Say hello to Trnava - Trnava Travel Guide

Whether you are planning a one-day trip or a weekend stay in Trnava and its surroundings, you will get all the information to avoid being bored.

Whether you are planning a one-day trip or a weekend stay in Trnava and its surroundings, you will get all the information to avoid being bored.


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52 Voľný čas | Leisure

Trojičné námestie | Trojičné square

Dom Kultúry Trnava

The House of Culture in Trnava

Dom kultúry

v Trnave je dominantnou


centra mesta

od roku 1987.

The House of Culture in

Trnava has been a dominant

part of the city center

since 1987.


Rekonštrukcia, ktorá začala v roku 2006,

zahŕňala prestavbu vonkajších priestorov od

Trojičného námestia, vybudovanie nových

obchodných prevádzok a rekonštrukciu

vnútorného foyer so šatňami a sociálnym zázemím,

priestory schodiska tiež dostali kvalitné

moderné osvetlenie. V súčasnosti slúži aj ako

multifunkčná budova, ktorej súčasťou sú malé

obchodné priestory, služby či reštaurácia.


The reconstruction, which started in 2006,

included rebuilding of the outside space from

the Trinity Square, the construction of new

places of business and the reconstruction of the

indoor foyer with dressing rooms and sanitation

facilities. High-quality modern lighting has been

added to the staircase. The place also serves as

a multifunctional building, which includes a small

business space, services and a restaurant.

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