Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider


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454 <strong>Computer</strong> <strong>Programming</strong> <strong>Concepts</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong><br />

#n, 0 specifies infinite width, that is, a carriage return/line feed pair will be sent to the printer<br />

only when requested by Print # or Write #.<br />

WITH/END WITH A multistatement block begun by With recName or With objName <strong>and</strong><br />

ended by End With is used to assign values to the fields of the named record variable or to<br />

properties of the named object. The statements inside the block have the form .fieldName =<br />

fieldValue or .propertyName = propertyValue. When you use this block, you only have to<br />

refer to the record variable or object once instead of referring to it with each assignment.<br />

WITHEVENTS If a class has events attached to it, <strong>and</strong> form code intends to make use of<br />

these events, then the keyword WithEvents should be inserted into the statement declaring an<br />

instance of the class. A typical declaration statement is Private WithEvents objectVariable As<br />

className.<br />

WORDWRAP The WordWrap property of a label with AutoSize property set to True determines<br />

whether or not long captions will wrap. (When a label’s AutoSize property is False,<br />

word wrap always occurs, but the additional lines will not be visible if the label is not tall<br />

enough.) Assume a label’s AutoSize property is True. If its WordWrap property is set to True,<br />

long captions will wrap to multiple lines; if its WordWrap property is False (the default), the<br />

caption will always occupy a single line. If a label has its WordWrap <strong>and</strong> AutoSize properties<br />

set to True, the label’s horizontal length is determined by the length of its longest word,<br />

with long captions being accommodated by having the label exp<strong>and</strong> vertically so that word<br />

wrap can spread the caption over several lines. If a label’s WordWrap property is set to False<br />

while its AutoSize property is True, the label will be one line high <strong>and</strong> will exp<strong>and</strong> or shrink<br />

horizontally to exactly accommodate its caption.<br />

WRITE # After a sequential file is opened for output or append with reference number n, the<br />

statement Write #n, exp1, exp2, . . . records the values of the expressions one after the other<br />

into the file. Strings appear surrounded by quotation marks, numbers do not have leading or<br />

trailing spaces, all commas in the expressions are recorded, <strong>and</strong> the characters for carriage<br />

return <strong>and</strong> line feed are placed following the data.<br />

XOR (Logical Operator) The logical expression condition1 Xor condition2 is true if condition1<br />

is true or condition2 is true, but not if both are true. For example, (3“a”) is false because both 3“a”are true, <strong>and</strong> (“apple”>“ape”) Xor<br />

(“earth”>“moon”) is true because “apple”>“ape”is true <strong>and</strong> “earth”>“moon”is false.<br />

XOR (Bitwise Operator) The expression byte1 Xor byte2 is evaluated by expressing each<br />

byte as an 8-tuple binary number <strong>and</strong> then Xoring together corresponding digits, where 1 Xor<br />

0 <strong>and</strong> 0 Xor 1 both equal 1, while 1 Xor 1 <strong>and</strong> 0 Xor 0 both equal 0. For example, the expression<br />

37 Xor 157 translated to binary 8-tuples becomes 00100101 Xor 10011101. Xoring<br />

together corresponding digits gives the binary 8-tuple 10111000 or decimal 184. Thus, 37<br />

Xor 157 is 184.<br />

YEAR The function Year extracts the year from a serial date. If d is any valid serial date, then<br />

the value of Year(d) is a whole number from 100 to 9999 giving the year recorded as part of<br />

the date <strong>and</strong> time stored in d. [date]<br />


[BINARY FILE]: A file that has been opened with a statement of the form Open “filespec”For<br />

Binary As #n is regarded simply as a sequence of characters occupying positions 1,<br />

2, 3, . . . . At any time, a specific location in the file is designated as the “current position.”<br />

The Seek statement can be used to set the current position. Collections of consecutive characters<br />

are written to <strong>and</strong> read from the file beginning at the current position with Put <strong>and</strong> Get<br />

statements, respectively. After a Put or Get statement is executed, the position following the<br />

last position accessed becomes the new current position.

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