307 APRIL 2020 - Gryffe Advertizer

The Advertizer - Your local community magazine to the Gryffe area. The Advertizer is a local business directory including a what's on guide and other local information and an interest mix of articles. The Advertizer - Your local community magazine to the Gryffe area. The Advertizer is a local business directory including a what's on guide and other local information and an interest mix of articles.

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In business for 25 years! 13,500copiesMONTHLYNo.307April 2020Read our new Insight Insert inside!Kilmacolm Misty Morning by Bill CrookstonGryffeAds GryffeAdsinsight__magazine InsightGryffe |GryffeDistributed to:• Bishopton • Bridge of Weir • Brookfield • Elderslie • Houston • Howwood • Kilbarchan • Kilmacolm • Langbank • Lochwinnoch • Quarriers

In business for 25 years! 13,500




April 2020

Read our new Insight Insert inside!

Kilmacolm Misty Morning by Bill Crookston

GryffeAds GryffeAds

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Distributed to:

• Bishopton • Bridge of Weir • Brookfield • Elderslie • Houston • Howwood • Kilbarchan • Kilmacolm • Langbank • Lochwinnoch • Quarriers

Next deadline - Wednesday 15th April

Gryffe Advertizer | www.advertizer.co.uk

Advertising Feature

Spring time turns our attention to pressure washing and

softwashing ready for the Summer ahead. With over 20 years

experience of exterior cleaning systems, we are your local

qualified and experienced cleaning company with the state of

the art equipment, knowledge and experience to achieve the

best results. Whether it is soft-washing moss on roofs, algae

from render, pressure washing decking, patios, monoblock drives

or anything in between, please give us a call for free, friendly

information on our services or for a free quotation.

01505 863 863 www.nutechcleaning.co.uk


this issue

Legendary artist and

playwright John Byrne is in

line to receive his hometown’s

highest honour – the Freedom

of Renfrewshire. More details


John Byrne


Don’t miss our new INSIGHT

Inside section which starts on

p15 - all your favourite articles

from INSIGHT magazine, now

included in your monthly


In this issue, Beechgrove

Garden’s Kirsty Wilson gives

us her gardening tips for the

spring season.

Jumping with joy, local

sportsman, Leo Harris Downes

has won the gold medal at

the NDP qualifying round for

double mini trampoline in


Kirsty Wilson


As we ran up to our print date,

the news was updating almost

by the minute with the current

Covid-19 outbreak. Sadly, some

of the events we have in this

issue may be postponed or


We’ll try to keep you updated

on Facebook, but best to

check with the venue ahead of

time to avoid disappointment.

Leo Harris Downes


Next deadline: Wednesday 15th APRIL!

Contact us!

01505 613340


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Bridge of Weir, PA11 3PN



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All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission

is strictly prohibited. The Gryffe Advertizer cannot be held responsible for

unsolicited materials. The views and opinions by contributors in this magazine

may not represent the views of the publishers. The Gryffe Advertizer takes no

responsibility for claims made by advertisements in this publication.

e: info@advertizer.co.uk | t: 01505 613340 April 2020



all your favourite

articles from

Insight Magazine

now included in your

monthly advertizer


find our full list of

advertisers on p58,

listed by category

and in an A to Z list



hand-delivered to

homes & Businesses

every month


features ............................. 4-13

History ......................................14

Insight ................................ 15-23

what’s on ...................... 24-29

village news ................ 30-41

pet news ..................................42

outdoors ..........................43-47

sport news ....................48-50

school news ...................51-55

business classified ...........56

sales & wants .....................57

advertizer directory .....58



Next deadline - Wednesday 15th April

Feature NEws

Gryffe Advertizer | www.advertizer.co.uk


in line for honorary Title

Legendary artist and playwright John Byrne is in line to receive his

hometown’s highest honour – the Freedom of Renfrewshire. The

Freedom of Renfrewshire is an honorary title and is the highest

civic honour that can be bestowed upon an individual or group. It

has only been awarded five times previously.

John Byrne was born in Ferguslie Park in Paisley in 1940 and is

best known for writing The Slab Boys Trilogy – a set of plays telling

the story of young-working class Scots in Paisley and inspired

by his own experiences working in Stoddard’s Carpet Factory in


Alongside being an accomplished writer of stage and screen, John

Byrne is known for his distinctive painting style and continues to

paint and exhibit new work regularly.

John returned to Paisley on Saturday 22 February to celebrate his

80th year as part of the inaugural Paisley Book Festival. The soldout

event in Paisley Arts Centre featured readings from his plays

and live music.

He will also bring his new musical play, Underwood Lane, to Paisley

Arts Centre from 25-28 June for its world premiere, in partnership

with Renfrewshire Leisure and Tron Theatre. The play tells the tale

of a young skiffle band trying to make it and is written in memory

of John’s Paisley buddy, Gerry Rafferty, who was born and brought

up on the street.

Provost Lorraine Cameron said: “John is a celebrated playwriter,

painter, printmaker and theatre designer and has put Paisley on

the map. He continues to be committed to our local community

and is treasured by citizens of Ferguslie Park, past and present,

as well as the wider Renfrewshire community and its civic leaders.

I’m delighted to offer him this honour and thank him for the

contribution he has made to Renfrewshire.”

If approved, the Freedom of Renfrewshire will officially be awarded

to John Byrne later this year. Find out more about the Freedom of

Renfrewshire at www.renfrewshire.gov.uk/freedomofrenfrewshire

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

We would like to take this opportunity to advise our clients

and readers as to our short-term approach to the current

Coronavirus outbreak.

The Gryffe Advertizer is a small business with a staff of only 5,

all part time employees. Our delivery is carried out by a team of

individuals from each village in our distribution area. We have

been following Government and Public Health Department

advice with regard to the continued service we offer.

We are also reliant on a supply chain and changing

circumstances mean we may need to reconsider our publication

and distribution. In the meantime, we hope to continue to

bring you your local news and events (yes, some are still going

ahead) over the coming months.

As most of our clients are aware, we can be contacted over

email and by telephone and you can also contact us through

social media. All our contact details can be found on our

website and on p2 of this magazine.

Our office is currently open and will remain so for the

foreseeable future, unless we are either forced to close by the

Government or one of our staff becomes ill with the virus.





e: info@advertizer.co.uk | t: 01505 613340 April 2020



Next deadline - Wednesday 15th April

Gryffe Advertizer | www.advertizer.co.uk

Christian Aid

For one week every May we see

the posters & bunting, and a red

donations envelope drops though

our letterbox to be picked up later in

the week by a volunteer collector.

But what is Christian Aid? Why does

it exist? What does it do?

At outset it is perhaps worth

clarifying what it is not. It is not

“aid for Christians”! Christian Aid

is committed to supporting poor

and marginalised people, whatever

their beliefs, sexuality, gender and

ethnicity. It is a signatory to the

international Code of Conduct which

sets ethical standards for aid work

and, among other things, promises

that aid will not be used to further a particular

political or religious standpoint.

These days it is not even limited to “aid from

Christians”. Because of its excellent record in

tackling poverty and the causes of poverty,

Christian Aid is now funded by generous

donations from a wide variety of people with

diverse religious beliefs.

But there is a core belief running through

everything that Christian Aid does. Christian

Aid believes that everyone is equal in the sight

of God. Poverty is an outrage against humanity.

It robs people of their dignity and lets injustice

thrive. But together we have the power to

transform lives.

Started 75 years ago as a response by Christian

churches in the UK to the desperate needs of

refugees in Europe after the Second World

War, Christian Aid now operates in nearly 40

countries promoting sustainable development,

striving for social justice and pursuing a vision

of a world without poverty. It works with local

partner organisations which not only have

first-hand knowledge of the practical needs

of the poor in their area, but are also able to

ensure the sustainability of initiatives to lift

communities out of poverty.

Christian Aid is also prepared to challenge

governments and systems on the underlying

causes of poverty. It played a leading role in

securing international Government agreement

to cancel the debt burden which was crippling

some of the poorest countries in the world. In

many countries, Christian Aid has been able to

champion the status of women and unleash the

huge contribution they can make to lifting their

communities out of poverty. Today Christian

Aid is not only addressing the very real and

immediate impact of climate change on some

of the poorest communities in the world but

also challenging governments on their response

to the climate crisis.

More information about this year’s Christian

Aid Week in next month’s issue – and get ready

for that red envelope!

For more information visit: www.christianaid.


Rotary Club of Gryffe Valley


Since its formation, in 1995, Gryffe Valley Rotary Club has met weekly on Wednesday

evenings. All speaker/dinner meetings are at the River Inn, Crosslee starting at 7pm

with dinner at 7.30pm and usually a speaker at 8.30pm and a final toast to Rotary at

before 9.30pm. There is no longer a strict obligation on attendance and whilst some

members enjoy attending every week others are there less frequently. Most of the

business of organising fund raising and Community Service and Youth Service events

is done by committees that meet as necessary 6pm to 7pm and approximately once

a month the committees report on their plans and seek approval from the club.

Guests who are interested in finding out more about Rotary or the specific topic are

very welcome. Prior booking is necessary by email to gryffevalleyrotary@gmail.com

Bridge of Weir Hillwalkers

February was literally a washout for the BoWHWers as three walks were cancelled by

various storms and monsoons.

We did manage to start March on a better foot with a walk along the Forth & Clyde

canal to lead us on to the Antonine Wall and a walk back in time to the Roman

Empire’s outermost defence line.

The day stayed (Mainly) dry and coffees were back at the Boat House at Auchinstarry


The rest of March will see two hill walks in Argyll and by April we will be heading for

three walks in Perthshire. Details: donwwsmith@gmail.com

After the sodden winter, we can only hope that things get better as we hit Spring.



e: info@advertizer.co.uk | t: 01505 613340 April 2020


Next deadline - Wednesday 15th April

Gryffe Advertizer | www.advertizer.co.uk

Stock market falls…putting things in


by Carl Melvin, Affluent Financial Planning Ltd

The Corona Virus pandemic is all over the newspapers and TV news.

Reports of individuals panic buying hand sanitiser and toilet rolls is

surely evidence of people acting irrationally. The world won’t end,

but investors are very concerned about how their investments and

pension funds are being impacted by current events. What do you

do when the stock market is falling sharply?

1. Why are world stock markets falling? Stock markets rise and fall

in line with 3 things – economic news (companies make profits or

losses), world events like war, pandemics, etc and finally, Investor

sentiment – how people react to what is happening. If people

are optimistic then stock markets rise and if fearful then stock

markets decline.

2. Stock markets are resilient – they can handle good news or

bad news, but uncertainty is what causes stock markets to fall

sharply. The lack of certainty causes people to be fearful and this

is magnified until a degree of calm returns.

3. Stock markets recover - it may take time for markets to recover

from a heavy fall but recover they will – and the long-term investor

will be rewarded for her patience.

4. History teaches us a lesson – previous falls are often followed by a

strong recovery within the following 12 – 18 months, so selling out

in the heat of a big fall in share prices is a folly.

5. Think of this as an opportunity – if the prices in the supermarket

were lower than last month, you would call this a sale – the stock

market is currently on sale with prices lower than before, so

for those seeking to invest it offers an opportunity to buy at a


6. For every seller there is a buyer – if you sell your investments out

of fear, then remember that there must be someone willing to buy

your investment – unless you bought a poor-quality investment or

illiquid asset in the first place.

7. Buy low and sell high – is the key to investment success. This

means when prices are lower (as they are now) then you should

invest more, and when prices are high you should take your


8. Diversify – one should not have all one’s eggs in a single basket –

a highly diversified global portfolio offers less risk and the scope

for long term growth. A portfolio should be rebalanced at least

annually to capture investment gains.

9. The falls are temporary – and the rise of stock markets is

permanent over the longer term – history tells us this. Think long

term, not short term.

10. It’s too late to react – the falls have already occurred, and markets

may fall further before they recover. Now is not the time to change

your investment strategy or try to second guess the market

movements. Sit on your hands and let the market recover in time

– rash decisions now could cost you dear in the future.

This information is not financial advice. If you require advice you should consult a professional adviser.

The first meeting is normally free and there is no obligation. Call us for a FREE financial review on

01505 59 50 60 or email: info@affluentfp.co.uk Alternatively, pop into the Affluent office opposite

Amaretto restaurant on Main Street, Bridge of Weir. www.affluentfp.co.uk

The value of an investment and the income from it could go down as well as up. The return at the end

of the investment period is not guaranteed and you may get back less than you originally invested.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.


e: info@advertizer.co.uk | t: 01505 613340 April 2020

Better access to justice for victims of accidents by Dallas McMillan, Solicitors

Incoming Scottish legislation will greatly improve access to justice

in 2020 for victims of accidents seeking compensation for their

injuries and losses.

At present when injured claimants raise a court action against the

party believed to be responsible, they face being liable for the legal

expenses of the defending party if they ultimately lose their case.

This liability for legal expenses can be very considerable, and whilst

sometimes this risk can be covered by insurance, insurance policies

are not always available, carry various exclusion clauses, and can

be expensive.

Under the incoming legislation (exact date of commencement

awaited) personal injury claimants will benefit from Qualified Oneway

Costs Shifting (“QOCS”). Under QOCS, a successful Defender

will not normally be able to recover any legal expenses from the

claimant even if the claimant loses the case at trial. Instead, the

claimant will only be liable to a successful Defender:-

(a) Where fraudulent conduct by the claimant,

(b) Where claimant has behaved in a manifestly unreasonable

manner, or

(c) Where claimant’s conduct amounts to an abuse of process.

These tests are expected to be difficult for Defenders to establish.

The imminent introduction of QOCS is expected substantially to

improve access to justice for claimants. Currently, many deserving

claims are rejected by wealthy employers and/or insurers, and are

then abandoned by claimants fearful of the risks of proceeding

with litigation. With the new legislation, QOCS and the reduced

risks for claimants, however, solicitors will have greater scope to

advise claimants to press on into litigation to secure justice and

compensation due for their injuries and losses.

Anyone injured in an accident (whether at work, in a road accident

or in a public/private place) are advised to instruct specialist

personal injury claim solicitors as soon as possible.



Gryffe Advertizer | www.advertizer.co.uk

Rotary Club of Gryffe Valley Youth Competitions

Next deadline - Wednesday 15th April

The Regional Finals for Young Chef and Youth Speaks were held in

Stirling on Saturday 7th March. With winners and runners up in the

District Finals, the Rotary Club of Gryffe Valley was represented in

both events.


In Young Chef we were represented by Ellie Shaw of Gryffe High;

she had to cook a three- course meal for two in two hours within

a budget of £20. We are grateful to Gibb Stuart Home Hardware

who sponsored our initial Club Competition at the start of the

process and to Jason Andrews of The River Inn who sponsored

Ellie’s “whites” for the later stages.



In Youth Speaks

we were represented in both Intermediate and Senior age categories

by teams from St Columba’s. Each Youth Speaks team is comprised

of a Chairperson, Proposer and Opposer who argue opposing views

of their chosen topic. The Intermediate team of Kierandeep Nijjer,

Emma Ventham and Orla O’Rourke discussed “Make do and Mend”

while the Senior team of Mark Morgan Clelland, Elliot Nixon and

Bronte Marritt debated “We are too Sensitive”.

All the young people performed well but only the winners of

the Regional Finals go forward to the National Finals ….so very

special congratulations to the Senior Team from St Columba’s who

won their final with a very creditable performance and head to

Birmingham for the National Finals in May.

The St Columba’s Senior Team, winners of

the Regional Final and going forward to

the National Final

How Often Should We Have Our Eyes


Ellie Shaw, in her “whites”, sponsored by The River Inn

The St Columba’s Intermediate Team

by Kerry Taher, New Vision Opticians

Many people ask at what age should children start having their

eyes examined. There is in fact no specific age.

Babies have their eyes checked at birth, then 6 weeks later by

the Health Visitor. This is followed by a large 3-4 year gap before

the preschool check at around 4 years of age. Children tend to

complain about their sight only when they are really struggling, so

many smaller but important problems can easily go undetected in

these 3-4 years.

Routine eye tests can start from about 6 months of age, but if there

are any concerns then babies/children can be seen at any age. Most

of the crucial development of our visual system occurs before the

age of 7, so any treatment must be started as early as possible.

Even if you have no concerns, we recommend an eye examination

before starting school.

Under normal circumstances annual checks are typical up to 16

years of age, after which it becomes every 2 years. However, in

some cases annual checks may still be required – for example,

over 40’s with a family history/risk of Glaucoma, all patients with

Diabetes, certain types of macular changes etc.

If you have an eye infection, a GP or pharmacist will give good

advice. However, with the specialised equipment we have in

practice, an optician should be your first port of call.

If you have any concerns at all about your eyes, you should contact

your optician regardless of when you last had them checked. If you

are unable to attend your local practice due to mobility or health

issues, many opticians will come to your home. The NHS pay for all

practice and home eye examinations for everyone who is eligible.

For further information, please call: 01505 614 700.


e: info@advertizer.co.uk | t: 01505 613340 April 2020



Next deadline - Wednesday 15th April

Gryffe Advertizer | www.advertizer.co.uk

Packed U3A for Paisley tunnel talk

Over 100 curious people packed Paisley & District’s U3A March

meeting to learn how Paisley came to have Scotland’s finest and

best preserved medieval tunnel.

Guest speaker and excavation leader Bob Will of Guard-Archaeology

answered questions from a large audience on future plans to allow

more visitors to the Big Dig site.

U3A Chair Kathleen O’Donnell said: “This has been a fascinating

and inspiring talk. The different relics discovered beside Paisley

Abbey each tell their own story about life lived from the 14th

century onwards. Many people here today would love to visit the

tunnel. We’d support any plans to enable this to happen. Just now

there is a public ballot for Doors Open Day in September. Perhaps

in the future, Paisley will develop an all year round visitors site.”

Mary’s Meals representative, Mary Moran will give a presentation on

the international charity’s schools feeding programme and other

vital work at Paisley & District U3A’s next monthly meeting. This

free event is on Thursday 2nd April, at 2pm in the Salvation Army

Hall, Mill Street, Paisley, PA1 1ND.

More details at: https://u3asites.org.uk/paisley/welcome

Photo 2: Paisley tunnel underground, courtesy of Paisley.org.uk

COVER & BANNER PHOTOS WANTED - please email your

hi-res images to info@advertizer.co.uk



for Scottish


A new helpline has been

launched to supply

Scottish businesses

with tailored advice

on coronavirus. It will

be open Monday to

Friday from 08:30 to

17:30, based at Scottish

Enterprise’s call centre

in Clydebank.

Call handlers will

answer questions from

businesses related to

Covid-19 as well as

relaying the challenges

faced by businesses

to the Scottish


It comes as the UK

enters the second phase

of virus management.

The helpline number is

0300 303 0660

Renfrewshire recognises inspiring local heroes

Renfrewshire has honoured local groups and volunteers for their work in the community at the Provost’s

Community Awards.

Renfrewshire’s Provost Lorraine Cameron was joined by comperè Libby McArthur to help celebrate the

achievements of devoted community members who go above and beyond to make Renfrewshire a better

place to live and work.

The award winners were invited to a special ceremony at the Normandy Hotel in Renfrew after being

chosen from more than 50 outstanding nominations submitted by their peers in the local community.

Renfrewshire Schools Clarsach Group provided music as guests arrived at the ceremony. Preceding the

presentation of the awards, guests were entertained by Starlight Youth Music Theatre Group who performed

a selection of Motown Classics.

The recipients of this year’s awards were:

• Arts and Culture (sponsored by Renfrewshire Council) – Catherine Craig

• Carer’s Award (sponsored by former Provost Nancy Allison) – Linda Clark

• Community Group (sponsored by City Gate Construction) – Rays of Hope

• Community Volunteer (sponsored by Glasgow Airport Ltd) – David Love

• Employee of the Year (sponsored by UNISON Renfrewshire) – Pamela McKechan

• Sporting Achievement (sponsored by Acre Industrial Services Ltd) – Harrison Lovett

Renfrewshire’s Provost Lorraine Cameron said: “The Community Awards recognises those who really go the

extra mile to make Renfrewshire a better place without looking for reward or recognition.

“These winners were all nominated by their own communities and I’m honoured to be able to reward them

for their dedication and commitment.

“Congratulations to all our winners, your hard work does not go unnoticed.”

The Provost’s Community Awards were first established in 1997 by former Provost Nancy Allison, who

continues to sponsor the Carers Award today.

The awards have been continued by each subsequent Provost and have recognised more than 100 deserving

community members for their commitment and devotion.

For more information on the Provost’s Community Awards, visit www.renfrewshire.gov.uk/provostawards.


e: info@advertizer.co.uk | t: 01505 613340 April 2020

Water Flossing

by Sheila Macintyre, Practice Owner at Kilbarchan Dental Practice

Whilst there has been some debate in the dental community

around whether it is better to floss or use inter-dental brushes the

reality is that no matter how well you brush small particles of food

do get stuck between your teeth and gums. This can lead to the

development of plaque and a build-up of tartar, tooth decay and

gum disease.

It is important, therefore, that inter-dental cleaning is built into

your dental health regime one way or another and it is often down

to the individual as to what works for them - for instance if teeth

are very close together it may be more difficult to use an interdental


We often find that patients find it hard to stick to string flossing or

using inter-dental brushes as it can be tricky and time consuming.

If this is the case for you it may be worth considering an alternative

such as water-flossing which uses a high-pressure jet of water

to clean in between your teeth. There are certainly a number of

studies that support their effectiveness and, personally, I have been

impressed with some of the results I have seen so far.

There are a wide variety of water-flossing machines available these

days as they have become more popular. Countertop machines with

water reservoirs are bigger but depend on an electrical supply close

to a sink which isn’t always available. Cordless battery-powered units

are also available and are great for travel or

where you don’t have a mains supply but

may not be as powerful. If either option

gets you doing something rather than

nothing it is certainly a step in the

right direction.

If you would like any more advice visit

us at Kilbarchan Dental Practice,

call 01505 704969 or click www.

kilbarchandental.co.uk where

you’ll find lots more free tips.



Local history


Semple Stories

Lochwinnoch’s Glories is Searching for The Past.

It is extraordinary just how much hidden history there

is within the community and long may it last and be


I was contacted on Facebook by a man who found a

Struthers American cream soda bottle while exploring

underneath his house. Resplendent with an image of a

Native American Chief in full-feathered headdress and

tunic, the bottle, stopper and label were in near perfect


I reposted the images on the project Facebook page –

Lochwinnoch Glories – and other people began sharing

their family heirlooms. Other designs of Struthers

bottles, glass milk bottles for Lochwinnoch produced

milk, curling stones handed down through the family,

furniture, rugs and even a Struthers bright orange crate

for holding half-a-dozen

bottles. All of this, the

evidence of a wee village’s

big industrial past. It was

like a regular Antiques


People have so generously

opened their homes and

lives, to share memories

of people, events and

family treasures and

I am very grateful for

this contribution to the




Lochwinnoch’s Glories

is a project funded by

the Renfrewshire and

Inverclyde LEADER and

the Heritage Lottery


Johnstone History Society

We now move onto our April meeting which will be held

on the 11th of the month in the Masonic Hall in Collier

Street at 7.30pm.The speaker on this occasion will be

Graham Fulton and his subject is “The Paisley Civil War”.

Graham Fulton is a poet from Paisley and he has had

several books published .At our meeting he will be telling

how the American Civil War impinged on Paisley .A good

attendance is hoped for by members and visitors. All will

be made welcome and may stay and enjoy a cup of tea

or coffee..

The Museum continues to open Wednesday Friday and

Saturday from 10.30am to 4pm .We have a wide selection

of books pamphlets and maps on sale ,these can also be

purchased online from our website at johnstonehistory.

org and an be paid for via PayPal. If you have not been in

recently you will find we may have had display changes

so another visit may be interesting.

William Cuninghame, 8th Laird of Craigends

Over one hundred years before John Cuninghame, 13th Laird of Craigends

kept a diary (see March issue), William the 8th Laird, too, kept a diary. Unlike

the 13th Laird’s very personal diary, William Cuninghame’s diary was mainly

in the form of an account book of his household expenses, but it still gives an

interesting insight into his life and activities.

At the time of writing, William was heir to his father, Alexander, and was

known as Master of Craigends. He married his first wife, Anne, daughter of

Lord Ruthven, in April 1673. William and Anne lived in the old Craigends House

with Laird Alexander and his wife. Although the couple had no children,

William was trustee to Anne’s son, William, from her previous marriage to

Cuninghgame of Cuninghamehead.

William’s diary is complete from November 1673 until December1680. Every

item of William’s household expenditure is meticulously itemised and dated.

He regularly paid his father the cost of boarding in the household. Boarding

expenses ‘for horses and all’ amounted to over five hundred pounds sterling

each year. William also gave money to his wife, ‘the lady’, for her expenses,

and paid his own personal servants. William and Anne made regular visits to

Anne’s family at Freeland in Perthshire and William, on occasion, travelled to

Edinburgh to attend to legal matters on behalf of Anne’s son. The expenses

incurred on these ‘voyages’ are recorded in detail, including board and

lodgings, cost of servants on the journey, stabling and feed for his horses and

gratuities given to servants at inns. At home, William frequently gave money

to beggars and to ‘poor men at the gate’.

William was a frequent visitor in Kilbarchan village. In 1675 he appointed

James King, to erect a ‘leaping-on-stone’ (used to assist in mounting a

horse) close to the Parish Church. He gave regularly to the Parish Church,

paid for repairs, and contributed to the parish schoolmaster’s salary. As

staunch Presbyterians, the Cuninghames were opposed to the imposition

of Episcopacy on the Church of Scotland. William’s diary entries include

financial support given to Presbyterian ‘outed’, ministers expelled from the

church for their beliefs.

Like all country lairds, William went hunting. This pursuit entailed expense

for saddles, bridles and shoeing horses. His other leisure pursuits included

bowling, curling, tennis and the ancient game of bullets. With the exception

of tennis, which was played in Paisley, he appears to have engaged in these

sports with his servants or tenants. His main expense was the money he lost in

wagers, including twelve shillings ‘lost in tennice with Rossyth, in September


William dressed well and made numerous payments to tailors and shoemakers.

