Always Abounding - Spring 2020

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by Pastor Randy Love (‘87)

The following

sermon was

preached at the

60th anniversary

of Berean Baptist

Church in Ogden,


Congratulations on

your 60th anniversary as a church. God is

faithful, and in His faithfulness, everything

can continue to His honor and glory; but so

often, what causes the death of a local church

is not the battles it faces from the outside,

but the ones that start on the inside. Over

30 years ago, Mrs. Love and I were privileged

to follow the calling of God on

our lives to go to the Jefferson

City, Missouri, area to evangelize

and establish Old Paths Baptist

Church. We knocked on doors

and told people who we were

and what we were doing, inviting

them to join us for a service. On

one occasion, a man answered

the door. I introduced myself

and invited him to our new

church. As I was extending

our church tract toward him, a smile came

across this older gentleman’s face. Then he

asked me, “Who are you mad at?” Seeing

the confused look on my face, he turned the

question around and said, “Well, then, who’s

mad at you?” Still confused by what he was

saying, he explained, “If you’re starting a

new Baptist church, either you’re mad at

somebody or somebody’s mad at you; so

you’ve had a split.” I guess this conversation

was somewhat comical, but it is sad that we

as Baptists in particular are known among

denominations for being contrary with one

another. It should not be like that.

We see reported in periodicals a great

decline in our type of churches across

the United States. Many churches have

come to the point of destruction and final

“death.” I’ve had reports from preachers,

missionaries, and even evangelists who

have visited our church recounting the large

number of churches whose doors are closing

on a yearly basis. I think of Calvary Baptist

Church of Bowling Green, Missouri. I was

saved there in 1972 as a seven-year-old boy.

At the time, it was a thriving church, reaching

people throughout the community with the

gospel. Less than five years later, the church

was non-existent, as it still is today.

Matthew 16:18 may be referred

to as the “Magna Carta” of the

church. In it the Lord Himself

said, “upon this rock I will build my

church; and the gates of hell shall

not prevail against it.” Jesus, of

course, is the rock upon which His

church is built. I say “Amen” for

Berean Baptist Church’s 60 years

of faithfulness in Ogden, Utah,

but remember that Satan always

has been and always will be the adversary

of the church. He is not powerful enough to

destroy the church. The gates of hell cannot

prevail against God’s church; but as the

adversary, he is deceitful enough to cause

the death of some of the Lord’s churches.

Let’s take a look at the ABC’s of church

decline, destruction, and death.

A – Apathy

One of the things that cause the death of

(cont., pg 4)

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