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Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) Contracts for Energy Industry24 – 26 August 2020, InfoToday, Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) projects are uniquely challenging. Partiescurrently involved in large complex and fast-track EPC projects frequently suffer financial loss thatcould have been mitigated by effective contract management. Appropriate practical “know-how”of EPC contracts will improve your ability to take appropriate steps, or to obtain necessary advice,to minimise or manage such risks.This intensive workshop provides valuable insight into the rapidly evolving world of EPC contracts. Ithas been designed specifically for the professionals and management of energy industries and will be ofparticular interest to those with current or planned projects in Asia, Africa, Middle East, Europe and the CIS.You will analyse an EPC contract, clause by clause, focusing on your challenges in international anddomestic projects. This unique interactive master class discusses the key issues in EPC contracts which arerelevant for lenders, sponsors and borrowers in international construction projects and the keys to deliversuccessful projects.Course Highlights• Global and local legal and commercialframework in Asia, Middle East, Africa,Europe and the CIS• Contract negotiation best practices• Tips on contractual risk mitigation• Contract financing and projectstructuring• Contractor relationship management• Clause-by-clause discussion basedon an actual contract precedentKey Learning Objectives• UNDERSTAND the current financemarket for EPC contracts• MANAGE legal risks and environmentfor EPC contracts in the region• DISCOVER alternative procurementoptions for projects and the risks andopportunities associated with theseoptions• DISTINGUISH new and effective contractnegotiation strategies• ANALYSE the types of claims that may bemade under EPC contracts and developstrategies to manage these claims• GAIN INSIGHTS into the best currentdispute resolution options and the risksand costs associated with each optionTeaching MethodologyThe agenda will combine presented materials withplenty of opportunity for Q&A, interactive discussions,and the use of quantitative models to illustrate keylearning points. Current market examples and data areutilised wherever helpful.Course CertificateUpon the successful completion of this course, youwill receive a Certificate of Completion bearing thesignatures from both the Course Director and theCourse Organiser. This Certificate will testify yourendeavour and serve towards your professionaladvancement.To Register/Enquire on this course, please contact:Abigail HarrisInfocus InternationalTel: +65 6325 0215Email: abigail@infocusinternational.comWebsite:

Free Takeaway3 detailed articles on EPC contract precedents containing discussions on:EPCM & Alliancing ContractsEPC contracts in the global marketFIDIC contract and the challenges faced by construction contractorsGroup Discountbook 3 person to save$300 per personManaging and NegotiatingEngineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) Contractsfor Energy IndustryMastering the legal and commercial framework, contract negotiation, financing, risk and contractorrelationship complexities of upstream and downstream EPC projects24 – 26 August 2020, SingaporeCourse HighlightsGlobal and local legal and commercial framework in Asia,Middle East, Africa, Europe and the CISContract negotiation best practicesTips on contractual risk mitigationContract financing and project structuringContractor relationship managementClause-by-clause discussion based on an actual contractprecedentKey Learning ObjectivesUNDERSTAND the current finance market for EPC contractsMANAGE legal risks and environment for EPC contracts in theregionDISCOVER alternative procurement options for projects and therisks and opportunities associated with these optionsDISTINGUISH new and effective contract negotiation strategiesANALYSE the types of claims that may be made under EPCcontracts and develop strategies to manage these claimsGAIN INSIGHTS into the best current dispute resolution optionsand the risks and costs associated with each optionSupported by:““A very thorough presentation with excellent reallife examples and war stories from the trainer.”- Exxonmobil“A mustattend for professionals wishing toimprove in EPC contracts management.”- Century Power Generation“Interesting, extremely helpful and relevant.A very clear presentation style which kept thematerial interesting and the audienceengaged.”- National Oil Company of Namibia“The seminars were highly informative and thetrainer is clearly very experienced in the EPC andmajor projects worldwide. It was very relevant forus in our business.”- Qatar Petroleum““The trainer spoke knowledgeably about mattersthat concern lenders, sponsors and borrowersbringing different perspectives to the discussion.”- KBC Bank NV“Interesting explanation of every clause of thecontract (i.e. the thorough assessment of an EPCcontract).”- KFW BankengruppeOFFSHORE MAGAZINEENERGY INSIGHTE:

Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) Contracts for Energy Industry

24 – 26 August 2020, Singapore


Event Info

Today, Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) projects are uniquely challenging. Parties

currently involved in large complex and fast-track EPC projects frequently suffer financial loss that

could have been mitigated by effective contract management. Appropriate practical “know-how”

of EPC contracts will improve your ability to take appropriate steps, or to obtain necessary advice,

to minimise or manage such risks.

This intensive workshop provides valuable insight into the rapidly evolving world of EPC contracts. It

has been designed specifically for the professionals and management of energy industries and will be of

particular interest to those with current or planned projects in Asia, Africa, Middle East, Europe and the CIS.

You will analyse an EPC contract, clause by clause, focusing on your challenges in international and

domestic projects. This unique interactive master class discusses the key issues in EPC contracts which are

relevant for lenders, sponsors and borrowers in international construction projects and the keys to deliver

successful projects.

Course Highlights

• Global and local legal and commercial

framework in Asia, Middle East, Africa,

Europe and the CIS

• Contract negotiation best practices

• Tips on contractual risk mitigation

• Contract financing and project


• Contractor relationship management

• Clause-by-clause discussion based

on an actual contract precedent

Key Learning Objectives

• UNDERSTAND the current finance

market for EPC contracts

• MANAGE legal risks and environment

for EPC contracts in the region

• DISCOVER alternative procurement

options for projects and the risks and

opportunities associated with these


• DISTINGUISH new and effective contract

negotiation strategies

• ANALYSE the types of claims that may be

made under EPC contracts and develop

strategies to manage these claims

• GAIN INSIGHTS into the best current

dispute resolution options and the risks

and costs associated with each option

Teaching Methodology

The agenda will combine presented materials with

plenty of opportunity for Q&A, interactive discussions,

and the use of quantitative models to illustrate key

learning points. Current market examples and data are

utilised wherever helpful.

Course Certificate

Upon the successful completion of this course, you

will receive a Certificate of Completion bearing the

signatures from both the Course Director and the

Course Organiser. This Certificate will testify your

endeavour and serve towards your professional


To Register/Enquire on this course, please contact:

Abigail Harris

Infocus International

Tel: +65 6325 0215



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