His wardrobe included, a coat and breeches of purple cloth, fixed with ties

made from fifteen ells of purple ribbon; suits adorned and fastened with

silver buckles and buttons, and silver-buckled shoes. He wore a periwig and

used bone and timber combs, a little pocket brush and a supply of sweet hair

powder for his hair. His sword and scabbard were held in place by a belt.

William became the Laird on the death of his father in 1690. He married his

second wife, Christian, the daughter of John Colquhoun of Luss, and had five

children, including a daughter Lilias (b 1791). Lilias, is still celebrated in the

village today in the annual historic pageant known as Lilias Day. William died

in 1727 and was succeeded by his eldest son Alexander.

© Helen Calcluth, Renfrewshire Local History Forum

Our next lecture “Clyde Defenses and Clyde Burials” by Tam Ward,

North Clyde Archaeological Society, will be held in the McLean

Building, Room D137/9, University of the West of Scotland, on 9th

April at 7.30pm. Visitors welcome.

April 2020


Lifestyle & culture in your area

culture • lifestyle • arts • family

Emma Davis:

british contemporary art award

Local artist Emma S Davis has won the British Contemporary Art Award 2020 with her

painting ‘Moonlit Moorings Crinan’

Early in January Emma was shortlisted in the final with another 9 British artists for the

award, the voting then went to the public. It was announced at the end of February

that Emma had won the award.

Emma has been painting full time since she graduated from Glasgow School of Art in

1998. She works from her studio in Quarriers and exhibits in galleries throughout the UK

and her work is in many private collections worldwide. This award is a great accolade

and means she will be represented by the British Contemporary Art Gallery for the

next year. Well done, Emma!



writer of ‘Rose’

Lorna Martin is an Edinburgh based playwright, award-winning journalist,

former Scotland editor of The Observer, mother and author of critically

acclaimed comic memoir ‘Woman on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown’.

She spoke with Rona Simpson about her play ‘Rose’ which will be part of

the Oran Mor: A Play, a Pie and a Pint series.


1. Who is Rose Reilly and what makes her story remarkable?

Rose Reilly is arguably Scotland’s most successful footballer and

the only Scot ever to have scored in a World Cup final. Despite

this, Rose’s isn’t as widely known as she should be. Her story is

remarkable and inspiring because she faced non-stop obstacles;

barriers that would have floored most of us. But with superhuman

passion and determination, she pushed expectations, judgement,

discrimination, and disappointment aside and battled on. Nothing

would stop her pursuing her dream of being a girl who wanted to

play football. This was when the prevailing attitude in Scotland was

that football simply wasn’t a game for girls. Rose Reilly was having

none of that.

2. You seem drawn to stories that are based on real events.

Your comic memoir ‘Woman on the Verge of a Nervous

Breakdown’ was drawn from your own experiences in

psychotherapy. How different was it to be exploring

another person’s life and personal experiences and did

you feel that there were any events or areas of Rose’s life

that you decided to leave alone?

When I was younger I wrote quite a lot about my car crash romantic

life, but as I’ve got older, and hopefully a little wiser, that part of

my life is now too boring to write about. Also, as a journalist (I

previously worked for the Herald and the Observer) I always loved

interviewing people and writing about other people’s lives and

stories, which were always much more interesting and fascinating

than my own! With Rose, and the wider world of women’s football

in Scotland in the 70s and 80s, it has been a real joy to delve into.

Nothing was out of bounds.

WATT a Result: refurbished

greenock museum shorlisted for

Scottish architectural prize

GREENOCK’S Watt Institution has been

shortlisted for a national architectural award

following a major £2.1 million refurbishment.

3. What is your favourite scene in the play?

I like the sad bits! But there’s also a lovely scene which takes place

in Greenock. In 1972, for the first official Scotland versus England

women’s international, the SFA refused to allow the match to be

played on any of their official pitches. Instead, it was played at

Ravenscraig Park, in November, in a snow storm.

4. Why should people come and see Rose?

People should come and see Rose because it’s a funny and

at times poignant story about a young girl from Ayrshire who

became an accidental feminist and transgressor, who refused

to play by society’s rules and who was eventually named the

greatest female footballer in the world. It’s the most empowering

and inspiring story I’ve ever had the privilege and pleasure of


A Play, A Pie & A Pint: Rose by Lorna Martin was due to take place at the

Beacon Arts Centre, Greenock in April.

Currently the Beacon Arts Centre is suspending all activities until further

notice, to support measures to combat the spread of COVID-19.

The Kelly Street building, incorporating the McLean Museum

& Art Gallery, Watt Library and Watt Hall, is in the running for a

prestigious honour from The Royal Incorporation of Architects in

Scotland (RIAS).

It is one of 18 buildings from across the country in the running for

an award having been selected from 80 entries.

Councillor Jim Clocherty, Inverclyde Council’s Convener of

Education & Communities, said: “To be shortlisted for such a

prestigious honour from The Royal Incorporation of Architects in

Scotland is testament to the hard work of everyone involved, from

our designers at Collective Architecture to council staff across a

variety of departments.

“The Council has invested a lot of time and money in not only

preserving but greatly improving the Watt Institution to ensure

future generations can continue to learn about the area’s rich history.

The Watt Institution is a great opportunity to discover Inverclyde’s

history and heritage and just a fortnight ago we welcomed visitors

from Norway, who were impressed with the building and displays

during a tour.”

The Greenock arts facility was rebranded the Watt Institution – its

original and legal name, which has been brought back into everyday

use – to coincide with the bicentenary of the death of James Watt

in 2019 following a £2.1m refurbishment of the interior and exterior

by Inverclyde Council.

The museum reopened in October last year following completion

of the renovation.

Inverclyde Council funded the majority of the work with Historic

Environment Scotland contributing £300,000.

Judging for the RIAS Awards 2020 is due to take place at the end of

March, with Winners will be announced at a ceremony in Edinburgh

on May 28. These dates may be due to change.

April 2020


No-one needs to know

Missing teeth or loose dentures affects people from every background, often

resulting in embarrassment or difficulty eating. Fortunately, there is a local

practice that may have the perfect solution.

Dr Philip Byrne, Implant Dentist and owner of Erskine Dental Care- Dental

Implant Centre understands that every patient’s situation is unique and aims

to tailor a plan to suit your individual needs. Philip first became involved

with Dental implants in 2007 and thousands of patients have benefited from

his expertise. He is one of a handful of Scottish Dentists with a Postgraduate

Qualification in Dental Implants and is an expert in helping his patients

achieve a natural smile. Dental Implants allow patients to have anything

from a single missing tooth to a full set of teeth to be replaced. Philip was

shortlisted for the ‘Clinician of the Year’ award in Scotland in 2019, giving

you peace of mind that your care will be provided by an experienced and

highly qualified implant dentist.

At Erskine Dental Care, we use advanced dental implants to achieve fantastic

results. We have invested in the facilities required to provide comprehensive

patient care including a CT scanner, 3D Printing and 3D Digital Scanners

allowing your care to be planned and delivered with precision. We are the

only practice in Renfrewshire and Inverclyde equipped with a CT Scanner.

We also offer a free consultation and the option of payment plans.

Mrs AB, said: “Just a small appreciation for the kindness and professionalism

I received during my recent implant. I couldn’t have asked for better! A

special thanks to Philip and Stacey for all their kindness.”

If you think you might benefit from dental implant treatment or would like

more information, you can call our friendly reception on 0141 812 8420 and

arrange your free consultation.

Dental Implants can be used to help

patients suffering from a variety of

conditions. If you are affected by any

of the following conditions, dental

implants may be the answer:

• Missing teeth or gaps

• Failing crowns or bridges

• Loose dentures or teeth

• Worries about having dentures or

jawbone loss

• Dislike of denture adhesive

• Difficulty chewing

• Gum disease

• Mouth infections


Easter Egg rolling

at Dunrod Hill

by Rona Simpson

Start/Finish: Greenock Cut Visitor Centre

OS Map: Landranger 63

Grid Reference: NS 227 738

Grade: Strenuous

Distance: 5km, 3 miles

Time: 1.5 hours

Route Overview: A short steep grassy climb or decent for hilltop

vistas over the Firth of Clyde. Route uses old reservoir gravel

tracks over open moorland. Potentially boggy in places!

Easter picnics were a staple in the Simpson household when

I was growing up. Each year we’d be given our boiled eggs to

decorate in the morning then be wrapped up in our hat and

scarves (standard Scotland in spring attire) and frog marched up

to a precipice on the Campsie Fells - clinging on to boulders to

avoid being blown off the side of the hill - to roll said eggs back

down. And, I bloomin’ LOVED it. It was great fun! My partner is

from the south of England. Picnics down there are pretty Enid

Blyton-esque affairs. She was not ready for the endurance test of

picnicking in Scotland at Easter and has never really got into the

swing of this tradition, preferring sandwiches being consumed

by burbling brooks under endless blue skies at temperatures

that won’t give you frostbite. I can’t think why. Anyway, if you are

looking for a good hill to climb with the sprogs armed with eggs

this month, give this one a go.


The Route: Start at the top left corner of Clyde Muirshiel visitor

car park and go over the stile; follow the informal trail up the

hill. There is the option to go straight up or follow the zig zag

trail to the right. At the top of the slope turn right to reach the

summit cairn of ‘Hillside Hill’ (297m). From this carin head ‘west’

to the gate in the fence line before heading up to the trig point of

‘Dunrod Hill’ (298m). Now a Site of Special Scientific Interest at it

is part of the Clyde Plateau Lavas*. From the trig point head north

east downhill to the metal field gate to join a wee path, then jump

the burn to follow the reservoir track. At the junction, go straight

on to the telephone mast at Scroggy Bank. Keep the mast on

your left. At the lay-by there are great views of all the big named

reservoirs in the area. Follow the track downhill, taking a sharp

right onto the loose gravel of the ‘Overton Track’. Loch Thom will

be on your left and the Visitor Centre straight ahead. Enjoy!

Special Scientific Interest

Dunrod Hill is a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). It is

nationally important because it contains outcrops of volcanic

rocks that belong to a sequence of lavas. A volcano erupted

during the early part of the Carboniferous Period, about 340

million years and the lava rock remains. These are known as

the Clyde Plateau Lavas.


CRAFTY easter egg IDEAS

How to ‘Dye’ Your Eggs:

• Fill a container with a cup of water, one teaspoon of white

vinegar, and about twenty drops of any food colour. You will know

that you’ve used enough liquid if the egg completely submerges in

the water.

• Fill several containers if you will be using different colours.

• You can dye the egg two colours by dipping only one section of

the egg in at a time. Hold one half of the egg so that only half of it

is submerged in the dye. After about five minutes, submerge the

other half of the egg in another colour.

Other ideas:

• Acrylic paint is ideal for eggs because it covers them well and

adheres nicely. You can use any brand and colour of acrylic paint

that you’d like. Use a paintbrush to create fun designs – ladybirds,

pigs, spiders – the list is endless!

• Painting eggs with glue solution and dipping and rolling in glitter

then leaving to dry creates a snazzy sparkly egg!

April 2020


gleddoch Hotel, spa & Golf

Gleddoch Hotel, Spa & Golf – one of the most prestigious, luxury

hotels in the Glasgow area. Featuring a top-quality golf course

and an award-winning Imperia Spa, Gleddoch is so much more

than just a hotel. Thanks to excellent amenities, outstanding golf

and spa facilities, not to mention the convenient location just

10minutes from Glasgow Airport, Gleddoch offers the whole

package for those looking to relax and get away from it all.

The championship 18-hole golf course is second to none in the

Glasgow region. Guests can enjoy a few rounds out on the course

before heading over to the award-winning spa for ELEMIS & ishga

treatments, making use of a full range of leisure facilities to relax

and unwind, including a new outdoor spa pool, which is coming

this Spring. Finish off the day in style at VISTA restaurant, The

Nineteenth bar or Dram whisky and gin bar, before heading up to

one of 70 luxurious en-suite rooms for the perfect night’s sleep.

We are also very excited to announce the opening of a brand new

state-of-the-art 16 bay, floodlit driving range, with two custom fit

studios and a golf simulator with an indoor putting green.

20% off at gleddoch with the gryffe advertizer


nightmare neighbours

advice from Kingsley Wood Solicitors

Just as the saying goes about family, you can’t choose your

neighbours. Everyone has a story about a nightmare neighbour,

would you not agree? A devil dog that barks all night, the couple

next door that have raves on a Wednesday, or the family that

think the driveway is a mechanics yard. All this is enough to make

you want to phone in the estate agents; however you might want

to rethink, there are other options.

In Scotland these types of situations are dealt with under the law

of delict. This area of the law deals with wrong doings that have

been done intentionally, as well as unintentionally, by a party. Most

cases are dealt with by common law and are decided on a case by

case basis. The key element is being able to show loss or damage

has been incurred.

One legal remedy we have under statute is what is called an

interdict. An interdict is used to stop a party from continuing their

actions that is causing loss to you. For example, this could be a

neighbour who is stopping you from selling your home by causing

a nuisance, or a neighbour who is cutting down trees without the

relevant permissions.

When thinking about the law of delict, almost everyone in the

legal world will tell you about the case of Donoghue v Stevenson.

This is more commonly referred to as “the snail” case. Here, Mrs

Donoghue was drinking a bottle of ginger beer in a café when she

discovered a dead snail at the bottom of the bottle. As the bottle

was not clear she did not know it contained the snail. As you can

imagine she had severe stomach pains. This case established that

we all owe a duty of care to our neighbour, not injure or cause

loss to them. The term neighbour goes beyond just the literal

meaning of the word in that it means anyone who would be

directly affected by your actions.

This “duty of care” responsibility we all have to one and other is

key when establishing a delict. But how far does this duty go?

As mentioned above, all cases depend primarily on the facts. For

example, in the case of Bolton v Stone it was found that there

was no breach of the defenders duty of care, despite the pursuer

being injured by a cricket ball that had been hit over the fence

of a cricket ground, as it was not reasonably probable that this

would happen.

Unlike other areas of the law there is no clear-cut answers in

delict. You have to be able to show the damage or loss that you

have incurred. If you can relate to

anything mentioned above or would

like some further advice on the

matter, then please get in contact

with either Kingsley Wood or Dionne

Hunter at our Kilmacolm office on

01505 874114 or email us at mail@


St Columba’s School


pipe band

St Columba’s School Pipe Band Win at the Scottish School


On Sunday the 8th of March, our School Pipe band competed at

the Scottish School Pipe Band Championships. St Columba’s took

the Novice Juvenile B category by storm. With 21 school bands

competing, this was an absolutely outstanding achievement

in what was the most significant category of the day. Our

largest band (37 members!) from J6 to SVI competed and we

are extremely proud of them - the Scottish Schools Pipe Band



sporting wins

1st XI hockey Team Bring Back Win After 24 Years

Wednesday the 4th of March saw the girls 1st XI team take part

in the Hutchesons’ Grammar School hockey tournament. Playing

consistently well in all their matches, the team were in to the final

against The High School of Glasgow. The final match became a

close call after running into extra time and penalties thereafter.

However, the St Columba’s girls kept their cool and claimed

victory with a score of 2 -1. The team put on an outstanding

performance. The tournament had last been won by the school

in 1996, so we are very proud of our team for bringing back this

well-deserved win.

April 2020

world book day

Junior School Celebrate World Book day

The beginning of March always brings with it the delightful event

of World Book Day, and we were thrilled to see all of Junior

School swap their uniforms for creative and imaginative costumes.

There was such a colourful array of different characters: Cat in

the Hat, Gangster Granny and A Very Hungry Caterpillar amongst

them! Continuing to promote cross-school learning, J5 pupils

took the time to read books with the Early Years children. It was

lovely to see everyone in the room enjoying a book and seeing the

children looking after one another so well.

public speaking champs

Public Speaking and Quiz Competition Success

The month of March has seen many local and regional

competitions taking place including the Regional Finals of the

‘Youth Speaks’ Rotary Club Public Speaking competition. St

Columba’s was represented by both a Senior and Intermediate

team, both choosing to speak on important current issues. The

Intermediate team consisted of Kierandeep N (Chair), Emma V

(Proposer) and Orla O (Opposer), with the Senior team consisting

of Mark C (Chair), Elliot N (Proposer) and Bronte M (Opposer).

Putting on an impressive display of knowledge, the Senior team

became the clear winners, with our intermediate team coming

close runners-up. The Senior team now progress to the National

Finals in Birmingham this May.

Transitus pupils also brought back success as Tanisha, Robbie,

Oliver and Freddie entered the Gryffe Valley Rotary Club Primary

School Quiz. Hosted at the Houston Bowling Club on the 10th of

March, 5 local primary schools competed in 10 different rounds.

Despite 2 demanding final rounds, our team were victorious,

scoring a staggering 87 points. The Transitus team now look

forward to the district heat in April.


BeEchGrove garden’s top tips

Beechgrove Garden’s Kirsty Wilson gives us

her gardening tips for the spring season.

Q. When should we start sorting out our gardens so they are

beautiful for spring and summer? Anything that needs seen to

before frost/after frosts?

There is nothing quite like starting our gardens in early spring

when the delicate blossom, spring bulbs and delightful birdsong

entice us back outside. Now is the best time to get outdoors and

start getting your garden ready for the next few months. Our

garden plants can survive late snow and frosts, anything tender

should have been overwintered in a greenhouse.

1. Cut back Cornus (dogwood)

Prune these colourful winter stems down to a few centimetres

above the ground now to ensure bright colourful stems next


2. Dig up and divide herbaceous perennials

This is a good time to rethink your borders and move plants and

split perennials which have become woody or congested in their


3. Overhaul the lawn

Remove thatch and moss with a wire tooth rake and edge it. You

might also want to feed your lawn during a mild spell with blood,

fish and bone meal to encourage a green healthy lawn.

4. Sow seeds

Start seeds in a greenhouse or on a windowsill, or even outdoors

when weather permits. Hardy annuals such as Calendula and

Nasturtiums are robust plants that can provide wonderful colour

in your garden during the summer months.

Q. What are the best plants and flowers to have in the garden

for those of us who are less green fingered; require minimal

effort and maintenance?

If you don’t have time to cut areas of your lawn, convert the

area into a perennial wildflower meadow which only requires a

cut once a year and helps encourage wildlife into your garden

including pollinators. Wildflowers meadows can provide a display

of flowers for many months and thrive on poor soils. You can

even purchase wildflower turf with the wildflower species already

established, which means less effort.

Q. Where are the best places to source plants, flowers, soil etc

for those on a budget?

Sharing divisions of herbaceous perennials with your friends and

learning how to take cuttings of a vast range of plants are both

great ways to get plants for free.

Make your own compost from the dead plant material from your

garden and kitchen vegetable and fruit waste. Once the compost

is ready, you can spread this as mulch on your borders. This will

help feed your plants, suppress weeds and seal moisture in the


Q. Do you have ideas for fun things that kids could be doing in

the garden?

• Bright sunny sunflowers look great in your garden – have a

competition and see who can grow the tallest sunflower this year!

• Make a floral crown from flowers and foliage in your garden

• Make a bee hotel – bee numbers are in decline so build a home

for them and help encourage nature into your garden and help

bee populations this year.

Q. Are there any upcoming events at RBGE for those new to

gardening or families?

Yes! The Big Botanics Birthday Party on Sun 14 June 2020.

Visitors will be invited to celebrate the Garden’s 350th anniversary

at a special birthday party. With a focus on its global influence,

the Botanics will create a world festival featuring music, dance,

food and a big birthday cake. Celebrations will also take place at

the Regional Gardens at Benmore, Logan and Dawyck during the

summer months. Obviously at the time of print, we are not sure

if this will still take place. Please check with organisers or on the

website www.rbge.org.uk

Watch BBC Scotland Beechgrove for more advice, inspiration and

tips for your garden. The first episode starts on BBC Scotland on

April 9th at 8.00pm – to 8.30pm.

Kirsty Wilson

Herbaceous Supervisor at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh,


Garden Presenter and Garden Designer.


April 2020

cala homes: helicopter park

CALA Homes (West) has teamed up with Houston Play Park

Improvement Group to help plans for a ‘Helicopter Park’ take off

in the village.

The group received £1,000 from the award-winning housebuilder

after it became aware of their exciting aim to improve village

youngsters’ play experience and deliver a transformed South

Mounds site next to the Compass Centre. The name ‘Helicopter

Park’ pays tribute to a piece of play equipment which was once

part of the site, leaving only a slide and swings.

Its members – made up of local parents – have ambitious plans

including the delivery of facilities for children who have impaired

mobility as well as multi-gym equipment for all ages. They plan

to heighten access to the South Street park with a new ramp,

install picnic benches, and introduce raised vegetable beds in a

community garden setting.

The group has set itself a summer 2021 target to deliver on the

plans which it hopes to fulfil through wide-ranging fundraising

initiatives and a JustGiving page. Details below.

The group was first inspired by a successful campaign to improve

Crosslee Swings Park which was completed in 2015 after an

£80,000 fundraising drive – and the Houston fundraisers are

hopeful of emulating that target.

They now plan to hold further events such as an afternoon tea,

an Easter Egg Hunt on April 12, and even want to publish a

cookbook, including a recipe from celebrity chef Tom Kitchin.

Group chair Sam Love said: “It’s really important to us that we

improve facilities here as there isn’t much for little ones. The park

is simply crying out for new equipment and so we set out on this

journey to do as much fundraising as possible while applying for

grants and charitable help.

“Donations are therefore vital and we’d like to thank CALA for

its £1,000 contribution which has represented a big step forward

in our fundraising ambitions. We’re now a lot closer to where we

want to be.”

Andrew Duncan, land director at CALA Homes, commented:

“Supporting fantastic initiatives like Helicopter Park is essential to

the communities in which we work and we look forward to further

building our relationship with the village.

“The group have been really welcoming and we’ve been

impressed by the depth of their ambition. They want to create a

wonderfully inclusive environment which will impact generations

to come. We now look forward to hearing how the park develops

and firmly believe the sky is the limit for Helicopter Park. www.



Next deadline - Wednesday 15th April

Gryffe Advertizer | www.advertizer.co.uk

What’s on

BoW Hillwalkers Forth & Clyde Canal


The impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is already

being felt, but will increase in its severity over the next few weeks.

Urgent action is now required to protect the capacity of our public

services during this time.

The First Minister announced on 12 March 2020 that, from 16 March,

mass events should not take place, in light of their potential impact

on public services.

The events listed in our magazine are subject to change at short

notice due to the current situation. Please keep up to date via

Facebook and we’ll try to keep our website as up to date as we

can. Best bet is to try to contact the event organisers to check if

this is going ahead.

Sunday Continental

Sunday Continental is a new monthly live music event at Paisley

Arts Centre Workshop from 11am - 1pm. A laid back daytime event

with live music and refreshments. Listen, chat, dance, read, play.

Enjoy. For everyone: age 0 – 100+.

Upcoming Dates: 19th April, 17th May

For more details, visit https://renfrewshireboxoffice.ticketsolve.


Fundraising Race Night

1st Bridge Of Weir Scout Group

Saturday 28th March from 7.30pm, Cargill Hall, Lintwhite Crescent,

Bridge of Weir. Tickets - £5 Inc. Buffet. You are welcome to sponsor

(in advance): Race for £25 | Horse or Jockey for £5

Prizes to be won. Spaces are limited. Please contact your Section

Leader or Teresa McQuarrie on 07444 886 154 for tickets/sponsor.



1st SAT

Cargill Centre, Kilmacolm 10am - 2pm

1st & 3rd SUN Loch Lomond Shores 10am - 3pm Tel: 07977 179 861

2nd SAT & last SAT Paisley Cross 10am - 2pm Tel: 01655 770217

2nd SUN

Kip Marina, Inverkip 11am - 4pm www.kipmarina.co.uk



This diary was compiled prior

to the impact of the Covid-19


A number of events have already

been cancelled, with more likely

to be cancelled over the coming


Please keep up to date via

Facebook or contact the

organisers directly for more




Inverkip – Wemyss Bay walk

linear (8.3mls/13kms)

Inverkip Railway Station,

Inverkip, Greenock PA16 0BB


A walk from Inverkip via the Leapmoor

forest to Wemyss Bay. Hopefully we

will see lovely views over the Clyde

Estuary. For more information contact:

Renfrewshire Walking Network or

Rangers 01505 843271.


Movie Night

The Old Kirk, 40 High Street,


7pm for 7.30pm

Free entry and the offer of a glass of

wine. Donation if desired to support

the creation of a Pilgrim Pathway in



Scottish Golf Show

SEC, Exhibition Way, Glasgow

Bringing together the biggest brands

in golf, over 100 exhibitors, a range

of interactive golf challenges and

thousands of golf enthusiasts from

across Scotland and the UK. The

show has something for golfers of all

abilities. Tickets are available now!

For full ticketing information visit



A Cèilidh, with Fèis Phàislig

and Caolas

Wynd Theatre, 6 School Wynd,

Paisley, PA1 2DB


Traditional music and song from the

students and tutors of Fèis Phàislig.

They will be joined by the group

Caolas, senior students at Sgoil

Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu. Places MUST be

booked in advance. Contact fios@

clanngaidhlig.org or phone 07854

061793. Tickets £5 (U16 - Free)

e: info@advertizer.co.uk | t: 01505 613340 April 2020


Alison McNeill and Sasha


Carrick Centre, Main Street,



The Carrick Night Spring concerts

continue! Alison and Sasha have

established themselves as the

foremost voice and guitar duo in

Scotland. 2 course meal (table service)

available before the concert in our

Café. 2 courses £15 a third course is

available at extra cost (BYOB) Tickets:

Single Concert: £12 (Adult) £5 (Child/

Student). For more information and

tickets please call 01505 229597 or

email: thecarrickcentre@gmail.com.


Mother’s Day Walk

Finlaystone Country Estate -


1pm to 3pm

A gentle stroll through the forest with

moderate slopes, followed by a cream

tea in our garden’s tearoom. Sturdy

footwear and warm layers required.


The Bridge Art Exhibition

The Bridge, Main Street, Bridge

of Weir

Exhibiting the work of Gary McIlkenny

- featuring oil paintings with a mainly

urban theme inspired by local scenes

and his travels in France and the



Talk with a solicitor for free!

St Vincent’s Hospice, Midton Rd,


11am to 1.30pm

St. Vincent’s Hospice is offering

a friendly, legal advice service

completely free of charge to any

adult in Renfrewshire thanks to the

voluntary support of local solicitors.

