Merched Plaid Newsletter - English

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Today (8 March) is the last day of

Fairtrade Fortnight. Over the past few

weeks, the foundation, which promotes fair

working conditions and pay for producers

worldwide, has been promoting women's

rights in particular. As last year, 'She

deserves a living income' was the name of

this year's campaign. Our Communications

Officer, Sioned Treharne, gives us a brief

overview of a session held by Fair Trade

Wales in Cardiff last week.

The main hall of Portland House, Cardiff Bay, was almost full by the time the talk started. In

practical terms, the hall was big enough to allow a decent-sized audience. However, I

couldn't help but feel a sense of irony that tales of such desperate poverty would be

recalled in such a grandiose setting.

Jenipher, a coffee farmer from Uganda, was the first to talk. She explained how difficult it is

for coffee farmers to earn a living wage in Uganda, and revealed that the only way they

are able to earn enough money to live is by joining a local co-operative. The market price

for coffee beans can vary wildly, and can often fall below the price of production. However,

Jenipher and the rest of the members of her co-operative will always earn a fair wage

because of their association with Fairtrade. The co-operative also receives an additional

sum (the fairtrade premium) to be re-invested within the community, under the

instruction of the local people. Jenipher also praised Fairtrade for the work they have done

on improving the situation for women. Before now, women only tended to follow one path

in life – get married, raise a family

and look after the home. Today,

women like Jenipher are able to own

their own land and farms, earn their

own wage, and be independent. She

also mentioned that climate change

is affecting poor communities in

Africa already, and that her region,

Mt Elgon, is suffering from regular

landslides following heavy rain, killing

residents and destroying crops.

Photo: Fair Trade Wales Twitter


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