+ 45 cm

+ 30 cm

+ 30 cm

+ 15 cm

+ 15 cm

+ / - 0 cm

+ / - 0 cm

- 15 cm

- 15 cm

- 30 cm

44453 444215 444213 44421 441457 441458 441455 441456 44456 441474

- 30 cm

- 45 cm

- 45 cm


Plastic Post AKO Premium ​

• extremely impact-resistant, high-quality plastic post

• nearly indestructible single tread bar

• with an especially long and reinforced 9 mm thick ground nail

• for all conventional tapes, polywires, ropes and wires

• vertically reinforced for increased stability

Plastic Posts and Accessories

Top Quality

Added advantage of the 107 cm version: incl. head

insulator for stranded wire, wire and 10 mm tape - also for

twisting the stranded wire

ref. no. colour total height spike eyes ​ ​ ​ €

441813 white 107 cm 20 cm

441814 white 147 cm 20 cm

1 x stranded wire,

2 x rope,

5 x 20 mm tape, 2 x 40 mm tape

4 x rope,

5 x 20 mm tape,

4 x 40 mm tape

5 - 675 ​

5 20 660 ​

Plastic Post with Stirrup Step ​

• the post is very easily driven into the ground because the stirrup is positioned directly above the spike

• for all common tapes, ropes and polywires

• white or green

• with galvanized spike

• with fibreglass reinforcement - extremely robust and durable

ref. no. colour total height spike eyes ​ ​ ​ €

44417 green 114.5 cm 19 cm

44418 green 158 cm 19 cm

444170 white 114.5 cm 19 cm

444180 white 158 cm 19 cm

1 x stranded wire, 2 x rope,

4 x 20 mm tape,

2 x 40 mm tape (incl. top insulator)

4 x rope,

4 x 20 mm tape,

4 x 40 mm tape

1 x stranded wire, 2 x rope,

4 x 20 mm tape,

2 x 40 mm tape (incl. top insulator)

4 x rope,

4 x 20 mm tape,

4 x 40 mm tape

5 - 390 ​

5 20 360 ​

5 - 390 ​

5 20 360 ​


Plastic Posts and Accessories

+ 140 cm

+ 130 cm


+ 140 cm

+ 130 cm

+ 120 cm

+ 120 cm

+ 110 cm

+ 110 cm

+ 100 cm

+ 100 cm

+ 90 cm

+ 90 cm

+ 80 cm

+ 80 cm

+ 70 cm

fiberglass reinforced

+ 70 cm

+ 60 cm

+ 60 cm

+ 50 cm

+ 50 cm

+ 40 cm

+ 40 cm

+ 30 cm

+ 30 cm

+ 20 cm

+ 20 cm

+ 10 cm

+ 10 cm

+ / - 0 cm

+ / - 0 cm

- 10 cm

- 10 cm

- 20 cm

441813 441814 44417 44418 444180 444170

- 20 cm


Plastic Post Titan PLUS

with metal step reinforcement

• metal step-in reinforcement provides extremely high stability

• highly impact-resistant, high-grade plastic, virtually unbreakable

• also suited for sub-zero temperatures

• for all commonly available tapes, ropes, stranded or solid wires

• high stability through additional longitudinal struts

• with galvanized spike

Plastic Posts and Accessories

3 years UV warranty

Metal step-in reinforcement provides extremely

high stability

with special honeycomb structure

ref. no. colour total height spike eyes ​ ​ ​ €

4418083 blue 110 cm 16 cm 5 x rope + 3 x tape 5 1/5 490 ​

441808 white 110 cm 16 cm 5 x Rope + 3 x Tape 5 1/5 490 ​

441809 white 157 cm 19 cm 7 x Rope + 5 x Tape 5 1/5/20 500 ​

Plastic Post Titan ​

• highly impact-resistant, high-grade plastic, virtually unbreakable

• also suited for sub-zero temperatures

• for all common tapes, ropes, stranded or solid wires

• high stability through additional longitudinal struts

• with galvanised earth pen

3 years UV warranty

with special honeycomb structure

ref. no. colour total height spike eyes ​ ​ €

441802 white 110 cm 18 cm 5 x Rope + 3 x Tape 5 490 ​

441800 white 110 cm 18 cm 5 x Rope + 3 x Tape 5 350 ​

441801 white 157 cm 21 cm 7 x Rope + 5 x Tape 5 500 ​


Plastic Posts and Accessories

+ 140 cm

+ 130 cm




+ 140 cm

+ 130 cm

+ 120 cm

+ 120 cm

+ 110 cm

+ 110 cm

+ 100 cm

fiberglass reinforced

+ 100 cm

+ 90 cm

+ 90 cm

+ 80 cm

+ 80 cm

+ 70 cm

+ 70 cm

+ 60 cm

+ 60 cm

+ 50 cm

+ 50 cm

+ 40 cm

+ 40 cm

+ 30 cm

+ 30 cm

+ 20 cm

+ 20 cm

+ 10 cm

+ 10 cm

+ / - 0 cm

+ / - 0 cm

- 10 cm

- 10 cm

- 20 cm

4418083 441808 441809 441802 441800 441801

- 20 cm


Plastic Post Classic

with single step

• for all conventional tapes, polywires, ropes and wires

• vertically reinforced for increased stability

• with galvanised ground nail

Plastic Posts and Accessories

443421 with step in new


ref. no. colour total height spike eyes ​ ​ ​ €

443421 white 105 cm 18 cm

443412 white 156 cm 21 cm

2 x rope,

3 x 20 mm tape,

2 x 40 mm tape

4 x rope,

3 x 20 mm tape,

4 x 40 mm tape

5 - 630 ​

5 30 750 ​


Plastic Post Classic

with double step

• for all conventional tapes, polywires, ropes and wires vertically

• reinforced for increased stability

• with galvanized spike

Top Seller

443422 with step in new


ref. no. colour total height spike eyes ​ ​ ​ €

443422 white 105 cm 18 cm

443492 white 125 cm 21 cm

443493 white 156 cm 21 cm

443493/40 white 156 cm 21 cm

4434932 green 156 cm 21 cm

4434937 petrol 156 cm 21 cm

4434938 pink 156 cm 21 cm

2 x rope,

3 x 20 mm tape,

2 x 40 mm tape

3 x rope,

3 x 20 mm tape,

3 x 40 mm tape

4 x rope,

3 x 20 mm tape,

4 x 40 mm tape

4 x rope,

3 x 20 mm tape,

4 x 40 mm tape

4 x rope,

3 x 20 mm tape,

4 x 40 mm tape

4 x rope,

3 x 20 mm tape,

4 x 40 mm tape

4 x rope,

3 x 20 mm tape,

4 x 40 mm tape

5 - 560 ​

5 20 500 ​

5 20 500 ​

- 40 360 ​

5 20 500 ​

5 20 500 ​

5 20 500 ​



Plastic Posts and Accessories

+ 140 cm

+ 130 cm


+ 140 cm

+ 130 cm

+ 120 cm

+ 120 cm

+ 110 cm

+ 110 cm

+ 100 cm

+ 100 cm

+ 90 cm

+ 90 cm

+ 80 cm

+ 80 cm

+ 70 cm

+ 70 cm

+ 60 cm

New product

+ 60 cm

+ 50 cm

+ 50 cm

+ 40 cm

+ 40 cm

+ 30 cm

+ 30 cm

+ 20 cm

+ 20 cm

+ 10 cm

+ 10 cm

+ / - 0 cm

+ / - 0 cm

- 10 cm

- 10 cm

- 20 cm

- 20 cm

443421 443422 443492 443412 443493 4434932 4434937 4434938


Plastic Post Basic ​

• for all conventional tapes, polywires, ropes and wires vertically

• reinforced for increased stability

• with galvanized spike

Plastic Posts and Accessories

ref. no. colour total height spike eyes ​ ​ ​ €

44491 white 105 cm 17 cm

5 x rope, 2 x 20 mm tape,

1 x 40 mm tape

5 - 560 ​

Plastic Post Eco ​

• for all commonly available tapes, ropes, stranded or solid wires

• high stability through additional longitudinal struts

• with galvanized spike

ref. no. colour total height spike eyes ​ ​ €

441810 white 70 cm 18 cm 5 x tape/rope 5 1,200 ​

4418102 green 70 cm 18 cm 5 x tape/rope 5 1,200 ​

441812 white 105 cm 18 cm 7 x tape/rope + 1 x tape 5 1,000 ​

Plastic Post ​

• round, ø 19 mm

• with galvanized spike

• solid material

3 years UV warranty

ref. no. colour total height spike description ​ ​ €

44400 white 108 cm 23 cm without step 10 1,000 ​

44405 white 108 cm 26 cm with step 10 1,000 ​

44499 white 158 cm 26 cm with step 10 1,000 ​

Additional Eyelets for Plastic Posts ​

• as additional eye for plastic posts Ø 19 mm

• for wires, ropes and wide tapes

• variable adjustment of pole eyelet

ref. no.

plastic eyes

​ ​ ​

44403 Polywire and Tape up to 10 mm 25 - 1,000 ​

44404 Tape up to 40 mm 25 - 750 ​




Plastic Posts and Accessories

+ 140 cm

+ 130 cm



+ 140 cm

+ 130 cm

+ 120 cm

+ 120 cm

+ 110 cm

+ 110 cm

+ 100 cm

+ 100 cm

+ 90 cm

+ 90 cm

+ 80 cm

+ 80 cm

+ 70 cm

fiberglass reinforced

+ 70 cm

+ 60 cm

Top Seller

+ 60 cm

+ 50 cm

+ 50 cm

+ 40 cm

+ 40 cm

+ 30 cm

+ 30 cm

+ 20 cm

+ 20 cm

+ 10 cm

+ 10 cm

+ / - 0 cm

+ / - 0 cm

- 10 cm

- 10 cm

- 20 cm

- 20 cm


4418102 441810 441812

44400 44405 44499


Fibreglass Posts and Accessories

Plastics that are reinforced with glass fibres have a number of significant advantages when compared to other materials such as steel, iron or

simple plastic. The combination of plastic and glass fibres demonstrates significantly better properties when it comes to stability and resistance

than conventional plastic. Moreover, our fibreglass posts are very lightweight and cannot rust or rot, making them ideal for outdoor use.

NEW: All fibreglass posts (except 444269/10) are coated with a special polyester fleece and therefore have a

visible honeycomb structure on the surface.


• absolutely smooth surfaces and therefore no unpleasant fibreglass residues on the skin

• significantly increased UV-resistance compared with standard fibreglass posts

• 5 year warranty of UV stability

• extremely robust and durable

• easy handling due to light weight

Plastic Eyelets

for round fibreglass post

• for stranded wires, ropes and wires

• variable adjustment of pole eyelet

Wire eyelet

for round fibreglass post

• suitable for fibreglass rods of diameter 10 mm

• for polywire, rope and wire

• variable adjustment of eyelet on the post

ref. no. Ø

​ ​

444011 10 mm 50 1,000 ​

444012 12 mm 50 1,000 ​


ref. no.

use for

444265 Spiral spring stainless steel, ø 10 mm 30 ​


Round Fibreglass Post

made from solid material

• ground nail made from fibreglass

• low weight

• round shape, 12 mm diameter

• extremely robust design with step

• ideal for cattle, horse and sheep pens

• insulators not included in the scope of delivery

Fibreglass Posts and Accessories

+ 140 cm

5 years UV warranty

+ 130 cm

+ 120 cm

NEW: with polyester fleece coating

+ 110 cm

ref. no. colour total height Ø description ​ ​ €

444280 white 115 cm 10 mm fibre glass 25 2,500 ​

444277 yellow 125 cm 12 mm 20 cm, fibre glass 10 1,750 ​

444279 yellow 160 cm 12 mm 20 cm, fibre glass 10 1,750 ​


+ 100 cm

Oval Fibreglass Post ​

• yellow/black

• oval

• perfect for keeping cows, horses and sheep

5 years UV warranty

• 444291, 444292, 444293: incl. head insulator and height-adjustable additional insulator

• 444269/10: incl. head insulator with metal ring

• ideal for stranded wires, wire and tapes up to 20 mm

+ 90 cm

+ 80 cm

+ 70 cm

NEW: with polyester fleece coating

These posts boast low weight and volume plus unbelievable toughness,

stability and ease of use!

ref. no. total height description Oval Post ​ ​ €

444291 110 cm 18 cm, metal 10 x 8 mm 10 1,200 ​

444292 152 cm 18 cm, metal 10 x 8 mm 10 1,200 ​

444293 110 cm 22 cm, fibre glass 10 x 8 mm 10 1,750 ​

+ 60 cm

+ 50 cm

+ 40 cm

Spare / Additional Insulator

for oval fibreglass post

• variable height of pole insulator

• absolutely secure attachment

+ 30 cm

+ 20 cm

ref. no.

use for

444263 Spare insulator for 444291, 444292, 444293 25 ​

+ 10 cm

Oval Fibreglass Post ​

• yellow/black

• oval

• perfect for keeping cows, horses and sheep

• incl. head insulator with metal ring

• ideal for stranded wires, wire and tapes up to 20 mm

5 years UV warranty

+ / - 0 cm

- 10 cm

ref. no. total height description Oval Post ​ ​ €

444269/10 106 cm 18 cm, metal 10 x 6 mm 10 1,000 ​

- 20 cm

444280 444279 444293

444291 444292 444269/10




Insulators separate the live wire from the post and prevent

unwanted discharge into the soil. There are insulators for every

application that have been specially developed for the respective

conductive material or the various post types.

For most insulators, the following applies: the larger the

insulator, the better its insulating properties. For corners and

junctions, extra robust insulators should be used because there

are high tensile forces here that put high stress on the material.

Along with their insulating properties, our insulators also

make it easier to work with the various conductor materials.

For example, with the right insulator, you can re-tension sagging

conductor material with just a few actions or take care of

partially torn tapes for re-electrification.

We divide our insulators into the following

types of applications:

• Corners

• Straight sections

• Gates

• Distance insulators


Ring Insulators with continuous support

The robust insulators with metal cores


EDX - the self-cutting thread

Easy Drill Ring Insulator EDX

with continuous support

• with continuous solid 6 mm support and self-cutting thread

• twice as easy to screw in as standard supports; the wood is „cut“ not „displaced“

• no need for pre-drilling for hard wood

• far less fracturing in wood when screwed in

• best possible insulation properties

• impact resistant plastic

Free screwdriver! (443269/703E)

ref. no.

​ ​ ​ ​

443269 25 - 500 - ​

443269/201 - 20 280 - ​

443269/753E - - - 75 ​

Ring Insulator compact

with continuous support

• galvanised 5.3 mm support

• wide wire run

ref. no.

​ ​ ​ ​

44314 25 - - 500 ​

44314/251 - 25 - 350 ​

449314 50 - - 500 ​

44314/1003E - - 100 - ​

44314/2603E - - 260 - ​

44314/3003E - - 300 - ​

Free screwdriver! (44314/1003E,

44314/2603E, 44314/3003E)

Screw Bit for all Ring Insulators and Maxi Tape Insulator ​

• for drills and battery screwdrivers

• easily screwed in due to its round shape

• as well as all ring insulators, also suitable for Maxi Tape Insulator 441390 and Allgäu 441381

ref. no.

