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Whether you are planning a one-day trip or a weekend stay in Trnava and its surroundings, you will get all the information to avoid being bored.


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Trojičné námestie 4

www.trnka.sk/thalmeiner | +421 910 671 823


kaviareň + raňajky

coffee + breakfast




Thalmeiner nadväzuje na legendárnu

trnavskú kaviareň

z obdobia prvej republiky

nielen menom a interiérom,

ale najmä poctivým

prístupom ku kaviarenskému

remeslu. Vznikla v roku 2011,

no v roku 2016 prešla väčšími

zmenami — rozšírením. Stará

aj nová časť majú svoj jedinečný

charakter, ktorý počas

letných mesiacov dopĺňa aj

exteriérová terasa. Kaviareň

Thalmeiner je obľúbeným

miestom stretnutí a ponúka

špičkovú kávu (espresso aj

filter), výber domácich koláčov

a dezertov a populárne

sezónne raňajkové a brunch

menu, ktoré sa tu podáva

každý deň do 14:00 h.

Špičková káva, výber domácich

koláčikov, populárne sezónne

raňajkové a brunch menu

Top-quality coffee, a selection

of home-made cakes and

desserts, popular seasonal

breakfast and brunch menu


Thalmeiner is the continuation of the legendary

First Republic café in Trnava, not only because

of the name and interior, but also thanks to the

honest approach to coffee. It was established

in 2011, but it underwent a major change —

expansion — in 2016. Both old and new parts

have their own unique character, which is

complemented by an outdoor terrace during

the summer months. Thalmeiner Café is a popular

meeting place offering top-quality coffee

(espresso and filter), a selection of home-made

cakes and desserts, and popular seasonal

breakfast and brunch menu, served every day

until 2:00 pm.


Dália Šaškovičová

riaditeľka MTT

The director of the Town television Trnava

Kaviareň Thalmainer — to bola láska na prvý

pohľad, pretože dýcha históriou a eleganciou,

má pre mňa šmrnc a štýl. Nie je to však

len o priestore, ale aj o dobrom lungo, fajn

koláčikoch či o nátierkach, ktoré si tam občas

dám na desiatu.

Cafe Thalmeiner — that was the love at first

sight, because it’s full of history and an elegance,

it has own style. It’s not just about the

place itself but also about a great lungo and

tasty cookies or spreads which I usually have

there for snack.

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