The service provides an introduction

to confidential professional advice

and information to help you plan for

the future, such as writing your Will

and arranging Powers of Attorney.

Many local people recommend the

service very highly. To book your

appointment, please contact June

Burgess, Legacy Officer at St. Vincent’s

Hospice on 01505 705 635 or email:




Dinosaur Egg Hunt! –

Explorer’s Trail

RSPB, Largs Road, Lochwinnoch

10am to 4pm

Explore the trail and look for dinosaur

eggs. Cost: £4 per child / RSPB

members £2. [Normal trail fees apply

for adults]


Bug Box-Making

Finlaystone Country Estate -


1pm to 3pm

Keep the woodlice, ladybirds and

caterpillars in your garden cosy at

night by crafting a bug box! £3 for

materials; pre-booking essential.


Kidston Hall, High Street,

Kilmacolm 2pm to 4pm

Indian Travelogue – Colin Houston

– amazing photography - unique



RSPB Local Group Illustrated


McMaster Centre, Donaldson

Drive, Renfrew 7.30pm

Tom Byars - the Ardeer sand dunes

All Welcome


Kilbarchan Parish Church

Easter Extravaganza

Kilbarchan Parish Church Hall,

Steeple Street 10am to 12noon

The Easter egg hunt will take place

in the grounds - weather permitting!

There will be a decorated egg

competition and also an Easter bonnet

competition for the children. Entrance

is £3, children £1, which includes

coffee and hot cross buns. There will

also be a home-baking and preserves

stall and a stall selling Easter gifts.

Spring Charity Coffee Morning

Kidston Hall, High Street,

Kilmacolm 10am to 12noon

Come along and join West Renfrewshire

young farmers at our charity coffee

morning! Meet the lambs! Meet

the Alpacas! Glitter Face Paints.

Educational Drawing corner for kids.

Jewellery stand In aid of the Calum’s

Cabin Charity. Everyone is welcome to

join us for what is sure to be a lovely

morning out with friends and family!


Craft Fair and Coffee Morning

Langbank Parish Church, Main

Rd, Langbank

10am to 12noon

Langbank Church Halls, Main Road,

Langbank All welcome, entry £4/2

to include coffee and cake. Local

craft items for sale, including artwork,

postcards, homewares, jams chutney

and delicious home baking.



Next deadline - Wednesday 15th April

Gryffe Valley Rotary Charity Car Wash

The 2020 Car Wash organised with the help of Beaton Bros will

take place on Saturday 25th April 9.30am to 4pm at 1 Station Road

PA11 3LH. This is a chance to see Rotary in action, give your car a

treat and support local Rotary charitable causes!

Cars on the Campus 2020

Sunday 3rd May from 10.30am to 4.30pm

St Joseph’s Academy Campus, Grassyards Road, Kilmarnock KA3


It’s the event we like to think of as the ‘season opener’ for Vintage,

Classic, Retro & Modern car enthusiasts - Cars on the Campus

returns for 2020 with a great selection of vehicles for the visiting

public to enjoy as well as the indoor displays you’ve come to love.

If you’re looking to book in your own vehicle or you wish to book

for a club, just visit our website by clicking the link below!


We can’t wait to welcome you!


Clydesdale Classic Cars – Spring Open

Day 2020

Due to last years great success, Clydesdale Classic Cars will be

holding an open day on Saturday 18th April from 9am to 4pm!

Open to the public - have an inside look at the amazing cars that

are worked on and also see the progress of some of the restorations

you may have seen last year.

With a wide variety of vehicles in the workshop, all at different

stages of the restoration process, and a small selection of vehicles

on show that will be for sale.

With knowledgeable staff on hand on the day who will be happy to

answer any questions you may have or point you in the direction of

someone who can help. They can talk you through what processes

they use and also what tools and machinery are used to bring these

amazing cars back to life!

Snack van in attendance serving food and drinks and much much

more so make sure to get the date in your diary and invite your



Visit the following sites for regular updates of upcoming


• http://www.renfrewshire.gov.uk/article/2331/Roadworks-andclosures

• https://www.inverclyde.gov.uk/environment/roads-lighting/


• https://www.roadworksscotland.org/

• https://trafficscotland.org/roadworks/

Gryffe Advertizer | www.advertizer.co.uk

Your car costs over £100 a week on


• Join LEAP Car Club from £5 a


• Hire by the hour 24/7

• Pay-As-You-Go

• Cut your car costs.



Kilbarchan Parish Church

Easter Extravaganza

Kilbarchan Parish Church Hall,

Steeple Street

10am to 12noon

The Easter egg hunt will take place

in the grounds - weather permitting!

There will be a decorated egg

competition and also an Easter bonnet

competition for the children. Entrance

is £3, children £1, which includes

coffee and hot cross buns. There will

also be a home-baking and preserves

stall and a stall selling Easter gifts.


Kilbarchan Community Spring

Clean Up

Car Park opposite Bog Park by

traffic lights, Kilbarchan -

2pm to 4pm

Please come along and ‘do your

bit’ by joining in the Keep Scotland

Beautiful Spring Clean. Equipment,

including litter pickers, hi viz vests,

bags, hoops, gloves and antibac

supplies will be provided. Well earned

treats will be available following the

event. Email:hello@kilbachansmile.

co.uk or ring 07952 169341 for more



Spring Family Fun & Easter


Summerlee Museum of Scottish

Industrial Life, Heritage Way,

Coatbridge ML5 1QD

Join us during the school holidays for

lots of family activities, including arts

and crafts and a daily Easter egg trail.

Plus special activities over the Easter

Weekend. https://culturenl.co.uk/



Den Build

Finlaystone Country Estate -


1pm to 3pm

Know your lean-to from your tripod.

Learn how to build a solid den and

try your hand at fire-lighting with the



Bird Box-Making

Finlaystone Country Estate -


1pm to 3pm

Make perfect bird housing to take

home - a great garden addition! £4 per

bird box; pre-booking essential.

Sòlas Drop In Bereavement


Kidston Hall, High Street, Kilmacolm

2pm to 4pm


Easter Weekend

Finlaystone Country Estate -


1pm to 3pm

Join us for our Easter bunny hunt,

prizes for best-dressed egg and best

fancy dress.


Kilmacolm Litter Pickers

Meet at Gryffe Road, Kilmacolm

(the BOW Rd end)


e: info@advertizer.co.uk | t: 01505 613340 April 2020


Egg Decorating and Rolling

The Cut Visitor Centre, Cornalees

Bridge, Greenock

1pm to 3pm

Come along and see how far your egg

will roll. £5.

Easter Egg Hunt

The Compass Centre, South

Street, Houston PA6 7ET

11am to 3pm

Join us for a day of family fun and

help raise funds to build a new play

area in Houston’s Helicopter Park.

With face painting, refreshments,

baking and balloon animals. £5 per

child with proceeds going to the

Houston Playgroup Improvement

Group. Charity No SC044143). Tickets

on sale at the door or online at



Easter Games

Finlaystone Country Estate -


1pm to 3pm

Join the rangers for all things chocolate

with Easter-themed games like the

Easter egg and spoon race!



Kidston Hall, High Street,


2pm to 4pm

Crosses around the world – Jim



Fashion Show by Taylor


Langbank Village Hall, Langbank,

PA14 6XB


This event is always a big success,

come and update your Spring

wardrobe. Many items are from well

known brands at greatly reduced

prices. Tickets includes tea cake and

a raffle. Details of where to buy tickets

are on all the village noticeboards, or

just pay at the door. £5.


Clydesdale Classic Cars –

Spring Open Day

Clydesdale Classic Cars, Rear

Unit A, 1 Glenburn Rd, East

Kilbride, Glasgow G74 5BA

9am to 4pm

Have an inside look at the amazing

cars that are worked on and also see

the different stages of the restoration

process. Knowledgeable staff can talk

you through the various processes,

the tools and the machinery used to

bring these amazing cars back to life!

Snack van. Get the date in your diary

and invite your friends!


Ship Ahoy!

Summerlee Museum of Scottish

Industrial Life, Heritage Way,

Coatbridge ML5 1QD

Whether you are a model boat

enthusiast of simply enjoy Scotland’s

rich shipbuilding and steamer history

then you will find something of

interest here for the whole family.



Wildlife Photography

Workshop: Intermediate Level

RSPB, Largs Road, Lochwinnoch

10am to 4pm

Learn how to take great outdoors

and wildlife photographs with your

own camera, then see your results

on screen. The workshop will be

led by wildlife photographer David

Palmar (www.photoscot.co.uk). An

excellent opportunity to hone your

skills. Advice, encouragement and

ideas will be freely given! Booking

required. Cost: £42 or £33.50 for RSPB



Treasure hunt - Crazy Ducks

RSPB, Largs Road, Lochwinnoch

10am to 4pm

Come and explore our woodland trails

and take part in our treasure hunt.

When you find all the hidden ducks

and unscramble the letters to find the

ducky word. Come back to the visitor

centre to claim your prize. Cost: £4

per child /RSPB members £2 {Normal

trail fees apply for adults}.


The Masqueraders

St Machar’s Church Hall,

Kilbarchan Road, Bridge of Weir


Back by popular demand - an evening

of amazing talent and entertainment

with tea/coffee and home baking after

the show. This years chosen charity

is “Rays of Hope” a Cancer Support

Group based in Elderslie. Book early

to avoid disappointment. Tickets

available from the beginning of April

from any of the group. Phone 614943

to book. £5

Gaelic Singing Workshop

Church of the Holy Trinity and St.

Barnabas, Back Sneddon Street,

Paisley PA3 2AB

9.30am to 1pm

Some knowledge of Gaelic would be

helpful. Places are limited so advance

booking is essential Contact : e-mail:

fios@clanngaidhlig.org Tel. 07805

918509. Tickets £10.


Houston and Killellan Kirk

Walking Group

The Erskine Bridge

Take part in the Bridge Cross Challenge

to support Christian Aid. All welcome

- parents, children, grannies and the

family pet to join us on. Put in your

diary and look out for full details in the

April edition of the Kirk Record.



Next deadline - Wednesday 15th April

Paisley & District U3A Monthly Meetings

This self help education organisation for older people meets on the

first Thursday of the month in the Salvation Army Hall, Mill Street,

Paisley. Tea and coffee served from 1.30pm with presentations

beginning at 2.15pm. Some dates for your diary:

2nd April: Mary Moran : The Charity Mary’s Meals

7th May: Philip Caine, Author “Barrow to Baghdad & back again.”

4th June: Joyce Bunton: The Body as Energy. Healing Body, Mind

and Spirit

2nd July: Emma Louise Livingstone (and “Serge” the dog) Dog

Trust Talk

For more details visit our website: https://u3asites.org.uk/paisley/


Talk with a solicitor for free!

St. Vincent’s Hospice, Midton Road, Howwood PA9 1AF

Wednesday 1st April - Appointments available between 11am &


St. Vincent’s Hospice is offering a friendly, legal advice service

completely free of charge to any adult in Renfrewshire thanks to

the voluntary support of local solicitors. The service provides an

introduction to confidential professional advice and information to

help you plan for the future, such as writing your Will and arranging

Powers of Attorney. Many local people recommend the service very

highly. To book your appointment, please contact June Burgess,

Legacy Officer at St. Vincent’s Hospice on 01505 705 635 or email:


Gaelic Singing Workshop in Paisley

Saturday 25th April, 9.30am - 1pm

Church of Holy Trinity and St. Barnabas, Back Sneddon Street,

Paisley, PA3 2AB

Gaelic Singing Workshop (some knowledge of Gaelic would be


Cost : £10

Places are limited so advance booking is essential

Contact : e-mail: fios@clanngaidhlig.org Tel. 07805 918509.


Got any local news? Please send your news in to info@advertizer.


Pictures are welcome but we do ask that they be at least 1MB in

size, .jpg files, and no smaller than 5cm in width or height.

If you have group images we like them to be even bigger so that

faces are visible!

This is all to ensure that pictures are printed clearly and not blurry

or pixelated!

Gryffe Advertizer | www.advertizer.co.uk


Scottish Gardens Scheme

Kilmacolm Spring Plant Sale

Outside Kilmacolm Library,

Lochwinnoch Road, Kilmacolm

10am to 12noon

Admission by donation. 60% of monies

raised goes to Pancreatic Cancer

Scotland. www.scotlandsgardens.


Gryffe Valley Rotary Charity

Car Wash

Beaton Brothers, 1 Station Road,

Bridge of Weir

9.30am to 4pm

Organised with the help of Beaton

Bros. This is a chance to see Rotary

in action, give your car a treat and

support local Rotary charitable



Pirate Weekend

Finlaystone Country Estate -


1pm to 3pm

Dress as a scurvy buccaneer and

practice your best ‘Arrgh!’ Drama

and shouting a-plenty with great

pirate themed races. Prize for best



Family Volunteering

RSPB, Largs Road, Lochwinnoch

1pm to 3.30pm

Who says that volunteering is only for

grownups! Kids bring the grownup in

your life to our reserve. Come and do

a day’s practical volunteering at our

beautiful reserve and help us to give

nature a home. Please book as places

are limited. Free event.

Classic Car Show

Summerlee Museum of Scottish

Industrial Life, Heritage Way,

Coatbridge ML5 1QD

Over 80 vintage cars on display and

family fun including tombola, dancing

displays and music. In aid of Glasgow

City Mission and Glasgow Children’s

Hospital Charity. https://culturenl.


Kilmacolm Litter Pickers

Meet at Gryffe Road, Kilmacolm

(the BOW Rd end)


Brookfield Art Club Art Show

Brookfield Village Hall, Woodside

Road, Brookfield

12noon to 4.30pm

Come along and see fantastic work on

show. Tea Room with Home Baking.

Admission £1.

Guided Wildlife Walk

RSPB, Largs Road, Lochwinnoch

1pm to 3pm

Explore the wonderful wildlife to be

found at Lochwinnoch! Whether you

have a general interest in wildlife, or

would like to hone your birdwatching

skills, then this is the walk for you! At

the end, come back to the centre for

a warm drink and a biscuit! Footwear

and clothing suitable for the outdoors

are strongly recommended. Please be

advised this walk may not be suitable

for under 10’s. Booking required.

Cost: Adults: £10; Children: £5 (RSPB

members: £8/£4)


e: info@advertizer.co.uk | t: 01505 613340 April 2020


Family Volunteering

RSPB, Largs Road, Lochwinnoch

1pm to 3.30pm

Who says that volunteering is only for

grownups! Kids bring the grownup in

your life to our reserve. Come and do

a day’s practical volunteering at our

beautiful reserve and help us to give

nature a home. Please book as places

are limited. Free.

Map & Compass Course

The Cut Visitor Centre, Cornalees

Bridge, Greenock

10am to 4pm

Ideal for beginners or for those wanting

to refresh their skills. Provides a basic

introduction to map reading and

navigation skills. Classroom based

in the morning and out on the hill in

the afternoon. Map and compasses

are provided on the day. For further

details and to book go to the parks

website. £60.


Movie Night - Grease

The Old Kirk, 40 High Street,


7pm for 7.30pm

This will be the one that you want!



Community Day

Houston Bowling Club

1pm to 5pm

An opportunity for residents of our

local community in the Houston,

Bridge of Weir and surrounding

areas to sample the Club’s facilities

and to try their hand in this sport

in a friendly and supportive

atmosphere. Everyone welcome.

Anyone interested but unable to

attend contact ISABEL GILCHRIST to

make alternative arrangements:


Cars on the Campus

St Joseph’s Academy Campus,

Grassyards Road, Kilmarnock


10.30am to 4.30pm

It’s the event we like to think of as the

‘season opener’ for Vintage, Classic,

Retro & Modern car enthusiasts -

Cars on the Campus returns for 2020

with a great selection of vehicles for

the visiting public to enjoy as well

as the indoor displays you’ve come

to love. If you’re looking to book

in your own vehicle or you wish to

book for a club, just visit our website

by clicking the link below! https://


We can’t wait to welcome

you! https://www.facebook.com/









































Next deadline - Wednesday 15th April




Howwood Community


Second Tuesday of each month

at 7.30pm in Howwood Village

Hall. All welcome.

Community Coffee Shop

First Friday monthly - Howwood

Parish Church from 10am -

12noon. Adults £2 | Children

free. All welcome.

Monday Strathgryffe

Motorcycle Club

The Trust Inn, Kilbarchan,

9pm - 10.30pm. Visit www.

strathgryffe.org for details.

Thursday Volunteer Group

Castle Semple, Lochwinnoch

12.30pm - 3.30pm

Conservation Volunteers - adult

group. Newcomers welcome.

Thursday Memory Café

Active Communities Hub, 16

Quarry Street, Johnstone, 1pm

- 3pm. For people living with

Alzheimer’s, or any type of

dementia, their families, friends

& carers.

Sunday Volunteer Group

Castle Semple, Lochwinnoch

10am - 12noon. Youth Volunteer

Group - age 14 - 18 years.

Newcomers welcome.

Knitting Bee

We meet at Morrisons

alternative Tuesday evening

form 7pm to 9pm. Contact

Pamela on 07743 156738 or

email bknitting@hotmail.co.uk

for further details.

Cuppa and a Chat

Pop in to Kilbarchan Parish

Church hall on the first Monday

of the month between 1.30pm

and 3pm for a “cuppa” and a

chat - all welcome.

Gryffe Scottish Dancing


Thursdays from 8pm to 10pm,

Kilbarchan Guide Centre

Come along and have fun

whilst enjoying good company,

music and exercise. Whether

experienced or a new dancer,

all welcome. Tuition given

for beginners, we don’t go

overboard and it’s a very

relaxed atmosphere. For

further information just phone

Les Lambert at 01505 704398.

Knitting Bee

We meet at the Lynnhurst Hotel

on Thursdays from 2pm to 4pm.

For more information contact

Fay: 07780 748430.

Gryffe Advertizer | www.advertizer.co.uk

Kilbarchan | Howwood | Lochwinnoch |


The Council’s budget for 20/21 was approved on 9th

March. Among the proposals will be investment in road

and pavement resurfacing, the School estate, as well

as support for green space, a top up for the village

investment fund, finance set aside for the upgrade

of kitchens in Community halls, and a spending

commitment to Renfrewshire Cemeteries.

There will also be money set aside for a feasibility

study designed to examine opportunities to improve bus services

across Renfrewshire, an issue I have regularly supported.

I will strive to ensure that the villages of Kilbarchan, Howwood

and Lochwinnoch get their fair share of the identified resources.

For example, having secured improvements for Lochwinnoch

Cemetery I will be making the strongest case for similar

improvement work in Kilbarchan Cemetery.

There is always a bittersweet element to any budget.

Council Tax will rise by 4.64% and council rents by 2% and there

will be increases of a minimum 2% for all council services.

In addition, the accompanying projection in the budget papers

from the Council’s Director of Finance reveals a continuing

financial risk to the Council.

This will have an impact across Council services, for example

in terms of demand for older people services, and within the

children’s sector, which may result in longer waiting times for

those with additional support needs, and the tightening of

eligibility criteria in the provision of resources.

The full details of the budget can be found on the Council’s

website at http://www.renfrewshire.gov.uk/

I have been concerned for some time regarding the ability of

the Council to cope with extreme weather events such as that

experienced in the villages of West Renfrewshire on the weekend

of 21st -23rd February. While the ferocity of the rain on that

occasion was unusual, there have been a number of recent

episodes which have called into question Renfrewshire Council’s

drain and gully cleaning programme and general response to

these events.

I have asked that the current programme and the Council’s flood

prevention strategy be reviewed and priority given to areas in

Kilbarchan, Howwood and Lochwinnoch that are particularly

prone to flooding.

My advice surgeries are on the first Saturday of each month at

9am in the McKillop Institute Lochwinnoch, 10am in Howwood

Village Hall, 11am in the Steeple Hall Kilbarchan, and 12.30pm in

Johnstone Town Hall.

Meantime please contact me anytime at cllr.derek.bibby @

renfrewshire.gov.uk or phone 0300 300 1274 or 07534 156007.

Churches in Kilbarchan, Howwood, Lochwinnoch & Elderslie

KILBARCHAN PARISH CHURCH: Easter in Kilbarchan Parish Church. On Maundy

Thursday 9th April, the service is at 7pm, led by the choir and on Good Friday the

service is also at 7pm. On Easter Sunday, there will be a short time of worship

at the Weavers’ Cottage at 8.30am followed by rolls and sausage in the church

hall. The main service is at 11am - all of these services will be conducted by Rev

Stephen Smith and Mrs Dorothy Wallace. Junior Church and the crèche meet in

the halls from 10.45am each Sunday. All welcome. Members continue to support

the Paisley food bank every week.

HOWWOOD PARISH CHURCH: Sunday Service and Sunday School. 10am

each Sunday. Prayer meeting held at 3 Bowfield Way, Howwood, 7.30pm on


Lochwinnoch Parish Church: Mary Jane Bird. Sunday 11am: Morning Worship and

Sunday School. All welcome.

CALDER UNITED FREE CHURCH: (Church Street, Lochwinnoch) Sunday: 11am

Morning worship with Sunday School and Crèche. 6.30pm Evening Fellowship

group, 7.30pm ABC’s Teen group. Wed 6.30pm - 7.30pm.

SPIRITUALIST CHURCH, Lochlip Rd. All services commence 7.30pm.

ELDERSLIE KIRK: Sunday service every week at 11am. Reverend G. Gray Fletcher

is now with us. All welcome. Weekly meetings:- Monday Club every week

from 12noon - 2.30pm. Light lunch and a varied activity programme. Midweek

Fellowship will meet every Wed from 10.30am for Tea/Coffee followed by a short

Service of Worship at 11am.


Kilbarchan Parish

Church Easter


Saturday 4th April from 10am -

12noon in the hall and grounds

where the Easter egg hunt will

take place-weather permitting!

There will be a decorated egg

competition and also an Easter

bonnet competition for the

children. Entrance is £3, children

£1, which includes coffee and hot

cross buns.

There will also be a home-baking

and preserves stall and a stall

selling Easter gifts.

How Good is

Howwood Village


Saturday 20th June, 1pm -

4pm, Howwood Primary School

Plans for the 2020 How Good

is Howwood Village Fete are well

under way, and it is shaping up to

be another brilliant day. Put the

date in your diary and come along

with all the family.

As well as the usual stalls there

will be a fancy dress competition,

children’s entertainer, hot dogs,

bouncy castles, bar, tea room and

much more.

Tickets for the grand draw will be

on sale soon from village groups

and committee members.

We still have stalls available at a

cost of £20. To book your stall

or for any fete enquiries, please

contact Lorna: lostar78@aol.

co.uk or Sarah: sarah.galloway@


Kilbarchan National

Women’s Register

The Diamond Anniversary lunch

in Glasgow at the end of February

was a great success. During the

month of April, the Kilbarchan

group has 2 speakers-the first,

deferred from December, is

on the subject “Ecclesiastical

Embroidery”, with guests from

Houston NWR. Our second

speaker will talk about Mary

Queen of Scots. For further

information, please phone 01505

348627 and visit the website:

www.nwr.org.uk New members

will be welcomed.

e: info@advertizer.co.uk | t: 01505 613340 APRIL 2020

Advertisement Feature

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Following negotiations with the current Administration

I was delighted to use my casting vote to push through

their recent proposals at the annual Budget meeting of

Renfrewshire Council on the basis that it incorporated

investment proposals for my ward.

I was pleased to support more money for the very

successful Village Improvement Fund which has started

to readdress, by proposals like the renovation of both the

Steeple Hall in Kilbarchan and the McKillop Institute in Lochwinnoch,

a historic bias towards Paisley. There is also to be a second tranche

of monies in cemeteries and as last year I voted for Lochwinnoch

Cemetery to receive such a much welcome upgrade so this year I

stressed that Kilbarchan Cemetery should receive similar monies to

bring it up to standard in the coming financial year.

I also voted for new monies to establish a new Schools Estates Fund

which will see a new Thorn Primary built in the Johnstone North

part of my ward, as well as an upgrade for the playgrounds at both

St Margaret Primary in Johnstone and Lochwinnoch Primary, for

which the Parent Council at Lochwinnoch has been campaigning

for over a significant period of time.

I am pleased to report that the Budget included new monies to

upgrade and refurbish the kitchens in Howwood Village Hall. I also

negotiated more money for priority road markings to put in new

safety features at the notorious Bowfield Country Club junction

which has been the scene of many accidents. As part of my support

for the Administration Budget I also negotiated a clean out of the

gullies in Bowfield Road and the resurfacing of George Street. This

represents the biggest tranche of council investment in Howwood

for many decades.

Contact Details for Cllr Andy Doig –

Kilbarchan Advice Surgery- 2nd Wednesday of Month, 7.30pm,

Steeple Hall

Howwood Advice Surgery – 4th Wednesday of Month, 6.30pm,

Howwood Village Hall

Lochwinnoch Advice Surgery – 4th Wednesday of Month, 7.30pm,

McKillop Institute.

I can always be contacted on e-mail: cllr.andy.doig@renfrewshire.

gov.uk or telephone: 07534 148224.




























































Next deadline - Wednesday 15th April

Lochwinnoch International Aid

Fairtrade Fortnight has been and gone. We marked the occasion

with a Fairtrade wine and chocolate tasting evening; The Co-op

stocks a big range of Fairtrade wines and we used these as the

basis of our testing. All of them, both red and white, proved to be

very tasty. We also sampled fair trade chocolate, again very tasty!

About 20 people attended both LIA members and guests. It is

interesting to note that Renfrewshire Council has allocated £10,000

to support Fairtrade activities over the coming year. LIA thanks

them for their support of our activities, past present and future.

The evening raised over £250 to be used for a project in Nepal being

run by Womankind Worldwide – an international campaign group.

This was our small contribution to International Women’s Day.

Inequality based on caste and gender is widespread in Nepal. Many

women have experienced discrimination and violence. Women

from low castes such as the Dalit caste are especially vulnerable

because they don’t have access to their own money, housing or

land. More information from Womankind’s website.

We have also donated £75 towards Medical Aid for Palestine

(MAP) who are raising money for a mammogram machine for use

in Occupied Palestine. The treatment available to cancer patients

in this area are drastically less than in Israel itself. Challenges posed

by restrictions on the right to movement for both patients and

doctors, shortages of essential medicines, and the shortcomings

of the health system in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt), all

constitute obstacles to continuous and effective treatment and

care for Palestinian women with breast cancer. You can get more

information from MAP’s website.

