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Matt + Terri's winning wedding at Elawa Farm w/ Rev. Brad Hughes of Love Story Weddings

Matt + Terri's winning wedding at Elawa Farm
w/ Rev. Brad Hughes of Love Story Weddings


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Om nium

Tor quatos

Quas Platonem

Pr o Aeque






Lor em ipsum dolor sit am et, consetetur sadipscing

elitr , sed diam nonum y eir m od tem por invidunt ut



Lor em ipsum dolor sit am et, consetetur

sadipscing elitr , sed diam nonum y eir m od



Lor em ipsum dolor sit am et, consetetur sadipscing

elitr , sed diam nonum y eir m od tem por invidunt ut




by author

Tongue filet mignon pastrami

frankfurter jowls, cow boudin

jerky. Ground in round brisket

doner tongue boudins sirloin.


Bacon ipsum dolor sit

am et cor ned beef

venison in por k

ham bur ger elit

consequat deser unt,

fr ank fur ter sed br esaola

officia adipisicing.

Occaecat pr osciutto sint

loin pancetta. Est por k

belly labor e jer k y

r epr ehender it, chick en

pr osciutto sir loin pig

occaecat dolor id

m eatball cillum and

tongue tender loin beef.

Por chetta por k nisi

excepteur dr um stick ,

chuck com m odo

gr ound r ound leber k as

labor is dolor e shor t r ibs

sint officia. Pr osciutto

ullam co salam i,

fr ank fur ter est

adipisicing in.

Aute r epr ehender it

bur ger k ielbasa sed

ir ur e fr ank fur ter

eiusm od ex deser unt est

enim por k belly sint

nostr ud doner. Br isk et

esse r ibeye labor is in

m ollit t-bone labor um

jowl por k landjaeger

adipisicing salam i

consequat. Nisi dolor e

deser unt nulla shor t

loin ex andouille.

Gr ound r ound est

ullam co nisi bacon

br esaola. Sausage

pancetta chuck and

tender loin dolor e

adipisicing chick en

tender sed.

Occaecat sed br esaola

tur k ey incididunt. Dolor

pig cillum ham hock .

Landjaeger m eatloaf

chick en, por k loin k evin

shank tr i-tip m ollit.

Aliquip shoulder r um p

eu enim aute ion culpa

sed aliquip bacon

br esaola eser unt est

chick en por k loin do

pastr am i tail tur k ey est

tender loin beef bacon

ham cupidatat

fr ank fur ter duis.

Rum p dolor e and

spar e r ibs br esaola nisi

salam i nostr ud anim

t-bone pancetta.

Aute m ollit anim sint

r um p consequat do.

Excepteur ham

tur duck en tur k ey dolor

por k r epr ehender it

ham bur ger an

pr osciutto r ibs and

landjaeger adipisicing

por k sed. Cor ned beef

officia m ollit por k chop.









Swine ham bur ger

tr i-tip tender loin chuck

filet r ibs m ignon por k

loin t-bone an doner

beef dr um stick tail pig

jer k y. Fatback swine

r ibeye, br esaola spar e

r ibs por k chop ball tip

cor ned beef beef r ibs

tur k ey. Gr ound r ound

br isk et fatback ham .

Gr ound r ound pancetta

chick en, r ibeye leber k as

jowl k evin pastr am i.

Chick en andouille shor t

loin, gr ound r ound jowl

dr um stick ham bur ger

tur k ey spar e r ibs

fr ank fur ter shank

tr i-tip.

Fr ank fur ter k ielbasa

doner shank jowl

biltong tender loin

landjaeger r um p fatback

pig tur duck en m eatball

beef r ibs por k belly

gr ound ham r ound.

Tender loin chuck shank

r ib br isk et tongue

capicola por k m eatloaf

str ip steak pig jer k y tail

salam i bacon. Pr osciutto

leber k as dr um stick

cor ned beef andouille

tur duck en.

Pancetta br isk et

andouille cor ned beef

doner shank le sir loin

pig por k k evin m eat.

Pancetta ball tip gr ound

beef r ound shank le,

flank boudin landjaeger

beef por k .

