Always Abounding - Spring 2020


politics. In the same manner, it should beeasy for our young people to see that weare in love with the Word of God becausewherever we are, the Word of God will beevident there.3. We should share the Word of God.How often do you share Christ withothers? This is a critical part of our lifebeing saturated with the Word of God.When our life is filled up with God, ourconversations with others will be aboutGod. We will be looking for the lost andasking the Holy Spirit to lead us intoconversations with them. We will besharing Christ with our young people, andwe will always be looking for opportunitiesto share Biblical principles for them to liveby.How are you undertaking the taskof implementing the Word of God intoyour life? God desires us to be faithful inheeding and keeping His Word. Make surethat you are setting aside daily times topersonally read and study the Bible. Then,take that knowledge and give it to yourchildren. As we started out the article, wediscussed what the Word of God is to us.It is a sword, a twoedged sword, a probinginstrument, and a hammer. We have beengiven some mighty tools to help us in ourchild-rearing. Don’t let your tools andweapons lay unused and gather rust. Takefull advantage of the Word of God.(Steve Damron is the pastor of Fairhaven BaptistChurch and president of Fairhaven Baptist College.)teensa to zON SALE NOW!EMPOWERED YOUTH2020NOVEMBER 9-1210 | ALWAYS ABOUNDING | 11 | 11

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