Future fundraising: At the time of writing we are uncertain as to

what impact Corona virus will have on public events. We had

planned a music night towards the end of April, but we have

postponed this for the time being. We look forward to hearing the

Midlife Blues Band later in the year.

Would you know what to do in an


♥ Every week in Scotland, 70 people suffer cardiac


♥ More than 3500 people per year in Scotland are

treated by the Ambulance Service following a

cardiac arrest.

♥ Only one in 20 people will survive.

♥ Without resuscitation, cardiac arrest is always fatal

♥ But, performing CPR could double that person’s chance of


Heartstart courses are free of charge and it only takes two hours to

learn the skills which may someday save a life:

♥ CPR and using an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

♥ Heart Attack ♥ Recovery position

♥ Choking

♥ Serious bleeding

To learn the simple skills that save lives, contact Morag Thow on

07868 752814 to book onto one of our courses in 2020:

Tuesday 28th April 7pm - 9pm Lochwinnoch Masonic Lodge

Tuesday 26th May 7pm - 9pm Lochwinnoch Masonic Lodge

Tuesday 23rd May 1pm - 3pm Lochwinnoch Masonic Lodge

If you have a group in the Lochwinnoch/Howwood area that would

like a Heart Start Course, Liz and Morag are pleased to come to

your group to deliver the course.

Gryffe Advertizer | www.advertizer.co.uk

Howwood Community Council

April, and hopefully Spring, has arrived with a bit less rain.

No doubt some thoughts are turning towards the work needed to be

done in the garden or around the home. Perhaps a bit more walking

around the village in weather where you can actually see without

having to peer out from behind the rain battered hood of a damp

jacket. Howwood looks a lot brighter. Here’s to a bright Spring!

One thing you may notice is The Howwood Community Garden

opposite The Boarding House which has developed well over the

past few years. There is still a lot to be done here in finishing the

paths and creating a pleasant green space for us all to enjoy. The

tubs will need replenished with new flowers, the grass will continue

to require cutting and the shrubs trimmed. This area is planted and

maintained by a local group of volunteers called Howwood Wildlife

and Woodlands (Not The Wild Bunch!) They also look after the

flower tubs at each entrance to Howwood and the flower beds in

“The Triangle” in the centre of our village opposite the Coffee and

Cream coffee shop and are hoping for some new flower tubs this

year as the current ones are just a wee bit dilapidated.

If you have time for an odd hour or two and would like to muck in

(nothing too energetic, honest), or just stand around a bit with a

hoe, a rake or a brush and just blether (it has been known!), please

make yourself known to Bill David on 01505 703500.

On another note, new fire and smoke alarms legislation was

introduced in February 2019 which should come into effect in 2021.

There may have been various pieces of literature delivered through

your door in recent months to this effect. Please take note: Our

advice from Scottish Fire and Rescue Service is to treat these with


Firstly, Renfrewshire Council tenants should already be in the

process of having this legislation adhered to. If you are a council

tenant and in doubt, please contact Renfrewshire Council for their

advice and help.

If you are a home owner the ScottishGovernment.gov.scot site is

worth a look. Just enter smoke alarm legislation Scotland and you

should find it ok.

Alternatively, The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service will be able to

help. They will in fact visit your home if you wish and carry out a

fire safety survey. They will make any suggestions and, if necessary,

supply and fit - free of charge - stand alone smoke alarms. These

may or may not be up to the forthcoming requirements but will at

least provide a safe stopgap.

Call one of the local fire stations in either Johnstone on 01505 336301

or Paisley Canal Street on 0141 889 0022. They are very helpful.

Again, just a reminder - There are 3 defibrillators in Howwood.

One at the entrance to the Howwood Hall in Station Road.

One at the side of Christ The King Church at the top of Bowfield


One in The Boarding House during opening times.

Your Ward 9 Councillors

Andy Doig, Derek Bibby, Bill Binks, Emma Rodden | Advice

Surgeries: http://www.renfrewshire.gov.uk/councillors

Community Council Visitors welcome at monthly meetings

Howwood: Village Hall: 2nd Tues at 7.30pm. | www.howwood.com/


Kilbarchan: Steeple Hall: monthly at 7.30pm. | www.kilbarchan.info/


Lochwinnoch: Bowling Club: 1st Tues at 7.30pm

Community Halls to Let

Kilbarchan, Guide Centre. Tel: 702758.

Kilbarchan, Old Library Centre. Tel: 706070


e: info@advertizer.co.uk | t: 01505 613340 APRIL 2020

It’s full steam ahead in Lochwinnoch now that the new

Community Council has had their first two meetings.

The meeting on the 3rd March was addressed by the

guest speaker, Mark Tokeley representing Renfrewshire

Leisure, who gave an update on proposed alterations

and improvements to the McKillop institute. As you may

gather there were more questions than ready answers,

but Mark did his best. The outcome was, that a meeting

is to be organised which will allow all invited users and groups to

meet at the McKillop for a further question and answer session,

hopefully in mid-March.

A resident in Lochead Avenue, Lochwinnoch, reported a case of

flooding caused by a blocked drain outside of their house. Despite

it being reported and inspected the problem had not been resolved.

The suggestion was that it was a slow drainer! This does not help

when it continues to pour down non-stop for two or three days.

I have asked for another inspection and action to improve the


While we are on about drains, I reported the concerns of a resident

in Howwood about a ‘Floating’ drain cover on the path in Midton

road near the junction of Bowfield Road. I have been told that

the manhole is collecting surface water from a road gulley at the

bottom of Bowfield Road and overflows during heavy rainfall. In

response Road Services are currently investigating a possible long

term solution to the problem.

At long last potholes have been filled and an improvement has

been made to the junction from the main road in Howwood and

George Street. It still remains for residents to find out from the

Land Registry who actually owns George Street.

There are still real concerns about the lack of action regarding

carrying out necessary repairs and upgrading of Howwood Village

Hall. It is eighteen months since I first organised a viewing and

assessment as to what needs to be done, and we are still no further

forward. In the recent 2020 budget a sum of £50,000 has been

set aside to provide a programme of small kitchen refurbishments

works in community facilities. Howwood CC can apply to this fund

but it is nowhere near enough for the whole of Renfrewshire.

While we are talking about the Renfrewshire budget:-

Council tax for Band D is to increase by 4.64%.

A 2% increase in charges for services is to be implemented.

Directors of all departments are to be given free licence to increase

charges for goods and services by 2%.

Johnstone station is one of the six stations in Scotland which have

been selected for an Access for All project. Designers are looking

at options for ramps or lifts to be installed to make Johnstone a

step free station. It is hoped that a design will be presented to

Johnstone CC by the end of March. Probably not many people

realise but Johnstone Station is the fifth busiest, by numbers of

passengers, using the station in Scotland.

Email: cllr.bill.binks@renfrewshire.gov.uk Tel: 0300 300 1423

Week 1 Tuesday LOCHWINNOCH McKillop institute 6pm/7pm.

Week 2 Tuesday HOWWOOD Village Hall 6pm/7pm.

Week 3 Wednesday JOHNSTONE Sandyflats Hub 6pm/7pm.

Week 4 Wednesday KILBARCHAN Steeple Hall 6pm/7pm.





























Kilbarchan Parish Church Tots’ Club

We’re on holiday on Mondays 6th and 13th April and will resume

from 9.15am - 11.30am on Monday 20th in the church hall, off

Steeple Square. All welcome.





































Next deadline - Wednesday 15th April

Houston and Killellan Kirk Carnival

Saturday 6th May 2020

Not long now until Houston will become invaded by a wide variety

of animals, Saturday 6th May our Carnival will be in full swing and

everybody will be having a great day. There will be a wide variety

of stalls, home-baking, face painting, tombola, preserves, white

elephant, toys, raffle prizes, plants and much more.

The Plant Stall is always on the lookout for donations; when you

are in the garden preparing for planting please don’t forget shrubs,

cuttings etc. are always welcome at the plant stall. Contacts for this

stall are Norma McBeath (01505 613763) and Peter McKerrell (01505

872448) who can arrange collection of donations.

The White Elephant Stall are looking for items for their stall, no

large furniture items and no electrical items, if you would like items

uplifted please contact Mary Reid (01505 613770) or Kathryn

McCartney (01505 613741).

The Baking Stall is very popular as Houston Home Baking is always

in demand.

The Tearoom is a must- somewhere to have a rest and meet some

friends, enjoy tea/coffee and some tasty cakes. Donations are

always very welcome; please bake and hand in to the Tearoom

ladies. Moira Dunlop (01505 331309) and Jean Mills (01505


There are many more stalls looking for donations, toiletries, soft

toys, and tombola. Chocolate in any form for the chocolate stall

very popular.

Wipe Out is a new side show which we hope will prove very


Not forgetting the ever popular food stalls, we will have hotdogs,

vegetarian hot dogs, beef burgers and a new addition a variety of

street food.


This year Summer Pinkerton Lamb is Carnival Queen and her

attendant is Belle Wilkie. The King is Kirk Gray and his attendant is

Noah Joyce. We look forward to seeing them resplendent in their

regal outfits.

Stall Conveners

Food Stalls: Ina Jefferson (01505 612962)

Lorna Kinloch(01505 4159)

Non Food Stalls: Heather Hughes (01505 612962)

Tearoom Conveners: Moira Dunlop (01505 331309)

Jean Mills (01505 614326)

Sideshows: Charles Green (01505 690107)

Carnival Coordinators: Kirsty Fowler and Kat Hodge

Houston Village Hall


Grants School of Music &

Performance (Vocals, Piano,

Violin, Acoustic Guitar,

Accordion & Fiddle Lessons)

3.30pm - 9pm

Taekwon-Do - Little Tiger

Cubs (age 3-5 yrs) 5.30pm -


Taekwon-Do – (6yrs plus)

6.30pm - 7.30pm.

Table Tennis Club – (Adults)

7.30pm - 9.30pm


Grants School of Music &

Performance (Vocals, Piano,

Violin, Acoustic Guitar,

Accordion & Fiddle Lessons)

3.30pm - 9pm

Zumba (Adults) 7pm - 8pm


Grants School of Music &

Performance (Vocals, Piano,

Violin, Acoustic Guitar,

Accordion & Fiddle Lessons)

3.30pm - 9pm


AGAPE (Seniors Afternoon

Tea & Fellowship) 1st Saturday

every month.


Church Service with all age

Sunday School 10.30am -


Gryffe Advertizer | www.advertizer.co.uk

Brookfield Events & Activities


Monday 6th April: 10.30am -

11.30am - ARTventurers Family


Callanetics (Weekly) 9.30am

- 10.30am

Holiday Class - Peter Rabbit Art Club (Weekly - Sep to

inspired. Sarah: 07511 029830 Apr) 12noon - 3pm

or email: sarah@artventurers.

Ballroom Basics (Weekly)


7pm - 8pm Beginners / 8pm -

Yoga (Weekly) 5.50pm - 9pm Improvers

6.50pm - Laura Kiani: 07474

Stewart Wilson: 07710 464969

443505 or Energise with Laura

or email: ballroombasics@live.

email: laura@gmail.com


Callanetics (Weekly) 7pm -

Thursday 9th: Cllr Audrey

8pm - Gwyneth Bell: 07850

Doig Surgery 7pm - 7.30pm




Brookfield Community Council

Zumba (Weekly) 6.30pm Meeting 7.30pm - 9pm

- 7.30pm & Core Strength & (Library)

Stretch (Weekly) 7.30pm -

8.30pm: Gemma McNaughton:

07909 993423

Tue 21st: Cllr Alison Dowling


Callanetics (Weekly) 9.15am -

10.15am / 10.30am - 11.30am

Surgery 10am - 10.30am Friday 17th: Tom Arthur MSP


Surgery 11.30am - 12noon



Baby ARTventurers (Weekly) Ballroom Basics (Weekly

9.30am - 10.30am

except Sat 18th) 11am -

Little ARTventurers (Weekly)

12.30am Mixed Ability

11.30am - 12.30pm

Saturday 4th - Brookfield

Callanetics (Weekly) 5.15pm

-6.15pm / 6.15pm - 7.15pm /

Bowling Club Opening Day

Saturday 18th - ARTventurers:

7.30pm -8.30pm

‘Frozen’ inspired Family

ARTventure 10.30am -



Sunday 26th - Brookfield Art

Club Annual Show 12noon -


Facebook: brookfieldvillage.org Twitter: @BrookfieldVPA

e-mail: brookfieldvpa@gmail.com

Easter Egg Hunt

Sunday 12th April from 11am - 3pm

Join us for a day of family fun and help raise funds to build a

new play area in Houston’s Helicopter Park. With face painting,

refreshments, baking and balloon animals. £5 per child with

proceeds going to the Houston Playgroup Improvement Group.

Charity No SC044143).

Hop along to the Compass Centre on South Street, Houston. Tickets

on sale at the door or online at eventbrite of you can support our

charity at Just Giving (search for Houston Playpark).

Your Ward 10 Councillors

Audrey Doig, Scott Kerr, Alison Jean Dowling, James Sheridan

Advice Surgeries: http://www.renfrewshire.gov.uk/councillors

Community Council Visitors welcome at monthly meetings

BROOKFIELD: Brookfield Village Hall: 2nd Thursday 7.30pm

February, April, June, August, October and December.

HOUSTON: Carrick Centre: 3rd Wednesday at 7.30pm |


Community Halls to Let

Brookfield, Village Hall. Tel: 335562

Houston, Carrick Centre. Tel: 690693 / 614039 / 674277

Houston, Compass Centre. Tel: Gillian Peters - 07879 407574 or

01505 613759.

Houston Village Hall: Tel: Helen 07980 155281

Linwood Masonic Hall. Tel: 07825 222944


e: info@advertizer.co.uk | t: 01505 613340 APRIL 2020


HAPPENING Houston | Crosslee | Brookfield


Kirk Young Singers Group

The young folk in Houston &

Killellan Kirk have the exciting

opportunity to develop

their singing skills under the

leadership of the talented

Laura McKee. This is open

to all Primary and Secondary

school children, meeting in

the Kirk on Thursdays (except

school holidays) 7pm – 8pm.

There are no fees – so kids,

why not come and give it a try?

No prior booking required – so

just turn up! Follow the Kirk’s

Facebook for updates.

Wednesday French


Fox and Hounds, Houston

at 9.30am till 12noon and

alternate Tuesday from 2pm -

4pm. Details: 07463 570464

or email avril.forbes2015@


Crafty Friends

Chat with sewing/knitting/

cross stitch or anything you

like. First and third Thursday

in the month. Contact Lorna

Cairns - 01505 612844. Shirley

White - 01505 610721

Table Top Sale

Linwood Parish Church,

Blackwood Ave 11am - 1pm.

Last Saturday in the month.

Call 01505 328802 for details.

Sunday Houston Litter


Co-op Car Park 10am – 11.45am

All volunteers welcome and all

equipment supplied.

Acoustic Night

First Sunday of the month,

8pm - 10pm, Upstairs bar,

River Inn, Houston. If you’re

interested in playing at future

nights contact Rab on 07415


Churches in Houston

Houston & Killellan

Agricultural Society

The Annual Show will be held on

Saturday 6th June 2020. Schedules

for the Baking and Craft Section

are available from committee

members, the PaperShop, the

Post Office or from Isabelle Stuart:


Acoustic Night

Acoustic music night with local

musicians “Scowling Wolf”

8.00pm - 10.00pm, Sunday 5th.

April 2020, Brierie bar, River Inn,

Houston. Special guest - Houston

Singer/guitarist Peter McAllister

We are on the first Sunday of each

month and are looking for local

musicians - If you wish to play

contact Rab on 07415 119754.

Houston & Crosslee


Our next meeting is our AGM and

Spring Show which will be on 15th

April at 7.30pm. Please note this

is a week later than usual. On May

13th we will have our annual charity

MacMillan Tea & Chat evening.

Please come and join us, everyone

will be made very welcome. We

meet in the Compass Centre,

South Street, Houston on the

second Wednesday of each month

at 7.30pm. If you wish further

information please contact, Arlene

MacKay on 07932 459994.

HOUSTON AND KILLELLAN KIRK: All Services will be led by the Rev Gary Noonan

unless otherwise stated. Sunday 5th April – 10.30am Palm Sunday walk followed

by the Service at 11am. Monday 6th – 7.30pm First Holy Week Service at Houston.

Tuesday 7th – 7.30pm Joint Holy Week Service at Houston. Wednesday 8th April –

7.30pm Joint Holy Week Service at Linwood. Thursday 9th April – 7.30pm Maundy

Thursday Holy Communion at Houston. Good Friday – 9.30am Breakfast rolls at West

Halls. 7.30pm Good Friday Service at Houston. Holy Saturday – 6.30pm Service of

Reflection of Holy Week so far at Housto. Easter Sunday – 8am Easter Day Open

Air Service at Houston. 11am Morning Worship with Easter Egg Hunt for the children.

You can find out more about us at www.houstonkillellankirk.org

ST FILLAN’S: MAIN ST, HOUSTON: Sun Masses: Vigil (Sat) 5pm, 9.30am & 11am. Weekday

Masses: Mon - Sat 9.30am. Rosary: Tue, Thurs & Sat 9.10am. Exposition:- Adoration

of Most Blessed Sacrament Mon & Wed 9.10am - 9.30am. Confessions: Thurs 8pm -

8.30pm, Sat 10am and after Vigil Mass or on request. Baptism - by arrangement. Parish

Priest: Monsignor Andrew McFadden. Pastoral Assistant: Sr. Mary Frances Collett,

RNDM (Tel 01505 613514). Address: ‘Abbotsfield’, St. Fillan’s, Main St, Houston, PA6

7EL. T. 01505 612046. E. StFillan@rcdop.org.uk www.stfillan.org.uk

HOUSTON BAPTIST CHURCH: Carrick Centre: 11am Family services with SS for children 5

- 12; Crèche provided; 6pm service; Mid-week Home Bible Study; For more information

contact; Rev. D. Snelson 01505 612722.

CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE: Village Hall, Main Street, Houston PA6 7EL. Rev Tim

Burton. Family service at 10.30am. Crèche available. Communion service first

Sunday of the month. Tel: 01505 320168 or M: 07500 439266.

I am delighted to announce that I have been

appointed as the new Convener of Clydemuirshiel

Regional Park Authority. Clydemuirshiel is

one of the most popular visitor attractions in

Renfrewshire, and certainly one which we as a

family used to frequent, particularly when our son

was small. The decision was taken recently at the

full council meeting of Renfrewshire Council as the

previous Convener had to stand down for various reasons.

Council budgets are very tight; it is not just always about

money but a new approach to things. As someone who was in

the leisure field for nearly forty years in Renfrewshire, I think I

have a particular skills set which means a fresh pair of eyes may

see opportunities for development that have been overlooked

before. For example, I want to meet as many community groups

as possible that are within the ambit of the Park boundary to

get their views on the way forward, but I would also welcome

views from residents in Houston, Crosslee, and Brookfield on

how they would like to see the Park develop.

But Clydemuirshiel is not just important as a leading leisure

attraction, although it is one of the top three visitor attractions

in Renfrewshire, there is also a massive moral duty for us all

to re-green our communities as a way of facing the climate

challenge and the Park is key in this. ClydeMuirshiel Regional

Park is the emerald jewel in the crown of Renfrewshire’s leisure

assets and I am delighted to have the responsibility of taking it

forward in the months and years ahead.

Contact Details for Cllr Audrey Doig

Brookfield Advice Surgery – 2nd Thursday of the month at

Brookfield Village Hall, 6.30pm

Houston Advice Surgery – 4th Wednesday of the month at the

Carrick Centre at 7.15pm. I can always be contacted on e-mail:

cllr.audrey.doig@renfrewshire.gov.uk or telephone: 07768


Houston Community Council

For many months members of Houston Community Council

have been working on two projects which we believe will bring

major benefits to our village, and the planning for these has

now reached the stage where we would like to seek the views

of our residents before proceeding further.

The first involves connectivity within Houston, and between

Houston and adjacent villages, primarily Bridge of Weir. We

have recently been awarded funding from Sustrans for a

feasibility study to look at connecting Houston with Bridge

of Weir via a shared use path as well as the network within

Houston. This would also give our residents access to the

National Cycle Network Route 7 and would also encourage

local journeys between the two areas as well as improved links

to the High School. A further benefit would be that it would

also encourage visitors to our village.

The second is a pico-hydro electricity generating unit on the

Houston Burn in the woodland opposite the Houston and

Killellan Kirk. The construction costs would be met by grants

from the Scottish Government and the electricity generated

would be sold to the National Grid. Both a feasibility study

and an environmental impact study have been completed and

are favourable. All future profits would be used for projects to

benefit our village and its residents.

We invite all residents of Houston whose main residence falls

within the Community Council Catchment Area to come along

to a Public Consultation Event to be held in the Carrick Centre,

Main Street, Houston on Sunday 26th April 2020 between

1.30pm and 5pm. Members of Houston Community Council will

be there to answer your questions and listen to your views. All

opinions expressed will be taken into account when we make

our decisions on how to move these exciting projects forward.

We look forward to seeing you there and listening to your






















































Next deadline - Wednesday 15th April

Houston & Killellan Kirk

40 for 40 Lent Challenge Success

Houston & Killellan Kirk congregation’s Lent challenge has been

not to give up but to “take up” the 40 for 40 challenge for the

40 days of Lent. From Wednesday 26th February until Thursday

9th April families have been asked to spend 40p each day of Lent

(excluding the Sundays) on food for the Foodbank. Well, so far

they have been smashing the challenge – with a large boot load

going to Paisley every Monday! Rather typical of the members of

this congregation.

Busy Easter at Houston & Killellan Kirk

As is traditional, a busy programme of meaningful events is planned

for the Easter period at Houston & Killellan Kirk:

Sunday 5th April – 10.30am Palm Sunday walk with palm branches

from West Halls to the Kirk by the children of the Sunday Club.

However, the reluctant donkey is likely to give it a miss! This is

followed by the Palm Sunday Service at 11am.

Monday 6th April – 7.30pm First Holy Week Service at Houston.

Tuesday 7th April – 7.30pm Joint Holy Week Service at Houston.

We d n e s d a y 8 t h A p r i l – 7. 3 0 p m J o i n t H o l y We e k S e r v i c e a t L i n w o o d .

Thursday 9th April – 7.30pm Maundy Thursday Holy Communion at


Good Friday – 9.30am Breakfast rolls at West Halls, followed by all

generations walk round the parish.

7.30pm Good Friday Service at Houston.

Holy Saturday – 6.30pm Service of Reflection of Holy Week so far

at Houston - Les Miserables (Session “Les Miserables”?!)

Easter Sunday – 8am Easter Day Open Air Service at Houston

followed by breakfast rolls & tea or coffee. 11am Morning Worship

with Easter Egg Hunt for the children & the fixing of daffodils to

the Cross.

Walking Group

The Walking Group has up to four walks a month, usually two walks

on a Saturday which are around 5 to 6 miles and two walks on

Monday mornings (the Wee Walk) which are around 3 to 4 miles

with a coffee somewhere in the proceedings. We usually meet at

the Kirk at 9.30am and then head off to our walks. Everyone is

welcome to join us, no experience is necessary and it is a good

occasion for a chat. Details of future walks can be found in the

Sunday intimations at the Kirk or on the Kirk website.

On April 25th we will be having a Saturday walk with a difference. It

will be in the afternoon instead of the morning and we will be taking

part in the Bridge Cross Challenge to support Christian Aid. Our

bridge is the Erskine Bridge and we will probably do two crossings,

which will total just over 3 miles. Even if you do not come out with

the Walking Group we would encourage anyone, including parents,

children, grannies and the family pet to join us on that day and raise

a little bit of money for Christian Aid. Put the25th April in your diary

and look out for full details in the April edition of the Kirk Record.

Gryffe Advertizer | www.advertizer.co.uk



Monday to Friday Gryffe Manor Out of School 01505 615438.

Dance West Scotland enquiries@dancewestscotland.co.uk

Coffee Shop: - Mon/Wed 9am - 4pm, Thurs 9am - 4.30pm, Fri

9am - 5pm, Sat 9am - 3.30pm. Last hot food orders 1 hour before

closing time. Coffee Shop/Centre 01505 229597.


Yoga (Weekly) - 11am & 1pm

Mary Laidlaw 01505 229112

Handiwifes 20th - 7.30pm

DWS – 3.30pm

Diaporama 13th – 7.30pm


Paint Pot Tots (Weekly) -

10am Dawn Campbell 07789


Yoga (Weekly) - 7pm M/s

Lawson 01505 613690

Councillor Surgery - 11am

(21st) Allison Dowling

DWS – 3.30pm


Gryffe Melody Makers - 7pm

12th /26th

Community Council - 7.30pm


DWS(Weekly) MH – 3.30pm

- 7pm

DWS(Weekly) R2 – 6pm –


Baby Class (MOO MUSIC)

Weekly - 10am

Camera Club (Weekly) –


Councillors Surgery – 7.15pm

Cllr A Doig

A Portable Defib Unit is available at the West Halls (Church) on

Main Street

Centre Patrons PLEASE ADVISE date or time changes due to

Holidays to Centre Management

Booking enquiries: Bill Haddow 01505 690693,

Stewart Scally 01505 674277, Barry Walker 01505 614039

Email : thecarrickcentre@gmail.com or hostbookings@outlook.com

Brookfield Art Club Art Show

Golden Fields by Joan Smith


Gryffe Quilting Group – 1pm -

3pm (16th - 10am)

Primary Colours (Weekly) –

3.30pm – 4.30pm

Crafty Friends – 7.30pm (2nd)

Folk Club (Weekly) - 8pm

davemellor@gmail.com 07523


Move It Or Lose It (Weekly) –

10.30am – 11.30am


Yoga (Weekly) – 10.30am M/s

Lawson 01505 613690

DWS (Weekly) MH – 3.15pm -


DWS(Weekly) R2 - 5pm –


Gavin Newlands M.P. Surgery –

12.30pm – 1.30pm (10th Public



DWS (Weekly) MH – 9.45am -

5pm (22nd 12noon)

Dance West Scot(Weekly) R2

– 9am – 1.30pm

Councillors Surgery – 11.30am

– 12noon (4th) Jim Sheridan


Baptist Church (Weekly) - 11am

and 6pm

Sunday 26th April, 12noon - 4.30pm

Brookfield Village Hall

Tea Room with Home Baking Admission £1


e: info@advertizer.co.uk | t: 01505 613340 APRIL 2020



THIS MONTH Bishopton | Bridge of Weir | Langbank

Bridge of Weir Lace Group

Fortnightly Tuesday mornings

(10am - 12noon). If you’d like to

try lacemaking we can provide

materials & tuition. For further

details phone (01505) 613967.

