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Whether you are planning a one-day trip or a weekend stay in Trnava and its surroundings, you will get all the information to avoid being bored.


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Stredoeurópska kuchyňa | Central European Cuisine | Hornopotočná 5

www.holidayinn-trnava.sk | +421 33 3250 100


The Oak Tree Restaurant

v hoteli Holiday Inn

The Oak Tree Restaurant in Holiday Inn hotel

À la carte menu je

inšpirované čerstvými

a sezónnymi surovinami

À la carte menu is

always inspired by

fresh and seasonal



Štýlové prostredie hotelovej reštaurácie The

Oak Tree Restaurant si vás získa pozornou obsluhou

a vybraným jedlom. Moderné à la carte

menu je vždy inšpirované čerstvými a sezónnymi

surovinami, pričom svoje chuťové bunky

tu zaručene uspokojí milovník steakov, ale aj

vegetarián. Hľadáte dokonalého „sprievodcu“

k vášmu kulinárskemu zážitku? Vyberte si zo

širokého sortimentu slovenských, ale aj zahraničných

vín. Určite nebudete sklamaní.


You will fall in love with the stylish restaurant

Oak Tree not just because of their attentive

services and fine dining. The modern à la carte

menu is always inspired by fresh and seasonal

ingredients. Are you looking for the perfect

„guide“ to your culinary experience? You can

choose one from a wide range of Slovak or

foreign wines. You will certainly not be disappointed.

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