Architecture Asia - ARCASIA Awards for Architecture 2019

Architecture Asia special issue on the winners of the 2019 ARCASIA Awards for Architecture.

Architecture Asia special issue on the winners of the 2019 ARCASIA Awards for Architecture.


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The design for the Long An house was inspired by

Vietnamese traditional structures, accompanied by 3 separate

spaces and sloped roof while using a modern and strong architectural

language. The house maximises ventilation efficiency

by dividing the roof into two parts and having a courtyard; then

allocating two corridors that connect to the roof. This creates a

courtyard with big walls, which are porous to help bring in breezes

into the house.

The Vietnamese traditional house is stretched from front to

back, creating continuous functional spaces. The boundaries of

these spaces are estimated by light with different intensity and

darkness. The layout utilises the wind direction of the local area

in different seasons.

Approaching the house firstly is the front yard made from hollow

clay bricks, which absorbs the rain itself and reduce the heat

on the floor. Following that is a buffer space which provides a light

transition from the yard to the living room, dining room and bedroom.

The kitchen area and other functional spaces are located

on the north side, and go along the house, which is an advantage

for traditional cooking when many family members visit.

The mezzanine accommodates two bedrooms, a relaxing and

reading area, and a long corridor which connects all the spaces

in the house through two stairs on both ends. The design team

wanted to have a continuous space between the functional areas

both inside and outside the house, to allow children to play

and move freely throughout the house without being confined by

separating walls.

Jury Citation

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