GineersNow Oil Refineries, March2020 chemical, crude, fuel, drilling, exploration, LNG, energy, offshore, onshore, petroleum, lubricant, petrochemical, energy, refineries, upstream, midstream, downstream

GineersNow Oil & Gas Leaders magazine is featuring the latest technologies in oil refining Read the latest GineersNow articles and stories about chemical, crude, fuel, drilling, exploration, LNG, energy, offshore, onshore, petroleum, lubricant, petrochemical, storage, refineries, upstream, midstream and downstream at Follow our engineering magazines, social media and blogs: Yumpu ISSUU Linkedin Twitter Facebook Instagram Tumblr Vimeo Youtube GineersNow Oil & Gas Leaders magazine is featuring the latest technologies in oil refining

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C O V E R S T O R YAdvanced Process Control (APC)The Advanced Process Control (APC) is a collection of software thathelps in controlling critical variables and forecasting real-time quality.This software includes the Statistical Process Control (SPC), whichmakes use of statistical analysis and random sampling to determinean external cause of why the quality of a product changed.The Run2Run (R2R) is also included in the list. Although it iscommonly used in the semiconductor industry, it is also applicable tobatch processes in the likes of chemical vapor deposition and batchchemical reactors. Using the R2R, the product quality is tested everyend of the run, consequently changing set-points between twoconsecutive runs.The APC has proven its competitiveness in the market, one such planthaving an increased rate of production of five percent and saving asmuch as €1.3 million.56

Model Predictive Control (MPC)The Model Predictive Control (MPC) is also part of the APC. It evolved from theLinear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG), which was developed way back in the 1960s.The first MPC generation, however, appeared a decade later with IDCOM fromADERSA and DMC from Shell Oil.MPC continued to develop over the years and is now at its fifth generation, withShell, Honeywell, and AspenTech dominating the market. This type of technologyhas become a bigger help, especially in the MIMO (Multi-Input, Multi-Output)processes. Instead of having several PID controls in the process, MPC can achievebetter results.Smart ControlThe era of smart controls is already beginning to take over the oil and gas industry.This is perceived to be for the betterment of the process as smart controlsgenerally play a crucial role in reducing both cost and materials and increaseproductivity rates.These intelligent networks can significantly help in optimizing flowsheets andvariables in real-time. There are already a handful of companies implementing thistechnology and are achieving surprising results. One such refinery isChevron/PDVSA, which saved $70 million within two years, cutting costs by 40%and reducing losses by 60%.-end-57

Model Predictive Control (MPC)

The Model Predictive Control (MPC) is also part of the APC. It evolved from the

Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG), which was developed way back in the 1960s.

The first MPC generation, however, appeared a decade later with IDCOM from

ADERSA and DMC from Shell Oil.

MPC continued to develop over the years and is now at its fifth generation, with

Shell, Honeywell, and AspenTech dominating the market. This type of technology

has become a bigger help, especially in the MIMO (Multi-Input, Multi-Output)

processes. Instead of having several PID controls in the process, MPC can achieve

better results.

Smart Control

The era of smart controls is already beginning to take over the oil and gas industry.

This is perceived to be for the betterment of the process as smart controls

generally play a crucial role in reducing both cost and materials and increase

productivity rates.

These intelligent networks can significantly help in optimizing flowsheets and

variables in real-time. There are already a handful of companies implementing this

technology and are achieving surprising results. One such refinery is

Chevron/PDVSA, which saved $70 million within two years, cutting costs by 40%

and reducing losses by 60%.



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