Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider


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42 <strong>Computer</strong> <strong>Programming</strong> <strong>Concepts</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong><br />

2.4 STRINGS<br />

Two primary types of data can be processed by <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong>: numbers <strong>and</strong> strings. Sentences,<br />

phrases, words, letters of the alphabet, names, telephone numbers, addresses, <strong>and</strong> social security<br />

numbers are all examples of strings. Formally, a string constant is a sequence of characters<br />

that is treated as a single item. Strings can be assigned names with assignment statements,<br />

can be displayed with Print methods, <strong>and</strong> can be combined by an operation called concatenation<br />

(denoted by &).<br />


A string variable is a name used to refer to a string. The allowable names of string variables<br />

are identical to those of numeric variables. The value of a string variable is assigned or altered<br />

with assignment statements <strong>and</strong> displayed with Print methods just like the value of a numeric<br />

variable.<br />

EXAMPLE 1<br />

The following code shows how assignment statements <strong>and</strong> Print are used with strings. The string variable<br />

today is assigned a value by the fourth line <strong>and</strong> this value is displayed by the fifth line. The quotation<br />

marks surrounding each string constant are not part of the constant <strong>and</strong> are not displayed by the Print<br />

method. (The form design for Examples 1 through 5 consists of a comm<strong>and</strong> button <strong>and</strong> picture box.)<br />

Private Sub cmdButton_Click()<br />

picBox.Cls<br />

picBox.Print “hello”<br />

today = “9/17/99”<br />

picBox.Print today<br />

End Sub<br />

[Run, <strong>and</strong> then click the comm<strong>and</strong> button. The following is displayed in the picture box.]<br />

hello<br />

9/17/99<br />

If x, y, ..., z are characters <strong>and</strong> strVar1 is a string variable, then the statement<br />

strVar1 = “xy...z”<br />

assigns the string constant xy...z to the variable, <strong>and</strong> the statement<br />

or<br />

picBox.Print “xy...z”<br />

picBox.Print strVar1<br />

displays the string xy...z in a picture box. If strVar2 is another string variable, then the statement<br />

strVar2 = strVar1<br />

assigns the value of the variable strVar1 to the variable strVar2. (The value of strVar1 will remain<br />

the same.) String constants used in assignment or picBox.Print statements must be surrounded<br />

by quotation marks, but string variables are never surrounded by quotation marks.<br />

As with numbers, semicolons can be used with strings in picBox.Print statements to suppress<br />

carriage returns <strong>and</strong> line feeds. However, picBox.Print statements do not display leading<br />

or trailing spaces along with strings.

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