Gryffe Voices Community

Choir (Mondays)

Freeland Church, BoW 8pm to

9.45pm. Sing pop, rock, folk,

show tunes, gospel. Contact


Bridge of Weir Choral

Society (Tuesdays)

Small Hall, St. Columba Church,

Kilmacolm 7.30pm - 9.30pm.

All welcome.

BoW Senior Citizens Club

2nd & 4th Wednesday Cargill

Hall 7pm - 9.15pm

Tea, biscuits & a raffle

each meeting along with


Hearing Aid Clinic

3rd Friday each month The

Bridge, BoW. 1pm - 2pm

Hearing aid batteries and

hearing aid checks.

The Terrace

Last Friday in the month St

Machar’s Ranfurly Church Hall

Soups, sandwiches, tea/coffee,

biscuits. £4.

Fashion Show by

Taylor Fashions

Friday 17th April at 7.30pm.

Langbank Village Hall,

Middlepenny Road, Langbank

This event is always a big

success, come and update your

Spring wardrobe.

Many items are from well known

brands at greatly reduced


Tickets are £5 and this includes

tea cake and a raffle.

Details of where to buy

tickets are on all the village

noticeboards, or just pay at the


Double Trouble

Come and hear two cellos in

concert at Langbank Church,

PA14 6XP on Sunday 17th May

at 2.30pm.

Donation ticket £5 available at

the door on the day.

Programme comprises music

ranging from 17th to 21st


Affluent FP launches Community Fund

The multi award winning Financial

Planning firm, Affluent Financial

Planning, based in Bridge of

Weir has launched a Community

Fund to provide funds for local

community groups and charities

to support them in various projects

that will help the people of West

Renfrewshire and surrounding


“It is our way of giving back to

our local community” explained

Carl Melvin, Managing Director of

Affluent FP.

There are many groups who do

good work locally and Affluent

FP is keen to help them. Often

smaller charities and community groups struggle for funding and as a result, worthy projects are

delayed or shelved completely. The new Community Fund is designed to help these smaller groups,

where even modest funding can make a big difference.

The Community Fund is open to all groups in the local area and applications will be reviewed quarterly

by the Board of the Community Fund, with awards made throughout the year.

To apply to the Community Fund for an award, applicants should download an application form from

https://www.affluentfp.co.uk/community-fund and return it for consideration.

We are delighted to announce that the first recipient of an award from the Affluent FP Community

Fund is Brighter Bridge of Weir – a small band of volunteers who do such a sterling job of keeping the

village looking great.

We at the Advertizer will keep you updated on the development of the Community Fund and highlight

future recipients as the year progresses.

So, if you, or someone you know, is involved in a community group or small charity then why not make

an application to the Affluent FP Community Fund for funding?

The Masqueraders

Back again by popular demand

Saturday 25th April at 7pm in St

Machar’s Ranfurly Church Hall

The group is rehearsing very hard and

you will again experience an evening

filled with amazing talent to entertain

you. Not content with amazing

entertainment you will also be refreshed

with tea/coffee and home baking after

the show.

The chosen charity this year is “Rays of

Hope” a Cancer Support Group based

in Elderslie. It was established in 2015

in order to provide a safe, confidential

environment for cancer sufferers and

their families during and after treatment.

They have many regular activities;

exercise classes, craft activities, a

walking group, creative writing, knitting

and crochet to name but a few. They

also have a choir for both ladies and


With the success of the last show, tickets

are sure to be in high demand. Numbers

are limited due to the size of the hall so

get in early to avoid disappointment.

Tickets, priced £5, will be on sale from

the beginning of April from any of the

group. In order not to miss out on tickets

for this highly entertaining evening.

Phone 614943 to book.

Bridge of Weir Gala

On Saturday 7th March the Festival Committee chose

the Gala King and Queen for the Gala Day. Gala Queen -

Amelie Robert-Rocher Gala King - Calan McMath.

Organising for the Gala Day on 13th June is going ahead.

The Bridge of Weir Primary School will be involved with

designing the Poster material inspired by the theme

‘characters from Children’s books’. Invitations have gone

out to the village shops to take part in the Best Dressed

Window competition with a £100 prize for charity to the


We still could do with more help. If you wish to be involved

with the Gala do come to the next meeting on Tuesday

14th April at 7.30pm in the Cargill Hall.





























































Next deadline - Wednesday 15th April


Community Centre

Gledstane Road, Bishopton

PA7 5AU. Tel: 01505 863354

For full information and contact

details please check out: www.



Ladies Badminton: 10am – 12noon

Bridge: 1pm – 3pm

Yoga: 1.30pm – 2.30pm

Tai Chi: 3pm – 4pm

French: 3.30pm – 5.30pm

Rainbows: 6pm – 7pm

Brownies: 6pm – 7.15pm

Guides: 7.30pm – 10pm

Trefoil Guild: (1st Monday in

month) 7.30 – 10pm


Toddlers: 10am – 11.30am

Crochet: 1pm – 3pm

Brownies: 6.15pm – 7.30pm

Singing for Wellbeing: 6pm –


Ladies Badminton: 8pm – 10pm


Slimming World: 8am – 11.30am

Toddlers: 1.15pm – 2.45pm

Karate: 6.30pm – 7.30pm

Bridge Club: 7pm – 10pm

Yoga: 8pm – 9pm


Toddlers: 10am – 11.30am

Dancing: 3.30pm – 9pm


Friday Funtime: 10am – 11.30am

French: 2pm – 3pm

Clyde Judo: 6pm – 8pm


Karate: 10.30am – 11.30am

Kettlebells: 12noon – 1pm

Model Bus Federation Meeting:

(Once a month) 1pm – 4pm

Langbank SWI

Our end of season prize giving

dinner will be held at Gleddoch

on Thursday 16th April at 7pm.

Please contact the President

Marion Dornan for further


Bridge of Weir Community Council

The Community Council welcomed a small

delegation of residents from the Clevans

Road area of the village to the meeting where

they addressed us on a number of matters of


On their behalf the Community Council Chairman

and Councillor MacLaren will contact Renfrewshire

Council officials to determine if road repairs,

blocked gullies and damaged pavements can be

programmed for repair or upgrade.

The Secretary will contact the Community Police

requesting vehicle speed traps at this location, as

drivers are often seen to be exceeding the speed


The Secretary was asked to contact the Education

Authority demanding they put a stop to the

School bus sitting outside premises on Clevans

Road for up to 20 minutes in the mornings.

The Secretary reported she had received a

reply from Neil Bibby MSP who had forwarded

information he had received on our behalf from

Scottish Water regarding the sewerage issues at

the Main Street approach to The Glen. Scottish

Water stated this area has already been prioritised

by them and a project is being progressed as

part of their high priority 200 external sewer

flooding areas and in their response they said: “I

can inform you that we are progressing with a

project to investigate the longer term flood risk

reduction to the issues your constituents are

experiencing. This project is currently at a very

early stage in its lifecycle, and we are currently

undertaking detailed investigations which

will assist in establishing potential options to

resolve the sewer flooding your constituents are

experiencing. I can confirm we are currently going

through the process of replacing 18 manhole

covers on this section of sewer, which will allow

safe access for surveys to be carried out as part

of the investigation. Road closures are required

for 3 of these manhole cover replacements,

which 3 month notice time is required and we

are working with the Local Authority to complete

this process”. The full report can be seen on our


Got any local news? Please send

your news in to info@advertizer.


Pictures are welcome but we do

ask that they be at least 1MB in

size, .jpg files, and no smaller

than 5cm in width or height.

This is all to ensure that pictures

are printed clearly and not

blurry or pixelated!

Churches in Bishopton, Langbank & Bridge of Weir

Gryffe Advertizer | www.advertizer.co.uk

LANGBANK PARISH CHURCH: Sunday Services 10am with Sunday School, Crèche and young people’s group, the Welcomers.

Tea/coffee after the service. Come along and meet in the Hall from 9.50am.

FREELAND CHURCH - Morning service at 10.30am and Evening service at 7pm. For details please check website: www.


ST MARY’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Johnstone Rd, Bridge of Weir, PA11 3EE. Sunday Service 10am. Contact: Rev. Heller G. 01505

872961 www.heartlandsec.org/BoW

ST MACHAR’S RANFURLY CHURCH: Regular Sunday morning services at 10.30am, everyone welcome. Junior Church meets

1st, 8th and 29th of March. Link seated service: Friday 13th March at 2pm in the Session Room. All Age service Sunday 15th of

March at 10.30am. For more info check out our website: stmacharsranfurlychurch.org.uk and Facebook.

HOPE HALL: Sun 1.15pm Sunday School, 4.30pm Gospel Service; Mon 6pm Investigators for Kids, 7.30pm Bible Study and Prayer.


BISHOPTON PARISH CHURCH: Sunday Services: 9.45am Early Bird Service @ The Cornerstone. 11.30am Morning Worship at The

Church (Erskine Ferry Road). Please see our website Bishoptonkirk.org.uk or Facebook for further details as we have Family

Services at the beginning of each month which alternate between Church and Cornerstone.


Facebook page. The Community Council has

asked we are kept informed of progress.

After following up on a complaint by a resident

on trees covered by TPO’s the Community

Council has been informed by Renfrewshire

Council Planning that an Officer has been out on

site at Gryffe Castle and noticed that a total of 4

substantial trees and two small trees had been

the subject of tree works. They have written to the

owner and asked for an explanation, requested a

tree report and the proposals for replanting.

Further reports to the Community Council have

suggested that Green Belt land at Gryffe Castle

has also been encroached and have asked

Renfrewshire Council Planners to carry out an

inspection of the area.

We were informed action has been taken by the

Police against speeding drivers on the Johnstone


The Community Council has received a number

of requests to have the bus shelter replaced at

Prieston Road / Main Street, we have now been

informed the delay is due to the shelter not

meeting the standard height measurements due

to the roof having to be lower than the wall at the

rear. The meeting expressed concerns that this is

yet another excuse for delay and asked Councillor

MacLaren to request Council Officials arrange for

an immediate replacement.

The Community Council representative to the

Renfrewshire Forum of Community Council’s

reported that Renfrewshire Council Planners are

willing to attend Community Council meetings to

discuss the new Local Place Plans we will invite a

speaker to attend one of our meetings.

The Christmas Lights Sub-Committee has been

rearranged and all members of the Community

Council have been given a role in the new setup.

The Christmas Light Switch on Event grant

application has been sent to the Local Partnership

for consideration at their April meeting and we

hope they will look at it favourably.

Langbank Community Council

LCC meets on the second Wednesday of each month and these

meetings are open to all, indeed we would welcome members of

the community coming along and sharing their views and ideas. At

these meetings we discuss the issues which are important to the

village such as; the dreaded roundabout, parking issues, flooding,

street lighting, lack of amenities and improvements to outdoor

spaces. We also organize village events like the Christmas Tree

Light Up, Village Clean Up Day and the Gala Day (Saturday 20th

June this year).

If you would like more information or are able to help with the Gala

Day please contact us on: info@langbank-community.com

e: info@advertizer.co.uk | t: 01505 613340 APRIL 2020

It easy to blame the bad weather for the condition of the

roads but we all know that there are numerous gullies

(drains) in the road that have been blocked for years.

The Council needs to realise that water and roads don’t

mix well. Potholes are opening up within a month of

being filled. Here are the roads in my ward that will be

resurfaced this coming year under the 2020/21 Roads

Capital Programme:

Bridge of Weir: Carruth Road, Hazelwood Road, Ranfurly Road

(Kilbarchan to Hazelwood), Kilgraston Road (Part), St Andrews

Drive (Part).

Bishopton: A8 - Greenock Road (at Kingston Rd), A8 - Greenock

Road (at Nether Southbar), Station Road, Bruce Road.

Langbank: Middlepenny Road.

I will pass on the list of the pavements as soon as I am advised by

the department. My understanding is that there will be more works

to resolve flooding issues. It would certainly be worthwhile digging

out the ditches and checking all the culverts thoroughly.

A group from Bridge of Weir recently visited the St Mirren Men’s

Shed and were inspired, and a small committee has now been

formed to take things forward, the initial thoughts are to build

a temporary structure in the Coal Year. It is a case of watch this


With so much news about the Coronavirus at the moment it was a

surprise to me that I had to introduce an emergency motion at the

recent full Council meeting to get any information of the Council’s

plans; however the lack of hand cleansing stations in the building is

pretty negligent I think.

Council tax is going up by 4.64% in Renfrewshire and council

housing rent by 2%. The Conservative Group voted with the Labour

Group for a council tax freeze. We feel that more money should

be coming out of Scottish Government to support councils as we

are being asked to do more but not being given the funding to

support this.

Please note my surgery details:

• Langbank Parish Church Hall - 1st Monday of month (6.30pm)

• Bridge of Weir Cargill Hall - 2nd Monday of month (6.30pm)

• Bishopton Community Library - 3rd Monday of month (6.30pm)

For further information on any of the above, please contact me

by phone on 0300-300-1291 or by email to cllr.james.maclaren@

renfrewshire.gov.uk . Check out my Facebook page for more

information and copies of my community council reports etc. www.


Working with you and improving our local area. Please feel free to

contact me with any of your concerns, and I am happy to meet with

you at a mutually convenient time. If there is something that you

would like me to write about more often then please drop me a line.

It is always good to get feedback, particularly of the positive kind.

Your Ward 11 Councillors

James MacLaren, Natalie Don, Colin McCulloch |

Advice Surgeries: http://www.renfrewshire.gov.uk/councillors

Community Council Visitors welcome at monthly meetings

BISHOPTON: Primary School: 1st Thursday at 7.30pm


BRIDGE OF WEIR: 1st Tuesday, Cargill Hall: 7pm


LANGBANK: Church Hall: 2nd Wed at 7.30pm

Community Halls to Let

Bridge of Weir: Freeland Church. Tel: 612245

The Bridge

Shop News – An extensive range of Greeting Cards are on sale

to cover most special occasions. Our usual stationery items are

always in stock. We also have pocket money items which will keep

young children amused.

Post Office - Going on holiday soon? Ask our Post Office staff for

a leaflet on Travel Insurance. Euros are available for purchase and

other currencies can be ordered.

Help is at Hand within your Community Centre – Do you have any

issues to resolve? An appointment with one of your local elected

representatives could be the answer. Please call in to find out the

times of their surgeries.

An evening out at The Bridge – Twice monthly, you can enjoy a

film along with complimentary refreshments at The Bridge. Please

collect a Programme.

Web Site – Our website gives useful, up to date information, about

the services available at The Bridge.

Books –We have a selection of pre- loved books available for

purchase at modest prices. Please come in and have a look.

Cafe - Please visit our cafe where a warming cup of tea or coffee

and biscuits can be enjoyed in comfortable surroundings.

As always we wish to thank our dedicated team of volunteers who,

through their commitment, enable The Bridge Community Centre,

Shop and more importantly Post Office to serve the village.


















































Next deadline - Wednesday 15th April




Monday Bridge Club

Cargill Community Centre

7pm. For information contact

the Club Secretary, Sheena

Clayton, on 01505 873802.

Local Police Surgeries

4th Monday - local

neighbourhood officer surgery

in the Community Centre

10.30am - 11.30am.

Tuesday Crafty Play Café

Quarriers Village Café, Faith

Avenue 10am-12noon; 12noon

-2pm; 2pm - 4pm. £2 for kids

craft materials (optional)

Wednesday Knitting Group

Three Sisters Bake, Quarriers

10am - 12noon.

Babies, Bumps and Boobs

St. Columba’s Church Lesser

Hall, Duchal Road (term-time).

1st Wednesday in the

month. Contact playgroup


Inverclyde Carers Outreach

Cargill Centre, 11am - 2pm. 2nd

Wednesday in the month.

Email: enquiries@inverclyde

carerscentre.org.uk or call:

01475 735180.


Kidston Hall, 2pm - 4pm. 1st

& 3rd Thursday in the month.

Guest speakers, afternoon tea,

local issues. All welcome.

Sòlas Bereavement Support


Kidston Hall, 2pm - 4pm. 2nd

Thursday in the month.

Movie Night

Old Kirk, 7pm for 7.30pm. Last

Thursday in the month.

Saturday Volunteer Group

Greenock Cut Visitor Centre

10.30am - 2.30pm

Conservation Volunteers, adult

group. Newcomers always


Guide Hut to Hire

Main hall, kitchen facilities

and outdoor area. Perfect for

children’s parties, weekly classes

and one off special occasions.

Contact Julie: 07967 371595 or

e: guidehutbookings@gmail.


Kilmacolm | Quarriers

Easter at Mount

Zion Church

Mount Zion Church, Law View

Road, Quarriers Village, PA11 3FD

Holy week is the most important

time in the Christian Calendar,

when we remember the death

and the resurrection of the Lord

Jesus. Thursday and Friday are

usually quiet, meditative services,

and Easter Sunday is an all age

celebration. You would be made

very welcome at these meetings.

April 5th at 10.30am

Palm Sunday Service

April 9th at 7pm

Maundy Thursday Communion

April 10th at 2.30pm

Good Friday Meditation

April 12th at 10.30am

Easter Sunday Family Service

Knapps Show Cancelled

Churches in Kilmacolm & Quarriers

Gryffe Advertizer | www.advertizer.co.uk

Kilmacolm Dramatic Society

Rehearsals are now in full swing for Kilmacolm Dramatic

Society’s production of popular playwright Alan Bennett’s

farcical comedy Habeas Corpus. The play, which is brimful of

Bennett’s razor sharp wit, is directed by Alison Holliman, who

also directed the Society’s hugely successful production of

Calendar Girls.

If you are looking for a really good night out and a lot of

laughter, don’t miss it. It’s a classic farce of ill manners, featuring

dropped trousers, mismanaged (and generally thwarted) lust

and a veritable merry-go-round of mistaken identities. It all

takes place in the home of the outwardly respectable Wicksteed


The cast of five women and six men includes some new faces,

as well as many familiar ones. They are: John Gilchrist, Liz Davie,

Kevin Curran, Claire McClatchie, Claire Fraser, John Watson,

Jean Simpson, Ruth Quigley, Paul Donnachie, Joe Robinson and

Hugh Gorman.

As with every KDS production, a host of essential people are

also working hard behind the scenes. Headed by Stage Manager

Angus Black, they have roles in lighting, sound, set, costumes,

make-up, props, print design, front of house hospitality and


There will be three performances of Habeas Corpus in

Kilmacolm’s Kidston Hall – at 7.30pm on Wednesday, Thursday

and Friday 22nd - 24th April. Doors open at 7pm and tickets

(£12, including refreshments) are available from the Cross Café

in Kilmacolm or from Rosie Thirde - tel 01505 873088 or on

rosiethirde33@gmail.com - or Claire Fraser on claire.fraser@


If you’re interested in joining KDS - either to act, or to help

backstage in any way - or would like some more information

about us, just contact Claire or Rosie.

Postponed - we will update you once we have more information

Following discussion with the Directors it was agreed that the board would take the difficult decision

to cancel the Show this year. As you will be aware from the media, the situation with Corona virus is

expected to worsen over the coming weeks. The Scottish Government are advising events involving

500 people and over do not go ahead due to medical resources being required for public health duties.

We have been advised that other local shows have sadly taken the same decision as ourselves.

We have a duty of care to our volunteers, helpers, exhibitors, judges, competitors and visitors and do

not wish to add to the building pressure the NHS is already experiencing. We feel that we would be

neglecting our duty to allow the Show to proceed by having crowds of people in close proximity. We

are not confident that we would have the attendance required to fund the day, if we cancel now we

can avoid some of our costs to ensure we can continue in 2021.

Thank you to all of our supporters, sponsors and advertisers who we will be in touch with, over the

next few days.

We hope to see you all next year.

Kilmacolm & Port Glasgow Agricultural Society

KILMACOLM OLD KIRK: Church of Scotland (Charity no. SC009291). www.kilmacolmoldkirk.org.uk. Morning worship: Sundays at

11am. 5th April - Palm Sunday. 6th - 10th April - Holy Week services at 7.30pm in Old Kirk except Thursday 8th in St Columba.

12th April - Easter Sunday. 9.30am Knapps Loch Holy Communion. 10am - Easter Crafts for children in Kidston Hall. 11am - Easter

Worship with Holy Communion. Sòlas Drop-in Bereavement Group is held in Kidston Hall on the 2nd Thursday each month at

2pm. Outlook on the 1st & 3rd Thursdays at 2pm. Tea and coffee served after every service.

ST COLUMBA CHURCH OF SCOTLAND: (Charity no. SC007992) Morning Worship Sundays at 11am. All welcome.

GRACE CHURCH KILMACOLM: in association with Downavale Free Church of Scotland. Sunday Service at 10.30am in Kilmacolm

Guide Hut, Woodrow Avenue, PA13 4QF.

ST COLM’S CATHOLIC CHURCH, Smithy Brae Kilmacolm. Rev. Vincent Byrne. Family mass Sundays 10am with children’s liturgy.

Eucharistic service Thursdays 11am. Rosary Tuesdays 6.30pm. Prayer group meets Thursdays 7.30pm. Further information and

contact details www.stcolmsparish.co.uk

BUDDHIST MEETINGS: Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin. Call Margaret on 01505 871343.

ST FILLAN’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Moss Road, Kilmacolm, PA13 4DL. Service of Eucharist on Sundays at 11.30am except the

first Sunday of the month at 11.30am is the Service of Matins: Wednesday 10.30am Holy Communion: On last Sunday of the month

6pm (Said) Evensong: Clergy: The Revd Heller Gonzalez (01505-2961); Pastoral Assistant Maureen Russell (01505-872905).

Find us on www.heartlandsec/org/KLM/index.html

MOUNT ZION CHURCH: Rev. Andy Lunn BSc, (01475 791282) Mount Zion Church, Law View Road, Quarriers Village, PA11 3FD.

Sunday Worship: 10.30am, Bible Study and Prayer Meetings: Wednesday at 7pm and Friday at 10am.


e: info@advertizer.co.uk | t: 01505 613340 APRIL 2020

Kilmacolm Old Kirk News

‘OUTLOOK’ is a social community group, formulated for friendship

and fellowship. It is led by the Community Issues team of Kilmacolm

Old Kirk. The group meets In Kidston Hall, 2pm - 4pm. Everyone is

most welcome.

Programme for March

2nd April Indian Travelogue – Colin Houston – amazing

photography:unique adventures

16th April Crosses around the world – Jim Holmes

30th April Movie Night Grease - 7pm for 7.30pm @ The Old Kirk

Free entry and the offer of a glass of wine. Donation if desired to

support the creation of a Pilgrim Pathway in Kilmacolm.

SOCIAL MEDIA In addition to the website - kilmacolmoldkirk.org.

uk, you can follow the Old Kirk on Facebook at Kilmacolm Old

Kirk@kilmacolmold, and Twitter and Instagram @kilmacolmold

Kilmacolm Litter Pickers

Our first three outings have been a great success and have seen us

haul in 32 bags of litter from the roadside verges on the Bridge of

Weir Road (from the village exit to the ‘big carpark’ at the Knapps)

and Port Glasgow Road (from Auchenbothie Gardens along to the

secure dog play business).

By the time you read this, we will have cleared the remainder of the

roadside verges on the Bridge of Weir Road (along to the Quarriers

village turning), Lochwinnoch Road and Finalystone Road, along

with maintaining the cleanliness on the stretch of the Port Glasgow

Road that has already been cleaned.

We’ve had a few weather storms to contend with but we are a stoical

bunch and clearing up the litter around Kilmacolm is our mission! If

you would like to help, then all you need is a litter pick, Hi Vis vest

and waterproofs. These can be bought in a certain hardware store

in Bridge of Weir or online! Bags supplied by Inverclyde Council

and collected from outside Kilmacolm Library.

We look forward to seeing you at one of our fortnightly clean ups

sometime soon.. Jenny x

Dates for April: – Sunday 12th April at 1.30pm and Sunday 26th

April at 9.30am meeting at Gryffe Road, Kilmacolm (the BOW Rd

end). I can be contacted by email – JennyMeadows10@outlook.com

*At the time of writing, we are unclear as to the extent of the spread of

COVID-19. I also post on the Kilmacolm Wanderers Facebook page and

will update the page if we need to cancel. You can also check-in with me

via the above email address. Many thanks.

Spring Charity Coffee Morning

Come along and join West Renfrewshire young farmers at our

charity coffee morning!

Saturday 4th April, 10am - 12noon in The Kidston Hall, Kilmacolm

Meet the lambs! Meet the Alpacas! Jewellery stand

Glitter Face Paints Educational Drawing corner for kids

The event will be held in aid of the Calum’s Cabin Charity. Calum’s

cabin is a phenomenal charity that provides holiday homes on the

Isle of Bute for children who have been affected by cancer. They

also provide accommodation for long distance families while their

child attends hospital in Glasgow.

Everyone is welcome to join us for what is sure to be a lovely

morning out with friends and family!

Your Ward 1 Councillors

David Wilson, Stephen McCabe, Christopher Curley | Advice

Surgeries: http://www.inverclyde.gov.uk/meetings/councillors/

Community Council Visitors welcome at monthly meetings

Last Tuesday at 7.30pm, Kilmacolm Cargill Centre


Community Halls to Let

Kilmacolm, Cargill Centre. Tel: 873994

Kilmacolm, Brownie/Guide Hut. Contact Julie on 07967 371595 or e:


Kilmacolm, Masonic Hall. Tel: 873059

It never fails to amaze me the litter deposited around

the village. Last year as part of the Community Council

initiative organised by Mike Jefferis I collected 45 half

and quarter bottles of High Commissioner Whisky down

the Smithy Brae. The Community Council is doing it

again this year. The Council litter picks the verges twice

a year and the help from the KCC and the newly formed

Kilmacolm Pickers is much appreciated.

