Merched Plaid Newsletter - English

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Policies, proposals...

and the women of

Plaid Ifanc

On a sunny Saturday in February, before

the torrent of floods came crashing

through the valleys, the members of

Plaid Ifanc, Plaid Cymru's youth wing,

came together in Pontypridd to discuss

policy, political theory and vision. One of

the events held was a policy workshop,

exclusively for the young women in

attendance. Sioned James, Co-chair of

Plaid Ifanc, explains why she thought this

session was necessary.

I had a feeling that not enough policy motions by women were being

presented to the Plaid Ifanc conference, but I had no idea of the level of

the imbalance until I looked at the data: in the last four years 41 motions

have come before the Plaid Ifanc conference, and of those, only 5 women

have ever proposed one. To put it another way, of all the motions

presented in the last four years, 22% were by women. Women, therefore,

have very little say in the type of policies we discuss. Like any other

equalities matter, a lack of voices leads to lack of progress and a lack of

ideas. I know that lack of confidence, lack of knowledge about processes,

and lack of encouragement leads to these low numbers. Every woman

has a glowing idea hiding somewhere which requires a little mentoring to

lead to a motion on paper. I created a session for women only at the Plaid

Ifanc Winter School in order to evidence the gaps in our influence, the farreaching

effects of good policy, and practical advice on how exactly to

form policy. I hope that the Plaid Ifanc conference this year will see an

unprecedented number of motions by women. Better still would be seeing

self-confidence bloom within Plaid Ifanc’s youngest women which will

certainly create waves within the whole party.


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