441363/011 1 ​


Ring Insulators with short support

The insulators with excellent insulation characteristics

EDX - the self-cutting thread

Easy Drill Ring Insulator EDX

with short support

• with short 6 mm support and new self-cutting thread

• twice as easy to screw in as standard supports; the wood is „cut“ not „displaced“

• no need for pre-drilling for hard wood

• far less fracturing in wood when screwed in

• best possible insulation properties

• impact resistant plastic

Free screwdriver! (443279/1003E)

ref. no.

​ ​ ​ ​

443279 25 - 500 - ​

443279/201 - 20 280 - ​

443279/1003E - - - 100 ​

Ring Insulator compact

with short support

• galvanised 6 mm support

• wide wire run

ref. no.

​ ​ ​ ​

44316 25 - 500 - ​

44316/251 - 25 350 - ​

44316/903 - - - 90 ​

Ring Insulator

with short support

• galvanised 5 mm support

ref. no. colour

​ ​ ​ ​

44306 black 25 - 500 - ​

44306/251 black - 25 350 - ​

44306/903 black - - - 90 ​

44318 red 50 - 500 - ​

441342 yellow 25 - 500 - ​

Ring Insulator Super BIG

with short support

• galvanized 6 mm support

• for solid/stranded wire, rope and 10 mm tape

• with wide slit for rope

ref. no. colour

​ ​

441385 black 25 500 ​


Slot Insulators

EDX - the self-cutting thread


Easy Drill EDX - Premium Slit Insulator

in bucket incl. screw-in tool

• extra-stable slit insulator made from high-quality polycarbonate

• suitable for extreme temperature and weather conditions

• best insulating properties thanks to large plastic body

• galvanised 7 mm metal support with self-tapping wooden thread (EDX)

• includes matching screw-in tool (441379)

• made from break-proof polycarbonate

Top Quality

Free screwdriver!

ref. no. ​ø support

441373/503E 7 mm 50 ​

Slit Insulators ​

• excellent insulation qualities

• galvanized support

• screws on wood

• for polywire and wire

Polycarbonate = highly break-proof and durable!

ref. no. colour ø support

​ ​ ​

44300 black 5,3 mm 25 - 500 ​

44300/301 black 5.3 mm - 30 420 ​

44305 red 5,3 mm 100 - 1,000 ​

44302 yellow 6,0 mm 25 - 500 ​

44302/251 yellow 6.0 mm - 25 350 ​


Wrap-Insulator Allgäu ​

• easy to tighten / fix in place by winding the conductor material around the insulator

• suitable for strands and wire

• galvanised 6 mm support

• tough plastic with UV protection

• can be screwed in using screw aid item no. 441363

Special Insulators

Free screwdriver!

ref. no.

​ ​ ​

441381 25 500 - ​

441381/903E - - 90 ​

Premium Combi-Insulator

with short support

• unites different conductive material applications (polywire, 10, 20 mm

tape, rope and wire) in ONE insulator

• 6 mm metal support

• excellent insulation characteristics due to large, wide drip-zones

emphasise the high quality of this insulator

ref. no. colour

​ ​ ​

441370 red 25 - 500 ​

441380 black 25 - 500 ​

441380/351 black - 35 420 ​

441371 pink 25 - 500 ​

441372 petrol 25 - 500 ​


Corner and Distance Insulator ​

• electrically conductive rubber inlays through carbon fibres (patented)

secure the tape very gently but reliably

• anti-slip by alternating rubber pad structure

• end or strain insulator, also excellent for corners

• enables easy mounting and simple tensioning of wide tapes, ropes, and wires

Corner/strain insulators

Individual interrupted / broken conductor wires

are re-electrified by the electricity-conducting rubber!


suitable wood screws



Very popular for paddock fences!



because of the logical further development of our proven

Profi corner/stretch insulator, by turning the upper clamping

element through 180 degrees it is now also possible to ensure

even more secure fastening, especially for fence ropes and

wires. Our Profi is therefore insulator the universal start/corner/

stretch insulator, which makes it simple to tighten all conductor


ref. no.

​ ​ ​ ​ €

443501 10 - 200 3,200 ​

44350/061 - 6 300 2,400 ​

Tape Corner Insulator Cavallo ​

• for wide tapes of up to 40 mm

• extra strong finish, made from very durable polyamide plastic

• galvanised, continuous 8 mm support for 100 % stability

• polyamide plastic for high tensile forces

• free-running tape is fed through safely thanks to smooth, rounded surface

ref. no.

​ ​ ​

441376 10 - 250 ​

441376/081 - 8 400 ​


Premium Tape & Cable Tensioner ​

• for fence tapes up to max. 40 mm and fence ropes up to max. Ø 8 mm

• for tightening

• easy tape/cable loosening

• simple to add on to existing fence systems

• simple, secure tensioning by hand without tools - thanks to ratchet function

• extremely robust thanks to glass fibre reinforced polyamide

Corner/strain insulators

suitable wood screws


ref. no.

​ ​ ​ ​ €

44578 10 - 100 2,400 ​

44578/041 - 4 56 1,792 ​

Premium Clip Insulator

Flexible use, can be used as a stretch insulator and tape tensioner!

• for tightening

• UV-stabilised plastic

• for all fence tapes up to 40 mm in width

• ideal as a stretch insulator and tape tensioner

Top Seller

The double-sided, ribbed rubber inlay provides a reliable and protective hold for the tape along

with the patented “clip” functional principle. The inlay prevents the tape from slipping and protects

against damage. The toothing above the rubber inlay prevents the tape from slipping out.


ref. no.

​ ​ ​ ​

441290 10 - 200 - ​

441290/141 - 14 350 - ​

441290/603 - - - 60 ​


suitable wood screws



Clip Insulator Maxi Tape ​

• galvanised 6 mm metal support

• for tapes up to 40 mm and ropes up to 6 mm

• improved clip mechanism thanks to 2 locking points

Tape Insulators

Top Seller

suitable screwdriver



ref. no.

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ €

441390 25 - 500 - 18,000 ​

441390/301 - 30 360 - 6,480 ​

441390/803 - - - 80 7,680 ​

Clip Insulator Easy Tape ​

• for tapes up to max. 40 mm as well as polywires up to Ø 6 mm

• ideal fence line insulator

• improved clip mechanism thanks to 2 locking points

• reinforced screw-on plate

suitable wood screws



ref. no.

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ €

441391 25 - 500 - 9,000 ​

441391/251 - 25 300 - 5,400 ​

441391/753 - - - 75 7,200 ​

Corner Insulator ​

• for tapes 40 - 60 mm

• screw-in or nail-on insulators

Additional brackets optional, item no. 44348

• for tapes up to 40 mm

• forks off in different directions



suitable wood screws


ref. no.


​ ​

44347 Corner insulator 10 100 ​

44348 Corner Insulators with additional bracket 10 100 ​

Important: Not suitable

for tapes with

copper wires!


Tape Insulator ​

• ideal for polytapes up to 20 mm

• sturdy galvanised 6 mm support

• with wood screw

Tape Insulators

ref. no.

​ ​ ​

44309 25 - 500 ​

44309/151 - 15 210 ​

Insulator for Tapes up to 20 mm ​

• solid and durable type

• screw-in or nail-on insulator

• tape passes through – thus easy straining of hot tape over longer runs of fence

suitable wood screws


ideal for use together with insulator item no. 443501

ref. no.

​ ​

44343 10 200 ​

Insulator for Tapes up to 40 mm ​

• solid and durable type

• screw-in or nail-on insulator

• tape passes through – thus easy straining of hot tape over longerruns of fence

suitable wood screws


ideal for use together with insulator 443501

ref. no.

​ ​ ​ ​ €

44340 10 - 200 4,800 ​

44340/121 - 12 144 2,592 ​


EasyCord Rope Insulator ​

• heavy-duty insulator made of break-proof plastic with self-drilling wood screw

• galvanised 6 mm support

• ideal for ropes up to ø 8 mm and polywires

• recommended accessories: screw aid set (item no. 441384)

is included with the promotional bucket (item no. 441382/703).

Insulators for ropes/wires

ref. no.

​ ​ ​ ​

441382 25 - 500 - ​

441382/301 - 30 360 - ​

441382/703E - - - 70 ​

441384 - - 100 - ​

Rope Insulator Euro Cord ​

• heavy-duty insulator made of break-proof plastic

• screw in or nail on

• 10 years warranty for UV resistance

• black

• ideal for electric ropes up to 8 mm and Premium Horse Wire

Free screwdriver (with


10 year warranty for

UV resistance


suitable wood screws


ideal for Premium Horse Wire (44873)

ref. no.

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ €

441396 10 - 200 - 7,200 ​

441396/201 - 20 240 - 8,640 ​

441396/503 - - - 50 6,400 ​

Permanent Fencing Insulator Highland ​

• professional insulator for permanent fencing

• nail-on or screw-in insulator

• ideal for steel wires

10 year warranty for

UV resistance

suitable wood screws


ref. no.

​ ​ ​ ​

441398 10 - 200 - ​

Insulator Pinlock ​

• heavy-duty insulator

• ideal for all ropes up to ø 8 mm polywires and steel wires

suitable wood screws


ref. no.

​ ​ ​

4414951 25 500 - ​


Insulators for ropes/wires

Corner Insulator Super ​

• for ropes and stranded or solid wires

• extra-strong design, highly robust

• galvanised, continuous 8 mm support

• polyamide plastic for high tensile forces

• There is practically no electrical conduction, firstly because of the highly

insulated supports, and secondly because of the special shape of the

insulator, which prevents the conductor material from slipping onto the

metal support.

Corner Insulator for Polywires and Ropes ​

• with glass fibre reinforcement

• roll complete with solid 7 mm support

• swivel insulator

the perfect corner solution

ref. no.

​ ​ ​

441330 10 - 250 ​

441330/061 - 6 - ​

ref. no.

​ ​ ​

44330 - 25 250 ​

Strain Insulator for Ropes ​

• with fibreglass reinforcement

• suitable as corner and strain insulator

• important aid in fence construction

Strain Insulator Polyamide for Steel Wire ​

• with fibreglass reinforcement

• suitable as corner and strain insulator inpermanent fencing (plain wire)

resists especially high strains

ref. no. colour

​ ​ ​

443341 white 25 - 250 ​

44334/061 white - 6 300 ​

443351 black 25 - 250 ​

ref. no.

​ ​ ​

443581 10 250 - ​

Corner / Strain Insulator

with metal insert

• very robust corner insulator

• also suitable as a start/end insulator

• integrated metal insert withstands extreme tensile loads

and prevents “cutting” into the wire in the insulator

ref. no.

442370 10 1/10/200 ​


Corner Insulator Super

with metric thread

• for rope, polywire and wire

• extra strong finish made from polyamide plastic (PA)

• galvanised, continuous 8 mm support (30 mm / M6)

• no slipping of the conductive material on the metal support thanks to the insulator‘s special shape

Insulators with metric thread

Universal clamps (44790) not included.

ref. no.

441360 10 250 ​

Fastening Ring for Round Posts ​

• for 35 - 70 mm round posts

• incl. rubber inlay to protect the posts

• to fasten insulators with metric thread M6

ref. no.

441276 1 20 ​

Ring Insulator with Metric Thread ​

• black

• galvanised 6 mm support

• sturdy plastic body

• 2 distance rings

with short support

ref. no. support use for

​ ​ ​

44324 M6 x 35 mm Metal post 25 - 500 ​

44324/201 M6 x 35 mm Metal Post - 20 280 ​

44391 M6 x 80 mm tube post 25 - 500 ​


Gate Handle Insulator with Metric Thread ​

• hooks in gate handles from both sides

• with galvanised 6 mm support

• thread length: 35 mm / M6

• 2 nuts included in scope of supply

Insulators with metric thread

ref. no.

​ ​

441241 10 250 ​

Tape Corner Insulator Cavallo

with metric thread

• for wide tapes of up to 40 mm

• extra strong finish made from polyamide plastic (PA)

• galvanised, continuous 8 mm support (30 mm / M6)

• free-running tape is fed through safely thanks to smooth,

rounded surface

Universal clamps (44790)

not included.

ref. no.

​ ​

441377 10 250 ​

Tape Insulator with Metric Thread ​

• thread length: 35 mm / M6

• for tapes up to 40 mm width and polywire up to 6 mm

• 2 nuts included in scope of supply

ref. no.

​ ​

441392 25 500 ​

Offset Tape Insulator with Metric Thread ​

• keeps live wires away from the posts

• thread length: 100 mm / M6

• with 200 mm-long support

• for tapes up to 40 mm width

• 2 nuts included in scope of supply

ref. no.

​ ​

441393 10 300 ​


Screw Insulator Vario Plus ​

• for metal or plastic posts up to ø 17 mm

• mounted on side of post and easily tightened

• Impact resistant plastic – very robust

Supplementary Insulators

Vario Classic Ring Insulator ​

• for metal or plastic posts from 7 to 19 mm diameter

• fast and tool-free installation

• easy to tighten / fix in place by winding the conductor

material around the insulator

• robust, impact-resistant plastic

​ ​



Strip protection:

The thread can no

longer strip!

ref. no.

use for

​ ​ ​

441386 for tapes up to 40 mm width 10 - 200 ​

441386/151 Tapes up to 40 mm - 15 375 ​

441387 for polywire, wire and rope 10 - 200 ​

441387/201 polywire, wire and rope - 20 320 ​

ref. no.

​ ​ ​

445595 10 - 1/10/200 ​

445595/141 - 14 1/25 ​

Nail-on Insulator ​

• suits polywire and wire

• supplied with nail

Nail-on Insulator ​

• with knob

• used for polywire and steel wire

• delivery without nail

Nail-on Insulator ​

• secures polywire or steel wire

• delivery without nail

ref. no. description

​ ​

44367 with 7 cm nail 50 700 ​

44368 with 10 cm nail 50 400 ​

ref. no.

​ ​

44360 100 1,800 ​

ref. no.

​ ​

44361 100 1,800 ​


Offset Ring Insulator ​

• keeps live wires away from the posts

• with support of 22 cm length

Offset Insulators

ref. no.

​ ​

441480 10 300 ​

Offset Ring Insulator ​

• keeps live wires away from the posts

• with support of 22 cm length

• for ropes up to ø 8 mm polywire

suitable screwdriver


ref. no.

​ ​ ​

44310 10 - 300 ​

44310/151 - 15 180 ​

Offset Rope Insulator ​

• keeps live wires away from the posts

• with support of 22 cm length

• for electric ropes up to ø 8 mm

ref. no.

​ ​

44385 10 200 ​

Offset Tape Insulator ​

• keeps live wires away from the posts

• with support of 22 cm length

• for tapes up to 20 mm width

ref. no.

​ ​ ​

44312 10 - 300 ​

44312/151 - 15 180 ​

Offset Tape Insulator ​

• keeps live wires away from the posts

• with support of 20 cm length

• for tapes up to 40 mm width

ref. no.

​ ​ ​

441395 10 - 300 ​

441395/151 - 15 180 ​

suitable screwdriver


Offset Pigtail Insulator ​

• support of 40 cm length

• attaches with staple (item no. 44394)

ref. no.

