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An update from Malawi

Pamela Strachan, OLM

I have recently received the following from the

Malawian prison chaplain, Revd Stanley Chimesya,

with whom I stayed last October. You will remember

I had the opportunity to visit a number of prisons in

the Blantyre Synod during my visit and was able to

see at first hand how desperate the living conditions

are for many of the prisoners. Food and clean water

are priorities.

‘Greetings, servants of the Lord Jesus.

As you are aware, I initiated a water project in

Ntcheu prison which had not water. A family in

Australia, the Breens, offered their heartfelt donation

of 14.5 million (Kwacha) to drill a borehole powered

by solar energy, with 2 tanks of 5,000 litres each.

The work was completed on 10 January 2020 and

the facility handed over to the prison authority on 17 January.

The challenge now is that the water hasn’t yet been extended to inmates’ cells,

kitchen, toilets and bathrooms. I would invite God-loving well wishers to support

the remaining phase which will cost local currency, 4.7 million Kwacha from the

point where the tanks and a water tap are, to the mentioned area.

To me the work is incomplete until I bring the water to inmates’ cells, bathrooms,

etc. The contractor is ready to do the work once well-wishers are ready to finance

the last phase.

God bless.

Rev. Stanley Chimesya

Prison Chaplain


4.7 million Kwacha would be nearly £5,000 and Rev.

Stanley is now asking his friends in parishes worldwide

to help raise the additional funding for Phase 2

of this project.

The photos are of the ceremony at Ntchen

Prison Malawi on January 17 th this year.

Rev Stanley standing with the Chief

Commissioner of prisons, Wandika Phiri

and the Blantyre Synod General

Secretary, Rev Dr Billy Gama

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