Say hello to Trnava - Trnava Travel Guide

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Whether you are planning a one-day trip or a weekend stay in Trnava and its surroundings, you will get all the information to avoid being bored.


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36 Pamiatky | Historical monuments

Františkánska ulica | Františkánska street

Hlavná ulica | Hlavná street


sv. Jakuba

Church of St. Jacob


Františkánsky Kostol svätého Jakuba sa preslávil

práve tým, že sa tu podpísali významné

zmluvy medzi kráľmi Karolom I. Róbertom

z Anjou a Jánom Luxemburským, otcom Karola

IV. Týkali sa prevažne spolupráce na obchodnej

a politickej úrovni, čo však v tom čase ovplyvnilo

históriu celého Uhorska. Kostol sv. Jakuba je

tiež zastávkou pútnikov za pozostatkami

sv. Jakuba v Santiago de Compostela a je

unikátny aj tým, že má najviac oltárov

spomedzi všetkých kostolov v Trnave.


The Franciscan Church of St. Jacob is famous for being a place where

important agreements between the kings, Charles Robert I of Anjou and

Jean of Luxembourg, father of Charles IV, were signed. The subject of

the agreements was mainly connected with business and political

co-operation, but it influenced the history of the whole Kingdom of

Hungary. The Church of St. Jacob is also a place where pilgrims

stop on their way to the remnants of St. Jacob in Santiago de

Compostela. Apart from that, the church has the most altars

from all churches in Trnava.


sv. Heleny

The Church of St. Helena


Kostol svätej Heleny možno označiť za najmenší

kostolík v centre Trnavy. Bol postavený v gotickom

slohu a jeho architektúra patrí k tým najstarším.

Medzi hradbami mesta je jediným kostolom

s troma vežami, kvôli ktorým je jedinečný.


The Church of St. Helena can be labeled as the

smallest church in the center of Trnava. It was built

in Gothic style and its architecture is one of the

oldest. It is the only church with three towers within

the town fortification, which makes it unique.

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