​ ​

44448 10 50 ​

Offset Pigtail Insulator ​

• suitable as a spacer

• with wood thread

• for stranded wires, ropes and tapes up to 40 mm

ref. no. description

​ ​

441867 with 25 cm support 5 100 ​

441868 with 40 cm support 5 100 ​




Vario premium gate insulator ​

• incl. stainless steel connector plates

• with 3 connection options for the gate handle

• hole spacing: 94 mm

Vario gate insulator ​

• made from polyamide with fibreglass reinforcement

• incl. connecting plates made of stainless steel

• with 3 connection options each for gate handles

• hole spacing: 70 mm

Gate insulators

New product

5 year warranty for

UV resistance

Stainless steel

stainless steel

Profi version now larger, extremely

robust, made from polycarbonate

ref. no.

​ ​

446535/041 4 56 ​

ref. no.

​ ​

44237/021 2 1/50 ​

Profi tape gate insulator ​

kit consists of: 4 insulators and 4 tape joiners

• solid tape insulator with stainless steel tapejoiner for gate

handle and fencer connection

Gate insulator, stainless steel ​

• hooks in gate handles from both sides

• practical and safe

• 360° swivel loop

stainless steel

stainless steel

ref. no.


​ ​

44355/041 Kit complete 4 1/22 ​

443453 Spare Tape Jointer - 1/10/400 ​

ref. no.

​ ​ ​

44254 10 - 250 ​

44254/061 - 6 300 ​

Gate insulator ​

• very sturdy gate handle insulator with 6 mm wooden screw, hooks in

gate handles from both sides of gate handle and conductors

Important: Not suitable for conductor material with copper wires!

Quick Rope/Wire Connector, galvanized ​

• allows ropes, wires and tapes of up to 10 mm to be connected to gate

insulators and handles quickly and easily, resulting in a connection with

optimal electrical conductivity

• no tools required


loops can

not be




ref. no.

​ ​ ​

441248 10 - 250 ​

441248/061 - 6 300 ​

44248 10 - 250 ​


The benefits: No need for tools, easy to create an optimum electrical

connection using fixing screw. Also ideally suitable for tensioning.

ref. no.

use for

441209/041 for ropes of 6 - 8 mm diameter 4 ​


Gate Handles

• with tension limiter to prevent over-stretched spring

• heavy-duty quality

• UV-stabilised plastic

• excellent insulation

tension limiter

Premium Plus Gate Handle ​

• with hook

• robust, durable gate handle through screwed metal sealing caps

• with tension limiter

Gate Handle Soft Grip ​

• with hook

• very resistant and flexible plastic

• break-proof, even during frost

• with tension limiter

stainless steel

ref. no. colour MQ

44966 red 10 1/10/50 ​

ref. no. colour MQ

44973 black 5 1/5/100 ​

Premium Gate Handle ​

• with hook

• made of stainless steel for excellent corrosion


• prevents over-stretched springs

Top Seller

Gate Handle ​

• with tension limiter

• with eyelet

stainless steel

ref. no. colour MQ

44944 red 5 1/5/100 ​

ref. no. colour MQ

44940 black 5 1/5/100 ​

Gate Handle ​

• with hook

• with tension limiter

Gate Handle ​

• with hook

• increased UV resistance by polycarbonate

• prevents over-stretched springs

Polycarbonate = highly break-proof and durable!

ref. no. colour MQ

​ ​ €

44941 black 5 1/5/100 1,200 ​

ref. no. colour MQ

44943 orange 5 1/5/100 ​


Premium Gate Handle with Litzclip ® Tape Connector ​

• with hook and stainless steel Litzclip tape connector

• hook and eyelet made from non-rusting stainless steel – ensures excellent corrosion resistance

• with tension limiter

Gate Handles

ref. no. description MQ

4494420 Premium Gate Handle with Litzclip BV 20 mm Stainless Steel (INOX) 5 1/5/100 ​

4494440 Premium Gate Handle with Litzclip BV 40 mm Stainless Steel (INOX) 5 1/5/100 ​

Gate Handle with Litzclip ® Tape Connector ​

• with hook and stainless steel Litzclip tape connector

• with tension limiter

ref. no. description MQ

4494120 Gate Handle Galvanised with Litzclip BV 20 mm Stainless Steel (INOX) 5 1/5/100 ​

4494140 Gate Handle Galvanised with Litzclip BV 40 mm Stainless Steel (INOX) 5 1/5/100 ​

Gate Handle with Litzclip ® Connector ​

• with hook and stainless steel Litzclip® rope or wire connector

• with tension limiter

ref. no. description MQ

44969 Gate handle with stainless steel Litzclip® rope connector, 6 mm 5 1/5/100 ​

44972 Gate Handle with stainless steel Litzclip® wire connector, 3 mm 5 1/5/100 ​

Litzclip ® Gate Handle Connector for Tape ​

The new tool-free gate handle connectors for 10, 20 and 40 mm fence tapes extend our patented, successful

Litzclip range. The connectors are self-evident in their function and can be very easily and quickly

fitted to any gate handle or gate insulator.

Stainless steel

ref. no.

use for

​ ​

442006/041 10 / 20 mm tapes 4 1/100 ​

442007/041 tapes 40 mm 4 1/100 ​


Gate Handle with Tape Connector ​

• with hook and tape connector 40 mm

• with tension limiter

Gate Handles

Important: Not suitable for strips with copper wires!

ref. no. colour MQ

44947 black 5 1/5/100 ​

Gate handle with rope and wire connection* ​

• newly designed gate handle incl. rope and polywire connector (already fixed to the gate handle)

• also suitable for tapes from 10 to 20 mm

• with hook

• with tension limiter

ref. no. description colour MQ

​ ​

44948 Gate handle for rope and wire black 5 - 1/5/100 ​

441209/041 Quick connector for Polywire and rope - 1 4 1 ​

*Advantage: no tools are necessary - optimal electrical connection can be achieved simply with a locating screw. Also ideal for readjusting tension.

Gate Handle ​

• with hook

• with simple tension spring

• galvanized

ref. no. colour MQ

​ ​ €

44951 black 5 1/5/100 1,200 ​

44957 pink 5 1/5/100 1,200 ​

44958 neon purple 5 1/5/100 1,200 ​

44959 neon green 5 1/5/100 1,200 ​

44960 neon orange 5 1/5/100 1,200 ​

44953 yellow 5 1/5/100 1,200 ​

44961 petrol 5 1/5/100 1,200 ​

Fence Clip ​

• for attaching gate handles when gate is open

• avoids dangerous trip hazards and contamination of conductor material and gate handle

• no power leakage any more from conductor material lying on the ground

• suitable for fencing tape to max. 40 mm width, ropes to 8 mm diameter, and wires

• kit consists of 8 clips

New product

ref. no.

​ ​

442371 8 1/100 ​


FlexiGate 19 m

The flexible barrier system

Gate and barrier systems

This system provides you with easy subdivision, closing of individual paddocks, and the guided herding of your animals (e.g. from the stable to the pasture)

• length: 19 m

• 20 mm wide tape with 9 strong stainless steel conductors for maximum security

• high quality workmanship

• increased fracture load thanks to strong monofilament wires

• fastening 1: with 2 included wooden screws directly to the wooden stake or wall

• fastening 2: with 4 included wooden screws and one screw directly

to the wooden stake or wall



max. ~19 m

ref. no. description length

​ ​ €

441294 FlexiGate with 20 mm tape max. 19 m 1/5 160 ​

Flexigate 7.5 m

The flexible Gate System

Flexigate makes it easy for you to electrify paddock entrances. On opening the tape or

rope will be reeled up automatically by a steel spring.

Top Seller

Your advantages:

• secured with 2 included wooden screws DIRECTLY to the wooden stake

• extendable to max. 7.5 m

• no sagging of tapes or ropes

• no stumbling for humans and animals

• no tail hair gets stuck

• no dirty tapes/ropes

• end-to-end electrical contact

connecting cable not included

Especially suitable for fence systems. End-to-end electrical contact.

ref. no. description length

​ ​ ​ €

441298/011 FlexiGate with 40 mm tape max. 7,5 m 1 1/10 150 ​

441299/011 FlexiGate with 6 mm rope max. 7,5 m 1 1/10 150 ​

44617/011 Tape Connecting Cable - 1 1/90 - ​

44627/011 Rope Connecting Cable - 1 1/90 2,160 ​

max. 7,5 m


Gate Lock

Lockable gate system

Insert the gate handle into the mounting plate - push the safety covering across - lock the padlock - finished!

The gate handle is now fixed to the locked security casing, thus ensuring that only authorised persons have access to the field.

Gate Systems

The set is made up of:

• gate handle insulator with strong plastic and stainless steel mounting plate

• gate handle with spring tension limiter

• two-part security casing: wall or post fixture + safety cover

• 2 fastening screws

• brass padlock with 2 keys

ref. no.

441235 1 ​

Gate spring kit ​

• stretches up to about 5 m

Kit consists of:

1 gate handle with hook

1 special spring

2 x gate insulators

(not suitable for horse containment)

44945 Kit with Ring and

Gate Insulator

44945/011 Kit with two Gate Insulators

ref. no.


​ ​ ​ €

44945 Gate Handle Kit with Ring and Gate Insulator - 1/15 450 ​

44945/011 Kit with two Gate Insulators 1 1/12 432 ​

44246 Spare spring galvanized - 1/20 720 ​


E-Line Gate System

The original E-Line System „Made in the EU“ for maximum quality requirements

• with tensile electric fencing rope

• convenient and handy gate for fence openings either up to 6 m or up to 9 m

• no mane or tail hair gets stuck

• stainless steel hook

• correct assembly of the gate system through the use of 3 gate posts

• extends to around twice the length

Gate Systems

set includes:

1 x Ø 7 mm tensile electric fencing rope (3 years warranty), with hook, with 4 x 0.25 mm stainless steel conductors

1 x sturdy gate handle

1 x ring insulator

1 x gate handle insulator

Especially for horse paddocks!

ref. no.


​ ​ ​ €

44255/011 E-Line Gate System (3.0 - 6.0 m length) 1 1/16 256 ​

442551/011 E-Line Gate System (4.5 - 9.0 m length) 1 1/16 256 ​

Eco Gate System ​

Inexpensive FlexiRope Gate Handle Set

• can be extended to around twice the length

• current-carrying, 7 mm elastic rope with 3 x 0.30 mm stainless steel conductors

• no tail hair gets stuck

ref. no.


​ ​ €

4418651 Eco Gate System (3.0 - 6.0 m length) 1/15 450 ​

4418661 Eco Gate System (4.5 - 9.0 m length) 1/15 450 ​

441890 Rubber electric hoist 25 m 1/12 360 ​

441891 Rubber electric hoist 50 m 1/6 180 ​


Gate Systems

Electric Fence Gate Electro Gate ​

Set includes:

2 sticks, 2 hinges and insulated ground cable (item no. 44283 consists of 1 stick, 1 hinge and ground cable)

• powered by fencers and easy to integrate in already installed fence systems

• available for entrances of 3.60 m, 5 m or 6 m as well as mini electro gate of 1.20 m

• the flexible fibre-glass sticks are covered with electrically conductive rubber

• insulated gate handles for pedestrians

• the physical law of the Faraday cage protects the driver against electric shocks

• opens in both directions and self-closing behind

• lockable in open position

ref. no.


441287 Gate Kit 6.0 m Kit 1 ​ ​

44282 Gate Kit 5.0 m Kit 1 ​ ​

44281 Gate Kit 3.6 m Kit 1 ​ ​

44283 Mini Electric Gate 1,20 m 1 ​ ​

441288 Spare Stick 3,0 m 1 ​ ​

44285 Spare Bar 2.5 m 1/50 ​ ​

44284 Spare Bar 1.8 m 1/50 ​ ​

44286 Spare Hinge (one piece) 1 ​ ​


Pasture gates, adjustable, 110 cm

Including assembly set

• stable, galvanised steel paddock gate, including installation kit

• height: 110 cm

Pasture Gates

Installation kit comprising:

• 2 hinges

• 1 closure option

• includes 6 wood screws (12 x 80 mm)

Offset mounting of the

hinge can be adjusted

by moving the threaded

hinge pin!

extends by adjustable

set screw

Locking option

available (padlock not

included) • optionally

lockable with padlock


Offset mounting of the hinge can be adjusted by moving the threaded

hinge pin (height adjustable)!

Can be closed as an

option (without lock)



Shipping costs will be charged separately!


ref. no.


44893 Fence Gate 1 - 1,7 m, adjustable 1 ​ ​

44892 Fence Gate 2 - 3 m, adjustable 1 ​ ​

44891 Fence Gate 3 - 4 m, adjustable 1 ​ ​

44895 Fence Gate 4 - 5 m, adjustable 1 ​ ​

442557 Fence Gate 5 - 6 m, adjustable 1 ​ ​

442577 2 m gate post with plastic cap, Ø 88 mm 1 ​ ​

442578 Fastener for gate posts 1 ​ ​

442579 Hinge pin bracket for gate posts (in pairs) 1 ​ ​

Pasture Gates, adjustable, 90 cm ​

• stable, galvanised steel pasture gate included in each mounting set

• hight: 90 cm

Pasture Gates

Mounting set consists of:

• 2 hinges

• 1 closing option

• NEW: includes 6 wood screws (12 x 80 mm)

180 mm

257 mm


140 mm 140 mm

ref. no. description length

442900 Adjustable Pasture Gate, galvanised 2 - 3 m 1 ​ ​

442901 Adjustable Pasture Gate, galvanised 3 - 4 m 1 ​ ​

442902 Adjustable Pasture Gate, galvanised 4 - 5 m 1 ​ ​

442940 Locking bolt - 1 ​ ​

Shipping costs will be charged separately!

Pasture Gates, fixed, 100 cm ​

• stable, galvanised steel pasture gate included in each mounting set

• 6 different models with fixed widths (min. 3 m – max. 6 m)

• height 100 cm

• not adjustable

Mounting set consists of:

• 2 hinges

• 1 closing option

• NEW: includes 6 wood screws (12 x 80 mm)

204 mm

204 mm

204 mm


204 mm

ref. no. description length

442920 Fixed Pasture Gate, galvanised 3 m 1 ​ ​

442921 Fixed Pasture Gate, galvanised 3,5 m 1 ​ ​

442922 Fixed Pasture Gate, galvanised 4 m 1 ​ ​

442923 Fixed Pasture Gate, galvanised 4,5 m 1 ​ ​

442924 Fixed Pasture Gate, galvanised 5 m 1 ​ ​

442925 Fixed Pasture Gate, galvanised 6 m 1 ​ ​

442940 Locking bolt - 1 ​ ​

Shipping costs will be charged separately!


Mounting set for pasture gates ​

For easy mounting of your pasture gate to the post

Set includes:

• 2x hinges

• 1x locking option (442558)

• 6x wood screws

Closing option

for mounting set for pasture gates

Enables you to lock your pasture gate via the brass padlock

(not included in the scope of delivery)

Pasture Gates

hot-dip galvanised

hot-dip galvanised

ref. no.

44890 1 ​

Swing-Through Lock for Fence Gates ​

• the swing-through lock allows the gate to be opened in both directions

• the lock is fitted to the stake and gate using the screws supplied

• can be used on all fence gates

ref. no.