The Kilmacolm Primary Parent Partnership is very active and

the fund raising arm realised some £6,000 last year to be used

for the good of the school and primarily the pupils. There is a

comprehensive Parental Engagement strategy and it is proven that

parental involvement can help raise attainment and have positive

effects on behaviour and attendance. Simone McCredie attends

all the Partnership meetings and recently reported on after school

clubs -- archery, dance and netball, and the children’s support of

the Inverclyde foodbank. The Chair Emma Bilsland updated on the

Valentine Disco and the coming spring quiz. A really good school

with great parental support.

The Kilmacolm Civic Trust held its, well attended AGM in the Cargill.

We heard reports from the Chair Nicol Cameron, Archivist John

Hamilton and Treasurer John Hunter. The Trust is in good fettle.

Much of the work in the past year was taken up with opposing

large planning applications in the village, but I was quite taken by

the work being done on the capture of oral histories from some of

the more mature residents of the village. I cannot wait to hear Sam

McGinn’s reminiscences.

Officers visited the Institute building site following complaints

about the bin store and the compound at the rear. They had

difficulty contacting somebody with hands on responsibility for the

development and are pursuing a further lead.

It is very sad news that the Kilmacolm and Port Glasgow Agricultural

Show which would hav taken place on 9th May has been cancelled.

This is due to the current Covid-19 virus.

A record number of school leavers in Inverclyde are moving into

employment, education or training according to official figures. We

are eighth in the school leavers league table with 95.8% of our

694 leavers in positive destinations. There is no doubt that our

£270m investment in the school estate over the past 10 years is

paying off and is money well spent. Our teaching staff and talented

young people are to be complimented.

Our monthly average of crimes in the village is 11 with 50% offences

relating to motor vehicles. The average community warden calls

are 3 per month. Inverclyde is 487 and 111 respectively. Warden

and Police management meet at 8am every morning to compare

intelligence. I can also report that the part of Port Glasgow in my

ward is quiet also.

The Greenock Windfarm is unfortunately progressing. A vast

acreage of CO2 absorbing peat is being destroyed on the moors

near Corlic Hill to create the

massive foundations and 11km of

roads Permission was given by

the Scottish Government against

the wishes of 700 objectors.

This industrial plant should really

be offshore. At Clyde Muirshiel

Regional Park we are worried

about the Ospreys which nest


My surgery is 2nd May at the

Cargill 10am - 11am. I can be

contacted at: david.wilson@

inverclyde.gov.uk 01475 741969,

712975 and 07766 992294.





















Next deadline - Wednesday 15th April

Gryffe Advertizer | www.advertizer.co.uk


Microchip Details

Its always worthwhile to take a minute to check your pet’s details

so your furry friend can always be returned safely should they

wander away..

If you have changed any of your contact details such as your phone

number or you have moved house, don’t forget to update your pets

microchip details.

It could be what helps reunite you with them if they are lost or



We can post on

Facebook for you!

Send details to:


01505 613340


Petidentity UK


Pet Protect



0190 448 7600

0800 975 1960

0129 633 6579

0800 077 8558

0800 652 9977

0844 542 0999

Choosing a Puppy

Finding the right puppy for you and your family is something that

should be done with a great deal of thought and care.

Before starting to look for a pup consider:

• Whether you want a pedigree or crossbreed.

• If choosing a pedigree, find out everything you can about the

breed including any health issues.

• How much space you have in your home and garden.

• How much time you have to spend with your dog and what

level of activity you are able to offer.

• The type of coat you want, whether they shed and how much

grooming will be required.

Once you have decided on the type of dog you want and have

located a breeder it is a good idea to speak to the breeder on the

phone initially and ask some questions. These should include:

• Where are the puppies kept?

• Will you be able to see the parents?

• Have the mum or pups had any health problems?

• If a pedigree, have the parents been screened for any inherited

health problems?

• Have the puppies been treated for worms?

• Have the pups had any vaccinations?

• If a pedigree, are the parents Kennel Club registered and are

the puppies registered?

Good breeders should be approachable and happy to provide

answers to all your questions. If you are happy with the answers

provided arrange to visit the puppies at their home.

When visiting the pups important points to note include:

• Are the pups kept in a family home or in a kennel


• Do the mum and pups appear clean, healthy and happy?

• Is the mum forward and friendly or nervous?

• Are the pups forward and friendly or nervous and shy?

• Do the pups have exposure to normal background noises in

the home and frequent exposure to human contact?

Never feel pressured to choose a pup on your first visit. Don’t be

afraid to walk away if you feel it’s not the right pup for you.

If you do decide to go ahead and take one of the pups arrange

to collect the pup from the breeders home. Ask the breeder to


• Written instructions on feeding routine.

• Written information on any worming and parasite treatments.

• A veterinary certificate for any vaccinations given.

• Kennel Club paperwork if the pup is Kennel Club registered.

Taking some time at these initial stages helps ensure you end up

with the right dog for you and your family, and that the pup ends

up with the right home to meet his needs too!


e: info@advertizer.co.uk | t: 01505 613340 April 2020



Next deadline - Wednesday 15th April


Interested in Photography?

Our local camera clubs continually supply us with stunning shots

which we use throughout the magazine, sometimes as banners or

even front pages. If you’ve been inspired, why not join them and

maybe see some of your photographs in print!

Here’s a list of local meetings:

Gryffe Camera Club : Wednesday nights

The Carrick Centre, Houston between 7.30pm & 10pm

Paisley Colour Photographic Club : Thursday evenings

The McMaster Centre, Renfrew, from 7.30pm. www.paisleycolour.com

Diaporama Meeting : 2nd Monday in the month

7.30pm in the Carrick Centre, Houston. For further information

contact Hugh Kerr at 01505 612687 or hughkerr14@gmail.com

Langbank Camera Club : 2nd & 4th Mondays of the month

For more information please contact Derrick McPherson at


Bridge of Weir Horticultural Society

In April, garden plans should be well under way. Hopefully tips from

our recent talk ‘Getting to Know Your Soil’ will have proved useful.

On Thursday 9th at The Bridge at 8pm, we have a creative “Easter

Make & Take” evening, involving horticultural and decorative


Guest, Louise Bustard, Ethnobotanist and Education Officer at

Glasgow Botanics, gave a fascinating insight into poisonous

garden plants and weeds. From Fairy Tales, Shakespeare and

Agatha Christie we know plants have a dark side and “Who done

it?” poisons favoured by writers are Digitalis from Foxgloves, Ricin

from Castor Oil Plants and Cyanide which is present in Laurels,

Almonds and also Apple pips! Cyanide smells like “bitter almonds”.

Remember this when cutting your hedge! Mandrake, Monkshood/

Wolfsbane and Hemlock are well-known poisons. So are some of

our most beautiful: Laburnum pods produce Cytosine and within

the much-loved Lily of the Valley are Glycosides and Saponins

which affect the heart or cause gastric poisoning. Cyanide is also

present in the Rose family.

Many plants are used positively in medicines. Herbalists were the

go-to people for remedies before Science stepped in with plantbased

cures. Recently, Scientists discovered poisonous Taxine,

from Yew Trees, can be used in cancer-treatments, so clippings

now go to the Lab and not the bonfire. Native Americans used

the inner bark and leaves from the Salix/Willow Trees to extract

Salicylic Acid, used in Aspirin. A ‘brew’ of leaves and bark would

relieve fevers.

Opthalmologists use Atropine which is extracted from Deadly

Nightshade. Doctors use Hyoscine from Henbane to treat travel

sickness and stomach problems. Toxic Colchicine, from Colchicum

corms and seeds is used to treat gout. Beautiful Opium Poppies

produce pain relieving Morphine and Coca Bush leaves produce

Cocaine and finally, we have Monsieur Nicot to thank for bringing

Tobacco to the world. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder – but


Kilmacolm Spring Plant


outside Kilmacolm Library, in the centre

of Kilmacolm

on Saturday 25th April

from 10am – 12noon

Admission by donation.

60% of monies raised goes to Pancreatic

Cancer Scotland.


Gryffe Advertizer | www.advertizer.co.uk

Green Corner

Green Corner: Homemade Lemongrass

and Lavender Hand Sanitiser

Not able to get your (very clean)

hands on any extra hand sanitizer?

Here is a lovely homemade recipe

from the Moral Fibres website.

(Find tips on living sustainably and


Properties of chosen ingredients:

Witch Hazel is a great product. It is

proven to protect against HPV and

herpes and also influenza A. It is also

quite gentle. If you can’t get witch

hazel, then you could substitute with

cheap vodka. Alcohol, although a

little more expensive, is a great germ


The lemongrass essential oil was

chosen because of its antibacterial

and anti-germ properties. (See scientific study*.) It also smells

wonderful. If you have sensitive skin, consider tea-oil instead.

Lavender oil has been proven to work against MRSA and E-coli**. It

also smells wonderful and is said to promote calmness.





You will need:

100 ml spray bottle (Glass if possible. Essential oils can deteriorate

plastic over time, but if there’s less chance of it breaking in your

bag then it’s a better choice).

60 ml witch hazel (You can get this from most chemists and some


10-15 drops Lemongrass essential oil

10-15 drops Lavender essential oil

1 teaspoon Vitamin E oil (optional – added for its moisturising

properties. Can buy from Holland and Barrett and other wholefood


40 ml cooled boiled water


If you are using the vitamin e oil, then add it to your clean, dry

empty bottle, before adding your essential oils. Otherwise, simply

add your essential oils to the empty bottle. Next add the witch

hazel and cooled boiled water, and add the spray nozzle.

Usage and Storage:

Do a patch test on a small area of your skin, to test for sensitivity.

Leave for 24 hours just to. Shake well before use. Do not use on

broken skin.

It will have a shelf life of around 6-8 weeks, but if it starts to look

funny before then, it’s best to discard it and make a new batch.

If you want to use on children (2 and upwards), it is advisable to do

a little reading on essential oils before you get started. Use no more

than 10 drops of each essential oil (which gives a 1% dilution). Do

not use on broken skin.


e: info@advertizer.co.uk | t: 01505 613340 April 2020


Got any local news? Please

send your news in to:


Pictures are welcome but we

do ask that they be at least

1MB in size, .jpg files, and no

smaller than 5cm in width or


Kilmacolm Horticultural Society

The last of our winter lectures was presented by the ever popular

Louise Bustard, senior curator at the Glasgow Botanic Gardens. Her

descriptions and pictures of the gardens surrounding the Italian

Lakes left us all wishing that our next holiday could be to these

wonderful gardens.

It is time to take a break now by looking forward to the Spring and

Summer activities - the KHS Outing on Wednesday 13th May will be

to Geilston Gardens, the Ardardan nurseries and farm shop, then

in the afternoon we visit The Hill House at Helensburgh. Further

details from Jill Russell on 01505 872393.

Our annual Coffee morning will be held in the Kilmacolm Village

Centre on Saturday 16th May from 10am to 12noon. The Plants

stall should be bursting with quality plants for sale, provided by

Parklea Nurseries, plus other stalls, entertainment and tea/coffee

refreshments. Ticket entry of £3.50.

Happy gardening through the summer, pay the Kilmacolm Flower

Show a visit on Saturday 5th September.


Brighter Bridge of Weir


Goodness, it’s been a difficult start to 2020 for

Brighter Bridge of Weir. At the time of writing,

the Group has only managed a few hours here

and there. The first real outing was in the middle of

March, when they were able to do a good half day’s

work on the Torr Road garden. With luck, by the time you read this,

they’ll have been out much more.

Regular followers will know that Brighter Bridge of Weir has

branched out, so to speak, and are now planting trees as well as

flowers and shrubs. So the Group was delighted to be contacted by

Emyr Algieri of Forest and Land Scotland, who asked if they would

like some small trees for planting. And that is how several bags of

young oak, blackthorn, rowan and hazel arrived, almost magically,

in the driveway of one of the Group’s members. Also provided were

stakes and trunk protecting tubes. So they’re going to be busy for

a while!

You can follow the Group’s progress on Facebook, and their newlook

website which is soon to be launched.

The Kilbarchan Spring Clean Up

Sunday 5th April 2pm - 4pm

Meet in the car park by the traffic lights, opposite Bog Park.

To make a difference to the village, please come along and ‘do

your bit’ by joining in the Keep Scotland Beautiful Spring Clean.

Equipment, including litter pickers, hi viz vests, bags, hoops, gloves

and antibac supplies will be provided. Well earned treats will be

available following the event.

Email:hello@kilbachansmile.co.uk or ring 07952 169341 for more




Next deadline - Wednesday 15th April

Finlaystone in April

Spring is fully sprung at the estate,

both in the woodland and in the

gardens. The daffodils and bluebells are beginning to adorn all

corners of our paths and trails.

Our events leaflets can be

picked up from the Visitor

Centre for free and annual

memberships for singles,

families, grandparents

and concessions can be

bought too. Please see

our website for more

details! We have lots

of great events on this

month during and around

the Easter break.

Thursday 2nd - Bug Box-

Making 1pm - 3pm

Keep the woodlice, ladybirds and caterpillars in your garden cosy

at night by crafting a bug box! £3 for materials; pre-booking


Sunday 5th - Introduction to Orienteering 1pm - 3pm

Ranger-led. Learn to navigate in our woods using your wit, compass

and map provided. £3 per person; pre-booking essential.

Tuesday 7th - Den Build 1pm - 3pm

Know your lean-to from your tripod. Learn how to build a solid den

and try your hand at fire-lighting with the rangers!

Thursday 9th - Bird Box-Making 1pm - 3pm

Make perfect bird housing to take home - a great garden addition!

£4 per bird box; pre-booking essential.

Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th - Easter Weekend 1pm - 3pm

Join us for our Easter bunny hunt, prizes for best-dressed egg and

best fancy dress.

Monday 13th - Easter Games 1pm - 3pm

Join the rangers for all things chocolate with Easter-themed games

like the Easter egg and spoon race!

Saturday 25th & Sunday 26th - Pirate Weekend 1pm - 3pm

Dress as a scurvy buccaneer and practice your best ‘Arrgh!’ Drama

and shouting a-plenty with great pirate themed races. Prize for best


The tearoom will be open at weekends and bank holidays from

10am- approx. 4pm. Any woodland/garden volunteers are always

welcome and are a valuable help year-round! Soft and hard firewood

log bags available too, with discounts for bags of 4 and superb value

for money.

As always, feel free to follow us

on our social media:

Facebook – Finlaystone

Country Estate Twitter - @

finlaystonepark Instagram - @


Gryffe Advertizer | www.advertizer.co.uk

Clyde Muirshiel

Information for April


Muirshiel Country Park visitor centre and Greenock Cut visitor

centre re open for the summer season on Saturday 11th April. They

will be open every weekend until the end of September. Opening

hours are 11am - 4pm.

A big thank you to all the volunteers who helped with planting

4000 trees at Muirshiel Country Park. We have been planting a

variety of native trees to replace the sitka spruce that was felled a

couple of years ago. These have gone along the upper trails in the

park and include Rowan, Scots Pine, Alder, Grey Willow and Birch.

Easter Holidays: Throughout the Easter holidays there are 2 day

and 5 day Junior Multi Activity course. These are for 10 -15 years

old and activities may include mountain biking, canoeing, kayaking

and raft building. 2 day course £70, 5 day course £170. Book online

at the parks website.

Sunday 12th April Egg decorating and rolling at the Greenock Cut

Centre 1 - 3pm Cost £5.

Map & Compass Course: A one day course on Sunday 26th

April based at the Greenock Cut centre 10 - 4pm. It is ideal for

beginners or for those wanting to refresh their skills. It provides a

basic introduction to map reading and navigation skills. Classroom

based in the morning and out on the hill in the afternoon. Map

and compasses are provided on the day. Cost £60.00 For further

details and to book go to the parks website.

Pedal the Park 2020: Is taking place on Sunday 3 May, online entry

is open for this popular 100km sportive, sign up, get cycling or save

the date and donate to the home baking efforts for the food stop

at the Greenock Cut Visitor Centre. Entry is £20 with a £7.50 CLIC

Sargent donation included via the British Cycling website.

Active Adventurous: 2020 course dates are online! Book via our

website for sailing and paddlesport courses for adults including

2 hour evening tasters, 1/2 day long tuition and recognised

powerboating qualifications. For the kids there are our school

holiday (hugely popular!) Junior Multi Activity Weeks or days

in Spring, Summer and Autumn. There are also child specific

paddlesport and sailing 2 day courses. If current dates don’t suit

get your friends together and contact us asap to book your own

activity session or course.

Clyde Muirshiel Conservation Volunteers: The Greenock Cut

Volunteers are every Saturday 10.30 -2.30pm; Duke of Edinburgh

Volunteers are every Sunday morning 10am-12pm; Castle Semple

Volunteers are on Thursday afternoon12:30 – 3:30pm occasionally

a full day and can be either at Castle Semple or Muirshiel. For

further details programmes are online.

Dates for the Diary: The 3rd Clyde Muirshiel Walking Festival will

take place on Saturday 23 until Monday 25 May and Classic Car

Show on Sunday 18 Oct 2020.

Ride 63 Community Cycle Club: As the weather improves look on

their facebook for details of DIY weekend runs. Contact the club by

emailing the secretary ridesixtythree@gmail.com for a membership


CMRP Online: Keep up to speed with events and activities taking

place facebook.com/ClydeMuirshielRegionalPark, @Clydemuirshiel

Twitter and Instagram pages.


e: info@advertizer.co.uk | t: 01505 613340 April 2020

RSPB Lochwinnoch

Here we are in April already - hopefully the

storms have subsided, and warmer weather has

arrived. So, with warmer weather, daffodils and

longer days, birds will start nesting, tadpoles hatching and lots of

insects emerging from their winter hibernation.

But it’s a busy time for us at the reserve too, with lots of events

this month for families and adults alike. Come along with your

little explorers and take part in our self-led events anytime during

the month, there will always be something on. Just come into the

visitor centre and ask one of our friendly staff or volunteers and we

will set you on your way with a backpack and instructions – all you

need to do is follow the woodland trails at your own pace.

For our adult visitors we have our very popular wildlife photography

workshop, with our intermediate level course running on the 19th

April. Not forgetting our younger visitors, we have our dinosaur

egg hunt (Explorer Trail) starting on 1st until 19th April, then

following that we have our crazy ducks treasure hunt from 20th -

30th April.

And if that’s not enough fun, we have our family volunteering and

our wildlife guided walk, both on the 26th April.

For further information on all our April events please see the events


For bookings and further information: Email. lochwinnoch@rspb.

org.uk Tel. 01505842663

Colourful Kilmacolm

Our bulbs and plants are springing into life,

despite all that the long, wet winter threw at

them. The half-standard hollies in the centre

of the village took a bit of a hammering from

the gales and have required some support, and

one planter again became waterlogged, but these

are minor niggles and we can look forward to another

colourful season as the days lengthen. At Market Place groups of

snowdrops and daffodils are gradually bulking up and the display

improves with each year.

Local Explorer Scouts continue to help us by collecting litter and

tidying up in general. Being younger and more agile than many

(most/all!) of our members, their ability to scale the heights of the

Pullman/Carriages garden is particularly valuable. Any families

with adventurous children would be very welcome to help at our

monthly tidy-up sessions. Just get in touch.

Having seen how well our bulbs have flowered in their second and

third years at Duchal Nursery School we will try to get at least

a second year from ours

next time and thereby

save a little money.

If you would like to be

involved, either actively

or by donating, visit


org.uk or phone Peter

(01505 872448) or Liz

(07963 973031) for more




Stella McCardie ©Gary Thomson

Next deadline - Wednesday 15th April

Gryffe Advertizer | www.advertizer.co.uk

Sport NEws

Ranfurly Castle Golf Club

New Junior Memberships

Ranfurly Castle Golf Club have launched new Junior Memberships

with exciting new price points, aimed at encouraging kids to get

into golf and take up the game. The club are pleased to announce

that they will be offering FREE memberships to any children aged

8 – 11, with ages 12 – 14 paying just £25/year and ages 15 – 17 paying

only £50/year. The club also plan to roll out a series of coaching

programmes, allowing children access to expert PGA Professional

advice and guidance. The emphasis is on fun and enjoyment and

any children interested in trying golf should contact the General

Manager for more details 01505 612609.

Club News

With the incessant rain keeping us from playing golf, it was lovely

to have an afternoon tea for a get together. On 19th February 34

ladies enjoyed an amazing spread of sandwiches, scones and cakes

with a cup of tea or coffee. All food hand made by our caterers

Simon and Mandy. Judging by the volume of chat, it was a very

successful afternoon.

On 26th February the ladies held the club’s annual Bridge Afternoon

and were delighted to welcome 17 tables of players on the day.

Afternoon tea was prepared and served by a number of the lady

members while our caterers kindly donated the proceeds from

the cost of tea, coffee and scones to the fund raising raffle. The

Bridge produced a number of Small Slams but the main prize went

to Robin Scott and partner Alistair Forsyth who had a Grand Slam

- congratulations.

The individual winners on the day were :- 1st Kay Black - 2700

points, 2nd Elspeth Osbourne - 2650 points,

3rd Dorothy Simpson - 2307 points. Well done to everyone. Finally,

a cheque for £255.00 has been sent to Glasgow

Samaritans. The club would like to thank everyone who supported

this event.

On Sunday 1st March the club held the first ever Swing Sunday

afternoon which was a sell out event. George Cormack was the

King of Swing on the day and those lucky enough to get tickets

were raving about the afternoons entertainment, along with dinner.

Roll on the next event on Sunday 5th April.

Castle Semple Sailing Club

Photo © Alex Workman Castle

Jemma Reekie Beats 800m World


Jemma Reekie has had an unbelievable few months and a fantastic

start to the running calendar.

The 21-year-old Kilbarchan AAC star smashed the UK indoor 800m

in Glasgow, and then broke two further British records in New York

a week later. This extraordinary start to the season continued with

another victory last month over world champion Halimah Nakaayi

in Lievin, France.

Reekie powered past Nakaauyi on the final lap to win over a second

and half clear at 2.00:34. Reekie believes she has a lot more to give.

In an interview with The Guardian (19/02/20) she explained:

“It was a tough field out there – I would have liked to have gone a

bit faster because I know what shape I’m in but I’ll take the win,”

Jemma Reekie shocked herself in February at an invitational race

at the 4J Scottish Masters Championships in Glasgow she clocked

a time of 1:57.91 for her 800m race, sprinting past her teammate

Laura Muir yards from the finish. It is the fastest time in the world

since 2006.

Her coach Andy Young has been quoted in saying that he’s rarely

seen anyone with such a special kick.

These recently victories and the soaring confidence from the

Reekie camp suggest she is certainly in with a chance of a medal at

the Tokyo Olympics. We wish this local lass all the very best!!

Gryffe Valley Rotary 10K Run


The 2020 Gryffe Valley Rotary 10K Run will take place on Sunday

17th May. The club is delighted that ARNOLD CLARK will support

the event and funds raised by sponsored runners will be donated

to ALZHEIMER SCOTLAND – Scotland’s dementia charity. Entries

are now open. The club are especially keen to encourage teams

of sponsored runners from villages and clubs. Perhaps there could

be a team from each village in the Gryffe area this year? Register

at https://entries.runabc.co.uk/e/rotary-club-of-gryffe-valley-10k-

980 .

Leo qualifies

for British

and Scottish


Leo Harris Downes takes gold

medal at the ndp qualifying

round for double mini trampoline

in Perth over the weekend. With

a personal best score of 119.9.

This qualifies Leo to represent

Scotland at the British team

finals in Birmingham in June

and the Scottish championships

in September. Dynamite

gymnastics had the most

qualifying gymnasts over the



e: info@advertizer.co.uk | t: 01505 613340 April 2020

Kilmacolm Golf Club

As the green shoots of spring appear, we are looking forward to

a great golfing season. Whatever your goals are this year, our

new Head PGA Professional, Stuart Roberts, will be on hand to

help you achieve them. Having qualified as a PGA Professional in

2013, learning from some of the finest PGA Professional’s in the

UK at clubs including Bothwell Castle, Glenbervie & Kilmarnock

(Barassie), Stuart will be hosting a variety of coaching sessions

throughout the year.

Introducing young players to the sport and junior coaching is a real

focus of the club and David, our assistant professional, has been

delivering sessions at St Columba’s school to children in primary

4,5 & 6. Renfrewshire Girls also had fun perfecting their putting, in

spite of the weather, on an improvised indoor putting course.

For those with a passion for practice our new Range Membership

gives ample opportunity, with unlimited range balls on our 300-

yard driving range for just £35 for the year.

New brands have also arrived at the proshop including Adidas,

Proquip, Glenmuir, Footjoy and Sketchers, and with a Wilson Staff

fitting day scheduled for Friday 1st May 1-5pm, you’ll be set for the

season. Spaces are sure to fill quickly so contact Stuart to book

your place.

If you fancy joining us on the course too, we have lots of new

member offers available to suit everyone, including no joining fee,

free range balls and reciprocal arrangements to play other clubs.

Keep up to speed with the latest news and events - follow us on

Facebook www.facebook.com/KilmacolmGolf/

Kilmacolm Bowling Club

The Opening Day of the Kilmacolm Bowling Club for male members

and their guests takes place this year at 2pm, Saturday 4th April.

The Ladies Opening Day will be held at 2pm on Tuesday 7th April.

Weather permitting at both openings a friendly game of bowls

takes place followed by afternoon tea..

Our club is a very active club participating in many internal and

external competitions, the Greenock & District League, Bowls

Scotland & West of Scotland competitions.

Friendly internal Wapenschaws are held on the following days-

Mixed Wapenschaw Monday night 7pm

Mixed Wapenschaw Saturday and Sunday afternoons at


Gents Wapenschaw Wednesday afternoon 2.30pm

Gents Wapenschaw Thursday night 7pm

Ladies Wapenschaw Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at


These matches give plenty of opportunities to come along socialise

and enjoy a relaxing game of bowls. So we look forward to seeing

you on one of the best kept greens in the West of Scotland.

To encourage new membership the annual fee for the first year

remains at £50. Bowls are available, all we ask is for you to bring

a pair of flat shoes. Bowling is open to all ages Gents, Ladies and

Juniors. For further information please contact Bruce on 873787

or Diane on 874265.

J.G. Fleming Bowling Club Houston

In line with Bowls Scotland’s national Try Bowls initiative John

G Fleming Bowling Club in South Street, Houston is holding

a Community Day on Sunday 3rd May between 1pm and 5pm.

