Say hello to Trnava - Trnava Travel Guide

Whether you are planning a one-day trip or a weekend stay in Trnava and its surroundings, you will get all the information to avoid being bored. Whether you are planning a one-day trip or a weekend stay in Trnava and its surroundings, you will get all the information to avoid being bored.


5 .3TOP podujatiaTOP eventsJeseňAutumn

TOP podujatia | TOP eventsJeseň | Autumn85StredovekáprešovačkaMedieval PressingCelebrationSKNeexistuje lepšie zakončenieleta ako na Stredovekejprešovačke v Trnave.Otvorenie vinárskej sezónyv duchu stredovekýchtradícií každý rok spravíbodku za prázdninami.Je vhodné pre všetkyvekové kategórie, teda ajpre rodiny s deťmi, ktorésa naučia viac o pestovaníviniča a výrobe vína hravouformou priamo počaslisovania hrozna v drevenejkadi na námestí radnice.Stredoveké tradície každý rokMedieval traditions every yearENThere is no better way toend the summer but at theMedieval Pressing Celebrationin Trnava. The start of the wineseason in the spirit of medievaltraditions concludes theholiday time perfectly. Peopleof all ages are welcome, includingfamilies with children.You will learn more about winemaking and wine productionin an easy way during thetreading of the grapes in a vatright in the courtyard of theTown Hall in Trnava.

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