442558 1 ​

Stabiliser for Adjustable Pasture Gates ​

• hot-dip galvanised steel parts

• solid rubber wheel Ø 200 mm

• can be height-adjusted

ref. no.

441025 1/6 ​

ref. no.

442559 1 ​

Electrics Kit for Fence Gates ​

Kit for additional electrification of your fencing system around fence gates

• fence gate can continue to be opened by hand

• set includes:

- 6 fastening rings

- 6 ring insulators with metric thread

- 1 rope/tape connection

- 14 m rope (Top Line Plus) with 6 mm

ref. no.

441224 1/16 ​


Fence panels

Modular Hoardings ​

• practical connecting system for easy and tool-free installation of hoardings

• suitable for the creation of pre-gathering spaces, pens, individual and group boxes or stall dividers

• 7 cross tubes with increasing distance from bottom to top, tube diameter 25 mm or 21,3 mm

• completely hot-dip galvanized

• height: 92 cm

• door with lock latch and reinforced frame, width of 57 cm

• also available with two centrally located lamb slips with adjustable slip width (17.5 cm / 24.5 cm)

Extra strong connecting plates (5 mm)





442601 442603 442611

ref. no.


​ ​ €

442600 Modular hoarding, 1.37 m 1 80 ​ ​

442601 Modular hoarding, 1.83 m 1 60 ​ ​

442602 Modular hoarding, 2.75 m 1 80 ​ ​

442603 Modular hoarding with gate, 1.83 m 1 68 ​ ​

442604 Modular hoarding with gate, 2.75 m 1 60 ​ ​

442611 Modular hoarding with lamb slip, 1.83 m 1 60 ​ ​

442612 Connecting rod for portable pens, hot-dip galvanised 1 - ​ ​

442606 Additional rod for connecting hoardings with rods 1 - ​ ​

442607 Bucket holder for hanging, ø 30 cm 1 - ​ ​

32702 Double hopper for insertion, bar spacing 80 mm 1 30 ​ ​

32704 Hay Rack, bar spacing 40 mm 1 50 ​ ​

Shipping costs will be charged separately!


Fence panels

Fence Panel ​

• perfect for erecting mobile and flexible fencing as well as

temporary horse boxes

• also commonly used to fence off riding and training areas

• also suitable for constructing trap systems and gangways

• height of upper tube 1.6 m

• total height 1.70 m

• safety mounting bracket prevents animals from being injured.

When landing on the panel, the animal does not fall

between two panels if it slips

• smooth oval tube 50 x 30 mm

• clear distance between tubes 20 cm

• rapid chain fastening makes it quicker and easier to connect

several panels

• very stable at light loads

• curved feet ensure excellent stability

• galvanized

Rapid chain fastening, hot-dip


secure stand

because of

U-shaped foot

safety mounting bracket

Shipping costs will be charged separately!

ref. no. description length

442591 Fence component without gate 2,4 m 1 ​ ​

442592 Fence component without gate 3,0 m 1 ​ ​

442593 Fence component without gate 3,6 m 1 ​ ​

Flat Oval Pipe

442591 442592 442593


Fence Panel with Gate ​

• allows an opening to be created in the fencing

• total height 2.2 m

• gate width 1 m

• lock for opening and closing the fenced area

• galvanized

Fence panels

Example for mounting

Shipping costs will be charged separately!

ref. no. description length

442594 Fence component with gate 2,4 m 1 ​ ​

442595 Fence component with gate 3,0 m 1 ​ ​

442596 Fence component with gate 3,6 m 1 ​ ​

Locking bolt


















442594 442595 442596


Extension Elements

for constructing gangways and mobile treatment facilities

• hot-dip galvanised

Potential applications:

• vaccinations

• ear tag control

• loading and sorting herds

ref. no. description width height

442620 Sliding door, single 85 cm 200 cm 1 ​

442621 Connector frame for panels 85 cm 186 cm 1 ​

Example for mounting


Hay Racks

Hay Bell for Round Bales ​

• for round bales with max. diameter x height of 160 cm x 125 cm or 130 x 135 cm

• shatter-proof, frost-proof plastic material with built-in UV protection

• sturdy construction

• with animal-friendly and non-damaging food openings

• water-removing rain channels over the food openings

• with integrated carrying handle, suitable for front loader forks

• with integrated fixing eyelets for fixing the base to the hay bell

• base (available separately) for dry storage of the bales; can be locked for transportation with the hay bell




Please note separate freight costs!

ref. no.


​ ​ €

14557 Hay bell with 5 large food openings for cattle and horses 1 6 ​ ​

14558 Hay bell with 10 small food openings for sheep, goats, calves and ponies 1 6 ​ ​

14559 Base for hay bell 1 25 ​ ​

14556 Anchoring for Hay Bell item no. 14557, item no. 14558 and base 1/10 - ​ ​


Hay Racks

Square Hay Rack Standard ​

• 12 feeding places

• suitable for round and rectangular bales up to 1.8 m in length or


• 1 square tube support beams

• galvanized

• 2 sides can easily be opened for filling

• three-point attachment

• very little food loss

• supplied as a construction kit including circumferential roof edge

protection, three-point safety clip

• internal trough dimensions: approx. 1.9 x 1.9 m

• complete dimensions L x W x H: approx. 2.3 x 2.3 x 2.5 m

Circumferential roof edge protection

Three-point hitch (with

safety guard)


ref. no.


​ ​ €

291289 Square Hay Rack with Palisade Feeding Grate for Horses and Cattle 1 6 ​ ​

291294 Square Hay Rack with Self-Closing Feeding Grate for Hornless Cattle 1 6 ​ ​

291299 Individual Self-Closing Grate 1 6 ​ ​

Shipping costs will be charged separately!

Square Rack Hobby ​

• 8 feeding places

• suitable for round and rectangular bales up to 1.4 m in length or


• hot-dip galvanised

• 1 square tubular support

• 2 sides can easily be opened for filling

• height-adjustable runners (adjustable to the animal‘s size)

• three-point attachment

• very little food loss

• supplied as a construction kit including circumferential roof edge

protection, three-point safety clip

• internal trough dimensions: approx. 1.45 x 1.45 m

• complete dimensions L x W x H: approx. 1.5 x 1.5 x 2.4 m

ref. no.

​ ​ €

291300 1 6 ​ ​


Four-sided Manger for Palisade

Feeding Grid ​

• 12 feeding places

• universal hay rack for horses and cattle

• suitable for round and rectangular bales up to 1.8 m in

length or diameter

• extremely stable design, high material thickness, 2 square

pipe beams

• galvanized

• 2 sides can easily be opened for filling

• height-adjustable runners (adjustable to the animal‘s size)

• three point attachment

• very little food is wasted

• supplied as a construction kit including circumferential roof

edge protection, three-point safety clip

• internal trough dimensions: approx. 2 x 2 m

• dimensions L x B x H: approx. 2.12 x 2.12 x 2.5 m

Top Quality

Hay Racks

ref. no.

291255 1 ​ ​

Shipping costs will be charged separately!

Square Hay Rack for Horses with

Safety Feeding Barrier ​

• universal hay rack with 12 slots for horses

• suitable for round and rectangular bales up to 1.8 m in

length or diameter

• extremely stable design, high material thickness, 2 square

pipe beams

• galvanized

• 2 sides can easily be opened for filling

• height-adjustable runners (adjustable to the animal‘s size)

• three point attachment

• very little food loss

• supplied as a construction kit including circumferential roof

edge protection, three-point safety clip

• internal trough dimensions: approx. 2 x 2 m

• complete dimensions L x W x H: approx. 2.12 x 2.12 x 2.5 m

ref. no.

291256 1 ​ ​

Shipping costs will be charged separately!

When used with feeds that

may attack the galvanised

surface (e.g. silage), apply a

protective coat of paint first.

Three point attachment (with safety


with edge protection

Square tube beams


Round Rack with 8 Feeding Slots

for loose feed or small high-pressure bales

• 8 feeding places • palisade feeding grid • supplied as self-assembly

kit • 4-part, can be transported in an estate car • outdoors or in play

pens, the segments can also be used to set up wall or corner mangers

• galvanized • no three-point mounting

Hay Racks

technical data

external diameter:

internal diameter:


approx. 150 cm

approx. 132,5 cm

approx. 116 cm

ref. no.

291257 1 ​ ​

Shipping costs will be charged separately!

Round Rack with 12 Feeding Slots

for regular and round bales

• 12 feeding slots • palisade feeding grid • supplied as self-assembly kit

• consists of 3 parts • three point attachment • includes three-point safety

clip and top bar safety cap • galvanized

technical data

external diameter:

internal diameter:


approx. 236 cm

approx. 219 cm

approx. 116 cm

ref. no.

291258 1 ​ ​

Shipping costs will be charged separately!

Slow Feeding Net ​

• the net is placed over the food/bales so that the animals eat more

slowly and thoroughly, helping to improve their digestion

• reduced dust formation

• appropriate feeding

• little food is wasted

• art. 291295 galvanised frame

• for easier fastening of the slow feeding net

• convenient and quick to fold up and down

ref. no. description length width

291260 Slow feeding net, mesh width 4,5 cm 3,6 m 2,4 m 1/6 ​ ​

291261 Slow feeding net, mesh width 10,0 cm 3,6 m 2,4 m 1/10 ​ ​

291262 Slow feeding net, mesh width 4,5 cm 2,8 m 2,8 m 1/6 ​ ​

291263 Slow feeding net, mesh width 10,0 cm 2,8 m 2,8 m 1/12 ​ ​

291295 Frame for slow feeding net 1,83 m 1,83 m 1 ​ ​



Fence netting is increasingly popular for quickly and easily

cordoning off an area for holding animals, or even for protecting

your property from wild animals. Sheep and goats place

especially high demands on fence netting: sheep are robust

animals and are also protected against electric shocks by their

thick wool. Therefore, a powerful AKO fence device (12 volt

or 230 volt) should be selected for all nets in order to achieve

maximum herding safety.

Our fence nettings are available in different versions and thus

suitable for all types of ground conditions and applications.

The combination of robust plastic or fibreglass posts and

high-quality conductor materials ensure the highest herding

safety, both for professional sheep farmers as well as small

animal husbandry in the hobby segment.

Stainless steel connection

clip for the rapid

connection of several



stable welded


colour-contrasting head

insulator on the starting

post makes net set-up easy

simple and fast repairs

due to our Litzclip ®

Repair Set


Support posts for pasture netting ​

• ideally suited as supporting start and end posts, or for stabilising corners of pasture netting

• post is simply pushed into the corners, and the net is thereby tensioned

• solid post made of galvanised round steel (ø 14 mm), with foot lug

• post tapered at the bottom for easier penetration into the earth

• jacketing with robust plastic tube (ø 20 mm) prevents power leakage (if electrifiable nets are used)


New product

ref. no. total height spike Ø

27340 120 cm 25 cm 14 mm 1/4 ​

27350 145 cm 25 cm 14 mm 1/4 ​

Available from April 2020!


TopLine Net

• height 90 cm (7 horizontal wires) or 108 cm (8 horizontal wires), each available with single or double prong

• Length 50 m

• 14 sturdy plastic posts with galvanised ground spike

• electrifiable horizontals through 3 x 0.20 mm stainless steel conductors per strand

• strengthened, live upper strand - increased conductivity thanks to the use of 5 stainless

steel wires and a tin-plated copper conductor in the topmost wire

• extremely stable welded knots

• with practical stainless steel clip for easy connection of multiple nets

• head insulator and ground stopper make self-loosening of the wire virtually impossible

• we offer a 3-year warranty against UV damage for all plastic wires


Sheep Netting

• high quality at a good price

• improved nodes for higher breaking strength

• reinforced live upper wire with copper conductor - therefore especially conductive

Track post: 13 x head insulator black



insulator on the

starting post

makes net set-up


Topmost wire: 5 stainless steel conductors

and 1 cooper conductor = high conductivity

extremely stable welded knots

Stainless Steel Connection Clip 27299

ref. no. description length height

​ ​ €

27315 TopLine Net 90 cm, single spike 50 m 90 cm 1 45 ​

27316 TopLine Net 90 cm, double spike 50 m 90 cm 1 45 ​

27317 TopLine Net 108 cm, single spike 50 m 108 cm 1 30 ​

27318 TopLine Net 108 cm, double prong 50 m 108 cm 1 30 ​

27245 Spare Post, single prong - 90 cm 1/100 ​ ​

27246 Spare Post, double prong - 90 cm 1/50 600 ​

27247 Spare Post, single prong - 108 cm 1/100 ​ ​

27248 Spare Post, double prong - 108 cm 1/50 1,200 ​

27249-5 Spare Top Insulator - - 1/10/500 ​ ​

27250-5 Spare Stopper - - 1/10/500 ​ ​

27322 Floor Anchor Plastic - - 1/10/300 ​ ​

90 cm 108 cm

5 x 0.20 mm INOX

+ 1 x 0,25 CU

13 cm

18 cm

13 cm

18 cm

18 cm

5 x 0.20 mm INOX

+ 1 x 0,25 CU

3 x 0.20 mm INOX

0.27 Ω/m*

18 cm

13 cm

13 cm

13 cm

13 cm

15 cm

3 x 0.20 mm INOX

0.25 Ω/m*

15 cm

18 cm

* based on the total conductor cross-section of all live wires in the mains network


TopLine Plus Net ​

The TopLine Plus Net has been developed through many years’ experience, and based on our TitanNet Sheep Netting, and it is

especially suitable for uneven ground. In the vertical, rigid plastic struts are used instead of the soft wire material. These struts are

permanently linked with the horizontal wires at intervals of 30 cm, ensuring a compact stand even on hilly and uneven terrain.

