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Whether you are planning a one-day trip or a weekend stay in Trnava and its surroundings, you will get all the information to avoid being bored. Whether you are planning a one-day trip or a weekend stay in Trnava and its surroundings, you will get all the information to avoid being bored.


5 .1TOP podujatiaTOP eventsJarSpring

TOP podujatia | TOP eventsJar | Spring73Trnavskáhudobná jarThe Trnava Musical SpringSKKaždú jar mesto Trnava v spoluprácis Bachovou spoločnosťou na Slovenskuuž tradične organizujú medzinárodnýfestival Trnavská hudobná jar. Festivalvznikol v roku 1968 v čase politickéhoodmäku v bývalom Československu. Zaviac ako 50 rokov existencie tohto podujatiasa na festivale predstavilo množstvovýznamných hudobných filharmónií a orchestrov(Slovenská filharmónia, Belehradskáfilharmónia, Komorný orchesterB. Warchala, Musica Aeterna, SolamenteNaturali, The Cathedral Choir Sheffiedatď.) či sólistov (Sviatoslav Richter, EvaBlahová, David di Fiore...).ENMilovníci klasickej hudby sa vďakanemu môžu od marca až do konca júnatešiť na skvelé koncerty v nádhernýchpriestoroch trnavských kostolov ajdivadla.From March until the end of June, thereare great concerts for the fans of classicalmusic held in beautiful venues of theTrnava churches and theater.The Trnava Musical Spring is an internationalfestival which takes place every spring and isorganized by the Trnava town in cooperationwith the Bach Society in Slovakia. The festivalstarted in 1968 when the political situationwas changing in the former Czechoslovakia.For over 50 years of the event’s history, manyprominent musical philharmonies and orchestras(The Slovak Philharmonic, The BelgradePhilharmonic, The Slovak Chamber Orchestraof Bohdan Warchal, Musica Aeterna, SolamenteNaturali, The Cathedral Choir Sheffied,...) andsoloists (Sviatoslav Richter, Eva Blahová, Daviddi Fiore) performed there.

TOP podujatia | TOP events

Jar | Spring



hudobná jar

The Trnava Musical Spring


Každú jar mesto Trnava v spolupráci

s Bachovou spoločnosťou na Slovensku

už tradične organizujú medzinárodný

festival Trnavská hudobná jar. Festival

vznikol v roku 1968 v čase politického

odmäku v bývalom Československu. Za

viac ako 50 rokov existencie tohto podujatia

sa na festivale predstavilo množstvo

významných hudobných filharmónií a orchestrov

(Slovenská filharmónia, Belehradská

filharmónia, Komorný orchester

B. Warchala, Musica Aeterna, Solamente

Naturali, The Cathedral Choir Sheffied

atď.) či sólistov (Sviatoslav Richter, Eva

Blahová, David di Fiore...).


Milovníci klasickej hudby sa vďaka

nemu môžu od marca až do konca júna

tešiť na skvelé koncerty v nádherných

priestoroch trnavských kostolov aj


From March until the end of June, there

are great concerts for the fans of classical

music held in beautiful venues of the

Trnava churches and theater.

The Trnava Musical Spring is an international

festival which takes place every spring and is

organized by the Trnava town in cooperation

with the Bach Society in Slovakia. The festival

started in 1968 when the political situation

was changing in the former Czechoslovakia.

For over 50 years of the event’s history, many

prominent musical philharmonies and orchestras

(The Slovak Philharmonic, The Belgrade

Philharmonic, The Slovak Chamber Orchestra

of Bohdan Warchal, Musica Aeterna, Solamente

Naturali, The Cathedral Choir Sheffied,...) and

soloists (Sviatoslav Richter, Eva Blahová, David

di Fiore) performed there.

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