Always Abounding - Spring 2020

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unto him: a proud look, a lying tongue,

and hands that shed innocent blood, an

heart that deviseth wicked imaginations,

feet that be swift in running to mischief, a

false witness that speaketh lies, and he that

soweth discord among brethren.”

What about the B?

The B is the “busybody brother.” I don’t

know of anything in our type of churches

that has done more harm to the cause of

Christ than fellow believers sowing discord

among themselves. As I stand before you

tonight and deliver this message to you,

I’m going to tell you that in over 45 years of

being a member of an independent Baptist

church, I don’t recall hearing one sermon

on the abomination of sowing discord. I

have heard prophetic sermons about

the abomination of desolation. Why not

sermons on the abomination of discord? In

Proverbs 6, seven things are listed that are

abominations to God.

What is an abomination? It is something

disgusting, and in particular, morally

disgusting. We independent, fundamental

Baptists know very well some

abominations in the Bible that

are morally disgusting. We shout

out about “alternative lifestyles.”

We’ll go down to the state house

about that. I’m certainly not

saying that we shouldn’t do that,

but there’s 16 different times in

the book of Proverbs alone where

abominations are mentioned. We

can go from there to other books

of the Bible as well. Let’s take a quick look

at the list of abominations provided for us

in Proverbs 6, beginning with a proud look.

Pride is something that God hates and is an

abomination to Him. And why would it not

be? Isn’t Lucifer himself the chief and prime

example of someone who was prideful?

The proud look is something that God

hates. God also hates a lying tongue—it’s

an abomination to Him. Again, why would

He not hate it? From the beginning the devil

abode not in truth because there is no truth

in him. Murderous hands that shed innocent

blood are also abominable to God. He hates

that. Again, I say this is a characteristic of

the devil. “Thou shalt not kill.” Shedding

innocent blood is an abomination before

God. Can I say that, unfortunately, the most

common example that we have of that is

abortion. What happened to the outcry

concerning millions of unborn children

being slaughtered each and every year in

a country that still prints on its money “In

God We Trust”? God hates it, and it is still

an abomination to Him. God also hates an

heart that deviseth wicked imaginations.

How could someone tell whether or not they

have a wicked heart? First, a person could

examine his words. It will show up by what

is coming out of his mouth. It will also show

up in a person’s actions. Proverbs 4:23 says

to “keep thy heart with all diligence.” Why?

Because out of it come the issues of life, the

outgoings of life, the goings forth of life—all

that I do. Another abomination

is feet that be swift in running

to mischief. There was a man

in the Bible named Joseph

that had swift feet, but his feet

were quick in running from

evil, not to it! Why is it that

some cannot seem to wait to

get out of a good church? God

hates feet that are swift in

running to mischief. Included

among the list of things God hates is a false

witness that speaketh lies. And then, God

hates the abomination of he that soweth

discord among brethren. We are supposed

to love one another, and that’s more than

lip service. I have heard that God doesn’t

hate the sinner; He only hates the sin. But

(cont., pg 6)

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