Fundamentals of astrodynamics and applications 4th Edition (2013)

Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications has been a part of the Space Technology Library for over a decade now. I’m sure it will continue to be the standard reference in the field and to serve as an excellent introduction and fundamental resource for anyone working in astrodynamics.

Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications has been a part of the Space Technology Library for over a decade now. I’m sure it will continue to be the standard reference in the field and to serve as an excellent introduction and fundamental resource for anyone working in astrodynamics.


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An example is useful to tie all the concepts together.

Example 3-15. Performing a IAU-76/FK5 Reduction.


= −1033.479 383 0 Î + 7901.295 275 4 Ĵ + 6380.356 595 8 Kˆ km

v = −3.225 636 520 Î −2.872 451 450 Ĵ + 5.531 924 446 Kˆ km/s


FIND: r , v on April 6, 2004, 07:51:28.386 009UTC


Calculate the time quantities before starting the problem. Get ΔAT (32.0 s ) directly from the Astronomical

Almanac (2004:K9). From the IERS’s EOPCO4 final data, find ΔUT1 = −0.439 961 9 s , x p =

–0.140 682'' and y p = 0.333 309'', δΔW 1980 = −0.052 195'' and δΔe 1980 = = −0.003 875'', and LOD =

0.001 556 3s. Although general practice interpolates these values with a spline, don’t interpolate

these values for this example.

UT1 = UTC + ΔUT1 = 07:51:28.386 009 − 0.439 961 9 = 07:51:27.946 047

TAI = UTC + ΔAT = 07:51:28.386 009 + 32 s = 07:52: 0.386 009

TT = TAI + 32.184 s = 07:52: 0.386 009 + 32.184 s = 07:52:32.570 009

DMY HMS JD TT = 2,453,101.828 154 745 (Be sure to keep all digits for accuracy.)

JD TT – 2,451,545.0 2,453,101.828 154 745 – 2,451,545.0

T TT = ----------------------------------------------- = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = 0.042 623 631 9



First, determine the effects of polar motion and you’ll get these initial PEF vectors:

r PEF = −1033.475 031 3 Î + 7901.305 585 6 Ĵ + 6380.344 532 8 Kˆ km

v PEF = −3.225 632 747 Î −2.872 442 511 Ĵ + 5.531 931 288 Kˆ km/s

Next, determine the v GMST1982 using the JD UT1 , Eq. (3-45), and Eq. (3-42):

v GMST1982 = 312.809 894 3°

Find the AST using Eq. (3-79) with the last two terms because the example occurs in 2004

v GAST1982 = v GMST1982 + ΔW 1980 COS( e 1980 ) = 312.806 765 4°

You’ll need the velocity correction from

q K × r PEF = −0.576 172 29 Î −0.075 362 19 Ĵ + 0.000 Kˆ km/s

After doing the rotation for sidereal time, you’ll find the vectors for true equinox and true equator of


r tod

= 5094.514 780 4 Î + 6127.366 461 2 Ĵ + 6380.344 532 8 Kˆ km

v = −4.746 088 567 Î + 0.786 077 222 Ĵ + 5.531 931 288 Kˆ km/s


Determine the angles for the Earth’s nutation (r = 360°). Notice these are similar to those in Example


M z = 314.911 859 0°, M L = 91.937 993 1°, u Mz = 169.096 827 2°,

D L = 196.751 811 6°, Q z = 42.604 614 0°

Now find the obliquity of the ecliptic [Eq. (3-68), e 1980

= 23.438 736 8°] and the nutation corrections

for the true of date system, using the 106 coefficients from the IAU 1980 Theory of Nutation

[Eq. (3-83)].

ΔW 1980 = −0.003 410 8°, Δe 1980 = 0.002 031 6°

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