• height 90 cm (7 horizontal wires) or 108 cm (8 horizontal wires), each available with single or double spike

• Length 50 m

• extremely stable welded knots

• 14 sturdy plastic posts with galvanised ground spike

• with practical stainless steel clip for easy connection of multiple nets

• head insulator and ground stopper make self-loosening of the wire virtually impossible

• strengthened, energized upper strand - increased conductivity thanks to the use of 5 stainless

steel wires and a tin-plated copper wire

• we offer a 3-year warranty against UV damage for all plastic wires


Sheep Netting

• high quality at a good price

• suitable for hilly terrain

• even more stable plastic strips for optimal hold

• reinforced live upper wire with copper conductor - therefore especially conductive

Track post: 13 x head insulator black


head insulator on

the starting post

makes net set-up


Topmost wire: 5 stainless steel

conductors and 1 cooper conductor =

high conductivity

Vertical: stiff plastic braces = improved


Stainless Steel Connection Clip 27299

ref. no. description length height

​ ​ €

27325 TopLine Plus Net 90 cm, single spike 50 m 90 cm 1 35 ​

27326 TopLine Plus Net 90 cm, double spike 50 m 90 cm 1 35 ​

27327 TopLine Plus Net 108 cm, single spike 50 m 108 cm 1 24 ​

27328 TopLine Plus Net 108 cm, double spike 50 m 108 cm 1 24 ​

27346 Replacement stake, 90 cm, single prong - 90 cm 1/50 ​ ​

27347 Replacement stake, 90 cm, double prong - 90 cm 1/50 ​ ​

27348 Replacement stake, 108 cm, single prong - 108 cm 1/50 ​ ​

27349 Replacement stake, 108 cm, double prong - 108 cm 1/50 ​ ​

27249-5 Spare Top Insulator - - 1/10/500 ​ ​

27250-5 Spare Stopper - - 1/10/500 ​ ​

27322 Floor Anchor Plastic - - 1/10/300 ​ ​

5 x 0.20 mm INOX

+ 1 x 0,25 mm CU

3 x 0.20 mm INOX

0.27 Ω/m*

13 cm

18 cm

18 cm

13 cm

13 cm

18 cm

15 cm

13 cm

13 cm

18 cm

18 cm

5 x 0.20 mm INOX

+ 1 x 0,25 mm CU

3 x 0.20 mm INOX

0.25 Ω/m*

15 cm

13 cm

30 cm

30 cm

* based on the total conductor cross-section of all live wires in the mains network


Sheep Netting


Our proven electrifiable sheep nets for universal use

• height 90 cm (9 horizontal wires) or 108 cm (10 horizontal wires)

Topmost wire: 5 stainless steel conductors

• 14 stable plastic posts, each available with single or double prong

and 1 cooper conductor = high conductivity

• electrifiable horizontals through 3 x 0.20 mm stainless steel conductors per strand

• extremely stable welded knots

• reinforced, energised upper strand - increased conductivity thanks to the use of 5 stainless steel wires and a tin-plated copper wire

• plastic posts with galvanized spikes

• top insulator and stopper prevent the net from coming loose

• we offer a 3-year warranty against UV damage for all plastic wires

OviNet orange

Top Seller

ref. no. description length height suitable spare post

​ ​ €

27258 OviNet, double prong 25 m 90 cm 27246 1 40 ​

27251 OviNet, single prong 50 m 90 cm 27245 1 45 ​

27252 OviNet, double prong 50 m 90 cm 27246 1 45 ​

27253 OviNet, single prong 50 m 108 cm 27247 1 30 ​

27254 OviNet, double prong 50 m 108 cm 27248 1 30 ​


ref. no. description height colour MQ

27245 Spare Post, single prong 90 cm orange 1 1/100 ​

27246 Spare Post, double prong 90 cm orange 1 1/50 ​

27247 Spare Post, single prong 108 cm orange 1 1/100 ​

27248 Spare Post, double prong 108 cm orange 1 1/50 ​

27293 Sheep Netting Repair Set - orange 1 1/100 ​

27249-5 Spare Top Insulator - black 10 1/10/500 ​

27250-5 Spare Stopper - black 1 1/10/500 ​

27322 Floor Anchor Plastic - black 1 1/10/300 ​


head insulator on

the starting post

makes net set-up



Sheep Netting

OviNet green

ref. no. description length height suitable spare post

​ ​ €

27265 OviNet, single prong 50 m 90 cm 27276 1 45 ​

27266 OviNet, double prong 50 m 90 cm 27277 1 45 ​

27267 OviNet, single prong 50 m 108 cm 27278 1 30 ​

27268 OviNet, double prong 50 m 108 cm 27279 1 30 ​

ref. no. description height colour MQ

27276 Spare Post, single prong 90 cm black 1 1/100 ​

27277 Spare Post, double prong 90 cm black 1 1/50 ​

27278 Spare Post, single prong 108 cm black 1 1/100 ​

27279 Spare Post, double prong 108 cm black 1 1/50 ​

27294 Sheep Netting Repair Set - green 1 1/100 ​

27249-5 Spare Top Insulator - black 10 1/10/500 ​

27250-5 Spare Stopper - black 1 1/10/500 ​

27322 Floor Anchor Plastic - black 1 1/10/300 ​



Spare ground


* based on the total conductor cross-section of all live wires in the mains network



Sheep netting with ground separation - perfect conductivity even with heavy vegetation

Extra-durable fibreglass poles ensure easy handling due to a small post diameter and noticeable weight reduction.

• height 105 cm

• Length 50 m

• 15 stable and very sturdy fibreglass posts

• horizontal current conduction with 3 x 0.30 mm TriCOND conductors per wire - very good conductivity and long durability

• galvanised ground spike on fibreglass stake with plastic step

• with additional black vertical bars every 90 cm

• ground clearance makes mowing easier and decreases the conduction through the vegetation

• especially fast attachment and removal due to large mesh size

• we offer a 3-year warranty against UV damage for all plastic wires


Sheep Netting

• especially fast attachment and removal due to large mesh size

• extremely stable and resistant fibreglass posts

• very high conductivity thanks to proven TriCOND conductor material

• easy handling due to light weight

All conductors: TriCond conductors

TriCOND conductor wires are 5x more conductive than standard stainless steel wires of the

same diameter, and thus provide maximum security – even over long stretches. The special

coating on these wires makes the material more robust and ensures long durability.

ref. no. description length height

​ ​ €

27200 EasyNet 50 m 105 cm 1 40 ​

27201 Spare Post, single prong - 105cm 1/50 400 ​

44428 Spare insulator - - 1/25/1000 ​ ​

with reinforced black vertical bars, spacing 90 cm

* based on the total conductor cross-section of all live wires in the mains network


TitanPro Net ​

New product

In this new net, we combine the proven strengths of our TitanNet sheep nets with versatile connection options for professional use

in sheep rearing. Vertically, rigid plastic struts are used instead of the soft wire material. These are permanently linked at intervals

of 30 cm with the horizontal wires, ensuring a compact structure even on hilly and uneven terrain.

• height 90 cm (7 horizontal wires)

• Length 50 m

• 14 stable plastic poles with galvanised ground spike (available as single or double prong)

• extremely stable welded knots

• reinforced, energised upper strand - increased conductivity thanks to the use of 5 stainless steel wires and a tin-plated copper


• we offer a 3-year warranty against UV damage for all plastic wires.


• optionally connectable, reinforced grounding wire for earthing along the whole length of the net under difficult

ground conditions (e.g. very sandy or dry soils)

• in addition, the 2nd wire above the ground is fitted with a separate stainless steel connection terminal, and can

therefore be used flexibly

• especially good visibility due to luminous neon colours (fluorescent effect)

Scan the QR code

for further information

Connection options:

• for additional earthing along the whole length of the net, grounding wire (conductive)

can optionally be connected to the device’s earth output

• 2nd wire above ground can optionally be disconnected from the power circuit of the

wires positioned above it, to decrease power leakage in heavy vegetation


Sheep Netting


head insulator on

the starting post

makes net set-up


Vertical: stiff plastic braces = improved

footing Stainless Steel Connection Clip 27299

ref. no. description length height suitable spare post

​ ​ €

27381 TitanPro Net, single prong 50 m 90 cm 27202 1 24 ​

27382 TitanPro Net, double prong 50 m 90 cm 27203 1 24 ​

27202 Spare Post, single prong - 90 cm ​ 1/100 - ​

27203 Spare Post, double prong - 90 cm ​ 1/50 - ​

27249-5 Spare Top Insulator - - ​ 1/10/500 - ​

27250-5 Spare Stopper - - ​ 1/10/500 - ​

27322 Floor Anchor Plastic - - ​ 1/10/300 - ​

Available from March 2020

90 cm

5 x 0.20 mm INOX

+ 1 x 0,25 CU

3 x 0.20 mm INOX

0.27 Ω/m*

5 x 0.20 mm INOX

+ 1 x 0,25 CU

13 cm

18 cm

18 cm

13 cm

13 cm

15 cm

30 cm

* based on the total conductor cross-section of all live wires in the mains network


TitanLight Net

New product

Our „lightweight“ in the TitanNet range!

The increased mesh spacings allow ground game (e.g. hares and rabbits) and hedgehogs to pass safely, as well as providing a

significant weight saving. This net is therefore extremely mobile, and particularly suitable for frequent repositioning. Vertically,

rigid plastic struts are used instead of the soft wire material. These are permanently linked at intervals of 30 cm with the horizontal

wires, ensuring a compact structure even on hilly and uneven terrain.

• height 90 cm (5 horizontal wires) or 108 cm (6 horizontal wires), each available with single or double prong

• Length 50 m

• extremely stable welded knots

• 14 sturdy plastic posts with galvanised ground spike

• reinforced, energised upper strand - increased conductivity thanks to the use of 5 stainless steel wires and a tin-plated copper wire

• we offer a 3-year warranty against UV damage for all plastic wires.


Sheep Netting

• increased mesh spacings - less power leakage in heavy vegetation

• easy handling due to light weight

• stable plastic struts for optimum stability - even in hilly terrain

• ground game and hedgehogs can “slip through” without risk

Vertical: stiff plastic braces = improved

footing Stainless Steel Connection Clip 27299


head insulator on

the starting post

makes net set-up


ref. no. description length height suitable spare post

​ ​ €

27351 TitanLight Net, single prong 50 m 90 cm 27202 1 24 ​

27352 TitanLight Net, double prong 50 m 90 cm 27203 1 24 ​

27353 TitanLight Net, single prong 50 m 108 cm 27229 1 24 ​

27354 TitanLight Net, double prong 50 m 108 cm 27230 1 24 ​

27202 Spare Post, single prong - 90 cm ​ 1/100 - ​

27203 Spare Post, double prong - 90 cm ​ 1/50 - ​

27229 Spare Post, single prong - 108 cm ​ 1/50 - ​

27230 Spare Post, double prong - 108 cm ​ 1/50 - ​

27293 Sheep Netting Repair Set - - ​ 1/100 - ​

27249-5 Spare Top Insulator - - ​ 1/10/500 - ​

27250-5 Spare Stopper - - ​ 1/10/500 - ​

27322 Floor Anchor Plastic - - ​ 1/10/300 - ​


5 x 0.20 mm INOX

+ 1 x 0,25 CU

28 cm

90 cm 108 cm

23 cm

23 cm

5 x 0.20 mm INOX

+ 1 x 0,25 CU

3 x 0.20 mm INOX

22 cm

22 cm

3 x 0.20 mm INOX

0.27 Ω/m*

18 cm

18 cm

0.25 Ω/m*

22 cm

22 cm

30 cm

30 cm

* based on the total conductor cross-section of all live wires in the mains network


Poultry Netting


• for hens, geese, turkeys

• welded knots

• strengthened top strand

• particularly small mesh width in the lower area of the net

• sturdy plastic posts with galvanised ground spike

• also suitable for lambs

• available in electrifiable and non-electrifiable designs

• we offer a 3-year warranty against UV damage for all plastic wires

112 cm

3 x 0.20 mm


0.70 Ω/m*

* based on the total conductor cross-section of all

live wires in the mains network

All conductors = good conductivity via 3

x 0.20 mm stainless steel conductor

Stainless Steel Connection Clip 27299

extremely stable welded knots

PoultryNet orange, electrifiable ​

ref. no. description length height colour

suitable spare

Qty posts

post ​ ​ €

292271 Poultry Netting, double prong 50 m 106 cm orange 15 292281-7 1 16 ​

292203 Poultry Netting, single prong 50 m 112 cm orange 15 292212-7 1 16 ​

292204 Poultry Netting, double prong 50 m 112 cm orange 15 292213-7 1 16 ​

ref. no. description height colour

292281-7 Spare Post, double prong 106 cm orange 1/50 ​

292212-7 Spare Post, single prong 112 cm orange 1/50/1050 ​

292213-7 Spare Post, double prong 112 cm orange 1/50 ​


Poultry Netting

PoultryNet green, electrifiable ​ ​

ref. no. description length height colour

suitable spare

Qty posts

post ​ ​ €

292274 Poultry netting, double prong 15 m 106 cm green 6 292281-5 1 24 ​

292273 Poultry Netting, double prong 25 m 106 cm green 9 292281-5 1 24 ​

292272 Poultry Netting, double prong 50 m 106 cm green 15 292281-5 1 16 ​

292224 Poultry Netting, double prong 15 m 112 cm green 6 292213-5 1 30 ​

292214 Poultry Netting, double prong 25 m 112 cm green 9 292213-5 1 30 ​

292215 Poultry Netting, single prong 25 m 112 cm green 9 292212-5 1 30 ​

292220 Poultry Netting, double prong 50 m 112 cm green 15 292213-5 1 16 ​

27249-5 Spare Top Insulator - - black ​ ​ 1/10/500 ​ ​

27250-5 Spare Stopper - - black ​ ​ 1/10/500 ​ ​


ref. no. description height colour

292281-5 Spare Post, double prong 106 cm black 1/50 ​

292212-5 Spare Post, single prong 112 cm black 1/50/1050 ​

292213-5 Spare Post, double prong 112 cm black 1/50 ​

PoultryNet green, not electrifiable ​ ​

ref. no. description length height colour

suitable spare

Qty posts

post ​ ​ €

292279 Poultry Netting, double prong 25 m 106 cm green 8 292281-5 1 24 ​

292276 Poultry Netting, single prong 50 m 106 cm green 15 292282-5 1 16 ​

292278 Poultry netting, double prong 50 m 106 cm green 15 292281-5 1 16 ​

292217 Poultry Netting, single prong 25 m 112 cm green 8 292212-5 1 30 ​

292219 Poultry Netting, double prong 25 m 112 cm green 8 292213-5 1 30 ​

292208 Poultry Netting, single prong 50 m 112 cm green 15 292212-5 1 16 ​

292218 Poultry Netting, double prong 50 m 112 cm green 15 292213-5 1 16 ​

27249-5 Spare Top Insulator - - black ​ ​ 1/10/500 ​ ​

27250-5 Spare Stopper - - black ​ ​ 1/10/500 ​ ​


ref. no. description height colour

292282-5 Spare Post, single prong 106 cm black 1/50/1050 ​

292281-5 Spare Post, double prong 106 cm black 1/50 ​

292212-5 Spare Post, single prong 112 cm black 1/50/1050 ​

292213-5 Spare Post, double prong 112 cm black 1/50 ​


Impre sum


Albert Kerbl GmbH



Dirk Waltmann

Gut Ho lern 1g

D-85386 Eching

Layout | Grafiken

Design Elisabeth Richter

Wilhelmstraße 8

80801 München


© Erich Marek

© Sonja Haase

© Ma thias Meyer

© Jens Krüger

© Luis Zink


© Alois Schuster

Wild Animal Deterrent Netting

Wild animal deterrent guide

Elektrozaun – ein

schlagstarkes Argument

Wilde Freiheit – aber nur bis hierhin!

Felizenze l 9

D-8 428 Buchbach

Browse the new AKO wild animal

deterrent guide online or request

your free copy by e-mail at info@


Tel.: +49 8086 9 3 1 0

Fax: +49 8086 9 3 5 0


Albert Kerbl, U li Kerbl

Konzept | Koordination | Redaktion

MSDW MedienService

Tel.: +49 89 321 80 84

Fax: +49 89 321 80 83

info@medienservice-waltma n.de

www.medienservice-waltma n.de

Tel.: +49 89 215 888 6



© Heinz-Dietrich Hubatsch

© Michael Stadtfeld

© Henrik Willma n

© Axel Horstma n

© Christoph Binöder

© Ödön Blauma n

© Gerhard Schwab

© Stephan Mo ris/Fotolia.com

© TSpider/Shutterstock.com

© SJ Wa t/Shu terstock.com

© Christian Schoissingeyer/ Shu terstock.com

© Me no Schaefer/Shu terstock.com

© Pack-Shot/Shu terstock.com

Die Informations-Fibel und a le in ihr

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Mit Ausnahme der gesetzlich zugela

senen Fä le ist eine Verwertung

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A le Angaben in dieser Fibel wurden

nach bestem Wi sen und Gewissen

gemacht; eine Gewähr für die Richtigkeit

ka n von der Albert Kerbl GmbH

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übernehmen die Albert Kerbl

GmbH und MSDW MedienService Dirk

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Stand März 2016

TriCOND conductor wires are 5x more

conductive than standard stainless steel

wires of the same diameter, and thus

provide maximum security – even over

long stretches. The special coating on

these wires makes the material more

robust and ensures long durability.



