Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider


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dure by just using the variable in the Sub procedure? How do Sub procedures pass values back<br />

to an event procedure? The answers to these questions provide a deeper underst<strong>and</strong>ing of the<br />

workings of Sub procedures <strong>and</strong> reveal their full capabilities.<br />


Suppose a variable, call it arg, appears as an argument in a Call statement, <strong>and</strong> its corresponding<br />

parameter in the Sub statement is par. After the Sub procedure is executed, arg will<br />

have whatever value par had in the Sub procedure. Hence, not only is the value of arg passed<br />

to par, but the value of par is passed back to arg.<br />

EXAMPLE 1<br />

The following program illustrates the transfer of the value of a parameter to its calling argument.<br />

Private Sub cmdDisplay_Click()<br />

Dim amt As Single<br />

‘Illustrate effect of value of parameter on value of argument<br />

picResults.Cls<br />

amt = 2<br />

picResults.Print amt;<br />

Call Triple(amt)<br />

picResults.Print amt<br />

End Sub<br />

Private Sub<br />

Triple(num As Single)<br />

‘Triple a number picResults.Print num;<br />

num = 3 * num<br />

picResults.Print num;<br />

End Sub<br />

[Run <strong>and</strong> then click the comm<strong>and</strong> button. The following is displayed in the picture box.]<br />

2 2 6 6<br />

Although this feature may be surprising at first glance, it provides a vehicle for passing<br />

values from a Sub procedure back to the place from which the Sub procedure was called. Different<br />

names may be used for an argument <strong>and</strong> its corresponding parameter, but only one<br />

memory location is involved. Initially, the cmdDisplay_Click( ) event procedure allocates a<br />

memory location to hold the value of amt (Figure 3-4(a)). When the Sub procedure is called,<br />

the parameter num becomes the Sub procedure’s name for this memory location<br />

(Figure 3-4(b)). When the value of num is tripled, the value in the memory location becomes<br />

6 (Figure 3-4(c)). After the completion of the procedure, the parameter name num is forgotten;<br />

however, its value lives on in amt (Figure 3-4(d)). The variable amt is said to be passed<br />

by reference.<br />

FIGURE 3-4 Passing a Variable by Reference to a Sub Procedure<br />

Passing by reference has a wide variety of uses. In the next example, it is used as a vehicle<br />

to transport a value from a Sub procedure back to an event procedure.<br />

Sub Procedures, Part II 81

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