Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider

Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic David I. Schneider


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the same as in the original Dimensioning of the array. ReDim may be used only within procedures;<br />

it may not be used in the (Declarations) section of (General). To establish an array<br />

that is available to all procedures <strong>and</strong> also can be resized, Dim it with empty parentheses in<br />

the (Declarations) section of (General) <strong>and</strong> then ReDim it as needed within appropriate procedures.<br />

REFRESH The method objectName.Refresh causes the named form or control to be<br />

refreshed, that is, redrawn reflecting any changes made to its properties. Generally, refreshing<br />

occurs automatically, but if not, it may be forced with the Refresh method.<br />

REM The statement Rem allows documentation to be placed in a program. A line of the<br />

form Rem comment is ignored during execution. The Rem statement may be abbreviated as<br />

an apostrophe.<br />

REMOVE A statement of the form collectionName.Remove n deletes the nth object from the<br />

collection <strong>and</strong> automatically reduces the object numbers from n on by 1 so that there is no<br />

gap in the numbers. A statement of the form collectionName.Remove keyString deletes the<br />

object identified by the key keyString. If the value of n or keyString doesn’t match an existing<br />

object of the collection, an error occurs.<br />

REMOVEITEM The RemoveItem method deletes items from list <strong>and</strong> combo boxes <strong>and</strong><br />

deletes rows from grids. The statement List1.RemoveItem n (where n is 0, 1, . . .) deletes the<br />

item with index n. For instance, List1.RemoveItem 0 deletes the top item <strong>and</strong><br />

List1.RemoveItem ListCount – 1 deletes the bottom item in the list. The statement MSFlex-<br />

Grid1.RemoveItem n deletes row n from the grid.<br />

RESET The statement Reset closes all open files. Using Reset is equivalent to using Close<br />

with no file reference numbers.<br />

RESUMEWhen the statement Resume is encountered at the end of an error-h<strong>and</strong>ling routine,<br />

the program branches back to the statement in which the error was encountered. The variations<br />

Resume lineLabel <strong>and</strong> Resume Next cause the program to branch to the first statement<br />

following the indicated line label or to the statement following the statement in which the<br />

error occurred, respectively. (The combination of On Error <strong>and</strong> Resume Next is similar to the<br />

combination GoSub <strong>and</strong> Return.) [line label]<br />

RETURN When the statement Return is encountered at the end of a subroutine, the program<br />

branches back to the statement following the one containing the most recently executed<br />

GoSub. The variation Return lineLabel causes the program to branch back to the first statement<br />

following the indicated line label. [line label] [subroutine]<br />

RGB The value of the function RGB(red, green, blue) is the color number corresponding to<br />

a mixture of red red, green green, <strong>and</strong> blue blue. This color number is assigned to color properties<br />

or used in graphics methods to produce text or graphics in a particular color. Each of<br />

the three color components may have a value from 0 to 255. The color produced using<br />

RGB(0, 0, 0) is black, RGB(255, 255, 255) is white, RGB(255, 0, 0) is bright red, RGB(10,<br />

0, 0) is a dark red, <strong>and</strong> so on. (The value of the function RGB(r, g, b) is the long integer<br />

r+256*g+65536*b.) [color]<br />

RIGHT The value of the function Right(str, n) is the string consisting of the rightmost n<br />

characters of str. If n is greater than the number of characters of str, then the value of the<br />

function is str.<br />

RMDIR If path specifies a directory containing no files or subdirectories, then the statement<br />

RmDir path removes the directory. [directories]<br />

RND The value of the function Rnd is a r<strong>and</strong>omly selected number from 0 to 1, not including<br />

1. The value of Int(n*Rnd)+1 is a r<strong>and</strong>om whole number from 1 to n.<br />

ROUND The value of the function Round(n, r) is the number n rounded to r decimal places.<br />

If r is omitted, n is rounded to a whole number.<br />

Appendix C 447

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