The straightforward solution for keeping wild animals at bay!

All conductors: TriCOND

• length 50 m

• 3 x TriCOND rows, white/blue with 3 x 0.30 mm TriCOND wires each provide optimum conductivity (up to 10.000 m fence length)

• 12 x blue fibreglass posts, post distance approx. 4.5 m

• incl. accessories and repair kit: jointing sleeves (item no. 27321), 3 x base anchors (item no. 27322) with black nylon cord for de-tensioning,

repair wire, and warning sign

• 25 mm blue signal tape is available as a separate accessory (250 m), item no. 27240

• we offer a 3-year warranty against UV damage for all plastic wires

In windy areas, we recommend that you cut the caution tape (27240) into several pieces (

approx. 50 - 100 cm ) and secure each piece to the top of each post. The fluttering of the tape

in the wind allows you to keep wild boars more effectively at bay.


3 x 0.30 mm


= max. 10.000 m

(Inox = 2.000 m)

0.18 Ω/m*

* (based on the total conductor

cross-section of all

live wires in the netting)


ref. no. description length MQ

​ ​ €

27215 Wild animal deterrent netting 50 m 1 1 70 ​

27217 Spare post blue 90 cm 10 1/10 1,750 ​

44428 Spare insulator - 25 1/25/1000 - ​

27240 Signal Tape for WildNet, 25 mm 250 m 1 1 168 ​



Advantages WildNet:

• quicker to assemble and disassemble than conventional electric fences

• ground clearance (better for mowing and significantly fewer diversions, i.e. more power to the fence)

• blue 25 mm plastic signal tape (250 m, item no. 27240) can be added to improve visibility

• nets are easy to connect with each other (the connector is integrated into the net, separate connectors are not required)

Wild animal deterrent

Recommendation! For optimal protection of your fence, we recommend:

the Mobil Power AN 5500 starter kit (item no. 441116)

Plastic Post Titan PLUS

with metal step reinforcement

• metal step-in reinforcement provides extremely high stability

• highly impact-resistant, high-grade plastic, virtually unbreakable

• also suited for sub-zero temperatures

• for all commonly available tapes, ropes, stranded or solid wires

• high stability through additional longitudinal struts

• with galvanized spike

Metal step-in reinforcement provides extremely high stability

ref. no. colour total height spike eyes ​ ​ ​ €

4418083 blue 110 cm 16 cm 5 x rope + 3 x tape 5 1/5 490 ​

441808 white 110 cm 16 cm 5 x Rope + 3 x Tape 5 1/5 490 ​

441809 white 157 cm 19 cm 7 x Rope + 5 x Tape 5 1/5/20 500 ​

Premium WildHog Polywire ​

• specially developed wire for deterring wild animals – the blue colour is especially easy to see for wild animals

• thick tin-plated copper conductors – the copper conductors mean that conductivity is 40 times higher than

that achieved by traditional conductor materials

• conductor wires continuously attached on the outside ensure optimal contact at the animal point of contact

5 year UV-stability warranty

ref. no. length colour


fence length


resistance Ω/m

number of


copper wires tinned


strength ​ ​ €

449312 400 m blue 30,000 m 0.06 6 0.25 mm 105 kg 1/6 120 ​

TopLine Plus Fence Tape ​

• length: 200 m

• colour: blue - increased visibility for wild animals

• very high conductivity and durability through the use of 0.30 mm TriCOND conductors

4 year UV-stability warranty

ref. no.




length max.

number of conductors

resistance Ω/m TriCOND breaking strength

​ ​ €

449569 10 mm 5,000 m 5 0.374 0.30 mm 90 kg 1/12 240 ​

449570 20 mm 6,000 m 6 0.311 0.30 mm 120 kg 1/12 120 ​


WolfNet Vario

Our versatile wolf defence net in the TitanNet range

We have worked with experts in the field of wolf defence to completely redesign our

wolf net, giving you the perfect compromise between user-friendliness and effective

herd protection. The stiff plastic vertical struts, tried and tested for many years, provide

stability even in hilly terrain. The special +/- principle makes WolfNet Vario one

of our most versatile nets, and you can adapt it to suit your own individual situation

in the field.

Wolf defence

Browse the new AKO wolf

defence guide online or simply

request your free copy

by e-mail to


Expert tip: For protection against wolves, we recommend fence devices from

7.7 joules (input) and our AKO Mobil Power AN 5500 digital (372560)

+/- principle – maximum security through more

intense pulses In plus-minus fence devices, the

conductor tracks are linked alternatively with the

fence terminal (+) and the earth terminal (-) using

conductor bundling clips. The resulting grounding

wires intensify the electric shock to the animal

even in difficult ground conditions such as dry,

sandy or snow-covered ground.

Scan the QR code

for further information

Connection options:

• PLUS net

• PLUS net with earthing via the grounding wire

- improved grounding for dry soils

- strong electric shock when the grounding wire and the conductive wire above it are contacted

simultaneously during an attempt to burrow underneath



Wolf defence

TriCOND conductor wires are 5x more

conductive than standard stainless steel

wires of the same diameter, and thus provide

maximum security – even over long stretches.

The special coating on these wires makes

the material more robust and ensures long



Herd protection band for additional visual

and acoustic deterrence

Product details:

• Length 50 m

• 14 integrated white plastic posts with galvanised double prong

• 7 x TriCOND rows of 3 x 0.30 mm with +/- connectors provide maximum conductivity

• optionally connectable, reinforced grounding wire for earthing along the whole length of

the net under difficult ground conditions (e.g. very sandy or dry soils)

• improved footing and optimal terrain adaptation thanks to stable vertical struts every 30 cm

• we offer a 3-year warranty against UV damage for all plastic wires

Spare ground stopper

Spare head insulator

ref. no. description length height

​ ​ €

27227 WolfNet Vario, single prong 50 m 108 cm 1 24 ​

27228 WolfNet Vario, double prong 50 m 108 cm 1 30 ​

27229 Spare Post, single prong - 108 cm 1/50 ​ ​

27230 Spare Post, double prong - 108 cm 1/50 ​ ​

27239 Herd protection band blue/white 80 mm 100 m - 1 - ​

27249-5 Spare Top Insulator - - 1/10/500 ​ ​

27250-5 Spare Stopper - - 1/10/500 ​ ​

108 cm

3 x 0.30 mm TriCOND

0,08 Ω/m*

1 x 0.25 mm CU

+ 5 x 0.20 mm INOX

18 cm

15 cm

13 cm

13 cm

18 cm

18 cm

13 cm

30 cm

* based on the total conductor cross-section of all live wires in the mains network


WolfNet Maxi

New product

Wolf defence

Our new, extra-high wolf defence net with the proven +/- principle

• Length 50 m

• height 122 cm

• 14 integrated white plastic poles with galvanised ground spike (available as single or double prong)

• 9 x TriCOND rows of 3 x 0.30 mm with +/- connectors provide maximum conductivity

• optionally connectable, reinforced grounding wire for earthing along the whole length

of the net under difficult ground conditions (e.g. very sandy or dry soils)

• we offer a 3-year warranty against UV damage for all plastic wires.

Browse the new AKO wolf

defence guide online or

simply request your free

copy by e-mail to info@


Expert tip: For protection against wolves, we recommend fence devices from

7.7 joules (input) and our AKO Mobil Power AN 5500 digital (372560)

+/- principle – maximum security through more

intense pulses In plus-minus fence devices, the

conductor tracks are linked alternatively with the

fence terminal (+) and the earth terminal (-) using

conductor bundling clips. The resulting grounding

wires intensify the electric shock to the animal

even in difficult ground conditions such as dry,

sandy or snow-covered ground.

Scan the QR code

for further information

Connection options:

• PLUS net

• PLUS net with earthing via the grounding wire

- improved grounding for dry soils

- strong electric shock when the grounding wire and the conductive wire above it are contacted

simultaneously during an attempt to burrow underneath



Wolf defence

TriCOND conductor wires are 5x more

conductive than standard stainless steel

wires of the same diameter, and thus provide

maximum security – even over long stretches.

The special coating on these wires makes

the material more robust and ensures long



Herd protection band for additional visual

and acoustic deterrence

extremely stable welded knots

Floor Anchor

Spare ground stopper

Spare head insulator

ref. no. description length height

​ ​ €

27377 WolfNet Maxi, single prong 50 m 122 cm 1 30 ​

27378 WolfNet Maxi, double prong 50 m 122 cm 1 30 ​

27376 Spare Post, single prong - 122 cm 1 - ​

27375 Spare Post, double prong - 122 cm 1 - ​

27239 Herd protection band blue/white 80 mm 100 m - 1 - ​

27249-5 Spare Top Insulator - - 1/10/500 - ​

27250-5 Spare Stopper - - 1/10/500 - ​

20 cm

122 cm

3 x 0.30 mm TriCOND

0,06 Ω/m*

1 x 0.25 mm CU

+ 5 x 0.20 mm INOX

20 cm

15 cm

11 cm

11 cm

10 cm

10 cm

10 cm

15 cm

17,5 cm

* based on the total conductor cross-section of all live wires in the mains network


WolfNet Ovi

New product

Wolf defence

Our new, inexpensive OVI wolf defence net with extra-strong grounding wire

• length: 50 m

• height 122 cm (10 horizontal wires)

• 14 stable plastic poles, available with galvanised single or double prong

• increased conductivity thanks to the use of 5 stainless steel wires and

a tin-plated copper conductor in the topmost wire

• extremely stable welded knots

• head insulator and ground stopper make self-loosening of the wire virtually impossible

• we offer a 3-year warranty against UV damage for all plastic wires

Browse the new AKO wolf

defence guide online or simply

request your free copy

by e-mail to



• optionally connectable, reinforced grounding wire for earthing along the whole length of the net

under difficult ground conditions (e.g. very sandy or dry soils)

• 16 stainless steel conductors combined with thick PE threads in the grounding wire prevent

browsing by game

Connection options:

Scan the QR code

for further information

• PLUS net

• PLUS net with earthing via the grounding wire

- improved grounding for dry soils

- strong electric shock when the grounding wire and the conductive wire above it are contacted

simultaneously during an attempt to burrow underneath


Wolf defence


extremely stable welded knots

16 stainless steel

conductors combined

with thick PE threads

in the grounding wire

prevent browsing by


Herd protection band for additional visual

and acoustic deterrence

Spare ground stopper

Spare head insulator

ref. no. description length height

​ ​ €

27397 WolfNet Ovi, single prong 50 m 122 cm 1 30 ​

27398 WolfNet Ovi, double prong 50 m 122 cm 1 30 ​

27396 Spare Post, single prong - 122 cm 1 - ​

27395 Spare Post, double prong - 122 cm 1 - ​

27239 Herd protection band blue/white 80 mm 100 m - 1 - ​

27293 Sheep Netting Repair Set - - 1/100 - ​

27249-5 Spare Top Insulator - - 1/10/500 - ​

27250-5 Spare Stopper - - 1/10/500 - ​

27322 Floor Anchor Plastic - - 1/10/300 - ​

1 x 0.25 mm CU

+ 5 x 0.20 mm INOX

20 cm

122 cm

3 x 0.20 mm INOX

0,25 Ω/m*

16 x 0.20 mm INOX

20 cm

15 cm

11 cm

11 cm

10 cm

10 cm

10 cm

15 cm

17,5 cm

* based on the total conductor cross-section of all live wires in the mains network


Cat netting

Cat netting

Can be electrified

• especially suitable for protecting your pet

• length 25 m

• height 77 cm (10 wires)

• suitable for cats, small dogs, hares and even to protect against wild animals such as martens, raccoons or otters

• extra-narrow mesh in the base area 5 x (5.9 x 5.9 cm) and wider meshes in the upper mesh area 4 x (11.8 x 5.9 cm)

• 9 sturdy plastic posts with galvanised single spike

• horizontal current conduction with 3 x 0.20 mm stainless steel conductors per wire

• we offer a 3-year warranty against UV damage for all plastic wires.

All conductors: good conductivity via

3 x 0.20 mm stainless steel conductor

77 cm

11,8 cm

11,8 cm

11,8 cm

11,8 cm

5,9 cm

5,9 cm

5,9 cm

5,9 cm

5,9 cm

5,9 cm

* based on the total conductor cross-section of all live wires in the mains network

ref. no. length height

​ ​ €

292199 25 m 77 cm 1 40 ​


Rabbit Netting

Rabbit Netting

Can be electrified

• net height 65 cm (10 wires)

• electrifiable horizontals through 3 x 0.20 mm stainless steel conductors per strand

• for power supply use e.g. the battery fence unit AKO Compact Power B 40

• robust plastic poles with galvanised double prong

• we offer a 3-year warranty against UV damage for all plastic wires.

Extra small meshing 5,9

cm guarantees highest

tending safety!

65 cm

Fast and simple

connection with

Litzclip ®


* based on the total conductor cross-section of all live wires in the netting

Item no. 372005 Compact Power

B40 with ground/support rod item

no. 44657 is the perfect complement

for small animal netting

ref. no. description length height colour Qty posts

​ ​ €

292209 Rabbit Netting, single prong 12 m 65 cm green 9 1 70 ​

292216 Rabbit Netting, single prong 25 m 65 cm green 9 1 60 ​

292221 Rabbit Netting, single prong 50 m 65 cm green 15 1 30 ​

292222 Rabbit Netting, double prong 50 m 65 cm green 15 1 30 ​

27249-5 Spare Top Insulator - - black ​ 1/10/500 - ​

27250-5 Spare Stopper - - black ​ 1/10/500 - ​

372005 Compact Power B 40 - - - ​ 1 168 ​

44657 Earth / support rod to match Compact Power B 40 - - - ​ 1 100 ​

ref. no. description colour

292210-5 Spare Post, single prong black 1/50 ​

292211-5 Spare Post, double prong black 1/50/200 ​


Net gates

incl. connector accessories

for optional electrification

of the green net (the frame

is insulated and can still be


incl. underground cable

Door for electric fence nets, complete set ​

Enables quick and easy passage through fence netting.

Practical door for your electric netting. Quick and easy to install.

Can be installed to any position on the netting - can also be installed subsequently

to a fence that has already be set up.

The green netting of the door is electrifiable, the stable frame is insulated.

When opening the door, the power does not have to be turned off.

• fast and easy to open and close

• low weight, despite being sturdy and robust

• opening width: 86 cm (sufficient for most gardening equipment)

• incl. 2 jumbo standing posts, double-pointed

• electrifiable, incl. cable and connections

• quick and easy installation

• delivery includes connection and connection accessories

• 105 cm: suitable for all nets up to 90 cm in height

• 125 cm: extra-high version, suitable for a net height of over 95 cm up to 125 cm.