This day will be an opportunity for residents of our local community

in the Houston, Bridge of Weir and surrounding areas to sample the

Club’s facilities and to try their hand in this sport in a friendly and

supportive atmosphere.

Club members will be on hand to show you around the club and

help you try bowling. Please bring a pair of flat soled shoes/trainers

with you - all other equipment will be supplied by the club.

Everyone is welcome no matter whether you have never thrown a

bowl before in your life or you are an experienced player - all will be

made equally welcome - and there is no upper or lower age limit.

Anyone who decides to join the club at this Community Day will be

entitled to specially reduced membership rates which are available

for individuals, couples and

families. Also the Club will

provide free of charge coaching

sessions for new members and

several social bowls events

during May to September.

We look forward to welcoming

you to John G.Fleming Bowling

Club on the day - and for anyone

who is interested however are

unable to attend on the day due

to prior commitments - simply


email to make alternative

arrangements: isabelgilchrist@


Ladies Open At

Ranfurly Open

Ladies Open at The Old

Course, Runfurly Golf Club will

take place on 2nd July 2020.

Maximum individual Handicap

- 36. Starting times between

10.00 a.m. and 3.00 p.m. Entry

Fees:- £18.00 per couple or

single entries £9.00 per person.

Final Entry Date - Monday 29

June 2020. Call 01505 613214

for more info on how to enter.



Next deadline - Wednesday 15th April



Move it or Lose it!

Old Gourock and Ashton Church -

Mondays at 1.30pm

Bridge of Weir, Tuesdays at 10.30am

Greenock - Tuesdays at 1.30pm

Houston - Thursdays at 10.30am

Kilbarchan - Thursdays at 2pm

More than just a fitness class for the over

60s. Contact Fiona 07811 766672 to book

Zumba Light

St Fillan’s Church, Kilmacolm

Mondays at 10am

All the fun and energy of Zumba but at

a lighter pace! Fabulous music, full of

fun - a fantastic class for for all levels.

Contact Mo 07505 126416

Rebok Step Class

Freeland’s Church Hall, Bridge of Weir

Tuesdays at 10am - all levels

Tuesday at 6.45pm - all levels

A brilliant new Reebok Step class.

Lots of fun, fab music and a fantastic

workout. Why not come along and give

it a go? Booking essential. Contact Mo

07505 126416


Cargill Centre, Kilmacolm

Tuesdays at 7.45pm

Entry level class suitable for all fitness

levels. Come dance yourself fit at

Zumba, no experience necessary!

Contact Diane 07943 862775

Pilates classes

St Machars Church Hall, Bridge

of Weir - Mondays at 9.30am &


Kilmacolm Community Centre -

Mondays at 6.30pm

Tel: Yvonne 07786 224367 or yvonne@


Kilellan Halls Houston, Monday

Evenings at 6pm - 7pm/ 7.20pm -

8.20pm/ 8.30pm - 9.30pm

For more information or to book a place

call Katie on 07972 474965.

Jennifer Sloan Physiotherapy

Led Pilates

Kilmacolm Community Centre,

Wednesdays at 6.15pm - 7.15pm &

7.30pm - 8.30pm

For more information or to book a class

call Jennifer 07731 303709 or email


Trigger Point Pilates

Elderslie Scout Hall, PA5 9AZ

Tuesdays at 10am - 11am (Ladies only)

Thursdays at 5.30pm - 6.15pm

(Everyone welcome)

Relax and release your body while gently

strengthening your core muscles. Trigger

Point Pilates uses prickly balls and foam

rollers combined with Pilates exercises

to help improve joint mobility and ease

tight muscles. Come and experience it

for yourself. £5 per class, contact Train

with Alexis on FB: @TrainwithAlexis

Email: trainwithalexis@virginmedia.com

or Text: 07729 914631


Kilbarchan Athletic Club

On-X, Linwood

Mondays & Thursdays at 7pm

All abilities welcome. Tel: 07941 686990


Bishopton Belles Line Dancing

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Hall

Tuesdays at 6.30pm - 8.30pm

Improver class. All welcome. Call David

or Mair 07886 034037.


The Shotokan Karate Club

Woodlands Primary, Linwood

Mondays & Thursdays at 7pm-8pm/

8pm - 9pm



Johnstone Sports Complex PA5 0LD

Tuesdays & Thursdays, 6pm

Call 07951 365166 for details.

Clyde Judo Club

Park Mains High, Tuesdays at 7pm - 9pm

Bishopton Community Centre, Fridays

at 6pm - 8pm

Children and young adults from the age of 6

-18 are welcome. (www.clydejudo.org.uk)


Bridge of Weir Ladies Badminton

BoW Primary School, Warlock Road

Mondays at 7.30pm - 9.30pm

Gryffe Badminton

Strathgryffe Tennis Club

Tuesdays at 8pm

Greenock Hockey Club

Inverclyde Academy, Greenock

Wednesdays at 6.30pm - 8pm

Contact Liz Baldwin 07944 607005

Birkmyre Rugby Club

Youth Rugby Section, Kilmacolm

Sundays at 11am - 1pm



5-a-side Football

Powerleague Paisley, Mondays at 6pm

Tel: Jim on 01505 874215; or


Football Training

Johnstone High School

Tuesdays & Thursdays, 6pm - 9pm

Call Ali on 07775 578795 for details.


Kilmacolm Walkers

Birkmyre Park Pavillion, Kilmacolm

Thursdays at 10am

David 01505 874192 kilmacolmwalkers@


Lochwinnoch Community Walk

The Cross, Lochwinnoch

Mondays at 10.30am (excl. public holidays)

Bridge of Weir Walking Group

Tuesdays Outside Co-op at 10.30am

1 hour walks. Call Senga on 0141 842 3000


Energise with Laura

Brookfield Village Hall, Mondays at

5.50pm – 6.50pm

Freeland Church, Bridge of Weir,

Wednesdays at 10am – 11am

The Carrick Centre, Houston,

Thursdays at 7pm – 8pm

Come and join us for a new type of Yoga.

Workout stretches and strengthens every

muscle in your body, improving flexibility,

durability and overall energy. First class

£5. All abilities welcome.

To book contact: energisewithlaura@

gmail.com, Tel: 07474 443505, facebook@

energisewithlaura or instagram

Gryffe Advertizer | www.advertizer.co.uk

Old Course Ranfurly Golf Club

Thursday 27th

February saw our

ladies section hold

their first social

of the year. It was

very well supported

with around 50

attending. Also

invited were ladies

from our other

local golf clubs,

Ranfurly Castle and

Kilmalcolm Golf


The night was

introduced by the

new captain of the ladies section, Suzanne Smith. Ladies enjoyed an

excellent buffet supper, followed by a quiz and the night culminated

with a raffle - all proceeds going to our chosen charity for this year,

the Alzheimer’s Society. Altogether a very successful evening.

In other fundraising news - Campbeltown’s lifeboat station is almost

£2,000 better off thanks to the efforts of past captain, Jennifer

Owen. Jennifer chose the Campbeltown station due to her strong

family connections with Kintyre and the RNLI. She wishes to thank

members and friends of the Old Course for their help in raising the


New lady members who wish to take up golf are always made very

welcome at Old Course Ranfurly Golf Club. As with previous years

a 6 week course of ‘taster’ classes are open to any ladies who are

thinking to take up golf. They are held at the club and cost £10 in

total. And we wish all our lady members good luck in the season to

come. All we now need is some better weather!!!

Castle Semple Sailing

Sadly this year has not been a good start for sailing at the Loch

for Castle Semple Sailing Club; it has seemed like every Sunday,

another storm. One week there was even a kayaking expedition

down the flooded loch shore path.

Our five week Winter Series resulted in only one day of sailing on

the last Sunday of the event. We managed two races. The winds

were variable with some strong gusts down the loch. We had Mark

in the Dart, Steve C and Angus in the Xenon and Tom in the Vago

on his own for the first race joined by Jon for the second race.

In the first race on the second lap Tom was almost at the point

of taking off down the loch in the Vago, making a good gain on

the Xenon until he knew he had to gybe* and then lost some time

taking down the kite and avoiding a capsize. Mark spent some time

in the reeds; he alleged rescuing a cat but the race officer was

having none of it... Meantime the Xenon was back in action - kite

flying high!

The second race was a poor (dampish) start for Tom and Jon when

the centre main came apart resulting in an untimely capsize at the

start line, but providing good spectator sport! They started as they

meant to go on and a few more capsizes followed! It has to be said

that everyone was happy to be back out on (or in some cases ‘in’)

the water. Well done to Steve C and Angus in the Xenon for winning

(with no mishaps!)

Once the season warms up we will be starting up our Saturday

Social/Family days again for further info see website.


*When you ‘gybe’ you are turning the boat in wind so the opposite

side of the boat is being presented to the wind.


e: info@advertizer.co.uk | t: 01505 613340 April 2020

Gryffe High School MADD Show

School NEws


every Monday

Lochwinnoch Baby & Toddlers

McKillop Hall 9.45am - 11.30am

£2/family fee incl tea & children’s


Kilmacolm Playgroup

St Columba Church Hall, Kilmacolm

9.30am - 11.30am

Howwood Baby & Toddler Group

Howwood Parish Church

10am - 12noon

Kilbarchan Parish Church

Tots’ Club

Kilbarchan Parish Church Hall

9.15am - 11.30am

every Tuesday

Kilbarchan Tots

Kilbarchan Scout Hall 10am-12noon

£2 contribution. Tea, coffee &


Bridge of Weir Toddlers

Cargill Hall, Lintwhite Cres, BoW

9.30am - 11.30am

Kilmacolm Playgroup

St Columba Church Hall, Kilmacolm

9.30am - 11.30am

Howwood Playgroup

Howwood Church Hall 9.45am -


every Wednesday

Kilmacolm Toddlers

St Columba Church Hall, Kilmacolm

10am - 11.30am

For children from birth to 3 years.

Lochwinnoch Baby & Toddlers

McKillop Hall 9.45am - 11.30am

£2/family incl tea & children’s snacks.

Howwood Playgroup

Howwood Church Hall

9.45am - 11.35am

every Thursday

Houston Toddlers

Church Hall, Main Street, Houston

9.30am - 11.30am

Kilmacolm Playgroup

St Columba Church Hall, Kilmacolm

9.30am - 11.30am

Howwood Playgroup

Howwood Church Hall

9.45am - 11.35am

every Friday

Langbank Playgroup

Langbank Village Hall

9.45am - 11.45am

For 2.5 - 5yr olds. Contact: Lisa

McFadden 07940 313094.

Langbank Under 3’s

Church Hall, Langbank

10am - 11.45am

For children from birth to 3 years

Baby and Toddler Group

Elderslie Kirk, Main Rd, Elderslie

9.30am - 11.30am

£2 includes children’s snack and tea/

coffee. Lots of different toys to play

with. All welcome.

Community Bookbug


St Columba’s Junior School,

Knockbuckle Road, Kilmacolm

9.30 - 10am

1st & 3rd Friday

Renfrewshire Inverclyde Twins


McKillop Hall, Lochwinnoch

1pm -2.30pm

£3. Bring a mug along for a cuppa.



Gryffe High News


Pupils and staff worked tirelessly to transform the cavernous

games hall into a twinkling hub of creativity for our Eco themed

“MADD Show” – an annual celebration of Music, Art, Drama and

Dance at Gryffe High School. Come 7pm, visitors were welcomed

into the building by a sea of skill and dedication in the form of our

National 5 and Higher Art folio display in the concourse. When the

visitors reached the games hall they were greeted with: a wealth of

unique artwork created by our junior pupils (including a sparkling

miniature cardboard city) an interactive printmaking station, and

an eco-friendly “Swap Shop”. When the show began, pupils and

staff alike made their mark on the catwalk modelling eye-catching

upcycled clothing and accessories. We were also treated to breathtaking

vocal performances, stunning dance routines, and rousing

speeches to inspire us all to be more eco-friendly – all of which

was seamlessly presented by two of our senior pupils. During the

interval there were immersive “pop-up” drama performances, and

a video which showcased some the incredible drama skills here at


What an inspiring night!

Digital Ninjas Team Shortlisted!

Well done to a team from the Digital Ninjas group who have made

it to the final of the #DigiInventors competition with their app that

aims to tackle bullying and mental health issues in young people.

The team members are Calum, Robert, Sam (all S2) and Euan (S3).

The #DigiInventorsChallenge, in association with Glasgow Warriors

and the Digital Health & Care Institute (DHI) is on a mission to

find smart new ways to help Scotland’s young people keep active,

staying healthy and happy, now and in the future. We wish the team

luck as their entry is judged!

**** Picture:GHS x 3



Next deadline - Wednesday 15th April

St Fillan’s Primary

My goodness, where does the time go. Despite the terrible weather,

the sun shone on our, “Sharing the Learning” afternoon and we had

one of the busiest ever. This was our opportunity as a St. Fillan’s

family to showcase all our hard work this term. All our visitors

took the time to complete the evaluation board and everyone was

“tickled pink” on the day.

It was wonderful to celebrate the beginning of Lent at mass with

the parish of St. Fillan’s and Father Andrew on Ash Wednesday, and

then to continue the morning with a Special Assembly by Rachel

from SCIAF for our “Wee Box” appeal.

World Book Day

Are you sitting comfortably?

It was wonderful to celebrate World Book Day at school when

everyone came to school dressed for a bedtime story. The staff

and pupils enjoyed the day and I’m sure we all needed an early

night by the end of it!

Nil By Mouth Workshop

As part of a P7 novel study we had a workshop from the charity,

Nil By Mouth which seeks to challenge sectarianism within Scottish

society and eliminate sectarian attitudes and behaviour. The P.7

pupils enjoyed this thought provoking and informative session.


It’s been a busy,

exciting STEM

Week in St Fillan’s

Primary! To

celebrate British

Science Week,

a wide range of

activities have

taken place to

develop pupils’



subjects and

their application

in the world

today, as well as

developing skills

for learning,

life and work.

Several classes

took part in ‘My World of Work Live!’ workshops, where pupils

were involved in programming robots to simulate driverless car

technology. Parents supported learning by coming into classes to

talk about their work in STEM related careers. Children also enjoyed

sessions led by St Benedict’s High staff and STEM ambassadors, as

well as a science lesson from a visiting specialist. Throughout the

week children could be found engaged in a wide range of class

based STEM activities and challenges. It was certainly a week of

creativity, curiosity and imagination!

Hold on to your hat!

At St. Fillan’s we aim to Unleash Creativity with our ‘eggciting’

family craft opportunity. Pupils can create an Easter Bonnet to

model at our school Easter Parade before the holidays. I’m sure it

will be hats off to the parents and carers for getting involved and

having fun before the holiday.

Have a lovely Easter everyone!

Gryffe Advertizer | www.advertizer.co.uk

Houston Primary

Young Musician of the Year

Pupils from Primary 6 & 7 who have a passion for music were

invited to attend Gryffe High School’s annual music competition.

The pupils were blown away with the local talent.

Scottish Celebrations

Each year all classes learn a selection of Scottish poems and songs

to celebrate Scottish culture. This year our gym hall was decorated

with animals which feature in Scottish poems, ranging from a ‘ wee

moose’ to a ‘dug’. We had Highland dancers, bagpipes, singers and

of course our poetry recital competition. Former head teacher,

Myra Hamilton joined us for this wonderful afternoon. Well done to

all of our finalists and our overall winner Ethan McCay.


Our school was the first school in Renfrewshire to achieve Fairtrade

status. We have recently received the John McDowell award for our

effort and commitment over the years.

This year Fairtrade Fortnight is 24 Feb - 8 March with the focus this

year on cocoa farmers and their families.

We will also be working in partnership with Houston Kirk, by

hosting a community Fairtrade event, ‘Chocolicious’ on Tuesday 3

March at 10.15-11.45 in Houston Primary with an extensive selection

of Fairtrade hot chocolate, tea and coffee on offer. Can we tempt

you to join us ?

Technology Challenge

Our Primary 7 pupils have been learning a wide range of skills in

order to complete their working car model for the annual Technology

Challenge. Following feedback, it is slightly different this year with

the models being tested out on a variety of terrains and gradients.

The winners who demonstrated great skill when wiring and looping

their circuits were Emma McDevitt, Aimee Munro, Struan Hewitt,

Charlie Smith, Millie Wilson and Hannah Wilson.

CAMEO Club Visit

A selection of our very talented pupils performed Scottish music,

dance and poetry for members of the local community club. An

enjoyable afternoon was had by all.

Kirk Carnival

This year Houston’s Kirk Carnival will be held on Saturday 2nd May.

The Carnival King, will be our very own Kirk Gray, with his Carnival

Queen, Summer Pinkerton-Lamb. They will be supported on the

day, by attendants Noah Joyce and Belle Wilkie. The pupils and

staff from Primary 7 voted for them to take on these important

roles as they knew that they had the qualities required to do a great

job. Let’s hope the sun shines for them.


e: info@advertizer.co.uk | t: 01505 613340 APRIL 2020

Kilbarchan Primary School

Kilbarchan Primary currently has a lot of work going on just now,

with fences being put up around our blaze pitch and playground.

This is due to work that will be shortly commencing, to build a

new roof onto our school. When work begins, some of our classes

will have to move into special units that are being built on the

blaze pitch. Work will also be commencing to extend Kilbarchan

Community Nursery to add more room onto their building.

On World Book Day, pupils dressed up as a characters from Alice

and Wonderland or chose to wear their comfy clothes to read

and enjoy books with a pillow! At lunch we had a Mad Hatters Tea

Party! P3b loved reading books with hot chocolate and P2 enjoyed

swapping books with each other.

Primary 4 and 5 have been very lucky to have a visit from

Strathgryffe Tennis Club. They really enjoyed learning new tennis

skills and we think we have the next Andy Murray in our school! We

are very grateful to them for coming out and coaching us, thank

you Strathgryffe Tennis Club!

Primary 2 went on a school trip to Scotland Street School. It is a

very old school and they enjoyed seeing what it was like to go to

school a very long time ago. Harrison enjoyed learning about the

belt and said he would hate to have that at Kilbarchan Primary!

P3b are writing to American pen pals. Laurie has a pen pal called

Alice. She lives in Florida and Laurie is going to ask her next time

if she has ever visited Disneyland because she would like to go


P5 are also writing to their pen pals who live in Val d’Isere, France.

They told us all about their pen pals and how they lived at their

fantastic Primary 5 assembly. All of their parents came in to see the

assembly and listened to their excellent French song.

Primary 1 and 2 are continuing to learn lots of new things about

dinosaurs. They made fossils out of clay! Primary 2/1 have been

busy practising for an assembly for parents. They are going to

teach them all the facts they have discovered about dinosaurs!

By P1-3 Media Club

Lochwinnoch Primary School Parent Council

Pupils, parents and staff from Lochwinnoch Primary are appealing

for the community to help them improve their playground.

The school has been working with volunteers from the parent

council to organise a community clean up day called TEAM

(Together Everyone Achieves More) Playground.

The event will take place at the school on Saturday, May 16th and

head teacher Julie Bell appealed for local businesses to get involved

and for the community to come out and lend a hand on the day.

She said: “I am so excited about the TEAM Playground project and

so grateful to our Parent Council for driving this forward.

“I see the enjoyment the children get in better weather when we

can open our front and back playgrounds and they are able to play

in greener space.

“However during very wet months we can only access the main

playground which at the moment is rather uninspiring.

“We would love to see all areas of the playground brightened up

for the benefit of all, both children here in school and in our wider

community, and hope the whole community will get behind us to

help make TEAM playground day a huge success.”

The day will aim to improve the school garden, bring some colour

into the grey concrete playground, plant bright flowers, create

raised beds and plant pots, and generally make the area more

enjoyable and inspiring for the children.

The school would also love to hear from local trades who could

help repair and improve their old outdoor school toilets to turn

them into useful storage.

Any parent who wants to lend a hand or local businesses who

think they can help can contact the team behind the day at


The group is also welcoming donations towards the playground

project at www.gofundme.com/team-playground.

Gryffe Manor Nursery

Here at Gryffe Manor Nursery we have enjoyed celebrating the

world of literature in the past month, gaining some lovely accolades

along the way! We would like to start with a great big “Thank You”

to the families who took part in our Usbourne Books Read-a-thon.

We raised over £400 to be spent on new books for our children,

that’s a whopping amount! That will lead to many happy hours of


We also gained an award from Early Years Scotland for being

an Early Years “Story Setting” Nursery who are spearheading a

national campaign to ensure that every child hears a story every

day throughout their time with us here at Gryffe manor Nursery.

World Book day was a success also as we encouraged the children

to bring their favourite stories from home to share with their friends

(we had all sorts from monsters to fairies) and a great day was had

by all!

As the Springtime

approaches the

children have been

enjoying helping to

maintain our fabulous

outdoor area. We have

checked our outdoor

fire tent is secure with

all the stormy weather

recently and are pleased

to announce that our

ambient learning area

is looking fantastic! So

much so our children

had fun building a den

with all the sticks they

found around the area,

even clearing the woodland is fun! This is a wonderful learning tool

for our children and no matter what the weather throws at us we

always have happy children.



Next deadline - Wednesday 15th April

Gryffe Advertizer | www.advertizer.co.uk

Duchal Nursery

In a desperate attempt to entice Spring into our lives (will it ever

stop raining???) we have been discussing the various seasons and

enjoyed some walks during the break in the weather, discovering

the snowdrops and crocuses pushing their way through the

soil. The children were inspired by this to create some lovely

snowdrop paintings.

The children are thoroughly enjoying our mini-beast topic,

especially with the “show and tell” of creepy crawlies that have

been coming in to nursery – the teachers are slightly wary of

what new additions will be arriving each morning!!

There’s been great excitement in nursery in anticipation of the

arrival of our “mystery readers”. This new initiative has really

taken off as the children love hearing different stories being read

by different people, and not knowing in advance who is arriving

makes it even better. Thank you to the mums, dads and grans

who have entertained us bringing books to life!

We are now offering places for the intake in August 2020. If your

child will be of nursery age after the summer and you are looking

at your pre school options, please do get in touch to have an

informal look around. We are open daily 8.15am – 3.30pm during

term time.

Duchal Nursery has been established in Kilmacolm for over 50

years and is a fantastic place to begin your child’s pre-school

education. As an independent nursery our children move on to

various schools in Renfrewshire, Inverclyde and Glasgow. Please

visit our website for more information – www.duchal.com and

find us on Facebook. If you would like to come and visit the

Nursery please get in 01505 874358 or email: info@duchal.com

Gryffe Valley Rotary Primary School Quiz 2020

The annual quiz competition for local

Primary schools was held on 10th March at

the JG Fleming Bowling Club in Houston.

Five primary schools were represented

(Bridge of Weir, Houston, Lochwinnoch,

St Columba’s, and St Fillan’s) each with a

team of four pupils.

There were ten rounds of six questions

on subjects as diverse as The Animal

World, Science and Technology, Famous

Buildings, Colours, General knowledge,

Recent News…. Judging by the number of

points scored on each question the level

was set just right, differentiating between

the teams whilst always providing

encouragement to the participants.

Lochwinnoch Primary School raced away

to a strong lead at the halfway stage

when teas and coffees were served to

the parents and friends whilst the pupils

enjoyed juice and the contents of their

goody bags, which had been kindly

donated by Gibb Stuart. In the second

half, Lochwinnoch faltered and Houston,

Bridge of Weir and St Columba’s came up

strongly while St Fillan’s recovered from

their shaky start. Finally, St Columba’s

Primary team (Robbie G, Freddie M,

Tanisha L and Oliver M) emerged as very narrow winners with

Bridge of Weir Primary the runners-up.

President Hamid Khatib congratulated all the participants. He

presented the teams with their certificates and the trophy to St

Columba’s who will go forward to the Rotary District final. He

thanked the Rotary Club Youth Services Committee for their

excellent organisation of the event and the Bowling Club for the

use of their very pleasant hall.


e: info@advertizer.co.uk | t: 01505 613340 APRIL 2020

Kilmacolm Playgroup

It’s been a busy time

at Playgroup, all our

new children have

settled in well and

enjoying playgroup

life. We have been

looking at 2 classic

stories, The 3 little

pigs and Little

red riding hood.

The children have

enjoyed fun crafts

with this, learning

and summarising the

story and even a bit of

acting out the story

too. Lots of sensory

play in our fun topic

Space has kept the

children busy.

We have been enjoying weekly yoga sessions with Jackie and little

down dogs yoga , incorporating our weekly themes with fun yoga

poses, the children have been doing so well with this .

Its never too early to get your child’s name down for playgroup to

ensure they can start at 2 years and 4 months. Email us for more


Playgroup is open to all children from 2 years 4months and

operates on a Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 0930-1130. Spaces

available, please email playgroupmembership@gmail.com for

further information.

Are you a new parent, or new to our village or surrounding

villages, our baby & toddler group is open as a drop in session

every Wednesday morning from 10-1130am. Pop in for a hot drink

and cake while your child enjoys a play, a healthy snack is also

provided for children .A great chance to meet new friends and find

out all about our fabulous group. Open to all parents, carers and


The first Wednesday of every month within the toddler group is

our brand new BBB (babies, bumps and boobs) group. This is a

group for all new parents, expectant mums to attend. Each month

we have breast feeding coordinators and other useful information


For more information on any of our groups have a look at our

new website on www.kilmacolm-playgroup.com or find us on our

Facebook for latest information.

Houston Toddlers

Our Grannies have been out enjoying themselves and enjoying a

well deserved meal. Meanwhile we have had lots of fun at Toddlers,

Jackie from Little Down Dogs Yoga was back and we had great

fun baking and flipping our pancakes , all exercises with Jackie.

We are looking forward Hartbeeps coming along with some music

for us more good fun. Easter Crafts will keep us busy, hopefully

making something nice for our families. We all have great time on

Thursday mornings in the West Halls you would love it please come

along and join us from 9.30am until 11.30am. Don’t forget your cup

(with a lid) and a cup for the children. Everybody welcome.

Bridge of Weir Primary School

At Bridge of Weir Primary we continue to raise awareness of

Fairtrade. The news team made a film for assembly to let us know

all the good things which are coming to our school.

Primary 6 made 400 gingerbread men and sold them to all the

classes in the school. To make the gingerbread they used lots of

Fairtrade ingredients, including ginger, flour, cinnamon, and sugar.