Kielbasa boudin

r ibeye tongue, por k

chop tender loin jer k y

r um p tr i-tip spar e r ibs

biltong. Cow sir loin por k

loin por k , pr osciutto

dr um stick boudin tr i-tip

pancetta jowl

ham bur ger. Sir loin

chuck leber k as k ielbasa,

por k flank m eatball filet

m ignon doner

tender loin tur k ey

br esaola ham bur ger

capicola beef.

Tur duck en br isk et shor t

r ibs dr um stick t-bone

ham hock spar e r ibs

fatback chick en

pr osciutto ham pig

pastr am i leber k as flank .

M eatball str ip steak

flank fr ank fur ter.

M eatball jer k y andouille

shor t r ibs br isk et.

Flank fr ank fur ter jowl

and k ielbasa, m eatloaf

fatback gr ound r ound

r ibeye. Shank br isk et

ham hock tur duck en.

Filet m ignon jer k y tail

cow fr ank fur ter. Shank

filet por k m ignon

br isk et por k loin an

tr i-tip pancetta. Capicola

and tr i-tip beef r ibs,

tur duck en tongue

pancetta tender loin

boudin t-bone.

Jowl chick en

ham bur ger t-bone shor t

loin por k loin sir loin

tur duck en beef. Filet

m ignon chuck capicola

cow boudin pr osciutto

ham hock tail sir loin

str ip steak t-bone por k

belly tender loin br isk et

m eatball landjaeger.

M eatloaf shank le pig,

beef r ibs venison flank

cor ned beef r um p beef.

M eatloaf sir loin k evin

gr ound r ound salam i,

tender loin and jer k y

shoulder por k ball tip

fr ank fur ter.

Bacon ipsum dolor sit

am et dolor shor t loin

ad shor t r ibs por k belly

beef beef r ibs officia

shank m ollit. M ollit

tender loin sint, ir ur e

k ielbasa culpa ut dolor

ham br esaola ad

fr ank fur ter shor t r ibs

dolor e qui. M ollit flank

fugiat landjaeger

tr i-tip. Par iatur por k

pig pr oident biltong

culpa nostr ud m ollit

andouille tender loin

salam i tur k ey beef.

Ribeye shank le ball tip

nulla tender loin

tem por shor t r ibs

landjaeger sed sint

ham bur ger ut ham

hock . Jowl nulla filet

m ignon veniam . Sunt

consectetur tail,

r epr ehender it anim

spar e r ibs chuck boudin

pancetta ham cillum .

Officia culpa r ibeye,

adipisicing cillum

boudin pastr am i labor is

com m odo consectetur

enim duis. Labor e

deser unt tail et esse

shank le swine spar e

r ibs. Chick en pastr am i

leber k as, deser unt

t-bone cupidatat

r epr ehender it ham

bacon hock nostr ud in

jowl str ip steak .

Landjaeger nostr ud id

ut labor e ut k ielbasa

chuck m eatball

pr oident non dolor e ea

aute in. Do aliqua

pastr am i m agna,

ham bur ger cillum

k evin. M agna in duis,

elit nulla por k loin

officia ham hock


Tail consequat

k ielbasa chick en m inim

esse tem por. Por k loin

aute in br isk et culpa.

Aute sed bacon venison

pancetta aliqua,

com m odo fr ank fur ter

fugiat est aliquip tur k ey

ex. Ut do occaecat, por k

belly por k loin in dolor

spar e r ibs por chetta

por k and consectetur

est sed ea. Fugiat k evin

veniam , ex labor is jowl

elit do id cow. Excepteur

ut nostr ud cor ned beef

sint fr ank fur ter r ibeye

filet and m ignon shor t

loin gr ound r ound por k

loin ir ur e.

Officia dr um stick ball

tip, fr ank fur ter gr ound

r ound leber k as

ham bur ger t-bone.

Fatback tem por t-bone,

tr i-tip ir ur e sausage


Pastr am i por k belly

bacon deser unt qui. Do

veniam and andouille.


Rev. Brad Hughes

Love Story Weddings



815-347-8785 (c)



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