23,5 cm / 9“

11,8 cm / 5“

11,8 cm / 5“

11,8 cm / 5“

11,8 cm / 5“

11,8 cm / 5“

5,9 cm / 2,5“

5,9 cm / 2,5“

5,9 cm / 2,5“

5,9 cm / 2,5“

5,9 cm / 2,5“

86 cm / 34“

106 cm / 42“

125 cm / 50“

86 cm / 34“

11,8 cm / 5“

11,8 cm / 5“

ref. no. description height

446517 Door for nets up to 90 cm 105 cm 1 ​

446518 Door for nets from 95 - 125 cm 125 cm 1 ​

11,8 cm / 5“

11,8 cm / 5“

11,8 cm / 5“

5,9 cm / 2,5“

5,9 cm / 2,5“

5,9 cm / 2,5“

5,9 cm / 2,5“

5,9 cm / 2,5“

5,9 cm / 2,5“

88 cm / 36“

105 cm / 42“


Litzclip ®

Litzclip ®

The new way of repairing nets quickly.

• no tools required for mounting

• continuous electrification

• easy handling

• secure connection

Wire Connector Litzclip ®

Stainless steel

• the straightforward solution too for repairing a torn wire

ref. no.

use for

442003/101 for wires up to 3 mm in diameter 10 ​

Wire Cross-Connector Litzclip ®

Stainless steel

• suitable for use with all types of wire network

ref. no.

use for

442014/056 for wires up to 3 mm in diameter 5 ​

Wire T-Connector Litzclip ®

Stainless steel

• suitable for use with all types of wire network

ref. no.

use for

442015/056 for wires up to 3 mm in diameter 5 ​

Repair Set Litzclip ®

Stainless steel

• especially for repairing sheep, poultry and rabbit netting

• incl. 4 x straight 3 mm wire connectors

• incl. 2 x 3 mm wire cross-connectors

• incl. 2 x 3 mm wire T-connectors

ref. no.

442018/081 1/100 ​

2 x 4 x

2 x



2-way Reel................................... 88

12 Volt adapter cable........................... 63

12 volt battery-operated device ................ 45, 46

230 Volt, mains adapter......................... 39

Clip Tape Insulator............................ 127


Additional Eyelets for Fibreglass Post. ............. 142

Additional Insulator........................... 158

adjustable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .168

Adjustable .................................. 169

Adjustable Pasture Gates................... 168, 169

AGM Battery.................................. 74

AKO Digital Volt Meter.......................... 81

Akotronic S7K Cow Trainer....................... 71

Alkali Dry Batteries............................. 77

Alkaline ..................................... 77

Allgäu Wrap-Insulator ......................... 149

All-Weather Mains Adapter DUO .................. 33

Aluminium stranded wire....................... 112

Angle clamp................................. 109

Angle Post .................................. 132

Angle Post Insulator........................... 132

Angle Post metal ............................. 132

Anti-Theft-Box ................................ 59


B 140. ...................................... 69

B 240 Multi .................................. 69

B 500 plus ................................... 67

Battery Charger ............................... 76

Battery Device Powershock B 290.................. 67

Battery Energizer ........................ 65, 67, 69

Battery-Powered Device Savanne 2000. ............. 46

Battery Tester................................. 76

Battery unit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71

Battery Unit Mobil Power AN 5500 digital ........... 41

Battery Unit Power A 2000....................... 49

Battery Unit Power A 3300....................... 49

BD 300. ..................................... 65

BD 300 digital ................................ 65

BD 400. ..................................... 65

BD 400 digital ................................ 65

BD 600. ..................................... 65

BD 600 digital ................................ 65

Big. ........................................ 89


Cable, T-Post Corner Solution.................... 128

Cat netting.................................. 202

Cavallo Tape Corner Insulator................ 129, 157

Chain tensioner .............................. 118

Classic Plastic Post............................ 138

Clip Insulator ................................ 152

Clip Insulator Maxi Tape........................ 152

Clip Insulator Premium......................... 151

Clip Tape InsulatorT-Post........................ 127

Compact Power ............................... 69

Compact Power B 40 ........................... 71

Compact Power B 140 .......................... 69

Compact Power N 700.......................... 71

Compact Reel................................. 90

Connector. .............................. 110, 160

Connector Frame ............................. 173

Connector, high voltage cable..................... 83

Control Wire................................. 107

Corner insulator...................... 115, 155, 160

Corner Insulator.................. 129, 150, 152, 157

Corner Insulator for Wire and Rope. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .155

