Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider


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58 <strong>Computer</strong> <strong>Programming</strong> <strong>Concepts</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong><br />

6. If all the data in a file have been read by Input # statements <strong>and</strong> another item is<br />

requested by an Input # statement, a box will appear displaying the message<br />

“Input past end of file.”<br />

7. Numeric data in a text box, input box, or file must be a constant. It cannot be a<br />

variable or an expression. For instance, num, 1 / 2, <strong>and</strong> 2 + 3 are not acceptable.<br />

8. To skip a Print zone, just include two consecutive commas.<br />

9. Print zones are usually employed to align information into columns. Since most<br />

fonts have proportionally-spaced characters, wide characters occupy more than<br />

one fixed-width column <strong>and</strong> narrow characters occupy less. The best <strong>and</strong> most<br />

predictable results are obtained when a fixed-pitch font (such as Courier) is<br />

used with print zones.<br />

10. The Tab function cannot be used to move the cursor to the left. If the position<br />

specified in a Tab function is to the left of the current cursor position, the cursor<br />

will move to that position on the next line. For instance, the line<br />

picBox.Print “hello”; Tab(3); “good-bye”<br />

results in the output<br />

hello<br />

good-bye<br />

11. The statement Close, without any reference number, closes all open files.<br />

12. Windows allows you to alternate between <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> <strong>and</strong> Notepad without<br />

exiting either application. To invoke Notepad with Windows, click on the Start<br />

button; successively select Programs, Accessories, <strong>and</strong> Notepad; <strong>and</strong> then click<br />

on Notepad or press the Enter key. Now that both <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> <strong>and</strong> Notepad<br />

have been invoked, you can go from one application to the other by holding<br />

down the Alt key <strong>and</strong> repeatedly pressing the Tab key until the name of the other<br />

application appears. When the Alt key is released, the named application<br />

becomes active.<br />


<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> has a number of built-in functions that greatly extend its capability. These functions<br />

perform such varied tasks as taking the square root of a number, counting the number of<br />

characters in a string, <strong>and</strong> capitalizing letters. Functions associate with one or more values,<br />

called the input, a single value, called the output. The function is said to return the output value.<br />

The three functions considered in what follows have numeric input <strong>and</strong> output.<br />


The function Sqr calculates the square root of a number. The function Int finds the greatest integer<br />

less than or equal to a number. Therefore, Int discards the decimal part of positive numbers.<br />

The value of Round (n, r) is the number n rounded to r decimal places. The parameter r<br />

can be omitted. If so, n is rounded to a whole number. Some examples follow:<br />

Sqr(9) is 3. Int(2.7) is 2. Round(2.7) is 3.<br />

Sqr(0) is 0. Int(3) is 3. Round(2.317, 2) is 2.32.<br />

Sqr(2) is 1.414214. Int(-2.7) is -3. Round(2.317, 1) is 2.3.<br />

The terms inside the parentheses can be either numbers (as shown), numeric variables, or numeric<br />

expressions. Expressions are first evaluated to produce the input.

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