Slipstream - March 2020

The monthly newsletter of the Maverick Region of the Porsche Club of America

The monthly newsletter of the Maverick Region of the Porsche Club of America


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Coffee, Cars & Conversation

by Bill Kruder

photos provided by author

So, another chance meeting

about a year ago on a cold January

morning at the monthly Motoring

Mavs at Mayo. As I recall, we were

all huddled near the coffee when

this young man walked by that

I’d never seen before. We started

talking, of course, about our cars

and he mentioned he had a 914.

Well, one of ours is a 914 too, so

we struck up a conversation, and

when he started asking questions

about a couple of things, I quickly

connected him with Ed Mayo.

Shortly thereafter I went to check

the cars out and I spotted this

great-looking Sunflower Yellow

914 and put two and two together.

I caught back up with the owner to

find out that he also had a 944 and

had been attending several Mav

events before finally joining PCA.

Well as they say, the rest is history,

as this couple is now participating

in Tours, Rallies, and Coffee Meets

as their busy schedule allows.

So here is the next in my series

of “conversations” I would like to

share with you . . .

Scott and Katie Scheetz,

members since 2019

Owners 1973 914, 1979

930, and 1985 944

Bill Kruder: So where are you two


Scott Scheetz: I’m from Aiken, South

Carolina, which is about 2.5 hours

east of Atlanta. I was born and

raised there and didn’t move until

I left for college in Bloomington,

home of Indiana University.

Katie Scheetz: I’m from Bolingbrook,

Illinois, a southwest suburb of

Chicago, about 30 miles away. I

was born and raised there until I

left for school in Wisconsin. I did

that for a year then I also landed at

IU in Bloomington.

BK: So why Wisconsin, then IU?

KS: Well I took the year off after

high school and taught violin, then

decided to attend a small school up

there and studied String Pedagogy

(the teaching of strings). After a

year there I decided to go to the

music school at IU and pursue a

degree in Pipe Organ Performance.

BK: Scott isn’t that what you did?

SS: As a matter of fact, my degree

from IU was also Pipe Organ

Performance. We both happened to

start the same year.

Katie and Scott Scheetz

BK: So how did you end up in

Dallas? I understand you did not

come down here together.

SS: Well, after graduating from IU

in 2015, I had applied at SMU for

Seminary school. I graduated from

the Perkins School in 2017.

KS: After I graduated from IU, I

took a year off to do a Fulbright

in France and then I applied

to graduate school at SMU,

unbeknownst to Scott. That’s

another story (laughing).

BK: Wait, so you weren’t engaged or

even dating?

SS: No, we were just friends. I mean

we texted or emailed now and then

but that was it.

BK: So how did you meet?

KS: It was at IU. We both applied

to the music school and had to

audition there the year before we

started. The professor had a party

for the new students. I remember

the day. We had a huge snowstorm

and Scott was there.

SS: We talked and became good

friends during our undergraduate

studies. I tried asking her on a

date our junior year, but she shut

me down. We had our music in

common so I guess I was ok with

just being friends (smiling).

KS: It’s funny, we would go to things

and I would introduce Scott as my

“colleague” (smiling). I didn’t want

anyone to get the wrong idea, I guess.

BK: So, what happened to change

your mind, Katie?

KS: Well, once I came down here to

SMU, we had classes together and

we were friends . . .

SS: One day we had lunch with a

mentor and the whole lunch he

focused the conversation on Katie.

He was trying to figure out why two

people with so much in common

were not together.

KS: It’s true. It was after that lunch

I realized what I needed to do:

date him (laughing). And I guess it

worked out ok. We were married in

July of 2018.

BK: Refresh my memory, what is it

that you both do again?

KS: I’m the Associate Organist at

Highland Park Methodist.

SS: I’m the Music Minister and

organist for Crown of Life Lutheran

Church in Colleyville.

BK: So let’s talk cars now, what was

your first car?

KS: Well, the first car that I bought

was my ‘99 10th Anniversary

Edition Miata. When Scott took me

to buy it, he had to drive it home as

20 March

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