GineersNow Oil Refineries, March2020 chemical, crude, fuel, drilling, exploration, LNG, energy, offshore, onshore, petroleum, lubricant, petrochemical, energy, refineries, upstream, midstream, downstream

GineersNow Oil & Gas Leaders magazine is featuring the latest technologies in oil refining Read the latest GineersNow articles and stories about chemical, crude, fuel, drilling, exploration, LNG, energy, offshore, onshore, petroleum, lubricant, petrochemical, storage, refineries, upstream, midstream and downstream at Follow our engineering magazines, social media and blogs: Yumpu ISSUU Linkedin Twitter Facebook Instagram Tumblr Vimeo Youtube GineersNow Oil & Gas Leaders magazine is featuring the latest technologies in oil refining

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Event InfoRenewable Power & Energy Mix15 – 17 June 2020, increasing parts of the world, renewable power sources – particularly solar and wind – are nowthe cheapest way to generate electricity. This, combined with being crucial mechanisms by which to lowerthe carbon emissions of energy systems, means they are also the fastest-growing supply of new power generatingcapacity. It is vital that anyone involved in electricity systems, from new power project developersto incumbent utilities, investors and policymakers, has a thorough understanding of how renewables areimpacting the energy mix and the wider power business.In particular, the transition away from conventional thermal generators towards renewable ones has profoundimplications for how power systems are designed, operated and policed – on a variety of timescalesfrom sub-second management to long-term capacity planning. These in turn create both new market opportunitiesand significant businesses risks within the sector, not just for thoseinvolved in system-wide aspects such as the grid or policy, but for those involved in individual project developmenttoo.In three intensive and informative days, this course explains and illustrates the key impacts of renewablepower integration into modern energy systems, based on global lessons and examples. Most importantly itprovides attendees with a market assessment framework and recommended approach to identifying andquantifying how these integration challenges change the specific new opportunities and risks facing theirown businesses.Benefits of Attending• Learn from global experiences inrenewable power project developmentand integration• Understand how technical challengestranslate into financial and businessopportunities• Illustrate key system impacts such asinvestment requirements, energy costsand capacity margins using simple• Quantitative models• Analyse and discuss evolving value chainroles, partnerships and competitors• Assess the market potential for solutionssuch as energy storage, virtual powerplants and smart grids• Gain an insight into the influences ofmarket liberalisation and policy shiftsWho Should Attend• Renewable power project developers• Power plant owners and operators(utilities and IPPs)• Transmission/Distribution systemoperators• Policymakers and policy advisors• Investors, including commercial anddevelopment banks, venture capital andprivate equity• Vendors & EPC contractors• Large energy users•Commercial energy-sector servicessuppliers (law, insurance etc.)Teaching MethodologyThe agenda will combine presented materials withplenty of opportunity for Q&A, interactive discussions,and the use of quantitative models to illustrate keylearning points. Current market examples and data areutilised wherever helpful.Course CertificateUpon the successful completion of this course, youwill receive a Certificate of Completion bearing thesignatures from both the Course Director and theCourse Organiser. This Certificate will testify yourendeavour and serve towards your professionaladvancement.To Register/Enquire on this course, please contact:Abigail HarrisInfocus InternationalTel: +65 6325 0215Email: abigail@infocusinternational.comWebsite:

E: NEW COURSE“I enjoyed the course with lots of demonstrations and case studies. The facilitator wasjust ma r v e l l o u s , u p to t h e g a m e . I t w a s a v a l u e fo r m o n ey w o r ks h o p .”Director of Finance, Electricity Generation Company MalawiRenewable Power & Energy MixEssential approaches to market assessment, power project opportunity & business risk analysis15 – 17 June 2020, SingaporeBenefits of Attending■ Learn from global experiences in renewable power project development and integration■ Understand how technical challenges translate into financial and business opportunities■ Illustrate key system impacts such as investment requirements, energy costs and capacity margins using simplequantitative models■ Analyse and discuss evolving value chain roles, partnerships and competitors■ Assess the market potential for solutions such as energy storage, virtual power plants and smart grids■ Gain an insight into the influences of market liberalisation and policy shiftsWho Should Attend■ Renewable power project developers■ Power plant owners and operators (utilities and IPPs)■ Transmission/Distribution system operators■ Policymakers and policy advisors■ Investors, including commercial and development banks, venture capital and private equity■ Vendors & EPC contractors■ Large energy users■ Commercial energy-sector services suppliers (law, insurance etc.)Book 3 personsor more and save$300eachSupported by:OFFSHORE MAGAZINEENERGY INSIGHT



“I enjoyed the course with lots of demonstrations and case studies. The facilitator was

just ma r v e l l o u s , u p to t h e g a m e . I t w a s a v a l u e fo r m o n ey w o r ks h o p .”

Director of Finance, Electricity Generation Company Malawi

Renewable Power & Energy Mix

Essential approaches to market assessment, power project opportunity & business risk analysis

15 – 17 June 2020, Singapore

Benefits of Attending

■ Learn from global experiences in renewable power project development and integration

■ Understand how technical challenges translate into financial and business opportunities

■ Illustrate key system impacts such as investment requirements, energy costs and capacity margins using simple

quantitative models

■ Analyse and discuss evolving value chain roles, partnerships and competitors

■ Assess the market potential for solutions such as energy storage, virtual power plants and smart grids

■ Gain an insight into the influences of market liberalisation and policy shifts

Who Should Attend

■ Renewable power project developers

■ Power plant owners and operators (utilities and IPPs)

■ Transmission/Distribution system operators

■ Policymakers and policy advisors

■ Investors, including commercial and development banks, venture capital and private equity

■ Vendors & EPC contractors

■ Large energy users

■ Commercial energy-sector services suppliers (law, insurance etc.)

Book 3 persons

or more and save



Supported by:



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