They also added butter, syrup, brown sugar, and honey. Each

gingerbread man cost 50p. Alexander gave it a big thumbs up and

said, “It was great, it was delicious.”

Divine chocolate bars were also sold for £1 each. P6 made a profit

on both sales, which support better working conditions and fair

pay for farmers across the world.

Primary 6 has also taken part in the annual Euroquiz. They entered

a team into a SEET run competition where teams were quizzed

on Europe. The team consisted of Cormac Lowry, Lewis Elliot, Lily

Irvine and Jessica Peters. They came 4th out of 19 teams and the

school is very proud of them. Cormac said, “I was very scared on

the day”. Houston Primary came first by 3 points so the BoW team

was REALLY close!

Primary 7 had a

very successful

Bring and Buy

and cake sale.

They made

£1000 for

St Vincent’s

Hospice and

£400 for

the Beatson

Teenage and

Young Adult

Cancer Service.

Niamh from

Primary 6a

said, “It was

awesome and

had some great

deals!” People


liked the cakes

and getting

their hair

done. Charlie

admitted “I

enjoy spending money.”

Written by Jack McGinlay and Cormac Lowry, Primary 6



Next deadline - Wednesday 15th April

Gryffe Advertizer | www.advertizer.co.uk

Business classified




£8.00* per column cm


£8.00* (vehicle/property sales only)

* Prices subject to VAT

The Business Advertisements (Disclosure) Order 1977 - the Law requires that Advertisers selling goods in

the course of a business MUST include the word Trader, Dealer, Agent, Breeder or appropriate wording in

the Advertisement to distinguish from private advertisers.



Office to Let - Bridge

of Weir Area. 3

separate offices, toilet

& kitchen area. £400

pcm. Tel: 07940



£18.00 (INC. VAT)


RUN OF 4 - £57.60






H o u s t o n re g i s t e re d

childminders. For an

informal chat to find

your best childcare,

call Elizabeth Waddell

T: 01505 614925



a r e a r e g i s t e r e d


P/ t i m e o r F/ t i m e

vacancies for u-5’s and

after school. T: 01505



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e: info@advertizer.co.uk | t: 01505 613340 APRIL 2020

Sales & Wants


UP TO £500


£501 to £1000 £5.00

OVER £1000

Call for details

Email your items to:


or fill in our online form at: www.advertizer.co.uk/adverts/



Mothercare Darlington fixed side cot.

VGC. From smoke and pet free

home. £40. Tel: 01505 872800.

Philips Avent Steriliser. Rarely used,

excellent condition. Including classic

and natural bottles. From smoke

and pet free home. £10. Tel: 01505


Silver cross linear freeway travel

syste m . P ra m (co nve r t s to

pushchair), car seat, ISOFIX base,

foot muff & rain covers. Excellent

condition. From smoke and pet free

home. RRP £600, selling for £100.

Tel: 01505 872800.


Slaters Blue Slim Fit Three Piece Suit.

Jacket & Waistcoat 30s and Trousers

28s. Excellent Condition. £40. Tel:

07879 519516.

Golf Shoes Adidas Size 3.5. Excellent

Condition. £10. Tel: 07879 519516.

Shoes - Leather Brown Brogue Shoes

Size 4 £10. Tel: 07879 519516.

MOB/Wedding Outfit. Catherine’s of

Partick Inspirato colour Platinum and

Pearl. Size 12/14 Dress with Matching

Hat. Immaculate condition. £330

ono. Tel: 07752 845685.


New Bosch Rotak 370ER Lawnmower.

Still in box, never used. 3 years

manufacturer warranty. Cost £129,

sell £99. Tel: 07986 812483.

Stonehill Furniture Sunburst Teak

Coffee Table, mid 1970s. Striking

teak veneer sunburst grain. Circular,

34inch diameter, 4 teak legs, 16inches

high. Attractive retro furniture. VGC.

Minor signs of wear only. £50. Tel.

07528 362930.

Internal copper canopy measuring:

(H) 137cm (W) 33cm (top) (W)

89cm (bottom). Featuring a horse’s

head, finished in both brushed &

natural copper. £40. Tel: 07592


Belling Electric Double Oven, Grill

& Hob (Black). £200. Tel: 01505


Recliner armchair. Electric. One year

old. Excellent condition. £149. Tel:

07986 812483.

New G tech cordless mower, original

box and unwrapped. Runtime up

to 40 minutes* / charge time 1 hour.

It automatically adjusts its speed to

tackle thicker, longer grass. 50 litre

grass bin. Cost £400+ sell £250.

Contact: 07891 218985.

Bosch AXT2000HP corded garden

shredder – excellent condition. £85.

Tel: 01505 612266

B&Q corded garden blower vac - £15

Tel: 01505 612266.

Bosch Serie 2 white 6 Piece / Slimline

Dishwasher. £100. Tel: 01505 871829.

Shed Roofing Felt 9m length x 1 m

width. Brand new. £10. Tel: 07900



Golf Clubs - 9 Lynx Black Cat Irons,

Putter + 3 Woods, Bag, Caddy Car &

extras. £112. Tel: 01505 326262.

Gents Mountain Bike, excellent

condition. £70 ono. Tel: 07881


Gul size 7 wetsuit shoes. VGC. Rarely

Worn £10. Tel: 01505 872800.

Gul 3x3 Shorty Adult Wetsuit. Medium.

VGC. £25. Tel: 01505 872800.

Used golf balls, but good clean

condition, Titleist 1,2,3&4. Many Pro

V 1’s. 2 x boxes of 12 balls. £10 per

box. Also Srixon 1,2,3&4, 1 x box of

12 ball, £5. Tel: 01505 872800.

Exercise Bike, as new. £100 ono. Tel:

07881 734273.

Raleigh ‘Nightshade’ bike for age 6+,

purple and white, in great condition,

£25. Tel: 07799 451150.

Dawes ‘Vixen’ teenagers bike, pink and

white colour, requires new handle

bar grips, £30. Tel: 07799 451150.

Junior Golf Clubs Size 57 WT-15U. US

Kids Golf Set of 6 Clubs £75. Tel:

07879 519516.

Raleigh ‘Atlanta’ ladies bike, green

colour, looks good, may need

service/check up as hasn’t been used

for over 2 years, £50. Tel:07799


Bowling Bag complete with 4 Black

Thomas Taylor Bowls. Size 5. £30.

Tel: 01505 326262.

Zoggs Child Bobin Swim Jacket.

Rarely used. VGC. £10. Tel: 01505



Wii games console, balance board,

a number of controllers and 15+

games, £100. Tel: 07799 451150.


Wee Ride Front Mounted Childrens

Bike Seat. Good Condition. £15. Tel:

01505 872800.

Micro Scooter suit 7+, pink colour

with brake, stand, adjustable height

settings for handlebars and easy

folding, £15. Tel: 07799 451150.


Brand new steel car wheel 6JX15H2

and new Jinyu tyre 185/60 R15.

Stored as spare wheel only. £80.

Tel: 07736 067169.


Anyone interested in constructing

a garden fish pond? I am giving

up on mine this spring and wish to

sell the fish.

Coy carp, ranging from 10/12ins.

to 24ins. long. Offering the fish

together with all the water pumps,

filters, air pumps, heater, pondvac,

ultraviolet filter, and all the other

bits and pieces.

Offered as a package or as individual

items. Contact Jim on 07831


PAIR of Continental Contisport

Contact 5 235/50/R18 SUV Extra

Load tyres. 15,000 miles only on

rear of Ford Kuga. Top quality tyres

with plenty of tread and no damage/

repairs. £40. Tel. 07528 362930.

Spydog Collection of Books by

Andrew Cope (10 Books). £5. Tel:

07879 519516.

Collection of 25 Disney DVD’s. £10.

Tel: 07879 519516.

Hyundai I30 Wiper Motor (Reg Year

2007-2009). £40. Tel: 07879


Sunsport 4 person Inflatable. As

new. £499. Tel: 01505 502370 or e:


Mariner 10HP Outboard Engine. As

new. £999. Tel: 01505 502370 or e:


Collection of 32 Scooby Doo DVD’s.

£10. Tel: 07879 519516.

Ladies Coach handbag black new

15”x11”. £35. Tel: 01505 614503.


Cash paid for Vinyl Records and Music

CDs (a few or a lot). Tel: 01505

324683 or 07765 115347.

Old records Wanted 45`s & LP`s

CASH Paid. Tel: 07710 777571.

Local lily grower requires the use

of a greenhouse/polytunnel in

Kilmacolm area in return for light

gardening duties. Tel: Vince 01505


FREE for uplift, two sheets 2440x1200x

100, one sheet 2440x 1200x50

Jablite insulation. Contact Adam on

07939 692722.



Police/Fire/Ambulance 999

or 101 (non-emergency)

Gas Emergency 0800 111 999

Scottish Water 0800 077 8778

SEPA 0300 99 66 99

Floodline 0345 988 1188

Pollution Hotline 0800 80 70 60

Flytipping 0845 2 30 40 90


NHS 24 111

Royal Alexandra 0141 887 9111

Inverclyde Royal 01475 633777

Queen Elizabeth 0141 201 1100

Gartnavel 0141 211 3000


Inverclyde 01475 717171


Renfrewshire 0300 300 0300



Crimestoppers 0800 555 111

Police Scotland 01786 289070


R.A.L.F 0800 37 36 35

Traveline 0871 200 2233


Alcoholics Anon 0800 9177 650

Childline 0800 1111

Citizens Advice 0808 800 1007

Consumer Direct 0808 800 9060

Financial Conduct Authority

0800 111 6768

Missing People 116 000

ParentLine 0800 028 2233

Renfrewshire Care 24 0141 314 7148

or 0141 314 7147

Samaritans 116 123

Trading Standards 03454 04 05 06

Victim Support 0800 160 1985


Local Public



The Cornerstone, Greenock Road

Bishopton Community Centre


Brookfield Village Hall Main Entrance



Old Ranfurly Golf Club

Ranfurly Castle Golf Club

The Gate House, Bridge of Weir

Leather Works


Elderslie Golf Club


Outside Church Hall, Main Street


Strathgryffe Squash & Fitness Club



Howwood Hall, Station Road

Christ the King Church, Bowfield Road

The Boarding House (opening hours)


Keystore, Spateston

Keystore, Corseford

Johnstone Town Hall

Scottish Fire and Rescue, Thorn Brae


Kilmacolm Golf Club

St Columba’s Senior School

Gym, Birkmyre Park, Kilmacolm

Kilmacolm Library (rear of New Surgery)


Scout Hall

Kilbarchan Bowling Club


Onyx Leisure Centre

Spar, Clippens Road




Russell Institute


William Quarriers House at entrance

to Faith Avenue

Country View

Some of these may have limited access

Please check with venue for full details


Next deadline - Wednesday 15th April

Business directory


Affluent Financial Planning . . 8

Brewin Dolphin Glasgow . . . . . 8

CLA Accountancy Services . . . 8

Innovative Estate Planning Ltd . . 8

Stewart Independent Financial . . 1


CHG Architecture Ltd . . . . . . . 7

Grid Design Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . 7


ABC Taxis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bk

AK Vehicle Rental . . . . . . . . . 1

Collins Tyres . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26


Affordable Luxuries . . . . . . . 7

G Woods Bathrooms . . . . . . . . . 11

Instyle Kitchens & Bathrooms . . 5


Burndale Workshop . . . . . . . . . 12


McLaughlan Metal Fabrication . . 27


B Hughes Builders - Houston . . 31

BOW Stone Works . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Bridge of Weir Roofing . . . . . 31

Clippens Roofing . . . . . . . . . . 7

I & J Building & Roofing . . . 2

James Kerr Joiner . . . . . . . . . 25

JBC Joiners and Builders . . . Bk

KC Roofing & Building Services . . 4

Kilellan Roofing . . . . . . . . . . 28

M Addison Joiners & Builders . . 3

Old Mill Chimneys . . . . . . . . . 29

SMG Roofing & Building . . . . . 2

SW Scott - Joiners & Builders . . 24

Taylor Made Joinery . . . . . . . . 3

Thomas McMaster & Son Ltd . . 53


Confident Care Ltd . . . . . . . . . 9

Home Instead Senior Care . . . 31


Gadds Gourmet . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Karen Rankin Catering . . . . . . 26


Come Clean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

DS Cleaning (Windows) . . . . . . 28

Eclipse Deep Clean . . . . . . . . . 3

Fastclean Scotland . . . . . . . . . 24

Gryffe Carpet Cleaning . . . . . 33

Gryffe Roofing & Cleaning . . 6

KC Roofing & Building Services . . 4

Nutech Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Platinum Cleaning Services . . 29


Bernie’s Cafe Deli . . . . . . . . . 39


David Gillanders Photography . . 49


Erskine Dental Care . . . . . . . . . .17


Malcolm Errington . . . . . . . . . 53

St Columba’s . . . . . . . . . . . 21


GasMan Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Contact us!

JDPS All Trades . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Lamont Electricians . . . . . . . . 3

Lumicom Electrical Services . . 33

MAS Electrical & Security . . 2

Russell Milne Electrician . . 25


Integrated Animal Therapy Vets . . 42


Boundaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

McLaughlan Metal Fabrication . . 27


LJX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Old Mill Chimneys . . . . . . . . . 29

W B Smith & Son . . . . . . . . . . . 47


Beaton Brothers . . . . . . . . . . . 13

John Roach Funeral Directors . . 7


Chairbird Upholstery . . . . . . . 41


Garolla Roller Shutter Doors . . 5

Powerdoors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7


3D Garden Design . . . . . . . . . . 44

A Peebles Landscape Contractor . . 47

Apple Tree Gardens . . . . . . . . . 47

Care & Repair Gardening . . . . 45

CHG Architecture Ltd . . . . . . . 7

Craig Kennedy Gardening . . . . 45

Garden Services . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Glenmoss Landscapes . . . . . . . . 47

I & J Building & Roofing . . . 2

Lady Grafters Garden Services . . 46

MJ Lawnmowers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

R Williams Tree Services . . . 45

Scotlawn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

W B Smith & Son . . . . . . . . . . . 47

West of Scotland Landscape . . 45


C Hunter Plumbing Heating Gas . . 29

Gasfit Plumbing & Heating . . 5

GasMan Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

I D Plumbing & Heating . . . . . 52

Jack Murphy Plumbing & Heating . . 55

KAL Plumbing Ltd . . . . . . . . . . 11

Mackie Plumbing & Heating . . 28

Phoenix Gas Services . . . . . . . 1


1on1 Double Glazing . . . . . . . . 3

Cloudy2Clear Windows . . . . . . . 7

TD Cameron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2


Arlene Mitchell Hair & Beauty . . 40

Nix Hairdressing . . . . . . . . . . 41


Arlene Mitchell Hair & Beauty . . 40

Ferringtons Hypnotherapy . . . 25

Kilbarchan Dental Practice . . 13,Bk

LaserLight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

New Vision Opticians . . . . . . . 11


Gibb Stuart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43


3D Garden Design . . . . . . . . . . 44

Alvic Sliding Wardrobes Ltd . . 9


Apple Tree Gardens . . . . . . . . . 47

CHG Architecture Ltd . . . . . . . 7

Conservatory Conv & Windows . . Bk

Instyle Kitchens & Bathrooms . . 5

Kieran Turner Aerial&Satellite . . 25

Nutech Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Renfrewshire Handyman Hire . . 27

The Bath Works . . . . . . . . . . . . 26


Burndale Workshop . . . . . . . . . 12

Chairbird Upholstery . . . . . . . 41

Old Mill Chimneys . . . . . . . . . 29


Brookfield Alarms Ltd . . . . . . 29


Gleddoch Hotel Spa & Golf . . . . . 19


CLH Joinery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

DJY Joinery Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . 55

James Kerr Joiner . . . . . . . . . 25

JBC Joiners and Builders . . . Bk

JDPS All Trades . . . . . . . . . . . 1

M Addison Joiners & Builders . . 3

McGowan Joinery . . . . . . . . . . . 26

SMG Roofing & Building . . . . . 2

SW Scott - Joiners & Builders . . 24

Taylor Made Joinery . . . . . . . . 3

TD Cameron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2


Affordable Luxuries . . . . . . . 7

Burndale Workshop . . . . . . . . . 12

G Woods Bathrooms . . . . . . . . . 11

Instyle Kitchens & Bathrooms . . 5

JBC Joiners and Builders . . . Bk

Taylor Made Joinery . . . . . . . . 3


Erskine Golf Club . . . . . . . . . 49


Arco Locksmith . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Elliott Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4


A Gallagher Painter&Decorator . . 28

Andrew Hay Painter & Decorator . . 29

Colin Docherty Painter Decorat . . 54

David Kennedy Decorator . . . . 3

James Martin - Painter & Decor . . 3

John H Barney . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

John Morgan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

M&E Painters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Ranfurly Decor . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

SL Painter & Decorator . . . . . 25


ColCom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11


RED Pest Control . . . . . . . . . . 27


Fields of Fun . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Integrated Animal Therapy Vets . . 42

PetVets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Waggys Dog Grooming . . . . . . . . Bk


Bryan Slaven Slater & Plaster . . 25

James Kerr Joiner . . . . . . . . . 25

Kilellan Roofing . . . . . . . . . . 28

1st Floor, Neva Place

Bridge of Weir, PA11 3PN

01505 613340




Office Hours: T u e s d ay - T h u r s d ay 9 a m - 4 p m


9am - 12:30pm SCAN ME

All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is strictly prohibited.

The Gryffe Advertizer cannot be held responsible for unsolicited materials. The views and opinions

by contributors in this magazine may not represent the views of the publishers. The Gryffe

Advertizer takes no responsibility for claims made by advertisements in this publication.

Gryffe Advertizer | www.advertizer.co.uk


C Hunter Plumbing Heating Gas . . 29

G Woods Bathrooms . . . . . . . . . 11

Gasfit Plumbing & Heating . . 5

GasMan Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

I D Plumbing & Heating . . . . . 52

Jack Murphy Plumbing & Heating . . 55

JDPS All Trades . . . . . . . . . . . 1

KAL Plumbing Ltd . . . . . . . . . . 11

Mackie Plumbing & Heating . . 28


Cala Homes . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Corum Property . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

Dallas McMillan Solicitors . . 9

Hames Estates . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Kingsley Wood & Co Solicitors . . 1

Lind Letting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bk


@ease Removals & Transport . . 29


Bernie’s Cafe Deli . . . . . . . . . 39


Gibb Stuart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

The Bridge, Bridge of Weir . . 39


Bridge of Weir Roofing . . . . . 31

Bryan Slaven Slater & Plaster . . 25

Clippens Roofing . . . . . . . . . . 7

Gryffe Roofing & Cleaning . . 6

I & J Building & Roofing . . . 2

KC Roofing & Building Services . . 4

Kilellan Roofing . . . . . . . . . . 28

SMG Roofing & Building . . . . . 2

SW Scott - Joiners & Builders . . 24

Thomas McMaster & Son Ltd . . 53


Affinity Family Law Experts . . 3

Dallas McMillan Solicitors . . 9

Kingsley Wood & Co Solicitors . . 1


ABC Taxis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bk


Erskine Golf Club . . . . . . . . . 49


Old Mill Chimneys . . . . . . . . . 29


ABC Taxis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bk


Gordon James Ceramic Tiler . . 24

Scott Russell . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26


Travel Actually . . . . . . . . . . . 3


Branch Out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Glenmoss Landscapes . . . . . . . . 47

Kenmore Tree Care . . . . . . . . . 45

LJX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

R Williams Tree Services . . . 45

W B Smith & Son . . . . . . . . . . . 47


Clearline Aerial & Satellite . . 3

Derek McBride Aerials . . . . . . 27

Kieran Turner Aerial&Satellite . . 25


Chairbird Upholstery . . . . . . . 41

Eclipse Deep Clean . . . . . . . . . 3

Fastclean Scotland . . . . . . . . . 24


DS Cleaning (Windows) . . . . . . 28

Fastclean Scotland . . . . . . . . . 24

Gryffe Roofing & Cleaning . . 6

Matthews Cleaning Services . . 27


1on1 Double Glazing . . . . . . . . 3

TD Cameron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

13,500 magazines


hand-delivered to homes every month


@ease Removals & Transport . . 29

1on1 Double Glazing . . . . . . . . 3

3D Garden Design . . . . . . . . . . 44

A Gallagher Painter&Decorator . . 28

A Peebles Landscape Contractor . . 47

ABC Taxis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bk

Affinity Family Law Experts . . 3

Affluent Financial Planning . . 8

Affordable Luxuries . . . . . . . 7

AK Vehicle Rental . . . . . . . . . 1

Alvic Sliding Wardrobes Ltd . . 9

Andrew Hay Painter & Decorator . . 29

Apple Tree Gardens . . . . . . . . . 47

Arco Locksmith . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Arlene Mitchell Hair & Beauty . . 40

B Hughes Builders - Houston . . 31

Beaton Brothers . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Bernie’s Cafe Deli . . . . . . . . . 39

Boundaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

BOW Stone Works . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Branch Out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Brewin Dolphin Glasgow . . . . . 8

Bridge of Weir Roofing . . . . . 31

Brookfield Alarms Ltd . . . . . . 29

Bryan Slaven Slater & Plaster . . 25

Burndale Workshop . . . . . . . . . 12

C Hunter Plumbing Heating Gas . . 29

Cala Homes . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Care & Repair Gardening . . . . 45

Chairbird Upholstery . . . . . . . 41

CHG Architecture Ltd . . . . . . . 7

CLA Accountancy Services . . . 8

Clearline Aerial & Satellite . . 3

CLH Joinery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Clippens Roofing . . . . . . . . . . 7

Cloudy2Clear Windows . . . . . . . 7

ColCom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Colin Docherty Painter Decorat . . 54

Collins Tyres . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Come Clean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Confident Care Ltd . . . . . . . . . 9

Conservatory Conv & Windows . . Bk

Corum Property . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

Craig Kennedy Gardening . . . . 45

Dallas McMillan Solicitors . . 9

David Gillanders Photography . . 49

David Kennedy Decorator . . . . 3

Derek McBride Aerials . . . . . . 27

DJY Joinery Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . 55

DS Cleaning (Windows) . . . . . . 28

Eclipse Deep Clean . . . . . . . . . 3

Elliott Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Erskine Dental Care . . . . . . . . . .17

Erskine Golf Club . . . . . . . . . 49

Fastclean Scotland . . . . . . . . . 24

Ferringtons Hypnotherapy . . . 25

Fields of Fun . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

G Woods Bathrooms . . . . . . . . . 11

Gadds Gourmet . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Garden Services . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Garolla Roller Shutter Doors . . 5

Gasfit Plumbing & Heating . . 5

GasMan Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Gibb Stuart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Gleddoch Hotel Spa & Golf . . . . . 19

Glenmoss Landscapes . . . . . . . . 47

Gordon James Ceramic Tiler . . 24

Grid Design Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Gryffe Carpet Cleaning . . . . . 33

Gryffe Roofing & Cleaning . . 6

Hames Estates . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Home Instead Senior Care . . . 31

I & J Building & Roofing . . . 2

I D Plumbing & Heating . . . . . 52

Innovative Estate Planning Ltd . . 8

Instyle Kitchens & Bathrooms . . 5

Integrated Animal Therapy Vets . . 42

Jack Murphy Plumbing & Heating . . 55

James Kerr Joiner . . . . . . . . . 25

James Martin - Painter & Decor . . 3

JBC Joiners and Builders . . . Bk

JDPS All Trades . . . . . . . . . . . 1

John H Barney . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

John Morgan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

John Roach Funeral Directors . . 7

KAL Plumbing Ltd . . . . . . . . . . 11

Karen Rankin Catering . . . . . . 26

KC Roofing & Building Services . . 4

Kenmore Tree Care . . . . . . . . . 45

Kieran Turner Aerial&Satellite . . 25

Kilbarchan Dental Practice . . 13,Bk

Kilellan Roofing . . . . . . . . . . 28

Kingsley Wood & Co Solicitors . . 1

Lady Grafters Garden Services . . 46

Lamont Electricians . . . . . . . . 3

LaserLight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Lind Letting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bk

LJX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Lumicom Electrical Services . . 33

M Addison Joiners & Builders . . 3

M&E Painters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Mackie Plumbing & Heating . . 28

Malcolm Errington . . . . . . . . . 53

MAS Electrical & Security . . 2

Matthews Cleaning Services . . 27

McGowan Joinery . . . . . . . . . . . 26

McLaughlan Metal Fabrication . . 27

MJ Lawnmowers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

New Vision Opticians . . . . . . . 11

Nix Hairdressing . . . . . . . . . . 41

Nutech Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Old Mill Chimneys . . . . . . . . . 29

PetVets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Phoenix Gas Services . . . . . . . 1

Platinum Cleaning Services . . 29

Powerdoors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

R Williams Tree Services . . . 45

Ranfurly Decor . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

RED Pest Control . . . . . . . . . . 27

Renfrewshire Handyman Hire . . 27

Russell Milne Electrician . . 25

Scotlawn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Scott Russell . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

SL Painter & Decorator . . . . . 25

SMG Roofing & Building . . . . . 2

St Columba’s . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Stewart Independent Financial . . 1

SW Scott - Joiners & Builders . . 24

Taylor Made Joinery . . . . . . . . 3

TD Cameron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

The Bath Works . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

The Bridge, Bridge of Weir . . 39

Thomas McMaster & Son Ltd . . 53

Travel Actually . . . . . . . . . . . 3

W B Smith & Son . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Waggys Dog Grooming . . . . . . . . Bk

West of Scotland Landscape . . 45

e: info@advertizer.co.uk | t: 01505 613340 APRIL 2020






Woodrow’s Store, Library,

May’s Coffee Shop

Bridge of Weir:

Gibb Stuart, Bernie’s Cafe,

Lochnagar, The Bridge,

Library (Cargill Hall),

Bunty’s General Store


Garden Centre, Library,

Sports Centre,

Swimming pool


Co-op, Carrick Centre,

Post Office,



Village Store


Papa Mac’s, Library


Bobbins, Old Library Centre,

E. Williams & Son Butchers


Newsagent, Cross Café,

Library, Community Centre


Finlaystone Visitor Centre


Castle Semple Centre,

Keystore, Library, Dolce Vita











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