Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider


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56 <strong>Computer</strong> <strong>Programming</strong> <strong>Concepts</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong><br />

sends expr to the printer in exactly the same way picBox.Print sends output to a picture box.<br />

You can use semicolons, commas for print zones, <strong>and</strong> Tab.<br />

Font properties can be set with statements like<br />

Printer.Font.Name = “Script”<br />

Printer.Font.Bold = True<br />

Printer.Font.Size = 12<br />

Another useful printer comm<strong>and</strong> is<br />

Printer.NewPage<br />

which starts a new page.<br />

Windows’ print manager usually waits until an entire page has been completed before<br />

starting to print. To avoid losing information, execute the statement<br />

Printer.EndDoc<br />

when you are finished printing.<br />

The statement<br />

PrintForm<br />

prints the content of the form.<br />


Now that we have the capability to write more complicated programs, we must concern ourselves<br />

with program documentation. Program documentation is the inclusion of comments<br />

that specify the intent of the program, the purpose of the variables, the nature of the data in<br />

the files, <strong>and</strong> the tasks performed by individual portions of the program. To create a comment<br />

line, just begin the line with an apostrophe. Such a line is completely ignored when the program<br />

is executed. (The keyword Rem can be used instead of an apostrophe. Rem is an abbreviation<br />

of Remark.) Program documentation appears whenever the program is displayed or<br />

printed. Also, a line of code can be documented by adding an apostrophe, followed by the desired<br />

information, to the end of the line. Comments (also known as Rem statements) appear<br />

green on the screen.<br />

EXAMPLE 7<br />

Document the program in Example 2.<br />


In the following program, the first comment describes the entire program, the next three comments give<br />

the meanings of the variables, <strong>and</strong> the final comment describes the items in each line of the file.<br />

Private Sub cmdCompute_Click()<br />

‘Compute weekly pay<br />

Dim nom As String ‘Employee name<br />

Dim wage As Single ‘Hourly pay<br />

Dim hrs As Single ‘Number of hours worked during week<br />

picPay.Cls<br />

Open “STAFF.TXT” For Input As #1<br />

‘Get person’s name, hourly pay, <strong>and</strong> hours worked<br />

Input #1, nom, wage, hrs<br />

picPay.Print nom; hrs * wage Input #1, nom, wage,<br />

hrs picPay.Print nom; hrs * wage<br />

Close #1<br />

End Sub

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