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FEATURE STORYPrestigious Springer QuartierBuilding ProjectWeight reduced by 1,240 tonnes thanksto much lower use of concreteIn 2015, the MOMENI Group acquiredpublisher Axel Springer’s Hamburgheadquarters, built in 1956, intending tocreate a premium property with office,retail, restaurant and residential space inthe SPRINGER QUARTIER.Internationally renowned architectsGerkan, Marg and Partner (gmp) took onthe challenge of dynamically renovatingthe Springer high-rise office block, listedsince 1997, and of expanding it into amodern, contemporary, urban building.The entire complex is to earn a gold rating under internationally recognised LEED system specifications.In order to achieve this goal and be able to cope with the particular structural environment, void formermodules from HEINZE Cobiax Deutschland GmbH were included in the plans during the structuraldesign phase by WTM Engineers Hamburg, in order to reduce the amount of concrete and buildingweight. As a result, it was possible for the main construction contractors, Ed. Züblin AG, as generalcontractors, to reduce the amount of concrete needed for the new wing by 496 m³, and to achieve weightsavings of 12,400 kN.The new building’s inner city locationand the various uses for the ground andbasement levels, compared to theuniformly designed upper floors,presented a challenge for the architectand structural engineer. The proximityof adjacent buildings, whosefoundations could not be disturbedduring the civil engineering work, alsohad to be taken into account. Inorder to achieve gmp architects’ ideas,the structural design experts at WTMEngineers Hamburg suggested usingCobiax SL modules, since using void96

formers compared to reinforced concrete allows weight to be reducedby up to 35 percent. “Our planning office had already met with positiveexperiences using Cobiax products in other projects, and so they cameup with a perfect solution for this challenging project,” recall DetlevHaasse and Christopher Gabbert, Project Managers at WTM Engineers.The patented Cobiax system, consisting of 250 cm long reinforced steelmodules, where void formers are installed once the half-parts have beenput together, replaces up to 35 percent of concrete in areas where noconcrete is required for the (bending) load-bearing ability of the slab.“Significant savings in materials and weight can be achieved throughusing our technology,” explains Dipl.-Ing. Volkmar Wanninger,Managing Director of Heinze Cobiax Deutschland GmbH. “Thepositive impact on the building’s structural design provides thearchitects with previously unthinkable opportunities for designingfurther spaces: on the one hand through shallower slab depths, and onthe other through spanning up to 20 m.”These advantages could be exploited to the full in the SPRINGERQUARTIER, as various areas of the building could not have directfoundations, complicated foundation issues arose at the propertyboundaries and the varied uses on some floors made it necessary to usedifferent retaining wall designs. “Weight savings achieved by using ourvoid former systems made many of the retaining walls viable in the firstplace, as well as constructing some parts of the building overhanging97

formers compared to reinforced concrete allows weight to be reduced

by up to 35 percent. “Our planning office had already met with positive

experiences using Cobiax products in other projects, and so they came

up with a perfect solution for this challenging project,” recall Detlev

Haasse and Christopher Gabbert, Project Managers at WTM Engineers.

The patented Cobiax system, consisting of 250 cm long reinforced steel

modules, where void formers are installed once the half-parts have been

put together, replaces up to 35 percent of concrete in areas where no

concrete is required for the (bending) load-bearing ability of the slab.

“Significant savings in materials and weight can be achieved through

using our technology,” explains Dipl.-Ing. Volkmar Wanninger,

Managing Director of Heinze Cobiax Deutschland GmbH. “The

positive impact on the building’s structural design provides the

architects with previously unthinkable opportunities for designing

further spaces: on the one hand through shallower slab depths, and on

the other through spanning up to 20 m.”

These advantages could be exploited to the full in the SPRINGER

QUARTIER, as various areas of the building could not have direct

foundations, complicated foundation issues arose at the property

boundaries and the varied uses on some floors made it necessary to use

different retaining wall designs. “Weight savings achieved by using our

void former systems made many of the retaining walls viable in the first

place, as well as constructing some parts of the building overhanging


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