Always Abounding - Spring 2020


I have found verses in the Bible that speakcontrary to that. Now I know that God is aGod of love, and we love Him because Hefirst loved us. But God is also a just God, andHe’s a righteous God. He’s a holy God, andHe hates the one who decided to stand inpride and oppose what He has stated in Hiscommandments. This type of individual—asower of discord among brethren—is literallystanding against and fighting against God’schurch. Do we think God is pleased withthat? Or that He will overlook that? Whywould a person do this? Well, because he iswicked. He has a froward mouth—a twisted,perverted tongue. And where did that comefrom? We go back to the idea of the heart.We saw earlier that he has a froward mouthbecause he has a froward heart. He has awicked heart. Something is wrong with hisheart. Most, if not all discord sowing is donewith the mouth. I guess it could be done withtechnology in our day and age. It could bedone with a text or an email or an Instagrampost, etc. It’s done through communication.Proverbs describes this person as atalebearer, revealing secrets. Just becauseyou know something about somebody doesnot mean you have to tell other people. TheBible tells us not to meddle with those thatare talebearers. We find ourselves guilty ofthis sometimes—receiving the tales broughtto us by talebearers. There is a reason theyare telling you—and it’s because you arelistening. And if you are listening, then youare meddling with them and going againstwhat this verse is warning about. I am notto undertake or support them in this activity.If I’m lending a listening ear to that, thenI’m supporting them. The talebearer is thesower of discord, the sower of strife, therevealer of secrets, the traitor in scandal.More often than not, the talebearer seeks todefame others for his own personal gain. “Inone way or another,” he thinks, “I am goingto put them down so I can look better, since Idon’t do what they do.” This man is a sowerof discord. The Bible clearly commands,“Speak not evil one of another, brethren.”God certainly loves and enjoys unity amongbelievers, doesn’t He? I love Psalm 133:1,“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is forbrethren to dwell together in unity!”Who is it that sows discord among thebrethren? I’ll let the Bible answer that forus. Proverbs 11:9 says that it is the hypocritewho destroys his neighbor with his mouth.Look again at our text, “These six thingsdoth the LORD hate: yea, seven are anabomination unto him: a proud look, a lyingtongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,an heart that deviseth wicked imaginations,feet that be swift in running to mischief, afalse witness that speaketh lies, and he thatsoweth discord among brethren.”That man that sows discord amongthe brethren is an abomination to God—disgusting and abhorrent. Why? Becausehe is doing the activity of Satan. Revelation12:10 tells us that Satan is the accuser of thebrethren. There you go. It pains me when Ihear a brother talk about another brother.If it grieves my heart, what must it do tothe heart of God? We’re all in this together,right? We should love the brethren.60 more years for Berean Baptist Churchif the Lord tarries, but I want to say this toyour church and to my church—I’m notworried about the devil destroying ourchurch from the outside. I think many timesthat just strengthens us. I’m worried aboutwhat the devil can do on the inside—thatleaven, that cancer of discord, strife, andcontention. I’m thankful for this church, andtrust it will continue on in the blessing ofGod.(Randy Love [‘87] is the pastor of Anchor BaptistChurch in Salt Lake City, Utah.)6 | ALWAYS ABOUNDING

PREACHINGConference 2020April 19-23INTEGRITYThe JUST man walketh inhis INTEGRITY...Proverbs 20:7Speakers:Jason BrenenstuhlRandy StarrJason AtwoodFred WeissSam KnickerbockerSteve DamronFor more info & to register go toWWW.FHBC.ME/PC2020College Days 2020FOR MORE INFO & TO REGISTER GO TOW W W . F H B C . M E / C O L L E G E D A Y S 2 0 2 0F A I R H A V E N B A P T I S T C O L L E G | 7

I have found verses in the Bible that speak

contrary to that. Now I know that God is a

God of love, and we love Him because He

first loved us. But God is also a just God, and

He’s a righteous God. He’s a holy God, and

He hates the one who decided to stand in

pride and oppose what He has stated in His

commandments. This type of individual—a

sower of discord among brethren—is literally

standing against and fighting against God’s

church. Do we think God is pleased with

that? Or that He will overlook that? Why

would a person do this? Well, because he is

wicked. He has a froward mouth—a twisted,

perverted tongue. And where did that come

from? We go back to the idea of the heart.

We saw earlier that he has a froward mouth

because he has a froward heart. He has a

wicked heart. Something is wrong with his

heart. Most, if not all discord sowing is done

with the mouth. I guess it could be done with

technology in our day and age. It could be

done with a text or an email or an Instagram

post, etc. It’s done through communication.

Proverbs describes this person as a

talebearer, revealing secrets. Just because

you know something about somebody does

not mean you have to tell other people. The

Bible tells us not to meddle with those that

are talebearers. We find ourselves guilty of

this sometimes—receiving the tales brought

to us by talebearers. There is a reason they

are telling you—and it’s because you are

listening. And if you are listening, then you

are meddling with them and going against

what this verse is warning about. I am not

to undertake or support them in this activity.

If I’m lending a listening ear to that, then

I’m supporting them. The talebearer is the

sower of discord, the sower of strife, the

revealer of secrets, the traitor in scandal.

More often than not, the talebearer seeks to

defame others for his own personal gain. “In

one way or another,” he thinks, “I am going

to put them down so I can look better, since I

don’t do what they do.” This man is a sower

of discord. The Bible clearly commands,

“Speak not evil one of another, brethren.”

God certainly loves and enjoys unity among

believers, doesn’t He? I love Psalm 133:1,

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for

brethren to dwell together in unity!”

Who is it that sows discord among the

brethren? I’ll let the Bible answer that for

us. Proverbs 11:9 says that it is the hypocrite

who destroys his neighbor with his mouth.

Look again at our text, “These six things

doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an

abomination unto him: a proud look, a lying

tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

an heart that deviseth wicked imaginations,

feet that be swift in running to mischief, a

false witness that speaketh lies, and he that

soweth discord among brethren.”

That man that sows discord among

the brethren is an abomination to God—

disgusting and abhorrent. Why? Because

he is doing the activity of Satan. Revelation

12:10 tells us that Satan is the accuser of the

brethren. There you go. It pains me when I

hear a brother talk about another brother.

If it grieves my heart, what must it do to

the heart of God? We’re all in this together,

right? We should love the brethren.

60 more years for Berean Baptist Church

if the Lord tarries, but I want to say this to

your church and to my church—I’m not

worried about the devil destroying our

church from the outside. I think many times

that just strengthens us. I’m worried about

what the devil can do on the inside—that

leaven, that cancer of discord, strife, and

contention. I’m thankful for this church, and

trust it will continue on in the blessing of


(Randy Love [‘87] is the pastor of Anchor Baptist

Church in Salt Lake City, Utah.)


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