Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider


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3. In Appendix D, the section “Stepping Through a Program Containing a Procedure:<br />

Section 3” uses the <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> debugger to trace the flow through a program<br />

<strong>and</strong> observe the interplay between arguments <strong>and</strong> parameters.<br />

4. You can use the Print method in a Form_Load event procedure. If so, you must<br />

set the AutoRedraw property of the picture box to True. Otherwise the contents<br />

of the picture box will be erased when the event procedure terminates.<br />


<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> has many built-in functions. In one respect, functions are like miniature programs.<br />

They use input, they process the input, <strong>and</strong> they have output. Some functions we encountered<br />

earlier are listed in Table 3.1.<br />

TABLE 3.1<br />

Some <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> Built-In Functions<br />

Function Example Input Output<br />

Int Int(2.6) is 2 number number<br />

Chr Chr(65) is “A” number string<br />

Len Len(“perhaps”) is 7 string number<br />

Mid Mid(“perhaps”,4,2) is “ha” string, string<br />

number,<br />

number<br />

InStr InStr(“to be”,“ ”) is 3 string,string number<br />

Although the input can involve several values, the output always consists of a single<br />

value. The items inside the parentheses can be constants (as in Table 3.1), variables, or<br />

expressions.<br />

In addition to using built-in functions, we can define functions of our own. These new<br />

functions, called Function procedures or user-defined functions, are defined in much the<br />

same way as Sub procedures <strong>and</strong> are used in the same way as built-in functions. Like builtin<br />

functions, Function procedures have a single output that can be string or numeric. Function<br />

procedures can be used in expressions in exactly the same way as built-in functions.<br />

Programs refer to them as if they were constants, variables, or expressions. Function procedures<br />

are defined by function blocks of the form<br />

Private Function FunctionName(var1 As Type1, var2 As Type2, ...) As dataType<br />

statement(s)<br />

FunctionName = expression<br />

End Function<br />

The variables in the top line are called parameters, <strong>and</strong> variables inside the function block that<br />

are not parameters have local scope. Function names should be suggestive of the role performed<br />

<strong>and</strong> must conform to the rules for naming variables. The type dataType, which specifies<br />

the type of the output, will be one of String, Integer, Single, <strong>and</strong> so on. In the preceding<br />

general code, the next-to-last line assigns the output, which must be of type dataType, to the<br />

function name. Two examples of Function procedures are as follows:<br />

Private Function FtoC(t As Single) As Single<br />

‘Convert Fahrenheit temperature to Celsius<br />

FtoC = (5 / 9) * (t - 32)<br />

End Function<br />

Private Function FirstName(nom As String) As String<br />

Dim firstSpace As Integer<br />

‘Extract the first name from the full name nom<br />

firstSpace = InStr(nom, “ “)<br />

Function Procedures 87

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