Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider


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450 <strong>Computer</strong> <strong>Programming</strong> <strong>Concepts</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong><br />

SHELL If comm<strong>and</strong> is a DOS comm<strong>and</strong>, the function Shell(comm<strong>and</strong>) causes comm<strong>and</strong> to<br />

be executed. If the DOS comm<strong>and</strong> requires user input, execution of the <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> program<br />

will be suspended until the user input is supplied. Using the function Shell with no arguments<br />

suspends program execution <strong>and</strong> invokes a copy of DOS. Entering the comm<strong>and</strong> Exit<br />

resumes execution of the <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> program. The value returned by the Shell function is<br />

a number used by Windows to identify the new task being performed.<br />

SHOW The Show method makes an invisible form visible. The statement Form1.Show 1 also<br />

makes a form modal. No user input to any other form will be accepted until the modal form<br />

is hidden.<br />

SIN For any number x, the value of the trigonometric function Sin(x) is the sine of the angle<br />

of x radians. [radians]<br />

SINGLE A variable of type Single requires 4 bytes of memory <strong>and</strong> can hold 0, the numbers<br />

from 1.40129×10 –45 to 3.40283×1038 with at most seven significant digits, <strong>and</strong> the negatives<br />

of these numbers. Single values <strong>and</strong> variables may be indicated by the type tag !: 32.156!,<br />

Meters!.<br />

SMALLCHANGE When a scroll bar arrow button is clicked, the Value property of the scroll<br />

bar changes by the value of the SmallChange property <strong>and</strong> the thumb moves accordingly.<br />

SORTED When the Sorted property of a list or combo box is set to True, the items are automatically<br />

presented in alphabetical order.<br />

SPACE If n is an integer from 0 to 32767, the value of the function Space(n) is the string<br />

consisting of n spaces.<br />

SPC The function Spc is used in Print <strong>and</strong> Print# statements to generate spaces. For instance,<br />

the statement Print str1; Spc(n); str2 skips n spaces between the displays of the two strings.<br />

SQR For any nonnegative number x, the value of the square root function Sqr(x) is the nonnegative<br />

number whose square is x.<br />

STATIC A statement of the form Static var1, var2, .20.20. can be used at the beginning of<br />

the definition of a procedure to specify that the variables var1, var2, .20.20. are static local<br />

variables in the procedure. Memory for static variables is permanently set aside by <strong>Visual</strong><br />

<strong>Basic</strong>, allowing static variables to retain their values between successive calls of the procedure.<br />

The type of each variable is either determined by a DefType statement, a type-declaration<br />

tag, or an As clause. Static variables have no connection to variables of the same name<br />

outside the procedure, <strong>and</strong> so may be named without regard to “outside” variables. Arrays<br />

created in a procedure by Dim or ReDim are lost when the procedure is exited. Arrays that<br />

are local to a procedure yet retained from one invocation of the procedure to the next can be<br />

created by dimensioning the array in the procedure with a Static statement rather than a Dim<br />

or ReDim statement. Dimensions for static arrays must be numeric constants. A local static<br />

array whose size is to be determined at run time is declared by listing its name followed by<br />

empty parentheses in a Static statement, <strong>and</strong> then dimensioning the array in a subsequent<br />

ReDim statement.<br />

STOP The statement Stop suspends the execution of a program. Execution can be resumed<br />

beginning with the first statement after the Stop statement by pressing F5.<br />

STR The Str function converts numbers to strings. The value of the function Str(n) is the<br />

string consisting of the number n in the form normally displayed by a print statement.<br />

STRCOMP The value of the function StrComp(str1, str2, compMode) is –1, 0, 1, or Null,<br />

depending on whether str1 < str2, str1 = str2, str1 > str2, or either of str1 <strong>and</strong> str2 is Null. The<br />

comparison will be case-sensitive if compMode is 0 <strong>and</strong> case-insensitive if compMode is 1.<br />

STRCONV The value of StrConv(str, 3) is the value of str with the first letter of every word<br />

converted to uppercase. The value of StrConv(str, 1) is the same as UCase(str) <strong>and</strong> the value<br />

of StrConv(str, 2) is the same as LCase(str).

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