Corner Insulator Super......................... 155

Corner Insulator Super with metric thread ...... 129, 156

Corner Sleeve Insulator......................... 116

Corner Solution for Premium Horse Wire. ........... 115

Corner Solution Set T-Post....................... 131

Cross-profile recycling post...................... 123

cross-wound, Economy Rope .................... 102

Cut-Out Switch................................ 86


De-tensioning Set „Diagonal“.................... 115

De-tensioning Set „Horizontal“................... 115

Digital Voltmeter AKO........................... 81

Disguising hood for fence device .................. 63

Distance Insulator............................. 127

Distance InsulatorT-Post........................ 127


Door for electric fence nets. ..................... 204

Double Loop Insulator ......................... 160

Drill ....................................... 118

Drop Aid. .................................... 93

Drop Handles. ................................ 93

Dry Battery. .................................. 77

Dry Battery Energizer 9 volt . ..................... 65

Dry Battery, Zinc-Air. ........................... 77

DUO All-Weather Mains Adapter .................. 33

Duo Power X 1000. ............................ 37

Duo Power X 2500. ............................ 37

Duo Power X 4000. ............................ 37

DUO Reel. ................................... 88


Earting Cable. ................................ 84

Easy Cord Rope Insulator. ...................... 154

EasyCord Rope Insulator. ....................... 154

Easy Drill EDX. ............................... 147

Easy Drill EDX Ring Insulator .................... 147

Easy Drill Ring Insulator EDX .................... 146

Easy Loop Plug Connector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115

EasyNet Sheep Net. ........................... 186

Easy Tape. .................................. 152

ECO ....................................... 140

Eco Gate System. ............................. 166

EconomyLine ................................. 98

Economy, Rope. .............................. 102

Economy Rope, cross-wound .................... 102

Economy, Wire. .............................. 107

Eco Plastic Post. .............................. 140

Eco Power B 500 plus. .......................... 67

Electric Cattle Gate. ........................... 167

Electric fencer. ................................ 43

Electric Fencer ............................. 67, 69

Electric Fence Unit ............................. 37

Electric Fence Units. ................... 37, 43, 47, 71

Electric Gate. ................................ 167

Electrics Kit for Fence Gates. .................... 170

Electro Gate Cattle Gate. ....................... 167

E-Line Gate System. ........................... 166

Energizer-to-tape connector. ..................... 85

Euro. ....................................... 89

Euro Cord Rope Insulator. ...................... 154

Euro Reel. ................................... 89

Euro Reel Eco. ................................ 89

Expansion Elements for Panels. .................. 173


Farming forceps. ............................. 118

Fastening Ring for Round Posts .................. 156

Fence checker. ................................ 80

Fence-Checker ................................ 80

Fence Clip. ........................... 93, 103, 163

Fence Connecting Cable. ........................ 85

Fence Connection Cable. ........................ 84

Fence Connection Cable, triple. ................... 84

FenceCONTROL. ............................... 79

Fence/Earth Connection Cable .................... 83

Fence Line Tester .............................. 80

Fence monitoring. ............................. 79

Fence Panel with Gate ......................... 173

Fence Panel with no Gate. ...................... 172

Fence Post T-Post. ............................ 126

Fence Rope TopLine Ultra. ...................... 101

Fence Starter Set T-Post ........................ 131

Fence Tape TopLine Plus. ........................ 97

Fence Tester. ................................. 81

Fencing Tape Double Pack ....................... 98

Fencing Tape Premium Plus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95

Fencing Wire Aluminium. ....................... 112

fibre glass. .................................. 143

Fibreglass Post. .............................. 143

Fibre Glass Post .............................. 143

Fixed ...................................... 169

Fleece Battery Premium ......................... 74

Flexigate Gate System. ......................... 164

for t-post ................................... 129


Gate Handle. ........................ 161, 162, 163

Gate handle connector. ........................ 162

Gate Handle Connector Litzclip ® .................. 162

Gate handle hook. ..................... 93, 103, 163

Gate Handle Insulator. ..................... 129, 160

Gate Handle Insulator for T-Post. ................. 129

Gate Handle Insulator Vario. .................... 160

Gate Handle Insulator Vario for T-Post ............. 128

Gate Handle Insulator with Metric Thread. .......... 157

Gate Handle with Litzclip Connector. .............. 162

Gate Kit .................................... 165

Gate Lock. .................................. 165

Geared Reel 3 : 1. ............................. 90

Ground Anchor. ............................... 57

Ground and Fence Connection Cable ............... 84

Ground Connection Cable. ....................... 84

Grounding Rod. ............................... 70

Ground Rod. ................................. 82


Hay Bell. ................................... 174

Head Insulator T-Post. ......................... 127

High voltage cable connector. .................... 83

High-Voltage Underground Cable. ................. 83

Hobbyset .................................... 72

Hobby Square Rack. ........................... 175


In-Line Strainer, rotating. ....................... 117

Insulator for wire ............................. 142

Insulator Pinlock. ............................. 127

Insulator Porcelain. ........................... 116

Insulators for T-Post. .......................... 129

Insulators T-Post. ............................. 129


Kramp Nail. ................................. 116


Lightning Arrestor. ............................. 86

Lightning Choke. .............................. 86

Lightning Protection. ........................... 86

Litzclip ® .................... 108, 109, 110, 162, 205

Litzclip ® Gate Handle Connector.................. 162

Litzclip with Gate Handle. ...................... 162

Lockable Gate System. ......................... 165


Mains adapter, 230 Volt. ........................ 39

Mains adapter for BD devices. .................... 64

Mains Energiser, Power N 4800 ................... 31

Mains Energizer. .............................. 31

Mains Energizers .............................. 71

Maxi Tape. .................................. 152

Metal Battery Case. ............................ 59

Metal post. ................................. 132

Metal Post T-Post. ............................ 126

Mobil Power A 1200. ........................... 47

Mobil Power AD 2000 digital. .................... 43

Mobil Power AD 3000 digital. .................... 43

Mobil Power AD 5000 digital. .................... 43

Mobil Power AN 3100 .......................... 45

Mobil Power AN 5500 .......................... 45

Mobil Power AN 5500 digital Battery Unit ........... 41

Mono Wire. ................................. 107

Monowire EconomyLine. ....................... 107

Mounting set for pasture gates. .................. 170

Multi-Meter .................................. 81

Multi Post. ................................... 91


Nail-on Insulator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .158

Netting. .................................... 194


Octo Wood. ................................. 121

Offset Insulator. .......................... 157, 159

Offset Pigtail Insulator. ........................ 159

Offset Ring Insulator. .......................... 159

Offset Rope Insulator. ......................... 159

Offset Tape Insulator. .......................... 159

One-Hand Drop Aid ............................ 93

OviNet Sheep Netting. ..................... 184, 185


Pasture Gates Adjustable. .................. 168, 169

Pasture Gates Fixed ........................... 169

Pasture netting support posts. ................... 179

Permanent Fencing Insulator .................... 155

Permanent Wire Tensioner ...................... 117

Pigtail Insulator .............................. 159

Pigtail Post. ................................. 132

Pinlock Insulator. ............................. 154

Pinlock Insulator T-Post. ........................ 127

plastic. ..................................... 140

Plastic Eyes. ................................. 140

Plastic Post. ................................. 140

Plastic Post AKO Premium. ...................... 134

Plastic Post CLASSIC....................... 138, 140

Plastic Post Eco............................... 140

Plastic Post Titan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .136

Plastic Post Titan Plus...................... 136, 195

Plastic Reel Super.............................. 88

Polywire. ................................... 107

Poly Wire ............................... 103, 105

Polywire, Economy............................ 107

Polywires, Premium............................ 104

Polywires, TopLine plus......................... 106

Polywire TopLine Ultra ......................... 105

Porcelain Corner Insulators...................... 116

Porcelain Insulator............................ 116

Porcelain Strain Insulator....................... 116

Portable Fence Kit for Trekking.................... 72

Post. ...................... 132, 136, 140, 143, 195

Post Driver.................................. 118

PoultryNet Poultry Netting .................. 192, 193

Poultry Netting PoultryNet .................. 192, 193

Power A 2000 Battery Unit....................... 49

Power A 3300 Battery Unit....................... 49

Power N 1200 ................................ 31

Power N 3500 ................................ 31

Power N 4800 ................................ 31

Power Profi Digital NDI 6500..................... 25

Power Profi Digital NDI 10000.................... 25

Power Profi Digital NDI 15000.................... 25

Power Profi NDi 6500 digital ..................... 25

Power Profi NDI 10000 digital .................... 25

Power Profi NDI 15000 digital .................... 25

Power Profi Ni 7000............................ 29

Power Profi NI 7000............................ 29

Power Profi Ni 10000........................... 29

Power Profi NI 10000........................... 29

Power Shock B 290............................. 67

Power Station................................. 65

Power Station XDI 10000 digital................ 27, 35

Power Station XDI 15000 digital................ 27, 35

Power supply unit.............................. 29

Power supply unit Power ........................ 25

Power supply unit Power Profi Digital NDI 10000. ..... 25

Power supply unit Power Profi Digital NDI 15000. ..... 25

Premium. ................................ 94, 103

Premium AGM 15 Ah Complete Set ................ 74

Premium AGM Battery .......................... 74

Premium Combi-Insulator....................... 149

Premium Fleece Battery ......................... 74

Premium Gate Handle.......................... 161

Premium Gate Handle Insulator Vario. ............. 160

Premium Horse Wire........................... 114

Premium Plus Gate Handle...................... 161

Premium Plus Tape............................. 95

Premium Polywires............................ 104

Premium, Rope............................... 100

Premium - Slit Insulator ........................ 148

Premium Tape and Cable Tensioner................ 151

Premium Ultra, Rope. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99

Profi Gate Insulator for Tapes.................... 160

Puller for T-Post .............................. 130

Pulling Device................................ 130

Pulse Flash................................... 81


Rabbit Netting............................... 203

Rack. .................................. 176, 177

Ram. ...................................... 130

Ram for T-post............................... 130

Recycling Post. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .123

Recycling Post Square.......................... 123

red. ....................................... 161

Reel 2-way................................... 88

Reel Big. .................................... 89

Reel DUO. ................................... 88

Reel Euro. ................................... 89

Reel Euro Eco................................. 89

Reel Super Big ................................ 88

Reel with TopLine.............................. 89

Repair kit. .................................. 205

Repair kit Litzclip ® ............................ 205

Ring Insulator.................... 127, 146, 147, 158

Ring Insulators............................... 147

Ring Insulator Super Big........................ 147

Ring InsulatorT-Post........................... 127

Ring Insulator with metric thread................. 156

Roof / solar bracket. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57

Rope and Wire Connector....................... 110

Rope Connector.............................. 109

Rope Connector Litzclip ® ....................... 109

Rope Connector Stainless Steel................... 109

Rope Connector with Lead. ...................... 85

Rope corner solution for T-Post. .................. 128

Rope, Economy. .............................. 102

Rope Insulator. .......................... 127, 154

Rope Insulator Pinlock. ........................ 154

Rope Insulator T-Post. ......................... 127

Rope/Polywire. ........................... 110, 160

Rope, Premium. .............................. 100

Rope, Premium Ultra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99

Rope / Tape Connection. ........................ 85

Rope, TopLine plus. ........................... 101

Rope-to-Rope Connector ........................ 85

Round Bale Hay Bell. .......................... 174

Round Hay Rack. ............................. 177

Round steel post. ............................. 132


S7K. ........................................ 71

S7KAKOtronic S7KTraining Energiz. ................ 71

Safety Link. ................................. 109

Saline Dry Batteries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77

Savanne 2000 Battery-Powered Device. ............. 46

Savanne 3000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46

Screw bit for all ring Insulator. ................... 146

Screw Insulator Vario Plus. ...................... 158

Sheep Net EasyNet. ........................... 186

Sheep netting. ............................... 189

Sheep Netting OviNet. ..................... 184, 185

Sheep Netting TopLine Net. ..................... 180

Sheep Netting TopLine Plus Net. ................. 183

Signs ....................................... 87

Sledge Hammer .............................. 118

Slit Insulator - Premium ........................ 148

Slit Insulators. ............................... 148

Slow Feeding Net. ............................ 177

solar kit ..................................... 58

Solar Modules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56

Solar Set. .................................... 58

Solar unit. ................................ 53, 55

Spare/additional insulator for fibreglass post ........ 143

Special Steel Wire. ............................ 113

Spring Steel Post. ............................. 132

Square Hay Rack. ............................. 176

Square Hay Rack Standard. ..................... 175

Square rack for horses ......................... 176

Square Rack Hobby. ........................... 175

Square Recycling Post. ......................... 123

Standard Square Rack. ......................... 175

Starter Kit. ................................... 60

Starter kit Type Mobil Power A 3. .................. 61

Starter kit Type Mobil Power AN .................. 61

Stirrup post. ................................. 134

Strain Insulator. .............................. 155

Strain Insulator Polyamide ...................... 155

Strain Insulator Porcelain. ...................... 116

Stranded aluminium wire. ...................... 112

Stranded Wire galvanized. ...................... 112

Sun Power S 250 .............................. 55

Sun Power S 800 .............................. 53

Sun Power S 1500 ............................. 53

Sun Power S 3000 ............................. 53

Super Big. ................................... 88

Super Corner Insulator. ........................ 155

Supplementary Insulator. ................... 156, 158

Support posts for pasture netting. ................ 179

Swing-Through Lock. .......................... 170


Tape. .............................. 94, 96, 97, 98

Tape and Cable Tensioner Premium. ............... 151

Tape Connector. ........................... 85, 108

Tape Connector Galvanized. ..................... 108

Tape Connector Litzclip ® ........................ 108

Tape Connector Stainless Steel. .................. 108

Tape Corner Insulator Cavallo. ................... 150

Tape Corner Insulator with Metric Thread. ...... 129, 157

Tape corner solution for T-Post. .................. 128

Tape Insulator. ....................... 152, 153, 157

Tape Insulator Easy Tape. ....................... 152

Tape Insulator for Gate Handle. .................. 129

Tape-to-Tape Connector ......................... 85

Tape, T-Post Corner Solution. .................... 128

Tension Spring ............................... 117

TitanLight Net. ............................... 191

Titan Plus. .............................. 136, 195

Titan Plus Plastic Post. ..................... 136, 195

Titan-Post. .................................. 136

TitanPro Net. ................................ 189

TopLine. .................................... 105

TopLine Net Sheep Netting. ..................... 180

TopLine on Reel ............................... 89

Top Line plus .............................. 96, 97

TopLine plus. ................................. 96

TopLine Plus Fence Tape. ........................ 97

TopLine Plus Net Sheep Netting. ................. 183

TopLine plus, Polywires. ........................ 106

TopLine plus, Rope. ........................... 101

TopLine Ultra Polywire ......................... 105

TopLine Ultra Rope. ........................... 101

TopLine Wire. ................................ 105

Tournament Set 7 x 7 m. ........................ 73

T-Post. ..................................... 126

T-Post Clip Tape Insulator. ...................... 127

T-Post Corner Solution ......................... 128

T-Post Corner Solution, Cable. ................... 128

T-Post Corner Solution Set. ...................... 131

T-Post Corner Solution, Tape. .................... 128

T-Post Distance Insulator ....................... 127

T-Post Fence Starter Set ........................ 131

T-Post Gate Handle Insulator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .129

T-Post Gate Handle Insulator Vario. ............... 128

T-Post Head Insulator. ......................... 127

T-Post Insulator Pinlock. ........................ 127

T-Post Insulators. ............................. 129

T-Post Pile Driver. ............................. 130

T-Post Puller. ................................ 130

T-Post Ring Insulator. .......................... 127

T-Post Rope Insulator. ......................... 127

T-Post Tape Gate Handle Insulator ................ 129

T-Post Tape Insulator for Gate Handle. ............. 129

T-Post Universal Clamp Kit ...................... 130

T-Post universal clip ........................... 130

Tube Insulator. ............................... 115

Type Mobil Power AD Digital ..................... 61

Type Mobil Power AN Digital ..................... 61

Type Savanne 3000. ............................ 60


Underground Cable ............................ 83

Universal Clamp Kit T-Post ...................... 130

Universal Clamp Set. .......................... 130


Vario Gate Handle Insulator. .................... 160

Vario Plus Screw Insulator. ...................... 158

Vario Premium Gate Handle Insulator. ............. 160


Warning Sign. ................................ 87

Warning Sign Electric Fence. ..................... 87

Warning Signs ................................ 87

Wet Rechargeable Battery ....................... 75

Wild animal deterrent netting. ................... 194

WildHog, Wire ........................... 104, 195

Wire connecting clamp. ........................ 119

Wire Connector. ...................... 110, 119, 205

Wire Connector Gripple. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .119

Wire Connector Litzclip ® .................... 110, 205

Wire Connector Wire Link. ...................... 119

Wire Control. ................................ 107

Wire Cross-Connector. ......................... 205

Wire Cross-Connector Litzclip ® ................... 205

Wire, Economy. .............................. 107

Wire eyelet. ................................. 142

Wire galvanized. ............................. 113

Wire Link ................................... 119

Wire Pay-Out Spinner. ......................... 113

Wire T-Connector. ............................ 205

Wire T-Connector Litzclip ® ...................... 205

Wire tensioner ............................... 117

Wire TopLine. ................................ 105

Wire, WildHog ........................... 104, 195

with gate. .................................. 173

without gate. ................................ 172

with short support ............................ 147

Wolf Defence Net. .................... 197, 199, 201

Wolf net. ........................... 197, 199, 201

WolfNet. ............................... 197, 199

Wooden Mallet. .............................. 118

Wood Post. ................................. 121

Wood screws ................................ 116

Wrap-Insulator Allgäu ......................... 149


Zinc-Air Dry Batteries. .......................... 77

Zinc-carbon .................................. 77


AKO tips & tricks for building your own horse paddock

This guide is designed to assist you with the DIY installation of your individual fence

system using AKO OctoWood wooden posts and/or T-Post metal posts. In order to get

an initial overview of all required fence components, along with the cost, you can enter

your paddock fence in our AKO fence calculator, www.fenceconfigurator.com, and

generate a material requirements overview.

Browse our guide online or request your free copy by e-mail to info@kerbl.com!

We are also happy to personally advise you via telephone at any time.

Der AKO Weidezaunrechner ... nur ein paar Mausklicks von Ihrer individuell angepassten Einkaufsliste entfernt!

Ob Festzaun oder Mobilzaun, Großpferd oder Kleinpferd, mit Weidzezaungerät oder ohne:

Egal wie Sie Ihr individuelles Zaunsystem zusammenstellen möchten, der AKO Weidezaunrechner

unterstützt Sie bei der Auswahl der für Sie geeigneten Komponenten und

Besuchen Sie uns im Web

berechnet Ihnen, wie viele Artikel Sie für die Montage benötigen.

Zum Schluss können Sie sich die Artikelliste als PDF speichern oder direkt ausdrucken

und die gewünschten Artikel über Ihren lokalen Fachhandel beziehen.

Der Festzaun-Ratgeber für die Pferdekoppel

... Tipps und Tricks zum Selberbauen!

Premium Horse Wire



Mit unserem praktischen Weidezaunrechner

können Sie Ihren

individuellen Weidezaun konfi gurien.



Albert Kerbl GmbH

Felizenzell 9

84428 Buchbach


Telefon +49 8086 933-100

Telefax +49 8086 933-152

E-Mail info@kerbl.de


Produktinformation/techn. Beratung

AKO-Agrartechnik GmbH & Co.KG

Karl-Maybach-Str. 4

88239 Wangen-Geiselharz


Telefon +49 7520 9660-0

Telefax +49 7520 9660-88

E-Mail info@ako-agrar.de


Wir bemühen uns laufend unser Programm zu verbessern und auf dem neuesten Stand zu halten. Änderungen in den Ausführungen behalten wir uns deshalb vor. Mit Erscheinen dieses Kataloges verlieren alle

alten Kataloge und Preislisten für diese Produkte ihre Gültigkeit. Bei allen angegebenen Preisen handelt es sich um unverbindliche Preisempfehlungen des Herstellers und verstehen sich inklusive gesetzlicher Mehrwertsteuer.

Alle Angaben erfolgen vorbehaltlich Satz- und Druckfehler. Preisänderungen und Irrtum vorbehalten. Änderungen in Farbe und Ausführung aus drucktechnischen Gründen möglich! Nachdruck - auch

auszugsweise - darf nur nach vorheriger Genehmigung erfolgen. Batterien und Akkus sind Zubehörartikel und daher nicht im Lieferumfang der Geräte enthalten. Mit den aufgeführten Produkten verbessern Sie

wesentlich die Hütesicherheit Ihrer Weide. Örtliche Einfl üsse und Gegebenheiten können Ihre Zaunanlage beeinfl ussen, weshalb eine absolute Hütesicherheit nicht gewährleistet werden kann. Der Verkäufer gibt

keine Gewähr dafür, dass die Zaunanlage ausbruchsicher ist, vielmehr soll mit dem Elektrozaungerät und dem entsprechenden Zubehör die Sicherheitslage verbessert werden. Verkauf nur über den Fachhandel!

© 05/2016



AKO wild animal deterrent guide

AKO guide

AKO wolf defence guide

From corn fields ruined by wild boar, fish ponds plundered by otters,

or sheep taken by wolves – the topic of wild animal deterrent is not

just a perennial issue, but also has additional, new, problematic facets.

Electric fences have been proven to provide safe, long-term protection.

In our wild animal deterrent guide „Electric fence – a powerful argument!

Wild animal freedom – but only until this point!“, we present an

excerpt in words and pictures from our range of wild animal deterrent

fence products, customised to the different wild animal types and their

specific characteristics: proven practical solutions that ensure a successful

and long-term protection function. Easy to understand graphics

clarify the features of electric fence set-up, customised to respective

wild animal types.

Browse our wild animal deterrent guide online or request your free copy

by e-mail to info@kerbl.com We are also happy to personally advise

you via telephone at any time.

The spread of the wolf in the cultivated landscape holds a potential for

conflict. As opportunist feeders, wolves snatch the animals which they

can apparently capture most easily. These are, above all, domestic animals

such as sheep and goats. Appropriate measures to protect herds

are therefore essential, in order to prevent losses.

Our compact guide is intended to provide you with the most important

information, tips, and approaches for effective wolf defence, using

electric fences, and also to help you in selecting the right products for

the protection of your herd.

Browse our wolf defence guide online, or simply request your free copy

by e-mail to info@kerbl.com! We are also happy to personally advise

you via telephone at any time.

Elektrozaun – ein

schlagstarkes Argument

Wilde Freiheit – aber nur bis hierhin!


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Fax: +49 8086 933 500


Übersetzungen, Mikroverfilmung


© Erich Marek

sowie die Einspeicherung und Verarbeitung

in elektronischen Systemen.


© Heinz-Dietrich Hubatsch

© Michael Stadtfeld

A le Angaben in dieser Fibel wurden


© Henrik Wi lmann

nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen

Albert Kerbl, Ulli Kerbl

© Sonja Haase

gemacht; eine Gewähr für die Richtigkeit

kann von der Albert Kerbl GmbH

© Ma thias Meyer

Konzept | Koordination | Redaktion © Jens Krüger

und MSDW MedienService Dirk Waltmann

dennoch nicht übernommen

MSDW MedienService

© Axel Horstmann

Dirk Waltmann

© Christoph Binöder

werden. Für eventue le Schäden oder

Gut Ho lern 1g

© Luis Zink

Nachteile, die aus den in der Fibel

D-85386 Eching

© Ödön Blaumann

vorgeste lten Informationen resultieren,

übernehmen die Albert Kerbl

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Fax: +49 89 321 80 883

© Gerhard Schwab

GmbH und MSDW MedienService Dirk

info@medienservice-waltmann.de © Alois Schuster

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www.medienservice-waltmann.de © Stephan Mo ris/Fotolia.com

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© TSpider/Shutterstock.com

© SJ Watt/Shutterstock.com

© Christian Schoissingeyer/ Shu terstock.com

© Menno Schaefer/Shu terstock.com

© Pack-Shot/Shutterstock.com

The electric fence module with a system from AKO

Our modular system is your best advisor! Informative and wellarranged product presentation makes choosing a lot easier:

• The characteristics that determine the decision to buy are listed on the packaging and shelf labelling

• For more information there are free catalogues and leaflets available.

• We offer selected product samples in special displays for a better „grasping“ of quality and design.


Product information/technical adive

Albert Kerbl GmbH

Felizenzell 9

84428 Buchbach


Tel. +49 8086 933-577

Fax +49 8086 933-500

E-Mail fencing@kerbl.com


AKO Agrartechnik GmbH & Co.KG

Karl-Maybach-Str. 4

88239 Wangen-Geiselharz


Tel. +49 7520 9660-0

Fax +49 7520 9660-88

E-Mail info@ako-agrar.com


4 018653 904602

We are constantly striving to improve our stock of products and keep them right up to

date. We reserve the right to make design changes. The publication of this catalogue renders

all previous catalogues and prices lists for these products invalid. All prices provided

are the manufacturer‘s recommended retail prices and are inclusive of VAT. All information

is subject to typing and printing errors. All prices are subject to change.

Changes in colour and design may occur due to printing technology reasons.

Reprinting in whole or in part is due to prior authorisation.

Batteries are accessory items and are therefore not included in the equipment‘s scope of


You can significantly improve the tending safety of your paddock with the products listed.

Local influences and conditions can affect your fence system, which is why absolute tending

safety cannot be guaranteed. The vendor offers no warranty that the fence system is

secure against break-outs; in fact, the safety system should be improved with the electric

fence device and corresponding accessories.

Retail only via specialist dealers. © 12/2019

WK972_EN_Kerbl_ohne Preis

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