Social Justice Activism

Social Justice Activism

Social Justice Activism


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Original Meaning

Dating back to 1824, the term social justice refers to justice on a societal level. From the

early 1990s to the early 2000s, social-justice warrior was used as a neutral or

complimentary phrase, as when a 1991 Montreal Gazette article describes union

activist Michel Chartrand as a "Quebec nationalist and social-justice warrior".

Katherine Martin, the head of U.S. dictionaries at Oxford University Press, said in 2015

that "[a]ll of the examples I've seen until quite recently are lionizing the person". As of

2015, the Oxford English Dictionary had not done a full search for the earliest usage.

Pejorative Meaning

"the 'social justice warrior,' i.e., the stereotype of the feminist as unreasonable,

sanctimonious, biased, and self-aggrandizing."

Scott Selisker

According to Martin, the term switched from primarily positive to negative around 2011,

when it was first used as an insult on Twitter. The term's negative use became

mainstream due to the 2014 Gamergate controversy, emerging as the favored term of

Gamergate proponents to describe their ideological opponents. In Internet and video

game culture the phrase is broadly associated with the Gamergate controversy and

wider culture war, including the 2015 Sad Puppies campaign that affected the Hugo

Awards. Usage of the term as a pejorative was popularized on websites such

as Reddit, 4chan, and Twitter.


The negative connotation has primarily been aimed at those espousing views adhering

to social progressivism, cultural inclusivity, or feminism. This usage implies that a

person is engaging in disingenuous social justice arguments or activism to raise his or

her personal reputation. Allegra Ringo writes for Vice that "in other words, SJWs don't

hold strong principles, but they pretend to. The problem is, that's not a real category of

people. It's simply a way to dismiss anyone who brings up social justice."

The term is commonly used by participants in online discussion in criticism of

feminism. Scott Selisker, writes in New Literary History, "[Forum participants] often

make personal criticisms of what they see as a type: the 'social justice warrior,' i.e., the

stereotype of the feminist as unreasonable, sanctimonious, biased, and selfaggrandizing".

In August 2015, social justice warrior was one of several new words and phrases added

to Oxford Dictionaries. Martin states that "the perceived orthodoxy [of progressive

politics] has prompted a backlash among people who feel their speech is being policed".

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