Social Justice Activism

Social Justice Activism

Social Justice Activism


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Impacts relevant to socio-economic environment including changes in

employment and income variations in the distribution of social welfare.

[community participation, education, outreach, ej as evaluation criteria]


The USDA does not have any permitting initiatives specific to EJ.

Title VI

The USDA has an Office of the Assistant

Secretary for Civil Rights whose mission it is to

provide leadership and direction "for the fair

and equitable treatment of all USDA


In 2003 the USDA revised DR 4300-4, internal

regulations requiring a Civil Rights Impact

Analysis of all "policies, actions or decisions"

affecting the USDA's federally conducted and

federally assisted programs or activities. The

analysis is used to determine the "scope,

intensity, direction, duration, and significance of

the effects of an agency's proposed ... policies,

actions or decisions." USDA's departmental

regulation on EJ, DR 5600-002, required DR

4300-4 to be revised to "require that Civil Rights

Impact Analyses include a finding as to whether

proposed or new actions have or do not have a

disproportionately high and adverse effect on the human health or the environment of

minority populations, and whether such effects can be prevented or mitigated". Although

DR 4300-4 was revised in 2003, the revised regulation does not explicitly require a

finding on adverse environmental or health impacts. [study, compliance and


Right-to-Know Movement

Right to know, in the context of United States workplace and community environmental

law, is the legal principle that the individual has the right to know the chemicals to which

they may be exposed in their daily living.

Emergency Planning and Right to Know Act of 1986

After the Bhopal disaster, where a Union Carbide plant released forty tons of methyl

isocyanate into the atmosphere in a village just south of Bhopal, India, the U.S.

government passed the Emergency Planning and Right to Know Act of 1986.

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