GineersNow Oil Refineries, March2020 chemical, crude, fuel, drilling, exploration, LNG, energy, offshore, onshore, petroleum, lubricant, petrochemical, energy, refineries, upstream, midstream, downstream

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by up to 8 m,” explain Gabbert and Müller with one voice. Any values neededfor planning the use of void former systems were calculated for the demandingarchitectural geometry in the SPRINGER QUARTIER using “Quick and Light”software, which Cobiax provides to all structural engineers free of charge.These structural design specifications were subsequently incorporated into thestructural and reinforcement plans by the Ed. Züblin AG Hamburg TechnicalOffice, and so could be implemented on the construction site.Inner city location demands complex logisticsA particular challenge for large-scale construction sites in inner-city locationswas the limited space available and the requirement to minimise the impact onnormal city traffic. “Due to the SPRINGER QUARTIER’s central location, thetime slots when materials could be delivered to the construction site were verytight. What’s more, there was only limited space available on site for unloadingdelivery vehicles, “ reports Christoph Wieghaus, site manager for Ed. ZüblinAG. Ed. Züblin AG is part of the STRABAG SE group of companies, one ofEurope’s leading construction services technology groups.Since a total of 5,500 tonnes of steeland about 34,000 m³ of concretewere needed for shell construction,all deliveries had to be preciselycoordinated to avoid traffic jams inthe surrounding streets. Deliveringthe Cobiax SL void former modulesto the construction site over a total ofseven loads was also included in thetime planning.We pre-assembled the void formersystems for the first delivery at theHEINZE Cobiax Deutschlandfactory, so the concreting workcould start straight away. For theremaining six, the individualcomponents were assembled andprocessed on site instead.“After finishing the first mid-layerslabs, those areas could be used astemporary storage and assemblyspace for the Cobiax modules,”explained Wieghaus.“After pre-assembling the voidformer modules, we then put theminto position on the individual slabsections.”100

On the first day using the voidformer modules, the CobiaxTeam gave training to allworkers on site to ensure quickand easy assembly.For the laying itself, plans weredrawn up where the slabsurfaces were covered in voidformers. These were drawn up bythe Cobiax experts, taking intoaccount the structuralengineering design calculations,in order to avoid any structuralproblems with the slabs. Oncethe modules had been put intoposition as specified in the plans,the concreting was done in twostages.“The pre-concreting for puttingthe void former system intoposition, to prevent thembouncing around, was done usingthe concrete pouring bucket.Pouring the concrete and assembly work was suspended in order to concrete inthe Cobiax void formers on the surfaces, and presented a further challenge interms of the limited space,” explains Wieghaus. “This means the spacers, whichalso function as structural parts, create the bond. Subsequently, in a secondstep, the slab is concreted over.”Potential savings from using void former modulesThe cost of the entire supporting structure of the building also came down,thanks to the smaller amount of concrete and reinforcing steel used. “An addedbonus is that the smaller amount of concrete also reduces the emission ofpollutants toxic to the environment. For the SPRINGER QUARTIER project,saving 496 m³ of concrete meant reducing CO2 by 105 tonnes. Among otherthings, this results from eliminating 80 concrete mixer journeys to theconstruction site. “Within the next 5 years, we want to reduce CO2 emissionsby a total of 1 million tonnes, through using our products in reinforcedconcrete construction, in order to progress the rethink towards sustainableconstruction”, concludes Wanninger. As more than 14 million square metresof Cobiax voided flat slabs have already been produced, corresponding to 2million tonnes of concrete saved and a CO2 reduction of 180,000 tonnes, thisobjective seems quite realistic.101

On the first day using the void

former modules, the Cobiax

Team gave training to all

workers on site to ensure quick

and easy assembly.

For the laying itself, plans were

drawn up where the slab

surfaces were covered in void

formers. These were drawn up by

the Cobiax experts, taking into

account the structural

engineering design calculations,

in order to avoid any structural

problems with the slabs. Once

the modules had been put into

position as specified in the plans,

the concreting was done in two


“The pre-concreting for putting

the void former system into

position, to prevent them

bouncing around, was done using

the concrete pouring bucket.

Pouring the concrete and assembly work was suspended in order to concrete in

the Cobiax void formers on the surfaces, and presented a further challenge in

terms of the limited space,” explains Wieghaus. “This means the spacers, which

also function as structural parts, create the bond. Subsequently, in a second

step, the slab is concreted over.”

Potential savings from using void former modules

The cost of the entire supporting structure of the building also came down,

thanks to the smaller amount of concrete and reinforcing steel used. “An added

bonus is that the smaller amount of concrete also reduces the emission of

pollutants toxic to the environment. For the SPRINGER QUARTIER project,

saving 496 m³ of concrete meant reducing CO2 by 105 tonnes. Among other

things, this results from eliminating 80 concrete mixer journeys to the

construction site. “Within the next 5 years, we want to reduce CO2 emissions

by a total of 1 million tonnes, through using our products in reinforced

concrete construction, in order to progress the rethink towards sustainable

construction”, concludes Wanninger. As more than 14 million square metres

of Cobiax voided flat slabs have already been produced, corresponding to 2

million tonnes of concrete saved and a CO2 reduction of 180,000 tonnes, this

objective seems quite realistic.


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